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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-02, Page 15
LAND FSR RENT REAL ESTATE PASTURE IN BELGRAVE AREA. FOR SALE Please phone 357-2263. 50 ACRE FARM - near Au- burn, good frame hor oe, lots of buildings ideal for part- time farming or horses. 100 ACRg mt) neral pur- pose farm.rctr Auburn. 1 1/2 FLOO9. me home on 1 acre 1c,, dlyth. RESTAURANT & GAS BAR 3/4 acre paved lot, busy highway corner, in- cludes good home on same property. MYTH - unique one -of - a -kind converted railway station, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Targe workshop, 1 1/4 acre nicely treed lot. MINI FARM - on one acre at Holmesville, 3 bedroom home, lots of barns. Private location. Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. Mason Bailey, Broker 482-9371 24 hour service Sales Representatives Gordon Hill 233-3307 DO YOU have listings to advert,se in 132 weekly newspapers? can is now for details on our blanket classified coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the province. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb BRAND NEW 3 bedroom, custom built bungalow, $105,000. Phone 887- 9528. 25,2 REMINDER YARD SALE Registrations for Winghatn residents should be submitted by May 5th to Hill's Shoes, Mom's Place or Walter's ESTATE AUCTION SALE 1969 Chev Impaldcar, modern appliances, furniture, antiques, etc. to be held at the Brussels Arena for the Estate of Noreen Eder of Brussels Wednesday, May 17 at 6. p.m. CAR: 1969 Chev Impala, 2 -door, hardtop, 327 V8, automatic, p.s., p.b., like new, never winter driven. See next week's Crossroads for full listing RICHARD LOBB - AUCTIONEER ® 482-7848 Clearing Auction Sale Tractors, shop equipment and household effects for Evelyn Casemore, R:R. 4 Wingham' One corner south, 2 miles eastof Wingham on Golf Course Road -Friday May 1251989 at 5:30 p.m. For information contact: Evelyn Casemore - 357-1267 Auctioneer: Brian Rintoul 357-2349 Full fist next week. Farm Sold! EVENING Auction Sale of interesting items from the Estate of the late ERNEST EATON (of Wingham), with added consignments of home furnishings and antiques, will be held in the TEES - WATER AGRI-CURL BUILDING, on Mon. May 8, at 6:00 p.m. Partial List includes: chesterfield and chair; couch; rocking chairs; occasional chairs; coffee and end tables; Krug Bros. hall mirror; piano stool; lamps; crystal chandelier; matching bed with mattress, dresser, chiffonier, 2 night tables; bedroom -furniture; bathroom home spa; antique wool winder; large quantity of jewellery making equipment and supplies; books; antique lap desk; fur sewing machine with attachments and stool; fur pieces and patterns; 4 antique dolls; doll clothes; child's play dishes; early electric train; stereoscope and slides; Royal Doulton "The Chief" figurine; Royal Crown Derby china egg and cup; china cups and saucers; cruet set; quantity of dishes, glass, kitchenware; stoves, fridge, dryer, spin washer, freezer; some power tools; Roto -tiller; riding lawn mowers; and much more. LISTINGS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Owners and auctioneers not responsible for accidents, injuries or losses connected in any way with the sale. TERMS: cash or cheque with I.D. night of sale. Lunch booth Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, 393-6170 Grant McDonald, Ripley, 395-5353 4 APARTMENT$, FOR RENT 1 BEDRQOM apartment in Wing - ham, close to shops, $ 75 per month, including stove and fridge, utilities extra. For elderly person. Phone 357-2732 afternoons. IN WHITECHURCH, large 5 room basement apartment with garage, newly renovated, for couple or single adult. References preferred. Early occupancy. Apply to Box 2614, c -o The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont., NOG 2W0. 1 BEDROOM apartment, fridge and stove, utilities extra. References. Available July 1. Phone 357-1175. 2,9 R. W. Bell OPTOMETRIST Goderlch The Square 524-7661 AUCTION SALES Auctioneers: WALLACE UALLAGH, Teeswater • 392-6170 GRANT McDONALD Ripley 0 395-5353 Mon., May 8 - 6.00 p.m. - Evening auction sale of in- teresting items from the ES- TATE of the Tate ERNEST EATON, (Wingham), with added consignments of home furnishings and an- tiques in Teeswater Agri - Curl Building. Mon., May 15 - 6.00 p. Evening auction sale of home furnishings, antiques and woodworking tools for MR. & MRS. NELSON PICKELL (Teeswater) with added consignments, in Teeswater Agri -Curl Build- ing. Sat., May 20 - 10:30 a.m. - Auction sale of home fur- nishings, and antiques and tools will be held for MRS. CARMAN THOMPSON (Teeswater), in Teeswater Agri -Curl Building. Mon., May 22 - 1:30 p.m. - Production Sale of 60-70 head of purebred Yorkshire breeding stock for WHIS- PERING BROOK YORK- SHIRES, R. & S. Douglas, Clifford, at Teeswater Fair Grounds. FARM FOR SALE Approximately 100 acres with an estimated 95 work- able acres. Well maintained three- bedroom 1 1/2 -storey brick house located on a nicely treed lot with a small stream fronting on the property. Tim- ber frame barn and a good implement shed. Located three miles south and three miles east of Kin- cardine on a tartop road. E 1/2 Lot 23 and N pt. of W 1/2 Lot 23, Con. 12, Huron Twp., Bruce County. Offered for sale by tender. All offers must be received by Monday, May 15, 1989. A certified deposit of $4000.00 must accompany the offer. For further information, please contact: FARM CREDIT CORPORATION Art McGahey Box 428 Walkerton, Ontario (51 9) 881-1490 The Wingham Advance -Ti OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT es, Afey 2,1989- PRIME ,:1r 89u - PRIME OFFICE SPACE for rent, approximately 360 square feet, private entrance, will renovate to suit tenant. Phone 357-1522 for de- tails. rrb HOUSE FOR RENT MALE HAS HOUSE to share, near downtown Wingham. Phone 357- 2963. 2,9 3 BEDROOM farmhouse, with 2 -car garage, located outside Wingham. Available June 15. Phone 357-1013 after 6 p.m. for application. -000- There is no time like the old time, when you and I were young. Oliver Wendell Holmes. The Man To See Is 1 .41 don IJ41:.te 532347002 c 147 c New Luxury Apartments For Rent on James Street, Wingham Available May 1st These apartments are designed and equipped for retired or semi -retired peo- ple. These have 5 appli- ances plus air conditioners in each apartment. A lot of interest is being shown in these apartments, so don't be disappointed. Inquire now. Phone 291-1887 and 323-1902 collect. REDUCED - SLASHED TO $75,500 - Traditional elegance in this prestigious red brick home on Centre Street, Wingham: double living room, eat -in kitchen, dining room plus 4 spacious bedrooms and 1.1/2 baths. The woodwork in this fine home has been meticulously preserved and adds to the rich feeling within. Closed porch, large lot. PLEASANT FAMILY HOME - less than 2 blocks from school, 3 bedrooms, ample kitchen, generous living and dining rooms, modern 4 pc. bath and within convenient walking distance of EVERYTHING in Wingham. $64,500. TEESWATER BUNGALOW - 12 years old in extra nice condi- tion: country kitchen with dishwasher, tastefully decorated ing room, 3 ample bedrooms plus 4 pc. bath combining with utility area. Full basement awaits your completion. Scenic 66 x 132 lot. Four extra appliances included! A BARGAIN! EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE - 3 bedroom home built in 1983 (1416 sq. ft.) with extra roomy kitchen (quality woodgrain cupboards and dishwasher), formal living and dining room combination, two full baths, double front entry, heavenly rec.room with eye-catching fireplace and custom corner cup- board. Attached oversize garage. DECORATIVE APPOINT- MENTS ARE EXTRA NICE! YOU'LL LOVE IT!! DUPLEX/SEMI-DETACHED - buy one or both units - each side has over 2000 sq. feet finished, 3 bedrroms, kitchen plus living and dining rooms, recreation and games room plus utility and 1 1/2 baths, master bedroom has walkout to deck; carport, ALL only a year old for $87,000 per unit. Contact: OFFICE Stan Chadwick 357-2497 Margaret Day 357-2196 REALTOR 357-1344 BROKER REAL E S TAT E 199A JOSEPHINE ST., • 3571117 . 3 BEDROOM FAMILY OR RETIREMENT HOME - Only $55,000. Close to shopping and post office. Separate dining room in a comfortable main floor living area. Bath up and down. Garage attached. BLUEVALE INCOME PROPERTY - Just converted to a new 2 bedroom main floor apartment and a 4 bedroom family size living quarters. Both separately contained with -ample parking. The entire property has been up- dated and in well cared for condition. 33 ACRES © Recreation land. 7 acres clear provides a choice uncrowded building site in a quiet country setting on a main County Road. Already zoned for part time or permanent residence. Balance is mixed wood lot. Listed at only $29,000, TURNBERRY TWP © 200 acres. Renovated brick home. Large barn and vertical silo. 150 acres of choice system- atically tiled land, having a record of producing a variety of valuable crops. WINGHAM ONTARIO M [3 AIKILTIPLE USTIAKI SERA K. FITZSIMMONS 357-1117 Wingham BRIAN McBURNEY 3353761 RR 1, Wingham REALTOR