The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-16, Page 11AFF' 3.Vr if� yr✓•'�J48 t 2 °' .s ak•TY°'r'. X Y: ‘ '�: k��, A'�.N'.,,�r....�. :a :8r''&'''),f't'�e::','''i "4`" �.c.=.^:;•::';;''+.'tr• �4 ., fiX41 ,s.;y.... >: ''.:x.. ,:>4?:�`"••'.4, ' ^:moi•.' . r�"^,c°�.r•,tiff.....�r. ,,g4.44.: ',.z. �. �. •:.:•t:' :,.' .• o:£..r •>; � : »,Slur;:,;.. .: sw, .. . •:;:<::`:.,..::::::n ..45�..:gin'.,i..,.:.:;r..:::�ii2?� keS\;: xc.:.: 3'.`.:.i4•. 't, ;/�',.9•rf� 9a: Kt. HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED—The 1969 Grade 8 class at Wingham Public School was a fresh - faced group. Just in case you can't match the names to the faces, here's some help: back, Julie Foxton, Trudy MacKay, Connie Burke, Sylvia McLean, Gail Remington, Ellen Gorrie, Doris Fisher, Gerd Ben- nett, Trudy Archer, Olive Lapp, Vicky Taylor, Bev Gannett; centre, Brad Lewis, David Walker, Stewart Hunter, Steve Sallows, Robert Vanderwoude, John Smith, Bob Henderson, Steve Penny, teacher Mrs. Walsh; front, Charlie Hopper, Ron Orien, Donnie Murray, Dave Hodgins, Bill Brown, Ronnie Murray and Dave Dolgos. (Photo courtesy of Mrs. Margaret Walsh) Huron board of education marks its first 20 years In the 20 years since the Huron County 'Board of Education was formed, there have been many changes at -county schools, but per- haps none so pronounced' as at the Wingham Public School. Although. the•,school ,stilHooks the same, the last 20 years have seen numerous changes within its walls — not just in staff or curricu- lum, but in philosophy about edu- cation that has created the "full-ser- vice school". Today, the Wingham Public, School is one of three full-service schools in Huron County. These schools strive t accommodate all pupils, includi g those who are physically, emoti nally or academi- cally -disabled. Pupils arrive daily not only from Wingham, but from the surround- ing townships for special classes and programs. Space also has been utilized at the F. E. Madill Sec- ondary School to try to offset the already -crowded conditions at WPS. Today's Huron County Board of Eucation is responsible for a bud- get of almost4,50 million, operating 24 elementary schools and six sec- ondary schools in the county. It also employs almost 900 permanent staff. Sixteen elected representatives sit on the board and its various com- mittees. Stewart Beattie, former principal of Wingham Public School, well remembers the days when each ele- mentary- ,and-;secoz iary ,sehool:,was run by its own board. In Wingham, an eight -man board administered the public school, according to Mr. Beattie. They served on a volunteer basis, with no remuneration at all, until the late 1960s when a small honorarium was set. As principal, Mr. Beattie met reg- ularly with the board to discuss concerns. Many times, board mem- bers could be found after hours in the school volunteering their time and talents. The principal was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the school, says Mr. Beattie. If a pipe were leaking, he would merely°tele- phone the plumber. Today, for bet- ter or worse, everything must be cleared thrdugh the board office. In late 1967, then -Ontario Educa- tion Minister William G. Davis announced a change to the provin- cial board system. Its 1,600 boards of education would be amalgamat- ed .and ,rec :utced 10.100 bey: Jan. 1, 1969. An editorial carried in the Jan. 4, 1968, edition of this newspaper said the education department had decreed that all boards of education would amalgamate "to be welded into monster hoards-, which will direct all schools within areas roughly the size of our counties". Opposition to the move was fast and furious, according to newspa- pers of the day. However, the gov- ernment had set the wheels in motion and could not be dissuaded, in spite of petitions and protest. In a white paper released in 1968, Mr. Davis said: °`The major goal of the reorganization is to create edu- cational jurisdictions capable of extending equal educational oppor- tunity to the boys and girls of Ontario." Mr. Beattie said the change was made to provide equal opportunity for children all across the province. It was to provide Huron County youngsters with the same opportu- nities as pupils in the cities and to that end, he adds, it has been suc- cessful. The past 20 years have seen a world of change at Huron County schools and the next several will be very exciting as they preparefor the needs of the 2st Century. • ln,,C> THE 1989 GRADE 8 CLASS at 'Wingham Public School is flanked byteachers Dave Shaw and Gary Lisle. Grade 8 students, not in order, are: Bill Bailie, David Bower, David Carter, Amy Jo Cretier, Matthew Elmslie, Andrea Gauld, Stephanie Gal, Todd Harrison, Ken Ho % Lisa Keay, Tharen Keil, Jonathan Lane, Debbie Leachman, Rob Metcalfe, Shanda Mitchell, Shari Mundell, Any MacDonald, Wendy McBride, Kerry McGrath, Andrea Plumb, Marc Poulin, Mark Steffen, Angela Swanson, Tammy Thyme, Kelly Watson, Shannon We lh,, andice Allen, Jonathan Balzer, Bart Cameron, Dar1ielle Heibein, Matthew Hunter, Tracy Kingsbu%r., Dwayne McKee, Tara Newell and Jenna IIuttane ,4t idY75U PffY v9ee-t.+��at•a•J ar,ia71 41o1 Y.nsl¶s 1‘gvotK��..!: �>t.,,�•ti it r :^. 1 11� 1c,n. Y1,w.a•dd.:,rka 'dS fddr,,a6' • `. f. - .'I'' 6 �• � u §B. f -S1 u1 dJ jCd;fl4iiddGuar.1nJ By Margaret Stapleton : !nothing as simple as an nom. stomach could be a Wingham y+uth's key to winning. at the Cana- da -wide science fair, now under- way in Newfoundland. Marc Poulin of Wingham, son of Gerry and Lorraine Poulin, left Sat- urday for St. John's, the site of the 1989 national science fair. Marc's project on antacids won at the school and county biological levels earlier this spring. One day a few months ago, Marc had an upset stomach and was wondering what he could take to ease the queasiness. When he got feeling better, he started thinking that it could make a terrific idea for a science fair pro- ject -- how antacids work and which oneis best. What he found ,out is not going to please the people who distribute the commercial varieties. Marc says that plain old baking soda is the best remedy, but he cautions that it should not be taken too often as it dilutes the natural acids and destroys the lining of stomach, leading to ulcers. He admits being rather surprised by his findings, as he had assumed that commercial remedies would work the best. 1 Marc came to his conclusions by iat i is 'found in tie stp a every human be that is, hyd clori acid and 'rater.. Using li'tus acidicf ctf the, tni w_ remedies were used and tl_,. his discovery about baking soda Marc ata: backed u h da with 'a miniature au ry y -of 718: • Wingha °residents, from all walks of life and age groups. He says many of them also assumed that commercial: remedies would work the best. Using brother Peter's computer, Marc compiled all his data and a prize-winning science fair project was born. By the way, Peter com- peted at the 1987 Canada -wide sci- ence fair. When he ,is not answering judges questions this week in St. John's, Marc will be touring the.__ city, going swimming, fishing and to' dances, He will learn how his project fared at an awards banquet this Saturday evening And what does this budding sci- entist see himself doing ,20 years from now? Marc says he would like to join the air force or perhaps become a helicopter pilot. That's good, because he's not ikely to become a spokesman for brand-name antacids. MARC POULIN, a Grade 8 student at Wingham Public School, currently is in St. John's,, Nfld., at the Canada -wide science fair with his project on antacids. Repairs of Iyd raulic Hse & Fittings WING HAM • 357-3830 John RozendaI, rtes.: 357-3402 dm2 d[dala+. BA 7.7 m,i�d4 Y d 777 C9^ `1