HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-09, Page 29a•
WPS TREE PLANTING Several trees were planted last week at Wmgham Public -School to com-
memorate the 20th anniversary of the Huron County Board of Education. Teacher Basil Sakasov
explains the.: significance of the tree planting to older students.
TMajor changes in store
for Ontario 4-Hpri.,
Ontario's 4-H program will be
rejuvenated to better meet the
needs of today's rural youth, says
Agriculture and Food Minister Jack
Mr. Riddell, Huron MIT, said last
week that proposed changes to the
program have been discussed with
local 4-H associations and they
have agreed that the Ontario pro-
gram will benefit if changes are put
into practice.
In Canada, the program is 76
years old, he said, and the pro-
posed changes will ensure it has a
solid following in Ontario for years
The program's purpose is the
personal development of youth in
rural Ontario, and there are cur-
rently about 17,000 441 members
and 3,600 4-H leaders in \ the
A review of 4-11 in Ontario,
which made suggestions for
strengthening the program and
attracting more members, was
released last December.
Since then, the minister inet with
presidents of local organizations,
and their suggestions for amend-
ments: and; additionse have' been.
)r+j *111.‘io: 4;'1211
considered,with many being incor-
porated into the proposal -
Some of the new directions
-To establish an elected Ontario
4-H council within three years. The
council will have expanded respon-
sibilities in formulating and imple-
menting policy, proposing and
evaluating projects, and allocating
funding for leadership develop-
—To broaden the scope of mem-
bership in local 4-H associations t
enhance community 1rrt olvement,
This could include involvement of
non -leader volunteers, members
and their parents and sponsors+ The
association would be re$ nsilsle..
for defining its members it, and
local bylaws, in accordance with
the constitution and ;over li+des
set by the Ontario 4- 't I1,
—To include 10. old,1
in the program. fib.
must have been 12,
This year, the „ptate
accepting 11 year
will begin accept
This will requir alt
of junior and Senior leve
• matellall•�: _ c, . i.4,24 ei :rr.*:.
—To organize a provincial cam-
paign for revitalizingthe image of
4-H in the rural community and to
develop resources and workshops
for local 441 associations. A formal
marketing plan will be developed
to communicate a strong image of
4-H as a youth development pro-
gram that is educational and fun. -
-The ministry's rural organiza-
tions and services branch willfur-
ther strengthen its support of the 4-
H program, by, among other things,
providing leadership training and
meeting resources for 4-H leaders,
and enhancing in depth orientation
and contact, particularly for new
leaders and members.
A for - i hf�`n ►s 1n 1'
tal cost of the expenditure is
est 'ted at V65,00, .
h ...;East WaWanosh, Mor-
ris Howick representatives
voted in favor of the making
purchase this year, Turnberr-and
Vgham representatiVes said they
favored waiting another year and.
voted against it.
The Turnberry ° resolution,
endorsed : by town co neti:, at its
May meeting, asks' that needs and
alternatives .:stud , fortheu
be provided; thatit r tend
the proper- ll* and that 4it %e essay
paid for in the same year it is deessay o
ha, '
en the issue came before East Mdistrict
inistrlt=of Natuna
�Nawa•nos'h uncia las week finer- th rine fir
bets said th y were reluctant to go as
what Ia
against the' decision` of. the fire yVildwbie" ' n
e ntar
year's contest
o To Help.
Fire board representative Fred other: winners are: Jennifer
Meier said he felt the Howick sta- Weigand, Stephen' Central Public
tion needs'a better pumper and that School;; second; Jodi Desjardine,
purchasing a newvehicle would also of Stephen .Central, third;::
allow one of the standby pumpers Stephanie- Lentz,„ Blyth Pubic
i Wingliant to be sent to Hoowick.: &Ehool w;fourt ; and tied for fi
Cheri Kryzonowski o Hullett L
Although r Was not • presentat tral oo' Carlao.
the April fire board meetln l ,son Breis ` d a
x �, � ���� hQcil
Hunter, the other East Wawanosh.
representative on -the board, sold. At an ':awards leelcJoemo
Fire Chief Harley 'Gaunt had pro- recently, mach: stud # i ceiv
wit ° oug ` ;deco y
sons w y a new pudic e? sj ould rbe. "f' ►t • m i+ cr ®wn 4 .Cal„
purchased now instead of waiting , diar wildlife artist Glen Loates. .
In Morris, council passedbthe fol- Robertson: Memorial Public
lowing resolution:: School received . a framed, auto -
"That.. the Township of Morris graphed 1 a'es print, ran auto-
are not supportive of- the resolution graphed =Loates poster of °the co)n-
passed by the Township of Turnber- mon loon, the book "A Brush With
no; April 18, 1989, concerning .sup- Life" for the school library, and the
port and payment of a new pumper Wingham District Essay Contest
for the Wingham Area Fire. Board; . plaque to display in the school, for
the council (of Morris) are of the one year.
Repairs of
rauiic Hose & Fittings
oettineil sold i le
tuud th
abs to
'submitted the
cd 1 was
ales..: 357-3402