HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-25, Page 10•a,
:ar Trinity ACW 0)v -ding
FORDW1CH—The April meeting
of Trinity Anglican Church Women
was held Thursday nig4t,, with
president Jean Sothern presiding.
The meeting opened with the Mem-
biers" Prayer and intercessions for
prayer partners. Mrs. Harold Fost
led devotions taken from the maga-
zine which is sent out by the Dio-
cese of Keewatin, reading a letter
written by Bishop Allan and the
consecration of the newly -built St.
Peter's Church at Big Trout . Lake.
Bishop Allan was assisted by
Archdeacon Terry.;McN.ear.„The pre,,.
vious church was built in the late
• '50s and was destroyed by fire in
January of 1987.
Roll call was answered by 23
members by giving household tips
which save money or the environ-
ment. Cards were signed for two
members who are ill. Members
• were reminded to keep saving
Smith's and Zehrs grocery tapes
and also to remember their secret
The Thankofferine meeting will
be held Thursday, May 11, at $ p Art., -
surrounding churches to be ►
to, .tt+(,nd, Mrs. Jocelyn Daunt �-
be the guest and wills on. ber
recent trip to the Philippines..
al ladies are planning to attend the
Deanery annual in London on Sat-
urdayA bus trip was discussed
and members felt they would like
to participate; more information
will be available soon.
Mrs. Alma,. Hargrave gave the
study book and members were
reminded of the fall bazaar. Mrs.
Brenda, Bunker displayed cards;
anyone needing any may call her at
335-3189. Bales will lie packed in
June; articles can be left at the
The meeting closed with Grace.
Mrs. Linda Doubleday expressed
congratulations Pat Brunarski
and baby son, Bryce, and on behalf
of the group, she was presented
with a baby shower. Pat thanked
everyone and lunch was served by
Mrs. Jean McGrath and Mrs. Donna
Officers are elected at
Junior.WI annual meeting
HOWICK®Marg Greig, 'provin-
cial president of the Junior
Women's Institute, presided over
the election of officers at the annual
meeting of the Howick Junior WI
held recently at Howick Central
The officers for 1989-90 are: past
president, Darlene Harding; `presi-
dent, Connie Fenton; first vice pres-
ident, Kathy McMillan; second vice,
Kate Tervit; secretary -treasurer,
Sharon Dettman;
Branch directors, Benda, Elk'
Henrietta Claus; district, director,
-Leone Foerter; JWIO representative,
Jane VanderVelden; public relations
officer, Mrs. Tervit; good cheer offi-
cer, Elly Emmerton and auditors,
Lynda Taylor and Janis Wallace.
Many .good ideas for meeting
programs and fund-raising were
discussed during a "brainstorm-
ing” session, while lunch was
served by Mrs. Tervit and Mrs.
_The -quilt made: for the Howick
Cellura w School 25th anniversary
party Was on display. Two of the
members, Mrs. VanderVelden and
Mrs. Foerter, have been working
along with members of other Insti-
tute branches to complete the pro-
Mary Hall reported on the spring
district meeting which the branch
hosted in Wroxeter earlier this
month. It was decided to send the
proceeds of the day to the Ronald
McDonald House at London.
A plant and bake sale will be
held at the Corrie hall on May 13
from 10- a.m to 12 non.
ladies volunteered to"'s"erve ate the`
Howick hockey banquet.
A committee consisting of Mrs.
Ernmertan, Mrs. VanderVelden,
Mrs, Tervit and Winnie Winkel was
established to organize a babysitti-
ng course to be.held .this fall,
The. United Church manse at St.
Helens was the.. scene of a quiet
wedding on June: 8, 1932, .wlien
Miss Ethel Gand s, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John.,tikiii of the third
concession of Morris, was united in
marriage to Burns Moffatt, son of C.
B. and the late Mrs. Moffett,
+ Canadian Radio -television and
Telecommunications Commission
Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des
telecommunications canadiennes
CRTC Renews the Ucences of 26 Originating Television Stations In
Ontario. Following public hearings in Toronto and the National Capital
Region in October and November 1988, the CRTC renewed the licences of
26 Ontario television stations and their rebroadcasters. With the exception
of CHCH Hamilton, all Ontario licences were renewed for five .years. These
Ontario stations are among the 75 originating television stations whose
!iconcps were renewed today. Hamilton CHCH-TV (indDpendent) KIItch.
ener CKCO-TV (CTV affiliate) --;London CFPL TV (independent) – Pette
borough CHEX-TV (CBC affiliate) Toronto CBLT (CBC owned -
and -operated) -- Toronto CBLFT (CBC owned -and -operated) -- Toronto
CFTO-TV (CTV affiliate) – Toronto CITY iyinde )
(CBC owned -and -operated) � pendent Windsor
-operated) - Windsor WEFT (PBC . owned-
and -operated) CKNX 1 V (independent) -- Kers CJBN-TV
(; TV affiliate) – Kingston CKWS-TV (CBC affiliate) North: Bay OMB -
(CBC affiliate) – North Bay CKNY-TV -(CTV affiliate). -- Ottawa CBOT
;(CBC owned -and -operated) Ottawa CBOFr mac ed-d-cperatedj
Pembroke CHRO-TV (CBC affiliate) Sawn Ste. Merle CHBX-TV (CTV
affiliate) – Sault Ste. Marl. CJIC-TV (CBC affiliate) =- Sudbury CICI-TV
fOTV affiliate) - Sudbury CKNC-TV. (CBC affiliate) Thunder Bay CHFb-
1V CTV affiliate.) -+ Thunder Bay CKPR-TV (CBC affiliate) – Timmins
ire 1..-'1"V ("BC affiliate) – Timmins WO --TV (CTV affiliate). Contact: Pi.
POM nd, Director General, Beatrice Baker, Information Officer,
`C Information Services, Ottawa, Ontario. KIA ON2, (819) 997-0313,
tial '(819) 994-0423. Where may 1 read CRTC documents? CRTC --
.be read in the "Canada Gazette", Part 1; at CRTC offices;
libraries. CRTC decisions concerning a licensee may be
?see's offices during normal business hours. You also may
f CRTC public moments by contacting the CRTC at;
uli}'19) 997-0313; Halifax (902) 426-7997; Montreal (514) 203-
; Win ipe8 (204) ::3-6306; Vancouver (604) 666-2111.
Ib .n o 4'1,:'71'1.1
Ck'Wit$Oi0,44421144**1441.444ii YAW
AN' INFORMATION NIGHT was held last week at the nurses' training centre in Wingham to
acquaint women with breast self-examination. Dianne Aitken of the Huron County Health Unit
conducted the information night and goes over some literature with Linda Kieffer and Dr. Peter
Long prior to the presentation.
liti° =art :..�.�
+^ � �.s r .y4 h�� i�C :.
Wornen's `Institute members gat -
ered at the Wroxeter Community
Hall earlier this month for the
spring meeting of District No. 3.
Branches represented were Luc -
know, Maple Keys, Saugeen;
Aberdeen, North Grey, Jean Scott,
Riverside and the host branch,
During registration, the ladies
enjoyed muffins, coffee and juice
while they browsed; through the
displays of cosmetics; crafts, jam
and candy set up by Cindy
Hutchinson and Dorothy Fenton.
The morning speaker, Jane
Muegge, rural organization special-
ist with OMAF at Clinton, gave a
very informative presentation on
wise money management. Since
management is using our resources
to achieve our goals, we need to do
financial planning so we know
where our money is spent, Mrs.
Muegge said.
She had each member outline her
monetary goals for the next six
months, one year, five years and 15
years. These were placed in an
envelope and will be mailed out in
six months. It will be interesting to
see if the monetary goals for that .
period have been accomplished.
Filing systems, personal and fames
y records, insurance and the "pros
nd cons" of credit also were dis-
The Wroxeter UCW ladies served
a delicious luncheon; -then the
members divided Into two groups
r the afternoon aetivities. The
groups spent one-half of their time
with each speaker.
One „ roup walked to Ginger -
read / All Museum where Gini
ewell explained the project with
hich her family is involved
The large collection of dolls front
e late 11300s to the present gave
members a chance to reminisce
bout . the dolls they had owned.
Having dolls in their original
oxes doubles their value," said
rs, Newell.
The other group speaker was
Helen Crawburg, general manager
I' C
Southwestern Ontario at • neon.
The house is a temporary home -
away -from -home for parents and
families of children being? treated
for serious illness m London h i
tats. Since it is operated by::.w,n�on-
profit volunteer group, the group
members always are grateful for
any donations.
A donation will be sent to the
Ronald McDonald House in Lon -
The three speakers each were
presented with lovely pots of
spring daffodils. Each lady Who
attended the meeting also received
Anne daffodils upon leaving..
Mrs. Greig, provincial JWIO pres-
ident, made announcements about
Several upcoming events. Connie
Fenton, Howick Junior. WI presi-
dent, thanked everyone, especially
the committee members responsi-
ble for organizing the day.
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Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
David Myer (Laurie Schneider)
who were married Saturday, April
15, in Fordwich United Church.
Tim Sothern of Kitchener and
Tracy Sothern of Palmerston visited
Sunday with their grandparents,
Bill and Jean Sothern.
Mr. and -Mrs. Jay Miller and sons
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lowe of
Pennsylvania were weekend visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rut -
tan and were guests at the Myer -
Schneider wedding on Saturday.
Mrs. Marian "Johnston attended
the Ontario Clydesdale Association
bangpot.:old, .Saturday, April 15, at
Mrs.. Elva`: Co • r sp a few
days last week _ Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Brown inti then
Mr. and Mrs. r Imes yet of
Pennsylvania s ° the weekend
here and attended the wedding of
their son, David, to Laurie Schnei-
der on Saturday in. Fordwich Unit-
ed Church.
Friends of Clarence Carswell will
be sorry to hear he is a patient in
Listowel Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Alma Hargrave and Mrs.
Bill Sothern attended the Scottish
Spring Festival at Bingeman Park,
Kitchener, on Saturday
In the next few weeks, residents
will be having Girl Guides and
Brownies calling at their doors with
their Girl Guide cookies. Everyone
is urged to pleasebe generous and
help support a most worthwhile
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Sangster,
Minnie McElwain and Mrs. Annie
. Pittendreigh visited Thursday with
John McElwain in University Hos-
pital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker of Oom-
pah called on Mrs. Annie Pitten-
dreigh one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Soper and Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Kelley visited Sat-
urday evening with Howard Welsh
at Moorefield.
Mrs. Rae Louttit and Mrs. Mur-
ray Donaldson visited Thursday
with Mr. Louttit who recently
underwent surgery in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Howlett of
Elmira were dinner guests Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kelley.
Kindness consists in loving peo-
ple more than they deserve.
Joseph Joubert