The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-13, Page 17• SE.
By Christine Gibsoirt
Last week the centre was cloged
for the last three days of the week
while the staff attended the Mime
Support Association Conference in
Toronto. The conference was very.
informative with many keynote
speakers. Thank you for your coop-
eration when the -centre was closed.
This •week we will be working at
brightening up the centre. We will
be planting some flowers outside in
some planters. Gloria will be
extending some of her horticulture
knowledge among us as we "Car-
den with Glo"!
Our water exercise program is
beginning this Friday. ThiS program
runs for the summer months at
Vanastra pool. It's a good way to
stay fit in the water, even if you
can't swim.
On Monday, June 19, Hewitt
Therapy Services will open shop at
1 p.m. to sell fashions for spring
and summer. These clothes are
especially made for seniors and
take into consideration the aging
process and the ability to take
clothes on and off. A fashion show
will be held at 1:30. Refreshments
are available and everyone is wel7
On Thursday, June 22, we will be
travelling to Blyth to see "Perils of
Persephone". We have 25 tickets
reserved for each play this summer.
Everyone is looking forward to the
upcoming performances.
Our annual meeting-uSbe held
Monday, June 26, at 1 p.m. A spe-
cial video presentation by Naomi
Feil will be shown. Everyone is
National Fit Week is over for
another. year. Our seniors travelled
a distance of 90 miles. Way to go,
Wingham Seniors' Centre! It's
important to remember that fitness
should be part of our daily life.
Area couples
attend funeral
of their cousin
Two area couples, Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Kieffer of Bluevale and Mr.
and Mrs. George Kieffer of Teeswa-
ter, attended the funeral of their
cousin, Rev. Michael Kieffer, C.R., at
St. Mary's Church, Kitchener, on
Friday, June 2.
Father Kieffer was born near For-
mosa and celebrated his 60th
anniversary to the priesthood in
1988.The funeral service was con-
ducted by Bishop Anthony Tonnos
of Hamilton, assisted by Very Rev.
Fred Scinto, C.R. and 29 area
Interment followed in the congre-
gational plot, Kitchener, Mount
Hope Cemetery
AW29,0,/ /AP.,,,,,,frvir /7 tor
In the first meeting of Let's Land-
scape, Nancy Darlow was chosen
president. Brenda Hallman is vice-
president, secretary -treasurer is
Shanda Mitchell and the press
reporter is Cheryl,Darlow.
Following the business, members
made a critique of Darlene Loseh's
lawn. Several helpful hints were
given to improve the landscaping.
The meeting closed with "Learn
to do by doing".
In captivity captivity crows have learned
to count and read clocks.
<cc • ,
• is as
p.m,' sc.,
-"NO " topat* pu
maw br,
—530 to 8 pat, family swim. nin,giun
Regular weekend hours will be in TiNate, n�te: pool wL
effect beginningjune 23and are' closed 43r nights for 's
training, '•
. For
vs a '..swmxsv‘M,Ma:M%.,
JACKIE McBURNEY, a Grade 6 studen-t at Turnberry Central
School, recently won first prize in a creative writing contest spon-
sored by Central Huron Secondary School at Clinton.
Turnberry student
wins writing award
Editor's Note: This composition,
submitted by Turnberry Central
School. Grade 6 pupil Jackie
McBurney, won first prize in the
recent Huron County. Creative
Writing Contest,
How The Peacock Got
Beautiful Feathers
Long, long ago, the peacock was
a plain bird. None of the animals
every played or talked to him. One
day, the peacock heard thegods
weeping about how plain the sky
Raye Elmslie of Wingham
graduated June 3 from the Uni-
versity of Windsor with a diplo-
ma in public health nursing.
Raye is the wife of Brian Elmslie
and mother of Michael, Trevor,
Matthew and Katie.
was. So one day the peacock took
the colors from the earth. He used
red from the berries; orange from
the tiger lilies; yellow from the daf-
fodils;, green from the grass and a
feather from the bluebird for blue.
Then he turned them all into pow-
der by banging them with a stone.
Then he added water to the colors.
Early the next morning, he paint-
ed his colors across the sky. When
the gods saw the colors, they asked
the peacock if he was the one who
had done this. The peacock admit-
ted that he had done this, expecting
punishment, but instead the gods
-were so happy they -gave hirri one
wish. Re wished he had rtiOret61-
ors. So the gods gave him long, col-
ored feathers.
One day, many Moons later, the
peacock saw a little Indian brave
named Dark Eyes, who was blind.
No one else in the tribe, nor any
other animal; could bring back the
little brave's sight. So the peacock
took the magic feather out of his
tail, which only grows back every
two years, and stroked it across the
little brave's eyes.
Suddenly, Dark Eyes could see.
Then the little brave thanked the
peacock and told the gods about
what the peacock had done. As
another gift, the gods gave the pea-
cock circles on the feathers, repre-
senting eyes. That is why the pea-
cock's feathers are so beautiful
Cheryl Reece of Wingham has
been hired as assistant curator
at the Wingham Museum for
the summer months. The muse-
um will open June 19 from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. and will close
Labor; Day. An (,?fopTi house=pro-;
" 'iti.Y" as planned for *
June 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
including pictures of townspeo-
ple from the 1940s.
The Belgrave Mites were defeat-
ed by Bluevale 18-8 in recent play.
Those scoring runs for-Belgrave
were! Marc Alexander, Adam Gar-
niss, Peter Irwin, Ryan Cook,
Michael McBurney, Jeremy Carrip-
' bell, Kevin Campbell and Jay
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