HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-13, Page 15Roses, lilies enhanc
United Church service
BELGRAVE_Long-stemmed red
roses in two brass vases, a variegat-
ed floral arrangement and a con-
tainer with lily -of -the -valley beauti-'
fied the sanctuary of Knox United.
Church, Belgrave, for the service
June 4.
Mrs. George Procter, organist,
presented a prelude of sacred num-
kers and also accompanied the
choir as they sang "Savior Lead
RevJohn G. Roberts, who con-
ducted the service, announced his
pleasure in welcoming Mr. and
Mrs. George Carter, former mem-
bers of Calvin -Brick charge, into
Belgrave Knox United membership.
They were received with the bless-
ing of the elders and the hearty
hand clasp of the minister.
The congregation stood to
acknowledge its acceptance and
pleasure in receiving the two Bel -
grave residents as members of the
Mr. Roberts read Scripture pas-
sages, John 19: 17-30. He centred his
remarks on "When Jesus therefore
received the vinegar, he said 'it is
finished;' and he bowed his head,
and gave up the ghost."
These were Jesus° final words.
These words have been used as a.
basis of previous sermons delivered
by the minister. He, although retir-
NCC Publishing is
pleased to announce
the appointment of
Margaret Stapleton to
the position of editor
of the Wingham
Advance -Times.
Margaret has been
with the Advance -
Times for seven years
as a reporter.
Assisting i °
st Margaret
a et
in the editorial
department will be
freelance reporter
Anne Redfern°
abs a &i ingbain
Box 390, Wingham Ontario
ing from the ministry, is not fin-
ished with preaching. They are
forceful words, not just a mere
statement, Mr. Roberts noted.
Preaching may be ended, but not
finished. It may be compared to
woodwork which is constructed,
then must be finished by coatings
of varnish. Finishing is the hard
part. Words may be ended, but
must be completed. Jesus° pilgrim-
age was completed, finished. Ours
may be completed; but maybe not
Often man's pilgrimage is side-
tracked or hesitant, by not living up
to his possibilities. There may be
gaps between what we ought to
have done and what we did. But by
the grace of God the gap will be
filled by faith, grace and love. To do
better is our goal Our challenge is
to fill the gaps in the work which
we have started.
Finally, Mr. Roberts pointed out,
the cost must be paid when the bill
is rendered, whether it is in failure,
fear or uncertainty. Often, he said,
we fail to pay the full price. Jesus°
cost, however, was paid in full.
The cross demonstrates the
length to which a single man went
to touch our souls and spirits.
Only Jesus could say "It is fin-
Knox United Church Sunday
School anniversary and chicken
barbecue will take place June 18, at
11.15 a.m.
MINISTER RETIRING—A retirement tea was held in the
Women's Institute Hall, Belgrave, on Sunday to honor retiring
Knox United: Church minister Rev. John G. Roberts and his wife
Kay. Speaking to the couple .is Joyce Vincent of East Wawanosh.
Knox WMS hears
speaker from Zambia
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Wednesday, June 14 to Tuesday, June 20, 1989
Wed, June 14
Fri. June 16
Sat. June 17
Sun. June 18
Tues. June 20
Garden Party, Gorrie United Church, 4:30 to 7 p.m.
Hall. Area Fire Board Meeting, 8:30 p.m. Fire
Dance at Wingham Armouries, sponsored by Wing -
ham's Happy Gang, 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Ladies
please bring sandwiches. Everyone welcome.
Open House Retirement Party for Ken Wood at F.
E. Madip S.S., Gym 228, 2 to 4 p.m.
Hot Dog Day, Zehrs Parking Lot, sponsored by
First Wingham Scout Assoc. Proceeds to Canadian
Father's Day Country Supper Smorgasbord, Duff's
United Church, Walton 4:30 to 7 p.m. Call 527-
1866 or 887-6658 for tickets.
Strawberry Buffet, St. Paul's Anglican Church,
Wingham, 5 to 7 p.m.
Morris Township Council, 7:30 p.m., Township
Municipal Building.
G.I.C. RATE 11 3/4 %
BELGRAVE—The WMS held its
meeting June 5 in Knox Presbyteri-
an Church with Mrs. Mac Scott pre-
siding and opening with a call -to
worship. The hymn, "What a
Friend We Have in Jesus" was
Mrs. Garner Nicholson read
scripture from I Kings. A medita-
tion was read by Mrs. Margaret
Siertsema. Prayer was given by
Mrs. Margaret Dunbar. The topic
was given by Mrs. Ivy Cloakey
from the booklet, "Crisis as Oppor-
tunity". The first chapter dealt with
the crisis of drought, the story from
I Kings, Chapter 17.
Mrs. McBurney gave the secre-
tary's report and Mrs. Cloakey the
treasurer's report. The roll call was
answered by naming a favorite
There were two guests present.
Mrs. Grace Richards, on furlough
from Zambia, told of her work
Mrs. Nicholson gave a report on
the spring rally in Ripley and she
read a poem, "Watch and Pray".
The group was reminded of the
Children's Rally at Kintail on June
13. The society will be providing
five dozen cookies.
An invitation was received from
Calvin -Brick United Church to
attend a meeting.
Mrs. Dalrymple read a poem
entitled "Old Sayings". The hymn
"Tell Me the Old, Old Story" was
sung. Mrs. Scott closed the meeting
with prayer.
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Mrs. Ruth Coyne and Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Kirkham and son Ken of
Windsor and Mrs. and Mrs.
Lawrence Taylor of Belgrave, were
supper guests on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp-
son, Michelle and Danielle of R.R.2,
Mr. and mrs. Neil Vincent and
daughter Margaret attended the
convocation exercises at Guelph
University on Friday, June 2 when
Joan's sister, Sheila Osborne, gradu-
ated with a Bachelor of Agricultural
Science .degree majoring in Agri 1.
ural Business.
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Members of the Women's Insti-
tute held their district annual meet-
ing for Huron West at Benmiller
United Church May 29. Those pre-
sent from this district were: Mrs.
Jim Hunter, Mrs. Clare Van Camp,
Mrs. Pete Campbell, Mrs. Garner
Nicholson, Mrs. Norman Coultes
and Mrs. Leonard James.
Congratulations to Margaret Eliz-
abeth Vincent, daughter of Neil and
Joan Vincent, who won a silver cup
for being the top baby in the baby
show at the Clinton Spring Fair on
June 3,,.
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