HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-07-18, Page 4•
methismaatasins '
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e brave,'
h brought -the sp . c
.significant developments .,
re4isable space shuttr ''' .,. .they
Ws as the Challenger diias ,r in i
However, today there is' 't/new .. es ' t
',- ttouse and he IS Sending. signals that* ; 41.40a ,..,
space program back onlhepatiOalagOilda.'
A space station,-'`TreedOm"Iiinded and' built by the Unit
States, Canada*. Europe and japan is set to begin'assern
4 - in orbit in 1996; Thit'lloating Millage"Will be used
M1P eXPeeirliei)*waSteonOmY4P0 Py210,dikstr* ki'-deVe)
,.,JaVotinaterale.., -•-• . •- ' .,. .' .: '', , . ,'.. - '. •• - -.-
; • - "FreedOW will not lie without its detractors,. It al
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estimated to .cost - Op to $20 billion,a,„nd , tiese thin,.
,i.have a Waif of becoming evert 'Owe **pensive. . . . .
At is 4401.40 undertaking, but challenge for those n
afraid to dream 'about whatrite4 beyondthe, Earth And Oa
to venture into' a bold ne* Oentlity. .'- -• • ' - - .' "":... ,
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A disturbing trend appears to be reTernitrgin
In the United States, bit:Rens'. groopt. haVe
tively to, have certain teleitiSion progeamS Oen- '
airwaves. One program to fail -under:4/1e censorship
"Married With Children". Lobbyists who say theyt.repre-
sent family values ,have had theprograrn,bannecl#0111,01/Pr
al stations. By putting pressure on advertiser, '06/Matioris
have little choice but to cancel the offending pro Oh,.
The Huron -Perth Aornan Catholic Separate SchOoB
following the lead of the tondorOiliddlesex boa
jumped on the bandwagon by kning HAiniltor'c:St4I'„
,to cancel the program Treddy's Nightwears':J*1,
don will not renew it this fall. •
"Freddy's Nightmare, the, television 'aeries, is ?
from a series of horror movies -7._the eighjh ha
,released about Freddy Kruger, A`cosfigu
In justifying the move, board members claim me television
program is overly violent and. not suitable for youngVreWerse.
That "Freddy's Nightmare" is without any redeertitrig value
goes without saying, 'however, the spectre of ceilsorstilp,
looms iarge. .
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Many people remember the Necktie* of the McCarthy ea
While we do not compare a few minor Molder1M today with
theenormity of those years, the potential
A fundamental right in a democratic society it fiefidain of
expression, which must be guarded tediously* eiien if It
means that poor television progearns die'a natural death.
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IA* 'and. certi'
ePWItYs '01141
• employedat the storefor a number
*as decided io. fen'e portion of tree
' - 4,3r r the, •tpi,V-.• Mrs. Norman., itintoul ha! pur-*.
0 .S1-xlIfooe'f; chased the Ititsh Ready -to -Wear ,
.4eitee a onsider the ntatter of front the *state a the late Mrs. Gus
• tin 0 of the playground 'Boyle.- Mrs.' Rintpul- has been
old joy- of the Of yeare: "
• .
, partment,4 resuscitator , Rein George Alexander- An
• retarj,Eas year:the , -'- ''''' '' atically admintStOs' 2 son, rector of the tali
average Pare
CS).41, *a:00. and certifi-
'.):4.=1, 04* . --etearicallha ' Or ffocation'itecic - Tititity, tiiich and Btja
4,''''' hation Id drif,, -,' Stephen's Anglican Chttich,
ats 4n on 14*
., -
,:t1 e, I '' f:tirts,-00***41.4**-tite, fire. Wroxeter, has- been appohtted- ikS
o the comiflttte 'is 10 neitt-ntiahitie will,beicar- taut rector at St.i.lantess -(Westmitt-
he iire)tivek -for enter ster). London
. iliew ere ecrt ,eSirye. .. Graduation exercises were held
a- '
6"i' tertice station for. ±1 ntirsinssistants.i Miss - '
first ofthe Week. - ' -, 4, .
- A crowd. estimated it 16/0P0- ../°sePlihte Street8' wasitarked:brthe were presented t!) haft Dianne Kitk
ed`bidatOiesthodatighfare- , ' ul)e!teat l'itrcitattln cJith iti 5,.
,, , Of Seiforth, Mi'ss 1<atilleen Helie of
: •
accented ,a '
Pcke.rittg. S reported for, duty the
on the corner of;lbert and • Kathleen' Carter °t' Clitit°11`
valedictorian and Special awards "
thiderloed, .bas:
sitiolt-in aft office irt
deer W Copetand sowof Mr.3
Palmerston add -Wit
he saiiiot.zo4044 tp..tne -' to— ___,11- ,g. ,r, *„ ,- ,,.. ti:2„, , i,„;;_z,,,.. • . . i
,, ..
trit:tatil,r *Iiii-lasit'd Iily• and W404 E. rti`:*urlaiWI'1,97i::"Ing. ' Vett dekeinp, RR 2,'Gottle.
,arade, de tifiite the intense heat. ha** was cal!edto Ate degree of George Bacon, son o r. and --.
- arrister-atLaitr in conaticatiert t
hirty lodges took nart. 'Thomas Toronto ,. ', • . ' ' . .!'L- Mis. Albert Bacon of Belgrava,
etil belt i 86. 'of pungatinott, was the '''. . .., 4'.. ' - - 4 side graduated flout Police College with
.....,.,...,;': . . . Merthants oti the west of .
oldest Orangeman passe, nt. ,,,,, a k..,..i 1;.„;,,,,,_.i- a class mark of .87 peri.cent,. The ' 4
:1.41act-!Prkittleftfitriltelgiaar • 1°8ePlurielAP,0 1740ht.°"4 a' class averase Was Y2 per cent.
distitoto tee)* a foin.ervotte dur." Victoria Stroia4 Veit LPW, asttedlo
in The fruit *sorb iipetitio#, 4144 te4tistitite ° ItILY1975
' r
mil!fij-e •Splt. westo'eld to bui mid maintain ot gm' Hard work has made four Wmt
eitiii- , lane kolit#4 1•-• • din Itham girls popular wi'th senior ei
jowl), ,
engin the town Debbie Wlwaod,
bo* iYikiktiand.wilighbilaraymN, mot-,
ota tt3r &Neste!, bob a Winghanl;
thesWn substance of the
Cale,:pOgrairi that
basma4e *ea 110 popOltit The
its; Ho
aitticil has asked
the ,4kelet Lake
esidents. have registered
lilaints in connection with
tsendattgering efts .the
.,.4 '4-44
(Continued oft liage 5A)