The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-30, Page 24.•
TN! Wingluam Advance-Timaa, May 00,„
CAN I PET HIM? seems to be what Janelle Sutton is asking Alex
Gulutzen, who was bottle feeding a baby groundhog last week at
Wingham Public School. Alex said his brother found the tiny crea-
ture, so he brought it to school. Also enthralled with the animal are
Bradley Shortreed and Jeremy Holloway.
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Mrs. MacRae's class planted
marigold seeds. Some of them are
growing already! They walked up
to the high school and Mr. Lane
gave them a tour of the greenhouse.
They learned how .tp.transplant
coleus plants and took them home.
Mr. Webster showed us the chick-
ens. Thank you, Mr. Lane and Mr.
—Shari Mundell
The Grade 2-3 class has two new
little pets. The class has two baby
rabbits to -go with the study of rab-
bits. They have a brown one and a
white one. The brown rabbit's
name is Ginger and the white one is
Also, the Grade 2 class is work-
ing on a transportation booklet.
Everyone is looking forward to
track and field day next week.
— Debbie Leachman
Mr. Sakasov's class has been
playing floor hockey and baseball
in gym. They are starting to read a
new novel study book called Key to
the Treasure. The class is making a
book in art. They also had a math
test last Friday.
In French, they are starting a pro-
ject. They are leading the school in
the grocery tape collection.
—Rob Metcalfe
Mrs. Schedler's Grade 5s have
completed their pioneer studies.
Some of the children made rugs,
log cabins, quilts, clothing and
baked food. They finished the
Laura Ingles Wilder book and are
doing activities.
They started a science unit on
simple machines and on June 1, the
class is going to Toronto to spend a
day with their penpals.
—Andrea Gauld
Mr. Lisle's Grade 7-8 class has
been having lots of fun practising
for various track and field events.
They are just wrapping up the
prairie province unit in geography.
In math they are studying geometry
and have completed a unit on inte-
—Mark Steffen
This week Mr. Shaw's Grade 8
students have been busy talking
about solutions in science. We also
have been practising for our
upcoming track and field day.
Last week our graduation , pic-
tures were taken and we are
pleased with them. There is only
one month of school left and we are
all looking forward to the summer.
—Andrea Plumb
The class all enjoyed the "Health
Spell" presentation. Mrs. Keil came
.in. -this week,and talked about pro-
tecting yourself from abuse. She
used a hula hoop to show that each
of us has a personal space.
In math, the class is learning to
weigh things. Also, the class is
looking forward to a class with
Mrs. Alexander next week.
—Todd Harrison
Last week at our school, Marc
Poulin returned from the science
fair competition in St. John's, New-
foundland. Although he didn't win
a prize, 'he made plenty of new
friends and had fun, I'm sure. It
was a great experience for Marc. We
are proud of him and his work.
—Tharen Keil
Editors Kerry Hill
The Kindergarten class is learn-
ing about farm animals. Last
Wednesday, they made egg carton
pigs and paper bears. They also are
singing barnyard songs.
In environmental studies, the
Grade 1 class has been looking at
streams and forests. To top off their
unit on frogs and toads, they made
jello frogs and rice crispy toads.
The Grade 2s are working on ani-
mals in ponds and last week they
worked on fractions in math.
The Grade 3s have been learning
about money. Along with counting
it, they are learning how to spend it
in their "Let's Go Shopping" game.
The class also is planning on a pic-
nic with their penpals from Howick
Central School.
-- Tammy Adams
The Grade 4 class has been work-
ing on metres and fractions in
math. In environmental studies,
they are really working the ocean
unit, which involves going to dif-
ferent workshops and groups and
learning a variety -of interesting
things about the ocean and marine
The Grade 5-6 class has been
busily planning for their trip to
Niagara Falls and Marineland.
They are looking forward to seeing
lots of marine animals and trying
some of the rides.
Back in the classroom, they are
studying grammar in English, place
value in math and careers.
The pupils in Grade 6 have had
tests in French and in social, studies
on Israel. They are anxiously await-
ing the results of these tests. In
math, they are working on frac-
— Dana Mathers
In geography, the Grade 7 class
has completed its test on the Black
fellows of Australia and now are
studying about river valleys.
Mr. Sinnamon's Grade 7-8 class is
enjoying the ocean unit in environ-
mental studies. He's teaching about
whales now. The pupils also are
practising for track and field.
--Dana Mathers
The Grade 3-4s attended "Health
Spell" recently at . Wingham Public
School and thoroughly enjoyed
As part of their environmental
studies' ocean unit, pupils from
Grades 4 to 8 have been making
whales,P ainting murals of coral
reefs, making plasticise fish and
lures and doing "word search"
They are having a very good time
with this unit. The pre -Kinder-
garten pupils have been visiting the
class in pairs over the past couple
of weeks, spending half day in the
Kindergarten room and joining the
This gropp also participated in a
school bus safety' program last
Thursday, enjoying a slide presen-
tation by Constable Marshall and a
short trip on one of the school
buses. This was topped off with
cookies and juice in the Kinder-
garten classroom.
—Jane Darling
On May 21, at the home of Mr.
-and Mrs. Gordon Francis, a family
celebration was held to honor Mr.
Francis on his 80th birthday. A
good time was had by all. Mr. Fran-
cis will turn 80 on June 1 and is
extended many good wishes for a
happy day. He has led an active life.
The Grade 4 had several former
teachers and a school board mem-
ber at the school earlier this month
to help celebrate the board's 20th
Nancy Daer, Bernice Gross, Bill
Stevenson, John R. Taylor, Beth
Lansing, Marilyn Brydges, Mary
Wightman, Mary Chamney and
Louise Bosman all were able to
Mrs. Gross helped us make good-
ies for our guests. We sang songs
and showed our sandwich play.
Also, there was a tour for the teach-
ers. We all had lots of fun.
—Becky Van Camp,
Michelle Freiburger
Grade 7-8
The Grade 7-8 class is preparing
for track and field. We recently held
a bordenball tournament in which
many of the people in our class par-
Mrs. Linton had been coming to
our school as part of our health
course. We are planning a volun-
teer -appreciation day as part of our
Quest course. We also have been
planning our bus trip ,to Tbmnto on
— Krista Bird, Trisha Taylor
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Heather Hall is shown here in the ,girls' running long jump.
old, day, last,1