HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-16, Page 17- 404W"OlD47.7777µ1.1.4.1,1w.b,,7.1347•* • V144, '164 Monday to Friday 9:00 aim, 5:30 pint FOR SALE 1&4" FLUORESCENT light fixtures (without light tubes), all brand new (still in the boxes) ; 71/2" hand held grinder unit (ideal for welders); 1/2" drive electric impact wrench. Phone 357-3751 after 5 p.m. MAGNETIC SIGNS: many sizes available, 8"x17", $36. For further information phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 1 ltf MASTERCRAFT riding lawn mow- er, power start, 8 hp, 30" cut. Phone Barry Wenger at 357-2693. 9tf SURGE 2" milk pipeline system, 100 plus vacuum pump, 2 -years -old, 400 gallon Mueller milk cooler with automatic washer. Phone 528-5344. 9,16 FURNITURE. May 1989 Show and Sale of Furniture at Schuett's of Mildmay. Free gifts with purchases of suites of furniture, sofa beds, etc. Schuett's accepts trade-ins and de- liver free in a wide area. Phone Mildmay 367-2308. ENGRAVED SIGNS: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, washable, stainproof, oThe Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb TRAILERS FOR SALE 60'x12' HOUSE TRAILER, 288 sq. ft. addition included. Precast cement steps. $14,500. Phone 357-3215 after 6 p.m. 9,16 GARAGE SALES NEIGHBORHOOD yard sale, y 20, 21 and 22 at Leo and Corry Sand- ers', 1% mile south of Belgrave,, 2 miles east on Brussels Road. 1.981 Honda XL80, certified. Large vari- ety of geraniums and box plants. Many other items. 9,16 GARAGE SALE water Catholic Sat., May 20, 9 water Town Hall. sponsored by Tees - Women's League, a.m.-2 p.m., Tees - MULTI -FAMILY garage sale, May 27, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., turn east on Turn - berry B -Line at Hodgins, follow the signs. Toys, bikes, clothing, furni- ture and more. 16,23 MAY 20, 264 Leopold St., Wingham. Bake table, tomato plants, lady's clothes, size 16, 18, etc., etc. Phone 357-2662. 2 -FAMILY garage sael, Sat., May 20, John St., Gorrie. Rain or shine. Doors, windows, light fixtures, household items, clothes, car parts, etc. MAY 20 and 22. Assorted items in- clude 2 stereos, dishes, pictures, etc. 429 South Delhi St., Lucknow. Watch for signs. R. W. Bell OPTOMETRIST Goderich` The Square 524-7661 IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT 1980 R.S.O. Chapter 337 And in the matter of the land and premises at the following Munici- pal Address in the Township of Morris in the Province of Ontario. NOTICE OF PASSING OF BY-LAW Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of theTownship of Morris has passed By-law Number 6-1989 to designate the following property as being of architectural and historical value or interest un- der Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1980 R.S.O. Chapter 337: (a) Address: 13 Queen Street, Belgrave, Ontario. NOG 1E0. Township of Morris, County of Huron, Province of Ontario, and being composed of WPT Lot 1, Plan 161. (b) Reason to designate: The Property located at 13 Queen's Street in the Hamlet of Bel - grave is recommended for designation for architectural and historical reasons under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 337. The Queen's Hotel occupies a commanding position .en the Trnin street of the Hamlet of Belgrave. Architecturally, this is an , • • Ind yellow brick structure of the 19th century Italianate style, fi ly pro- portioned and substantially unaltered on the exterior since it was built. Remnants of the cedar shingle roof are present on the main block, while the original metal shingle roof on the rear wing is intact. Original roof detail of wood freize, and soffits are present on both main block and wing; decorative eaves brackets are in place on two facades of the main block. The hipped roof is flanked by the tall brick chimneys with corbelled tops. The windows are segmentally arched and most of the 2/2 sash is in place. An early verandah, with dentil- Iated cornice and hipped roof supported by shaped posts, extends across the main facade. Historically, the Queen's Hotel was one of the two hotels operating in Belgrave in 186g, accomodating travellers on the trail between Clinton and the northern part of the Queen's Bush. ft -was built by Christopher Morley and in its early days a hall in the building was used for public meetings. The licensed hotel was managed by Will- iam Scandrett, who assumed ownership in 1882. At that time com- mercial travellers used the hotel as a place 'to -display their wares. After prohibition was imposed by a local option vote in 1913, the hotel was taken over by William Geddes, who ran it as a temperance house. A branch office of the Canadian Bank of Commerce occUtiied a portion of the building from 1916 until the depression. Dated at the Township of Morris, this 4th, day of May, 1089. Nancy Michie, Clark LNDTRUCK$ ALE • 1984 CHRYSIAElt D4YTONA4 litre turbo, autemStet Pk Pm_ Pkit en deck computer, 92,000 km. Certified. Priced to sell. Excellent condition. Phone 335-3797 after 5p.m. , 9,16 1979 BUICK LeSABRE Sedan, air conditioning, power steering and brakes. Phone 335-3800. 9,16 1979 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, V6, 4 speed, excellent condition, $1,300. Phone 335-3658. 9,16, low mileage, factctiy, air, cruise, •••,, WAIL 0); • • 1.,44.5, Expert Collision & Ratnt44aloe • Frame & Unibody SpeolaiiSt Free Estimates Insurance Appraisals ThWing 'Car Rentals. 357-1 Acrpas'ir • CA RSA DT UCKS ,S,Cat' FORSALE 1984 PLYMOUTH CARAVELLX 1 0 CHEV C20, 350 4 barrel-, auto:, pa, pb, AM -FM cassette, complete with 1974 111/2' Gypsy Queen camp- er, fully equipped for camping. Phone 335-3690. 9tf 1981 FORD PICKUP, 6 cylinder, standard. Phone 335-3690. • 9tf "...madmo••••••...z.m.m 1979 ASPEN RT, 8 cylinder, automa- tic, ps, pb, in good condition. Phone 357-1389. 9,16 1984 CHEV S-10 truck, 6 cylinder, 2.8 litre,•, with cap, automatic, ‘ps, pb, radio; 4s,onn mileg excellent certified. Phone 357-1916. 1981 DODGE RAM PICKUP, as is, $3,000 or best offer. Phone 1-395-5512. - IN MEMORIAM EDGAR—In memory of our niece, cousin and great-granddaughter, Alyson, who passed away May 17, 1 God saw you getting tired When a cure was not be to be, He closed His arms around you And whispered "Come with Me". In tears we saw you sinking We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken You fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping So peacefully free from pain, We could not wish you back To suffer so again. —Loved and remembered by Uncle Danny,, Aunt Dianne and Jeremy Hiltz and Great -grandma Hoffman. ANDERSON—In loving memory of Jean (Hopper) Anderson, who pass- ed away May 15,1982. MOM How I wish you were still with me So I eopld tell you tp0 things I never said. ,FP: How much I love you, And now how much you are missed. I still have your memory That will never fade, And all the thoughts of you Forever and a day. I hope you hear me And know how I feel, I love you And forever will. —Always remembered by her daughter Debbie Hopper. PRUE—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, George Prue, who passed away May 10, 1987. We lost a father with a heart of gold Who was more to us than wealth un- told, With only memories for us to keep We have lost; but God has gained One of the best father the world con- tained —Lovingly remembered and sadly sed ' liandy•Joey, J ..4 anu Bob. Avo)vi tinted glass, ANI -FM radio, new , , brakes 'exhaust muffler, ties,cloth interior, heated rear windbw. Excel- lent over-all condition. Certified to sell. Phone 357-3751 after 5 p.m. IF YOU area friendorreliitiveo alcobolic, the Al-Anon:F4M0 may 'be able to help you solve your side of Ake .problem. Piease conlact Post Office, Box 11357; ,a MEALS-ON,.WHEELS 1 AN, 302, C6, Ph°11e Mrs. L. "Ines 357-3657, 0 FORD SHORTY V air, ps, pb, AM -FM booster, 4 cap- tain's chairs,- tables, extra windows, factory stripes, 66,000 km, certified. Phone 357-2878. The Service Directory MEANS BUSINESS! Business you may be missing. every week if you re nqt advertising in the AdvanCe,Times Service Directory. People look to the Service. Directory for goods and services from their fnend!,,; enrnmunity b.iciris•=ses • arid that' y•-•.: To reserve your space CALL 357-2320 T.P. ,ENTERPRIS.E.S, • Custom design and fabrication • Agricultural and industrial welding • Industrial maintenance • Aluminum welding • Licensed millwright • Licensed welder Phone Peter Bus. 357-2709 1 - - 'rrb • -' HILLSIDE. HEARING INSTRUMENTS Gary J. Pietrek HEARING AID SPECIALIST MEMBER; ' THE ASSOCIATION OF HEARING INSTRUMENT PRACTITIONERS of ONTARIO • REGISTERED VENDOR FOR THE ASSISTIVE DEVICES PROGRAM OF THE MINISTRYOF HEALTH ONT. • . .• ALSO D.V.A., GREEN - SHIELD AND OTHER INS. PLANS • HEARING AIDS, BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES, ASSISTING DEVICES YOUR LOCALLY SITUATED: COMPLETE SERVICES OFFICE WITH IN-HOUSE REPAIR LAB REGULAR OFFICE HOURS: 9:30-12:00 P.M.; 1:30-4;30 P.M. MONDAY TO FRIDAY After hours appointments available - also in-home Call 357-2326 Sideroad 30-31, 1 mile south of Highway 86 East of Whitechurch VOW. *MI& 77,111. 5-(uron Landscaping Limited Residential and Commercial Landscape Contractor RR 2, Lucknow, Ontario Bus. (519) 529-7247 1/2 mile south of Lucknow on Huron County Road #1 HYDROSEEDING • unique spray application for hard -to -reach areas • prevents moisture loss from soil. • provides even coverage of lawns, slopes, ditches • much ie§s expensive than sodding • rapid germination with combined application of seed, wood'fibre mulch and water • scarcity of sod makes hydroseeding even more attractive. Our garden centre includes: • caliper trees • ornamental trees & shrubs • perennials & annuals • seedlings (wind breaks) • mulches & flitre matting • organic fertilizers, etc. r3.1 Z-,,t1Vt? A ' gr. •7' 111*3 taigt go le It ss,*** g Agra ro***wdis eggerge4golo•gag-egg7U.1.11'$ r b 3 1 4. 7.7 .4 • •,S.,•7;•