HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-05-02, Page 1'
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Wingham, Ontario, Tuesday, May 2,1989
BRANCH 180 PRESIDENT Don Farnell salutes after laying a
wreath at the cenotaph in remembrance of those who fought dur-
ing the Second World War's Battle of the Atlantic. A large turnout
of veterans participated in a special parade and church service at
St. Paul's to mark Battle of the Atlantic Sunday here.
Single Copy 50e
Special tickets issued
for doing something right
Members of the Wingham Police be heid daily and the two winning
numbers broadcast on CKNX
The week will wrap up with the
Optimist Bike Roadeo on Saturday,
May 6 at the Lockridge Memorial
"This is probably the first time
that the police stop cyclists for
doing something that's right,
instead of something wrong," Mr.
Jamieson said.
Department will be issuing tickets
to young cyclists this week, but
with a twist.
As part of Bicycle Safety Week,
the police will be handing out tick-
ets throughout the day to young
cyclists who have been observed
practising proper bicycle safety.
According to Wingham Optimist
Club member John Jamieson, each
ticket is numbered and a draw will
Wingham youth in fair
condition in hospital
A Wingham youth is in fair con-
dition in a London hospital follow-
ing an accident last Tuesday near
Dwight Chambers, 19, of Scott
Street in Wingham, is being treated
at Victoria Hospital. Shelley
Roberts, 17, of Tiverton also is in
fair condition at the same hospital.
Former HCBE chairman.
receives OSSTF award
Former Huron County Board of
Education Chairman Art Clark was
among those receiving Excellence
in Education Awards last week at a
banquet hosted by District 45 of the
Ontario Secondary School Teachers
The awards were established
three years ago to honor students,
teachers, and members of the com-
munity for outstanding contribu-
tions to education.
A Wingham resident, Mr. Clark
was first elected to the HCBE as a
trustee in 1982 and since then has
served in various capacities includ-
ing chairman and vice-chairman.
He chose not to re -offer in last
November's municipal elections.
As a trustee, Mr. Clark was rec-
ognized for his reasonable, rational
approach to educational issues. His
sense of moderation, combined
with an ability to exercise tough-
ness or compromise in appropriate
circumstances, wag considered a
valuable addition to the delibera-
tions of the board.
It was also pointed out that Mr.
Clark has been a staunch supporter
and advocate of public education
and an outspoken critic of Bill 30.
His involvement with communi-
ty activities has included Wingham
Kinsmen, Wingham Minor Hockey,
and the Wingham Recreation and
Community Centre Board.
He and his wife, Janet, have also
served as president of the Child-
hood Cancer Research Association.
Also honored at the banquet was
ART CLARK of Wingham, was among those honored for their
outstanding contribution to education at the Excellence in Educa-
tion Awards banquet last week in Holmesville. Mr. Clark, a former
chairman of the Huron County Board of Education is congratulat-
ed by Wingham Trustee Lil Nolan.
F. E. Madill when his sons accepted
an Excellence in Education Award
in his behalf.
Mr. Madill's name is synony-
mous with education in Wingham,
where — with the exception of a
two-year teaching assignment in
Port Arthur immediately following
graduation from OCE — he spent
his entire teaching career.
During his tenure as principal, he
guided the school through major
expansion periods and witnessed
enrollment increase from 600 stu-
dents to 1,350 in 1969.
It was in recognition of his work
as a skilled administrator, master
educator and planner that the
school's name was changed in 1969
from Wingham District High
School to F. E. Madill Secondary
Da.:a'. is
in car fire
Wingham File Chief Harley
Gaunt reports substantial damage
in a car fire early last Saturday
morning in the Toronto -Dominion
Bank parking lot in Wingham.
Chief Gaunt reports the call came
at 12:45 a.m., April, 29, to the bank
parking lot. The vehicle, a Mercury
Marquis, is owned by Kathleen
Saunders of John Street in Wing -
The cause of the fire is undeter-
The following evening, April 28,
at 9:30, firefighters were summoned
to the Aart deVos property at Lot
13, Con. 5 of Turnberry Township
to a grass fire.
The two young people were pas-
sengers in a car involved in a sin-
gle -vehicle accident April 25 on
Bruce County Road 23 near Inver-
According to the OPP, the acci-
dent occurred at 6:15 p.m. on Tues-
day, April 25. The 1980 Plymouth
Horizon, owned by Sherry Van -
Camp of Belgrave, was driven by
20 -year-old Paul Carter of Charles
Street in Wingham, report the
The southbound vehicle failed to
negotiate a curve,6say the police,
who add it was travelling at a high
rate of speed. The vehicle entered
the east ditch, struck two private
driveways and rolled several times
before coming to rest,
Mr. Carter and two other passen-
gers, Jeffrey Milnor, 19, of Walker-
ton and Colleen Vahey, 17, of RR 2,
Tiverton, received minor injuries.
However, the police report that Mr.
Chambers and Ms. Roberts suffered
major injuries and were later trans-
ferred to hospital in London
Two members
of hospital staff
get key positions
Two members of the Wingham
and District Hospital staff have
been appointed to key positions on
this year's convention committee of
the Ontario Association of Medical
Radiation Technologists.
Donna Sutton has been appoint-
ed education chairman and is in
charge of organizing the entire edu-
cation aspect of the convention.
Bob Hollenbeck has been
appointed co-chairman of the con-
vention committee and is responsi-
ble for the organization and co-
ordination of the entire event.
The announcement was included
in the agenda package for the regu-
lar April meeting of the hospital's
board Of governors.
Window broken
in disturbance
Wingham Police Chief Robert
Wittig reports the plate -glass win-
dow at Hanna's Men's and Boys'
Wear was broken in a disturbance
early Sunday morning.
Chief Wittig says the offender
was treated and released from
Wingham and District Hospital.
Charges are pending.
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