The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-30, Page 211 L./ *Naltoproi-oppliod gstauFAunz) Rseid lepazetu 'speaq 'Jaded uonmuisuo, Jailed 'suoveD 92a :se dans tueaa dtura Jo; lutils 'pupal; ;Raj dea3s tow Onto; irgasn aq mom 4eql sap ple £ut mos amid 1 1 1 1 1 111 b. SONIILL •N S.L4V113 SL ;sany o; z 4sranv e# uolssas ir isanV ccitz uolssaS iz Ainj e of -1# uolssas SNOISS3S JIAINOXVCI .urd ,I OCT 0; :1•1" 006 Iuo; AePgi o; &epuoN ulcuJ sNaam. oM; .10j 1111.1 j uolssas dtue-aAep tpea 1 1 1 S3IAILL dINIVDAYCI °80ZI-ZSE ;e Jowunuo-op tue.dom .1011111MS .10 °Jopanci uoReataaN aq; Ilea aseaid uoRetuxo;u! 0.10111 and .suie.doid duteaAep Ino pua;;e spaau !mods 1411.m. ilaapmp SumAtu are am, am( slqi SU13NIVID3c1S I °saw Suluunl puuppop mew; -mop ,IVOM g.te9 . war lex; e Veus 'same/tag oni; 'pun' e Sup(' o; praise ale siadurepAra IV dIlVD -pirqD ruoR -ippe .1ad oo•oes 4e uocssas aures at;; u sums sjurdpp.red llama Aetu uolssas dtueziAep pallo.ma uaipmp 0M ueql. wow troy. seamed -suossai 2u!uturyeas jo ;so a 344 sapnpul aa; snu -pima „rad uoIssas vent 0M; .10j OffS17$ S33.3 amtvoA.va -sdureaAep at pauoma aw Aatut allqm suossai Sunuunms 1 .103 tiarpnap iTatp. imsyilaz O paau mu op slue I -Jed arocaratu -sTseq Allep e uo sdureaAep alp papnpui aq 'um suossal Supanuysts ssorD pas --4.9-o-m-oevt; e- Jo; um IIIM (UJ 1 -Aep pea -stue.doid dureakep iatuums aarql I iaBo nym, luautuedaa uourataaN aq; creaA syqi 3 PUBLIC SWIM Page 6 REGISTRATION INFORMATION During public swim all members of the commu- nity are welcome to join us for a swim at the pooL In order to ensure your safety we ask that the fol- lowing rules be observed. 1. Children must be at least 112 cm or 44 inches tall or accompanied by an adult. 2. Children under 8 years of age must be accom- panied by a parent or a sibling 16 years of age or older. Public Swim Times: Monday to Friday: 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays: 1:00 4:30 p.m. ADULT SWIMMING PROGRAMS Recreation and Fitness Swims - The Pool has been reserved for adult swirnining during the following times: Monday to Friday: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Aguacizes Exercises in the water! An enjoyable way to keep fit/ Mondays and Wednesdays: June 27.- August 17 Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Cost: Drop In: $1.50 per day per participant SPECIAL SWIM TIMES During the week of June 19 - 25, public swim- ming will be after school, Le. Monday to Friday from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Adult swimming will be from 12:00 - 1:00 and 5:30 - 8:00 Monday through Friday. The pool will be open regular weekend hours. The week of August 21 - 27 will be the last week the pool is open. Because lessons will be finished, the pool will be open for adult swim from 127:00 - 1:00 and 5:30 - 8:00 Monday to Friday. Public swim will be Monday through Friday 1:30 - 5:00. The pool will be open regular weekend hours. Swim Schedules will be posted weekly at the pool, or call the pool for mote information at 359- 1474. ELECTRICAL STORMS The pool will be open rain or shine, but will be dosed during electrical storms. 0 SMANDAVU -ssoN tpag °swop' ff.raro fiailayi tyqf iqsouehtem ;sea - 480411 cligsumoi. f(Joupunoa) uostOc100 -opunco) q;eisql 'auttAtu, V!q; qmpni 'uo.teyq goo %even 3001 #pi" goo - sniquiaiN fAaymoD Dal uoue -aDIA f,uetuAiom eptoio uos.ted.tretp aailumivo saatNaD AbeutswilAmo (INV Nouvalipau V31V (4NV INIVITONIM 6861 uostadireqD, lreirygom eit.unD •Allnppe pamkutt; ;0 Rol q4,4% papeol 01Q.141 -111MS ;138.19 V auoktana tow o; ARunvocido eote; 01 went 1.68, 30 .1911111111S au; .103 saw -none; pjo atuos Suole suzeigo.td anpenoutn, 'mau noA gulgupg £snq uaaq aq praunleclaa uoReataaH aq; Jo vagtuaut aamli1U103 pue Bev ata -ameAoftra mom gam' atm; amsTai .mot( mut 0; peAf0AIII, ;ag o; aq pInOM noA Imp% trc stuefioad uoRemaat ;nogg )rum 0; awl; sill °sn uodn aq uoos Tom Jetutuns 3111 IA101I3 30VSS3111 al4100 Aze;a0aS 4tratuurdea uopa3a8 rni earptry knew paoToD iluc,prenD 3,penby iotAei auueof Jo;eut,p4o-op aaueuamejAl pue uossai allenbv 4m.nts3 qaa imernpro-op weigoid uopeamax 'mums latinatparioq aqsai uopeartax ;o Jopana Page 3 1 1 OUR EXCITING DAYCAMP 1 PROGRAMS THIS YEAR ARE: 1 1 1. Registration will take place Tuesday, June 6 from 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m.; Wednesdayand Thursday, June 7 and 8 I from 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the Recreation I Office: 2. 'Mail in registrations must be accompa riied by completed registration form and cheque or money order payable t the Town of Wingham. 3. All registrations will be accepted on first come first served basis begirinin June 6. 1 s I 0I OUTDOOR BOUND 1 I "Outdoor Bound" is an exciting program for NEW HORIZONS "New Horizons" is a fun filled daycamp for those children who are, or will be 6 or 7 years of age by December 31, 1989. Throughout each two-week session participants will be involved in outdoor games, sports, swimming lessons, crafts, special events and field trips. a children who are, or will be 8, 9 or 10 by g, December 31,1989. Camping skills, swimming 1 lessons, sports, crafts, hikes, nature lore, singsongs, campfires and special events are all ipart of this daycamp package. OUTDOOR ALIVE 4. We ask that you register your child in a maximum of two daycarnp sessions (i.e. 4 weeks) so that we may offer this pro- gram to as many children as possible. 5 Please register your child in one swim- ming session only. Towards the end of your child's first session, check with the Aquatic Lesson Co-ordinator (Joanne Taylor) and determine to which level your child should progress for the next session of swimming lessons. 6 REFUND POLICY: 1. If the Recreation Department decides that a program cannot be given, the full amount of the fee paid will be refunded. 2. If an individual decides to withdraw, he/she must the Recreation De- parttnent prior to the commencement of the second day-of:the program. The reg- istration .fee less a $4.00 registration charge will be refunded. 3. If an individual Withdraws for medical reasons, a written request accompanied by a note from a medical doctor, must be submitted to the Recreation Department for a full refund. • "Outdoor Alive" is a special daycamp for those who enjoy outdoor fun and who are 11 or 12 years of age by December 31, 1989. This day - camp includes hiking, nature lore, camping skills, outdoor cooking, sports, 'crafts, singsongs, campfires, swimming lessons and much more - an exciting way to spend part of the summer! "HEY MOM AND DAD - THERE'S I NOTHING TO DO THIS SUMMER!" 1 Are you 13 years of age or older? Do you need a challenging and fun way to spend the sum- mer? Act NOW! Join our Leaders in Training Program (L.I.T.)! All Leaders in Training will work directly with • children at our daycamp and/or swimming pool programs. You will be outdoors, working with other teens and helping children experi- ence, explore and play in the out of doors. I The Recreation Department relies heavily on II our L.I.T.'s to make sure our summer day- "' camps run smoothly. „ , e • .em v, S 4,4)1.0,1,1 u 4,19a,ak 1‘.. 4., tl-S. 1, t..1, 1,... 1 r • • •-ip. il- II, 1 1.1 it. 76,4,11, 1424%. 1--4-.1v4 / I-4 ILA IL 1, i.`1":1.41.,7 11. i 't: tilt: i 4 11 :t hlt.tit ,.. I 8 -.:,t.4-A•D S 4,1 . If -you ,are ,interested in meeting new friends, 1 :awls iNapinivaaa Nouvaloali INVHONIM. 686r I/MID 02141 NOLLVMDMI 21314/11/16 working with children, learning valuable lead- ership and teaching skills, being out of doors all summer and having FUN - we are looking for you! LEADER IN TRAINING PROGRAM Fee: Just your enthusiasm, ideas and good na- ture Age: Anyone 13 years of age or older Time Commitment: We ask that you work with us for at least two weeks of the summer (be- tween July 10 - Aug. 18) and join us for staff training the first week in July. To apply for the Leaders in Training Program: 1. Fill out the registration form at the end of this brochure; or 2. Call the Recreation Department (357-1208); or 3. Fill out an application form at the Recreation Department. ACT NOW! SPACES ARE LIMITED! WINGHAM LAWN BOWLING CLUB The Wingham Lawn Bowling Club is located on Alfred St. and begins bowling season the last week in May. Lawn bowling is an excellent sport for all ages and all levels of ability. Former members and new members are al- ways welcome. Flat soled shoes are the only equipment necessary as bowls are available at the club for those wishing to learn the game. For more information about membership con- tact President Mrs. Jean Mathers 357-2340 or Secretary Ruth Orien at 357-1124. 1989 WINGHAM AND DISTRICT CENTENNIAL POOL PROGRAM ATTENTION SWIMMERS!! Due to a shortage of pool staff this summer, we have modified our swimming schedule some- :4.