HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-27, Page 16TRIM IT UP, MURRAY—Huron-Bruce MP Murray Cardiff had the honor of carving the roast beef once again at this year's hospi tal foundation barbecue held at the home of Dave and Doris Inglis, just north of Wingham. Mr. Cardiff carved off a hearty helping for Turnberry Councillor Paul Elgie. NOTICE BILL STEPHENSON of Investors Group, business phone number is 357-1075. 13tf THE TELEPHONE NUMBER for B & M Rentals is 357-1666. 4tfn BLYTH LIONS dabber bingo every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Blyth and Dis- trict Community Centre, $3. Jackpot must go, over $1,000 in prizes. 25rrb DID YOU WIN the Lotto 6-49 this week? Build your own combinations using our book: Send your order now for $6 to: C. H. Enterprises, 157 For- han St., Wallaceburg, Ont. N8A 3R6. Payable to J. W. Enterprises Ltd. FORour y protection, The Wingham Advance -Times does not accept en- gagement, marriage and birth an- nouncements by telephone. All such notices must be delivered to our of- fice in person. They should be typed or clearly handwritten. Monday at 10:30 a.m. is the publication dead- line. 20rrb Morris council passes permits At its second monthly meeting m June, Morris Township Council approved several building permits on the recommendation of Leo Sanders, chief building official. Permits were approved for: Glen Coffey, north half of Lot 24, Con. 1, a residence; Howard Bernard, south half of Lot 19, Con. 6, a shed; Wayne Hopper, south half of Lot 19, Con. 3, a garage and two steel granaries; Brian Kellington, Bel - grave, a sundeck; Henry Rouw, Lot 6, Con. 8; a swimming pool and Teresa Van Beek, Lot 24, Con. 7, a new home. Junior Ags head for farm Junior Agriculturalists across Huron, Bruce and Perth Counties are heading for the farms this week. According to Program Supervi- sor Brian MacKinnon, about 19 young farmers will spend the next eight weeks immersed in agricul- ture on local farms. HAY AND STRAW FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 60-80' acres standing mixed hay. Lot 5, Con. 11, Turnberry Twp. Phone John Wool - cock, London, 519-438-9589. 20,27 35-40 ACRES of hay in the Fordwich area. Phone 335-3803. 27,4 22 ACRES standing hay, Belgrave area. Phone 357-2268. 27,4 30 ACRES of standing hay, 3 ton of- mixed fmixed grain. Phone 357-2787. BIRTHS MARTIN --Dan and Elisabeth are proud to welcome the arrival of Danielle Alyssa, born June 14 at K- W Hospital and weighing eight pounds, 12 ounces. Proud grand- parents are Fred and Renata von Heyking of RR 3, Wellesley and Don and Mary Martin of Wingham. BOAK—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boak of RR 1, Dungannon, are pleased to announce . the arrival of their son Ian James, born June 21 at Wingham and District Hospital and weighing seven pounds. The new arrival is a brother for Ashley. DEATHS f J :f f it l,friI/ 0 7 j�r A/ f . 444% CARDIFF__Lloyd Mark Cardiff of London, formerly of Brussels, passed away peacefully after a lengthy illness at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, on June 22, in his 56th year. Fie was the beloved son of Marion McCauley Cardiff Scott of London; also survived by one brother, Keith of Stratford; two sis- ters, Aldene Simmons of Stratford and Joyce Cilliard, London and several nieces and nephews. Lloyd was predeceased by his father, William Mark: Funeral service was held June 24 at Betts Funeral Home, Brussels Chapel (formerly Watts Funeral Home), Rev. Pat Nunn offi- ciating. Interment followed in Brus- sels Cemetery. Snap up the opportunities in the CLftSSIF1E D ADS 3sr-zaso HAM AND STRAWBERRY SUPPER Thursday,June 29, Wroxeter Hall, 5:30 p.rn. Proceeds to Wroxeter Im- provement Association River Fund. Tickets available at Country Conve- nience or phone 335-3265. Adults $6.50, children 12 and under, $3, pre- schoolers free. BRIDAL SHOWER Personal invitation to attend a bri- dal shower for Cheryl McKenzie on July 1 at 2 p.m. at the Wingham Le- gion. BRANDON CEMETERY SERVICE Sunday July 2, 3 p.m. at Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave. Everyone wel- come. BLYTH FESTIVAL Perils of Persephone: June 27, 28, 29 (matinee, rush seats only), July s1(rush seats only), 6, 7. Sticks and Stones: June 29 (rush seats only), 30 (rush seats only). The Right One: July 4 (preview, rush seats only) 8 (rush seats only) . Unless otherwise indicated, all performances are at 8:30 p.m., matinees are at 2 p.m. Box office 523-9300or 523-9225. COMMUNITY SHOWER For Joanne Shaw at Bluevale Pres- byterian Church, July 4, 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. BUCK AND DOE For Leesa Stone and Luis Drumond on Sat., July 8 at the Listowel Kin - Station. Music by DJ, lunch provid- ed. Tickets $5. 20,27,4 SERVICES SEE US FORo y ur starter, alterna- tor, generator and regulator needs. Albrecht Auto Electric (north of Whitechurch). Phone 357-3495. 6,13,20,27 and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales: Phone 887- 9062. rrb PARKER LOCK & Safe Co. Lock and safe sales and service. Stuart T. Parker, 887-6350, Brussels. Please leave message. 24tf ALL -BIZ BOOKKEEPING. Manual and computerized systems. Roberta Livingstone, Clifford, Ont., 1-327- 8709. Please call collect. 6-Jy25 CUSTOM haybine available. Phone 528-3009 or 392-6045. 6,13,20,27 PHIL'S Refrigeration CUSTOM round baling, John Deere 435, 4' wide, varied height from 4'-6'. Phone 528-3009 or 392-6045. 6,13,20,27 YES, WE REPAIR household sew- ing machines. Including pick up and delivery weekly at Cowan's Country Store. Yes, we have 35 years .ex- perience and satisfaction guaran- teed. 13,27 TYPING, word processing service: s Resumes, letters, minutes, reports, s etc. Phone Barbara Bender 357-1175. 13,27 BUCK AND DOE For Mary Beth O'Iiagan:and David Johnston on Friday;'.; July' 7i at Kurtz.. vide Hall. Dancing 9 p.m. -1 .a.m,, Music by DJ, lunch provided. $5 per person. 27,4 COFFEE HOUR At Wingham Bible Chapel, July 5,10- 11:30 a.m. Demonstration: home- made chocolates by Jennifer Rattee. Guest speaker: Mary Ann Dixon of Toronto. Babysitting provided, all ladies welcome. 27,4 LANGSIDE REUNION Plan to attend the ' • ngside Reunion at 1 p.m. Sat., Set,,. 2 at Wingham Armouries. Anyone interested in the Langside community is welcome. Potluck meal at 4:30 p.m., dishes and cutlery provided. GARDEN WALKABOUT Lovers of the great outdoors are in- vited to share a garden walkabout July 16. Sponsored by the Horticul- tural Society. Please meet at the Cruickshank Park (Josephine St.) by 1:30 p.m. for a ride and tiine to. gather. Everyone welcome. 27,4 DABBER BINGO Lucknow and, District Lions Club dabber bingo every Sunday,"Luck- now Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air condition- ed. Wheelchair accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,100 jack- pot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. 11tf MUSIC i FOR PRfR OO > Letusyour chilto ic� d , movermicne t nee'the will p ienslp a S ......, singing and rhythm. testrwnents. On e hour'�per week for *weeks, ginning in September. Classes held in Wingham and B;arave. '.lease, register now.Win a Tara at,, thews ant11 uric Peds, 357-180'01' Belgrave--Anne Spivey, BA, AECT, 357-3500. Fl ip/ � *�4�v1 An Invitation to a Public Meeting of Huron County Access. to Housing Committee Tuesday, July 4,1989 7:30 .m. Huron County Museum 110 North Street Goderich, Ontario Wheelchair accessible Please come out. and provide us with your valuable :input! Transportation from anywhere in the County available, telephone 1-800-265-5506 or 524-5333 R. W. Bel OPTOMETRIST Goderlch The Square 524-7661 4, 4/ CARDS OF T C��A4i Due to our recent house fire we would like to express our deep ap- preciation to our families, neighbors and friends for the love and support shown to us. Special thanks to the Gorrie and Wingham firemen for their quick response and for doing all they could and then some. Thank you Bill and Ann Werner for taking us in and for being there for us. To everyone your kindness will never be forgotten. God bless each and every one of you. Bill, Tina, Janice, Steven, Julia and Laurie Klumpenhower I wish to thank everyone who came to my 65th birthday party on Sat., June 17, and for the lovely gifts and cards and food that were brought to the party. Special thanks to Ruth and Ron Scheister who came to our rescue by suggesting that we move the party down to the big shed, as the weather was very miserable. Thanks again. Ken Simmons We would like to express our deep appreciation to the many people who showed sympathy and kindness to us during our recent bereavement. pecial thanks to the doctors and taff at the Wingham and District Hospital, to the McBurney Funeral Home, and to the Rev. Rea Grant for officiating at the committal service. he support and Christian love of so any friends has helped us through difficult time. John and Wendy Vaudry and family WANTED TO BUY WE BUY antique furniture. Oak, m pine, etc., etc. Phone887-9546. a 6,13,20,27 QUIET PONY or small horse, also two horse trailer. Phone 392-6099 be- tween 12 noon and 6 p.m. 27,4,11 BUCK RABBIT and some bbit cages. Phone 357:2263 after 8 p.m. OLD TYPE HAY TEDDERS. Phone 35753161. We wish to express our thanks to our relatives and friends who came to help celebrate our 25th anniver- sary. Also the friends who sent cards and lovely gifts, money, phone calls and flowers. A special thank you to the ladies of the Delmore Catering Group for the delicious luncheon. A big thank you to our family for all their help and support. Jerry and flet; Tian Engen • WOW"r��`j�'+4'�i`f AN : •r/ M;: �:titi:•ii s I wish to express my thanks to everyone for their kindness, Dr. Ping and Dr. Omole and nurses on second floor of Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, friends for baking, meals, cards, flowers, visits, best wishes and mowing the lawn. It's very much appreciated. Mildred Nichol I wish to express my sincere thanks to those who attended the open house in honor of my retire- ment to express their best wishes. Special thanks also to the staff, par- ents and students for their part in making it a great success. I also really appreciated the lovely cards and gifts. Thanks again to everyone who helped to make it a very happy and memorable occasion. Kathleen Roberts We wish to express our very sin- cere thanks to, all of our friends in the Calvin -Brick and Knox United Churches for planning the wonderful party held in honor of John's retire- ment. Also, our special thanks to everyone concerned for the many beautiful cards which we received, the lovely scrapbook of memories, the beautiful wicker furniture and the most generous gift of money. We also wish to thank everyone who.at- tended to express their best wishes. We are indeed most grateful to you all for your many acts of kindness and we shall always treasure the memories of that very special occa- sion. John and Kay Roberts I wish to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness during my stay in Wingham and District Hospital. Thanks to Rev. Douglas Madge, Dr. Hanlon and staff on second floor and to the ones who were good to Norm and myself since coming home. Sincerely, Irk Cronkwright ael 44