HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-16, Page 14q7,
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Page 14A The Wingham, AdvanceTimes May 10, 1989
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By Harty L Mardon
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A good number of families start
each new year determine_d to oper
ate under a family budget system.
Alas, many of these well-inten-
tioned couples lose interest or con-
trol by late April or early May.
Professional financial plann
say the drop-out pmblem is mai
caused by a -widely held perrepti
of what the word 'budget" m
A lot of people see it as implying
they have to scrimp, either by cut-
ting back or cutting out certain
expenditures. They become restless
about the self-imposed spending
In fact, the proper meaning of
budget is that it is a plan for using
your financial resources over a
given time period, generally a cal-
endar year. The plan cannot be
effective if it is based on guesswork.
Therefore, you must first list all of
your major sources of revenue for
the coming year, by dollar amount.
You next list the amount o
expenditures under various catego-
ry headings, based upon your pas
experience and allowing for infla
tionary increases.
The Manitoba Department of
Agriculture's home economics
branch compiled a set of sample
average budgets for urban families.
One sample was of a single -parent
mother holding a job and with a,
three-year-old girl. She is a renter
and does not have a car.
The woman's 1989 budget pro-
vides for 35.2 per cent of the total
&goingon shelter. That works on
$546.72 per month, or $6,560
Her next largest dollar commitm
goes on ancmitiol dnthcaorre.$I4t,1c3irs
year. That is 222 per cent of her
budget. Food is her third big
cost item at $168.91 a month
2,026.96 yearly. That is 10.9
' 4P1Pr'n'o.,p4r;•1:,:r.,7,
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tat -Finally. personal, "re.
.64. medicine eheSt supplies cost the
ent woman $35.69 a month. That works
her out to $439.10 a year, Or_ Z3 per cent
of the budget total.
cent of the budget.
Recreation, reading, gifts a
contributions amount to $151.
monthly. That totals $1,821.82
year, which is 9,8 per cent of
budget. Next comes home furni
ings and equipment. These cos
come to $67.74 monthly or $776,
yearly, comprising 4.2 per cent
the budget. Clothing for the woman
and her daughter costs $10246
month. That totals $1,229.46 for th
year or 6.6 per cent of the budget.
Because the woman does no
have a car, using mainly publi
transit, her monthly transpoitatio
costs only $54.49 or $643.90 pe
t year. That is 3.5 per cent of her bud
get. Families with automobiles gen
erally spend about. 20 per cent o
'their budget on transportation.
Household operation costs com
to $21.80 monthly, which total
$261.62 yearly. That is 1.4 per cen
of the budget. Communication
costs only 1.2 per cern of the bud
get, at $19.34 a month or $232.10 a
year. Health care costs her $41.59 a
month. That comes to $499.10 a
year, which is 2.7 per cent of the
est Her 'monthly expenditures toit.g'
or $1,553.26. The year's total Is,
nd Other women in similar circuirt-
82 stances to this case may find it prof•
per 'table to compare their spending
the pattern with the above sample.
h- Tastes, and therefore costs, may 'lif-
ts fer quite widely.
of Of course, the reader will have
noted that there is nothing in the
sample budget for savings and
e investments Yet these are absolute
essentials. Family counsellors and
t -
mancial advisers generally recom-
mend about 10 per cent of income
n should be allocated to a savings
r investment program. The principle
is embraced by the powerful slo-
gan: "Pay Yourself First".
e Mr. Mardon is manager of cor-
s porate communications for
t Investors Group Inc.., the Win-
nipeg -based finantial planning
services company.
The first rule of
advertising is to
get their attention.
Our creative department
will make your advertising
work for you.
Invest your advertising
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WINGHAM COMPUTERS opened recently on the Maki. Ste
business owner. is
Andrea Coulter manages the office, while 13111 McQuiggan
B. McQuiggan o
Wingham computers'.
Bill McQuiggan has taken his can involve anything — right from
interest in computers and turned it farming to drafting.
into a business with the recent
opening of Wingham Computers. Although he does not program,
The owner of a computer for a computers, Mr. McQuiggan can
number of years, Mr. McQuiggan guide customers to the , best
says he understands and appreci- machine and program for their
ates their benlifitlisie..Ht„.ehsagsall: enci:ca.
e ds He also stocks ames and
decided he wo illone -programs tor young
ers apply the technology at their sters.
fingertips to get more out of their Since Mr. McQuiggan has kept
his nine -to -five job at CKNX,
In addition to selling computers, Andrea Coultes of Belgrave, a
software, printers and facsimile recent university graduate, is man -
(fax) machines, Mr. McQuiggan aging the office. It is open Monday
also is involved in hands-on train- through Friday, as well as Friday
ing at his Wingham office. evenings and Saturday mornings.
Computers have many uses in You don't have to talk computer
our lives, be it for business, recre-
ation or education. The possibilities eeze to feel comfortable At Wing -
ham Computers, which has every -
are limitless, he says, adding there thing that a city store has and more,
are more than 7,000 product lines especially people who are willing tc.
currently available.
listen to questions and explain
It is an interesting business and them step-by-step.
Yt3uth Bowling Council received awards recently
'ehael;Ityla Irvine; fftliii;71111SAyittiiii,SMWMatz
idare bicI;D:r. 'Morrison, Jim Hills, Grace Caiini
and Robbie McGee.