HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-27, Page 13YA. i4 } • a* lit Monday to Friday ' .k/// film rF� rrrrrrj r,,'1 'rf'r frf'! .rry 9:00 atm 5:30 par r � '� fr ' rr! `f''�'•'f jFYui �,Jrr�: ril fes••'}fF r :'{".�:.•,7}=F� s y+ WORK WANTED MAN willing to do odd jobs around your home. Phone 357-3483. 6,13,20,27 MECHANIC. 2 year apprentice seeks steady job with construction company. Phone 523-4935. 6,13,20,27 CUSTOM WORK, round bales, pick your size, 4x4 up to 6' or 5x4 up to 6', plus AgMaster preservative, call cut if necessary. Phone 335-3033. 20,27,4,11 WILL DO housecleaning. Phone 357- 2618. 20,27 CUSTOM ROUND BALING. John Deere Baler, 3'-6' dia. Bale up to 25 per cent moisture hay with bacterial inoculant'preservative. Phone 887- 9368. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY THRIVING BUSINESS, ideal for person who enjoys small animals, birds and tropical fish. Equipped for easy maintenance. Willing to train purchaser. Owner selling due to ill health. Phone 524-5197 or 524-2787, ask for Marj. CAREERS GARAGE SALES JULY 1, Con. 10.11 East Wawvagnosh, Sideroad 36-3/' (Old Deacon pxace - Lumber, collectibles, old china and many other items of interest. All must be sold. No early birds. Sale Starts at 9:30 a.ni. 20,27 GIGANTIC multi -family garage sale, Fri., June 30, 10 a,m.-?, Sat., July 1, 9 a:m.-? 21/2 miles north of Wroxeter, 11/4 miles south of Top- notch Feed Mill on Huron County Rd. 12. Housewares, furniture, clothing, drapes, etc. Something for everyone. _ LAWN SALE Sat., July 1. Corner Hwy. 87 and Victoria St. at Gorrie. Good stuff and antiques. Rain date July 8. COME TO THE 3rd of Morris Sat., July 1, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., rain or shine. Furniture, toys, clothing, baked goods! Watch for signs. GARAGE SALE at 412 Highland Wingham, July 1, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. JULY 1, 9 a.m., 10th Con. East Wawanosh just off Hwy. 4. Dishes, old train set, toys, baby's walker, children's clothes, milk cans, feath- er tick, exercise bike, more. 20,27 SAT., JULY 1, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., east of Western Foundry, fallow the signs. BE A HAIRSTYLIST — register now for fall enrollment. Financial assist- ance may be available to crualified students, For more information write: Owen Sound Modern Hair- styling School, 1071 2nd Ave. E., Owen -Sound, Ont., N4K 2H8, or phone 371-4422. 4 1)() you i :il(nV la(ow • to reduce. thc risk 01 getting AMS? Practise safer sex. Get the facts. Let's Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1 -800 -668 -AIDS NOTICE State Farm Insurance (Wingham) will not be open on SATURDAYS during July and August only. NOTICE -The Do your SI opplflg by phone, from your home. Advertise to buy or sell. CALL NOW CARS AND Imicio FOR •-SAIL E 1983 BUICI CENTURY . (LTD), 2.8 litre, V6, fully loaded, no rgst. Phone 528-3009 or 392'6045. 6,13,.20,$7 1978 CORVETTE, 350 L48, auto, air conditioning, pw, pS, pb and cruise, tilt, telescopic, leather interior, AM, FM cassette, 66,000 km, $12,51lii:cer-- titled. Phone 357-1384. .20,27 1985 CHRYSLER 5th Avenue. Load- ed, excellent condition. Price negoti- able. Phone 887-9058. 20,27 1981 GMC SUBURBAN, fully equip- ped and certified. Phone 357-1268. 20,27 1975 PONTIAC VENTURA, 6 cyl., 2 door, 146,000 miles, radial tires, new exhaust and gas tank. food condi- tion, $385. Phone 357-1255 after 5 p.m. 1980 MERCURY COLONIAL Park Wagon. ps, pb, pw, pt, air, certified, low mileage. Priced to sell, $1,500. Phone 357-1842 after 6 p.m. 1982 MUSTANG GL, 6 cyl., ps, pb, air, AM -FM cassette, good condi- tion. Phone 528-2430 after 6 p.m. 1 a :'0 AMC CONCORD, auto., ps, pb, air cond., tilt wheel, 4 door, good condition, uses no oil between changes. $1,475 certified. Phone 357- 3083. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, REGISTERED polled Hereford breeder bull, 5 years old. Phone 357- 2624 at noon or evenings. Ring& PETS TO GIVE AWAY FOUR YOUNG KITTENS, 2 black, 1 buff and 1 dark tortoise color, to a good home. Phone 335-3249. 6 PUPPIES, black and brown, 5 weeks old. Phone 357-3267 after 4:30 p.m. Effective with the Tuesday, July 18th paper the new classified advertising deadline will be 1Oa.m.MONDAY 27;4 1.4 rete 41;dri ***44446is COLL1SIQN' CENTR Expert Collision -& Paint Service Frame & Unibody Specialist Free Estimates Insurance Appraisals Towing & Car Rentals 357.1389 Cedar St. W., Wingham Ont. NOG 2W0 (Across from Premdor) MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1986 CR80 with extras, like new, with helmet and gloves, $1;200. Phone 357- 1994. 27,4 1979 YAMAHA 1100 cc motorcycle with trailer, excellent condition. Phone 357-3282 daytime or 357-3751 • evenings. 27,4 FARM EQUIPMENT. FOR SALE LYNN Lowry Farm Systems Ltd., RR 1, Kincardine, Ont. For all your manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 and 395- 2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything — Almost. 6,20,4,18 175 IH self-propelled swather . with hay conditioner, field ready. Phone '357-3001 evenings. 20,27 SET OF TRACTOR DUALS, 8 ply, size 20.8 x 38. Phone 357-1085. 27,4,11 JOHN DEERE 65 PTO Combine in excellent condition, field ready. Phone 887-6267. 27,4,11 DION FORAGE BOX, 4 years old; John Deere 8 ton wagon; New Hol- land Super 23 forage blower; 20.8 x 38 tractor tire. Phone 335-3890. 27,4 TRUCK FOR RENT BRAND NEW 10' camper with new truck included. Can be rented week- ly or 2 weeks at a time. If interested call 357-1268. 20,27 T.P. ENTERPRISES • Custom design and fabrication Agricultural and industrial welding • Industrial maintenance • Aluminum welding • Licensed millwright • Licensed welder Phone Peter Bus. 3572ZO9 .. ,1 '44I044a•0r*444aek¢440,44t;ii,am44,44%aym trail a ar r 4 r arra saay7tapti,.y.*Ir NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM CLARK JOHNSTON NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the; Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late William Clark Johnston, late of the Town of Wing- ham, in the County of Huron, Re- tired Farmer, and Province of Or- tario, deceased, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of July, 1989, and -that after such date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 14th day of June, 1989. Mr. John T. Goodall, Barrister and Solicitor, P.O. Box 730, 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Solicitor for the estate of William Clark Johnston 20,27,4 PERSONAL IF YOU ARE INACTIVE, alienated; if you have left the church over mar- riage situations, hurt feelings, or any other reason why not call us. Pastor Jerry VanderVeen -1-519-357- 2984. 2,4,11,18 TRADE-1NS Colour TV Lawn Mower Furniture Appliances VCR or? NO JUNK PLEASE 0% Prlv Ste Finance iron =69 monthly MISTER CARMAN • 1.t7'Tl0llB ;5143717 Wl rug hilt • open Always phone Flrst.. I�'