HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-16, Page 15• 7 7: ,
`,.•• !,•';' • 01'
ssional developMeitet 44Y has Quinteii Belleville. programs
n planned for the ZOth anniver- The days othertc,tn,
sary Of the nursing assistant pro- on dtitient, issues: in RNA puce. .
grain at Conestoga Colter. and features *go speakers. Mendships
The college will wattle event at Vernar Steffler, former president
its Guelph campus on Saturday; of the Ontario AssodatiOn"ofRegis-a pop
June 24, to mark the 20th anniver, tered Nursing Assistants, will duo
sary of the first such program to be spec* on current issites and certifi7 T
ie 0
g 90 to
held at any. Ontario- college, and to cation,te
•explore developinents in the valu- .. b"?.M":Mu4&UULL
a e ea care profession. Carroll Vaili,. a noted AIDS edu-
cator, will deliver an address on
Keynote speaker is John Fryters, AIDS in the RNA professron.
a 197s nursing assistant graduate Returning to school is the topic of
whose topic is stress management. an address to be made ky 1978 Con
Mr. Fryters is a recognized expert estoga RNA graduate Roxena
on addiction counselling and man- Stneltzet
agernent, and is founder and execu- There will also be displays of
THE DEVILS were the Wingham Youth Bowling Council season
champions in the Junior division this year. Team members are:
back, Joel Pegg, Jim Hills; front, Josh Johnston, Danny McPherson.
•••• ••••••
T wain naniinsicsel thetber
the fact that in one of your
columns, there is mention of the
Federal Centre for AIDS preparing
a manual for AIDS education in
the workplace. The purpose of this
letter is to inform you of the status
af this project.
You may remember that some
time ago, it was determined that
Canadian small businesses were
in need of assistance in dealing
with AIDS in their working envi-
ronments. It was decided, at that
time, that one way of providing
this assistance would be the devel-
opntent of a manual for them. This
manual would contain informa-
tion consistent with the needs of
the employer who is faced with
AIDS in the workplace.
Although there continues to be
much merit in this plan, it has,
since been decided that there may
be different ways to approach this
problem, ones that might be
equally beneficial to big and small
Canadian businesses. For the
moment, therefore, the manual is
not going ahead. We are actively
pursuing a range of ideas and
should have something tangible in
• the next little while.
In the meantime, I will keep you
informed of future developments
•in this area.
The letter above was sent to
AIDS Awareness by Raymond
• Leblanc, program officer at the Fed-
eral Centre for AIDS, Health. and
Welfare Canada.
Is it true that IV drug users nave
surpassed homosexual and bisexu-
al men in terms of the number of
AIDS cases? — C.B., North 'York,
• No. Heterosexual users of hltra-
venous drugs accounted for
approximately' 23 per. ten( Ofilte
new AIDS cases reported ht the
United States in 19 .
lionmseitial, and bisexual mien
are still at the greatest risk of devel-
oping AIDS. They account for•ill
per cent 'of knoivrt cases in the U.8.
°ft tilciC4110,1
it is true, however, that in New
York City where more than one-
-third of AIbS cases are contracted
from dirty needles, drug users have
surpassed homosexual men in
newly reported AIDS' cases.
• JamesGselg?isa member, of the
Canadian Public Health Associa-
tion and author of the book,
"AIDS: What Every. Responsible
Canadian Should Know". If you
have a question about AIDS, .write
to AIDS Awareness, 10 Tempo
Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario,
M2H 2N8.
Our life is frittered away by
detail .
Simply, simplify,
Henry David Thoreau
oatd 100 s,
for its .:o.e4-j)ti
A French immersion program for
secondary students has been given
a boost by the Huron County Board
of Education.
The board is taking a serious look
at a secondary -level immersion
program, both for students coming
• out of the elementary program and
for students transferring in frbm
immersion programs at other
According -itia Arnold Mothers,
HCBE superintendent &programs,
the board has already established a
committee to study what has to be
done to set up the program and
develop procedures for recruiting
qualified teachers. •
An exatnpie Of-thi4 is ,someone
who is not only qualified to teach a
subject such as geography; but flu-
ent enough in French to teach the
• To repterfkir. the
or for rnOieinf
coneStoga. collok A.
• 299. 1:)pon...Valipy
:Ontari4,. •549yi
• ext: 403 or 474.
Deadline for regiStratit4:
daymay 311„,:: •
subject in that language• .,
French, however, does not have
to be an applicant's first language,
Mr. Mathes says,
At present, Huron County's only
immersion program is the elemen-
tary program at St. Mary's Separate
School in Goderich.
As an early immersion p)rograrn,
this means students at SL Mary's
must enter the program when they
eraroll in Kindergarten. The only
exceptions are students transferring
from immersion programs in other
During the first_ year of this pro-
gram, however, students in. Kinder-
garten and Grades 1 and 2 were
allowed to enter the immersion
program The oldest immet sid*
dents will be in Grade 6 m A -
• r •
At present, the IICBt'fi
plans to start its own e!ente,‘,,
iMmersion'prograin; but it has
recently expanded its core Fre40:,
• ptrigram in which a Certain aMOut#,:::
of time each day is set aside -for
dents to study the French language,
Starting in September, Grade 1";
and 2 students Will have 20 minutes
of French instruction per day,and
Grade 4 students will have 40 min-
utes per day.
The Huron -Perth Roman
Catholic Separate -School Board
cannot plan for a secondary level
immersion program in Huron
itohnIno secondary
It does, however, have plans. for „..
'St. Michael, its one secondary
school in Perth County. •
can be
Please give.
for the first 25 words:
Ali Ontario •$275
central Ontario $135
estem Ontario.. . .. $130
stern Mad° ....... 70
Northern Ontario $ SO
Cross Canada . .. . ... . $043
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