HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-16, Page 7thespe
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PUPILS EARN SCHOLARSHIPS—Music teacher Judy Morton of Belgrave, third from left, is
flanked by piano students Angie Yoon of Brussels and Patrick Cull, Belgrave. Both young people
were awarded scholarships at the recent Walkerton music festival, as was Mrs. Morton's son Ian, a
soloist. The three young people performed at the May 6 festival highlights concert. (Photo courtesy of
Judy Morton)
Piano students awarded
12 firsts at music festival
Students of Judy Morton, Bel -
grave, were entered in 20 piano
classes at the recent Eighth Annual
Midwestern Ontario Rotary Music
Festival at Walkerton.
Mrs. Morton's students recorded
12 firsts, four seconds, ihreee thirds
and one fourth place finish, with
_•_marks . ranging f_ m_82. to_ 87.
Two students, 'Angie Yoon of
Brussels, who received seven firsts
and Patrick Cull of Belgrave, one
first and two seconds, each received
scholarships for further piano
study These were awarded at the
highlightbsconcert on the evening of
May 6.
Health nurse is visitor at
Women's Institute meeting
LAKELET—Ten members and six
visitors were present for the con-
sumer affairs meeting of the
• Women's Institute, which was held
earlier this month at the home of
Mrs. Laurine Wright.
A public health nurse with the
Huron County Health Unit, Mrs.
Marilyn King, took the ladies on an
imaginary shopping trip and
emphasized the importance of
reading labels on products to make
wise and nutritious choices.
She was introduced by Mrs.
Lloyd Forler and thanked by Mrs.
Elva Jacques.
The meeting was conducted by
the president, Mrs. Derril Hallman.
Devotions were given by Mrs.
Percy Huth.
In the business portion of the
meeting, it was decided to present
an award to a Grade 8 student at
Howick Central School and to give
a special prize in the homecraft
divi!ion at the Howick. and Turn -
berry,fall fair, .
Delegates to the Huron East Dis-
trict annual meeting in Brussels last
week were Mrs. Hallman, Mrs.
Henry Hohnstein and Mrs. Jacques.
It was announced that during the
recent cancer canvass, a total of
$1,060 was raised. A big thank you
is extended to those who collected
and to those who donated so gener-
Mrs. Hohnstein had the smile for
the day. The roll call, a penny for
each time you used your
microwave . this month, was
answered by everyone. A penny
auction bought the meeting to a
close and lunch was served by the
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Hohnstein on June 1
at 8:30 p.m. when the topic will be
concern Canadian industries. All
ladies of the community are wel-
WI members enjoy
tour of industries
BELMORE—A tour of two of the
main industries in Listowel com-
prised the main agenda of the May
meeting of the Women's Institute.
Fifteen members met at the Bel -
more Community Centre and drove
from there in four cars to the Spin -
rite Yarn factory. In the cafeteria
there, they received considerable
information on the growth and
extent of operations from the tour
guide, a former longtime employee.
They then toured some of the
350,000 square feet of factory floor-
space, observing an amazing array
of huge machinery, with the opera-
tors spinning, blending and dyeing
the wool and nylon yarns. The
members met later at the Yarn Fac-
tory Outlet to make some puri ps-
They then enjoyed a tour of the
Malcolm Furniture factory There,
they viewed the various steps in the
production and finishing of tables;
chairs, buffets and armoires, etc.
The plant ships furniture as far'
away as Florida, as well as to local
The members held a brief busi-
ness meeting before beginning the
homeward trip.
Give me books, fruit, French wine
and fine weather and a little music
out of doors, played by someboy I
do not know.
u a'1�y7u
Wingham students Marc Poulin
and Jenny Allison received a first
and third in their solo classes. Two
Belgrave students, Michael McBur-
ney and Jayne Vincent, received a
first and two thirds respectively for
their piano solos.
Stephanie Henry of Brussels was
awarded a first and a second, while
in a trio class, she, Angie Yoon and
Laura Douma earned a first. Laura
and Heather Seers, also of Brus-
sels, were second for their duet.
Ian Morton of Belgrave entered
two classes for trained vocal and
received two firsts with marks of.85
and 86. Ian was honored to be cho-
sen to sing a solo at the highlights
concert and also was awarded a
scholarship. Ian is coached, by
George Cull and Mrs. Morton.
The students are looking forward
to the ninth annual Walkerton festi-
val next year.
vii the f k and shut-
v ere worded.. F
Mrs. Awe - tt opened the ro-
ship. with the sin ng •of a hymn
and used a ... ortion. of the sixth
chapter of Si. Matthew's- Cosi*
and part of the Song of Solomon as
the ' basis for her remarks.;"
in tune with spring and Iifeis beau-
tiful," she said. Shoe followedwith
prayer and the singing .of another
Mrs. Audrey Fenton continued
the Bible study of Matthew, chapter
five. For meditation, she used the
writings. of William Barclay. So
Mrs, Olive Bolt, with the:.
map' .OfSouthern:; farm s
the area *wire : h
Indians and the area of th..
nonttes, She described the col
of Old Order Mennonites and
of modern peo
Mrs, Anderson concluded*
meeting with prayer..
000 -
You cannot make yourself fe
something you do not feel, but y o
can make yourself do right' in spy
of your'feelingsa
Pearl S.
Huron Landscaping Lir ited
Residential and Commercial Landscape Contractor
RR 2, Lucknow, Ontario
Bus. (519) 529-7247
1/2 mile south of Lucknow on
Huron County Road #1
Large blooming size plant are in containers
available for planting all summer.
Selections include:
• daylilies in mixed colors
dolphin iilu P i - --Nock
• hosta, violets, columbine &
• astilbe, trillium, primrose &
® coral bells, creeping phlox &
• periwinkle, ajugaftt moneywort
hanging baskets of fuschia,
impatiens, geraniums &
dozens of annual varieties
patio pot tomatoes, and much
s celebrating their
to our customers over the years.
From the staff Ralph & Comte Nixon,
Joe Brophy, Barry Bushell, ,
Wingham Steve Readman, Bill Tedesco
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