HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-25, Page 23, 44. •
• Unit fllkEUtbers• contipue
study of South Africa
FORDWICH--The afternoon unit
of the United Church Women met
in the church schoolroom on Thurs-
day, April 13. Following a potluck
dinner, the meeting opened with a
poem, -"Spring Cleaning", by Mrs.
Elder Harding. Mrs. Leo Ruttan
read the minutes and Mrs. George
Richards gave the treasurer's
report. "New Growth° was the roll
call, answered by 11 members.
Mrs. Harold Gibson gave the call
to worship and the meditation on
"The Challenge of Peace". Follow-
ing a hymn, Mrs. Bernice Marriner
read scripture from Isaiah, chapter
42. The worship service closed with
a hymn.
The therm for the prograin was
further sttgly,pf South Africa, Miss
Minnie McElwain and Mrs. Bill •
Magill gave a report on the church-
es of South AftiCk beginning With
the first Christians in the 17th Cen-.
tury, to the South African Council
of Churches in 1974. They outlined
how Christians have struggled in
the midst of a divided social con-
Following the hymn, Christ
There Is No East or West", the
meeting closed with prayer ledbyMrs. Don Beck,
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By Rudy Irieeftinan,
With the words, "I hereby ded
cate this ensign to No. 54
,Squadron of the Royal Canadia
Air Cadets," Legion and Squadro
Padre Doug Madge officiall
blessed the unit's new colors in th
Armouries last Wednesda
The beautifully hartd-embroi
dered banner, a gift from the mem
• bers of Branch 180 of the Roya
• Canadian Legion in Wingham, wa
then presented to the squadron b
Andy Rodipir, the branch's immedi
ate past president.
Accepting the flag on behalf o
• the squadron was Cpl. Gerald
Sergeant -at -arms Bert Morin
who, prior to the transfer ceremony,
had inspected the squadron ranks
acquainted the air cadets with the
history of ti unit banner.
•HeinfOrmed.the squadrenstlas
far back as Greek and Roman times,
military units have had banners.
"The unit banner or standard is a
symbol which the soldier used as
an identifying object, a rallying
point and it was always staunchly
Mr. Morin reminded the cadets
that individually and collectively
they have a moral duty "to keep
rthe squadron banner safe, well-
maintained and to give it its due
Capt. Earl Mino, commanding
officer of 543 Squadron, thanked
Mr. Morin for the branch's gift. He
assured the many Legion members
1- attending the ceremony that the
3 banner would be held in high
n esteem by the cadets. He also
n thanked the branch for its unwa-
Y vering support and interest in the
e many activities of the squadron.
Y On Saturday, April 15, several
cadets went gliding at the Hanover
-airport. The weather was beautiful
- and each cadet had at least two
1 rides in the sailplane.
s - • Participating in this event were
Y Tanya Bauer, Sandra Leuenberger,
- Jeremy Van Keulen, Eric Furness,
, Rob Lawton, Kelly McInnes, Elliott
Bauer,.. Pat McGlynn'ahil Bob Ben-
nett. Civilian Instructor Mandy
• Stewart accompanied the cadets.
Next weekend about 20 cadets
will be attending the All -Air Expe-
, rience at Canadian Forces Base,
Ipperwash. Since enrollment in this
event :is! limited, kcadets ',who chaltie
' actively participated in ditflaiti
exercises and ticket sales Will have
first pick to participate in the hap-
On Sunday, April 30, the remain-
ing cadets will participate in Branch
180's first annual Battle of Atlantic
memorial ceremony. The cadets will
form up at 10:30 a.m. in the Knech-
tel parking lot on Diagonal Road. A
service will be held at St. Paul's
Anglican Church at 11 a.m., fol-
lowed by a wreath -laying ceremony
at the cenotaph.
The squadron's regular parade
will be held in the Armouries from
7 to 9:30 tomorrow evening
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