The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-27, Page 8AWARDS-Rahal Schmitz and Daren Ross School received awards for being named improved athletes. (Staff Photo) IncIude us in your plans If ybu're planning a us first for wedding Listowel Mount Forest Milverton Wingham of Howick Central the school's most wedding, plan to visit. stationery and accessories.. 291-1660 323-1550 595-8921 357-2320 Township of Howick 2nd TAX INSTALLMENT DUE The second tax installment for the Township of Howick is due Friday, June 30, 1989. Interest at 1 1/4% per month or any part thereof will be charged after the due date. Note: Persons who have acquired properties and have not receiveda tax bill should contact the Clerk's Office. Failutre to receive a bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibilities for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment. Tom Miller, Clerk -Treasurer • Small Business Start-up & Consulting • Tax Planning & Preparation • Financial & Retirement Planning Contact the Consultants at GIBBENS INDEPENDENT 362 SPEEDVALE AVE. E. (Speedvale Mali, corner Stevenson) GUELPH, ONTARIO N 1 E 1N5 (519) 823.8451 We're here to help. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ruttan, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Martin of St. Jacobs, have. returned home following 'a .ZQ:day vacation to Hcland, Germany, Switzerland and Istanbul. They also went to Cypress where they visited with Mrs. Ruttan's niece, her husband and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harding, Miss Maude Harding, Mrs. Mar- garet Woods, Mrs. Jean Wilson and Mrs. Oliver Karges of Listowel attended the funeral of their cousins, Mr. and ,Mrs. Jim McAlis- ter, at Mount Brydges on Tuesday. The couple was killed in a car acci- dent on Friday near Free1ton. Carolyn deBoer and Jean Dins- more attended the A11 -Arabian Show on June 18 at Forest City, London. Proceeds from the show go to the Sunshine Foundation of Canada for disabled children. Mrs. Norma Behrns and her sis- ter, Mrs. Ila Kercher of Hensall, have returned home from Gren- drod, B.C., where they attended the funeral of a cousin, August Jerke, and visited a week with relatives. Jean Dinsmore and Carolyn deBoer recently attended the Arabi- an Reglan Horse 'Show, held, in Mason, Michigan. Friends congrat- ulate therm on winning two Torp Five Regional prizes and also the Reserved Champion title. This qualifies Carolyn for the National Arabian Horse Show. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bentley (Lori Miller). who were married Saturday in Fordwich United Church. A reception fol- lowed in the Kurtzville Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. John Brunarski and Mrs. George Tudan of Port Col- borne attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Capling on Satur- day, June 17, and spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brunarski and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stewart (Cindy Woods) who were married Saturday, June 24, in Harriston United Church. A recep- tion followed at the Howick Com- munity Centre. Friends will be pleased to know that Clarence Carswell returned home. from Listowel `hospital and hope his health will continue to improve. Brian and Jane Elliott of Kitchen - Children's rally is held at Kintail Camp Kintail became alive with the sounds of excitement and laughter recently *hen the fourth annual Children's Rally, sponsored by the Mas 'Presbyterial WMS, was held there. Atotal`.of 244 peo- ple, including 174 Children from churches in Molesworth, Brussels, Teeswater, Kincardine and all points between, gathered for a fun - filled evening. All enjoyed a hot-dog supper. Children ranging from Kinder- garten age to Grade 8 participated in activities based on the theme, "The Bible". These included crafts, games, a nature walk, music and worship. Rev. Scott Sinclair, director of Camp Kintail, presented an excel -- lent video to everyone present, about the camp and its opportuni- ties and beauty available toall who visit there. After campfire and a singsong, another very successful Children's Rally_ came to a close. tsited Sunday with Gay and Sharon Sothern at theirlOitet Mr. and Mrs 6ruce Shannon and family RR 3,, "Chf(prcl and Mr and Mrs. Cord Sotherit were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sothern. Lisa Sanderson of Peterborough spent the weekend with her paw ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sanderson and attended the MacDonald- D'Arceywedding on Saturday. Miss Divona Pogson and. Miss Greta Pogson of Mnni peg are spending some time with their cousin, Gordon Steinacker and Mrs. Steinacker. Mrs. Anson. Ruttan spent last week with Mrs. Keith Montgomery in Ottawa where Keith is a patient in hospital there, having undergone heart surgery Friends in the Ford- wich area hope good health will soon return. Recent. visitors with Terry and Joan Field were their son, Jeff, Peter Coulter, daughter Brenda and friend Pat of Richmond Hill. While here, they took Joan and Terry for a plane ride over the village and all enjoyed the Fly -in Breakfast at Atwood. Glenn Kelley and daughter Lori of Elora visited Sunday with Mr;,... and Mrs. Lorne Kelley. Mary -Anne Gibson has returned to her work at Emerald Lake, B.C., after spending a week's vacation with . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson. She also attended the MacDonald-D'Arcey wedding. Carolyn and Richard deBoer, RR 1, Bluevale, were invited to present their horse, Aneenya, at the Cana- di?h:;$yrY!phony of Hor$es, belld at the A. M. Barr Arena, Kemptviille, on June 23 arid 24. Music was pre- sented by 'the Kanata Symphony Orchestra and the event . featured champion American Saddlebreds, Arabians, Half -Arabians, National Show Horses and Hackneys. AWARDS—(From left to right): Sally Douglas,, atti Alexander, Ryan Gallaher, and Michael Top- han :Teceived awards for tiling named top male and female athletes at Howiek Central School: tr