The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-06-06, Page 22• Pete 6l.ie; The Wie County receives undin Murray Cardiff, member of par- liament for Huron-PuFei zWatlY Orese*e4LafAeciwifOt $39225 :to, the Ontario' giiverrunerituiteler file terms of thelederal go,Verrtinent'S Joint Emergency Preparedn,s Pro- gram (JEFF). - • v --e. The -cheque was presentarby Me Cardiff on behalf of the Hor!9ral,ele Bill MCKnight, minister respdfisible for emergency preparecleses; It was accepted by David Johnston, war- den oniuronCouritY. The funds will be directed by the province to 17 communities across Ontario for, a wide rang F of emer- gency preparedness projects, such, as the purchase of Communications equiprnent, emergency response vehicles and rescue equipment. The largest payment, $87,500, will go to Duron County for the purchase Of emergency equipment for the towns of Clinton, Wingham and Exeter. This equipment consists of items such as selVcontaireed breathing apparatuses, radios, a rescue vehicle and hydraulic scue: equipment. "This payment represents contin- uing federal and rir9eincial com- mitment to improving emergency response capability In Ontario, . said Mr. Cardiff, "Eto:reClinton, Exeter and Wingham, this means new equipment which will help' the fire department in each community provide better protection for people living in the area." The JEPP enables the federal gov- ernment to contribute to, or under- ta_ke jointly with the provinces and territories, emergency preparedness projects that enhance the national response capability •;;, , . • •• -* - 4! • s..,9,%-",..-*,,F4,4,4t.k**4,f, • Pra-ff •-y*,40 We, .4"ArS '';#0/Y:Wiff0 We' eadar./..arlb,44:1 • By, 1OriaitiTorkival, --p -We am:sad to say good -bye -3(x: Dor") Johnstone a placement siu- dentfrom the F. RelViada) co tre Donna seemed to enjby e spent her0, We are 4oiiiget0-,, vs:We wish her the luck atcoflege next ellY7C' Wgipe:LI:fa4c',1\ thanks to the followingPnt groups: The Ontario fvfarch'of not a RETIREMENT TEA—Mrs. Joan Martin, a teacher at Wingham Public School for almost 20 years, was honored at a retirement tea Sunday at the school. A resident of Lucknow, Mrs. Martin started her teaching career at Springmount, near Owen Sound.,tiefook forward to travelling and gardening in retirement.-•- oineruaisp0; Ouch as.thiS new WAS and tirStaffiVeui (*het! rilt haVi'ag kinds'of to 'S ie With k014.• at ape :maiilVetefioh aG:ely." -n 4."-ex,pert,".: Christine Pimps, Doncastor Medical, The thought the name was cute. We are Lien*: Club of Wmgharn, TheAgyal *ins , ,plant someflowers in -bar - Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Ms W '' b are Cut in half and place . and the Boy Scouts. A special them along the side of the- thanlic-you also goes to Jeanette .ArnioUries. 1 can't wait until they Wardrop and Joyce Bain for helping are finishet,. tp organize the event. It is great that Wednesday, June 14, both the these groups are willing to help Tuesday group and the Thursday sponsor these wheelchair clinics, to group are invited to join us for the prevent the premature replacement final Spring Fling. cordon Wall's of wheelchairs. Olde-Tyme Music will be on hand Last week the seniors participat- to entertain- tit for the afternoon ed in tie National Elderobic Moon- with some real toe -tapping music. Ittla11--- ykre walked to Cruickshank On Mgpday, June 1, everyone is irk n111 d made a wiskin Hip toxin- invited* come and'Aeota fashion tain- " e mileage we -accumulate& displOypresenfeci by HeWitt Thera - over the week will be added to the py Services (1 p.m.). Hewitt Thera - national teitaf which hopefully will py tea -vices specializes in clothing surpass the total distance from here that is easy to get into for older to the moon. Maybe we can get adults and those with other special more people from the community needs. They also sell assistive who are 55 and over, to become devices which marye daily living involved. ' ',: %, . :'. much easier. Call us for more infor- This Tuesday, June : 6xWill-6e a Illation regular program day. Wednestla the 7th and Thursday, the 8th, wi,.., be cancelled -to allow the staff t� attend a conference in ilironto, -sponsored by the Ontario Home Support Association, Meals on - 'Wheelsand' the Ontarici AssociatiOn Wouldn't you like to break away... , gust escape for awhile... magine ourself jetting off to 'dazzling Las Vegas with $1000 cash, • or touring beautiful Britain .for 8 days ... picture yourself sipping a tropical drink on a sunny beach in Jamaica... Let The Wingham Advance -Times take you away! Enter our Dream Vacation Contest today :Our surrimer water exercise pro- gram begins on None ,16. We will venture all the way to the Vanastra Recreation Centre -for a fun -filled water exercise progrant. Exercising in water is excellent for people who find it difficult' tO move on land. The water creates enough force when moving the limbs, to give a person an excellent workout. For more information, call the Day Cen- tre. -The mit foot. clinic is' Julie 21. Please call the Day Centre at 357- 1440 to make an appointment. Our first Blyth play is scheduled for Thursday, June 22, "The Perils of Persephone". We look forward to the opening of the theatre this year. Everyone is invited to attend our annual meeting on Monday, June 26, at 1 p.m. Following the meeting, we will be showing a video entitled "Looking for Yesterday with Naomi Sell". Just for your information, the board of directors has decided to change the name of the Day Centre from the Day Centre for the Home- bound to the Wingharn_and Area Seniors' Day Centre. The name change is not legal as f0. We will let you know as soon as t becomes legal. That's all for now. Enjoy the great weather. Be sure to get out for some walks this spring! Standard Trust will double gift to festival Standard Trust announced last month that any public contribu- tions to the Blyth Festival Building Fund made before June lOth to an amount of $5,000 will he matched dollar for dollar by Standard Trust. For the last year, the Blyth Festi- val has successfully raised over $1.6 million towards the renovation of this community facility. "Our spa- cious new workshop and rehearsal facilities on Dinsley Stieet are slow- ly moving toward completion," says Joel Harris, general manager of the Blyth Festival. Special sneak preview tours behind the scenes are available for groups. Just call Lynda Lentz at the Blyth Festival administration office to arrange your grouts tour this summer at (519)523-43 kt: 1 a •