HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-25, Page 5ih,
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By Murray Cardiff, Huron -Bruce MP
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The April 27 budget will be
broadcast live on television Thurs-
day, and the budget debate will be
carried by the House of Commons
- channel. I cannot yet tell you what
is gouig to be hi the budget. How-
ever, I can give you an overview of
how a budget is debated and
passed by the House of Commons.
Finance Minister Michael"Wilson
will introduce a motion that asks
for members of Parliament to
approve "in general, the budgetary
policy of the government", and
then deliver his budget speech. The
government must have the confi-
dence of the House of Commons to
continue in office, and the six days
of debate that follow- will be on
whether or not to pass this motion.
Mr. Wilson's speech will outline
how much money the government
expects to raise and to spend in the
coming year, announce changes to
taxes and to programs, and
describe the state of the economy.
After Mr. Wilson speaks, a repre-
sentative from the Liberals will
speak for about 15 minutes in
-.response, And
debate to be adjourned until the
next day.
Day One: The Liberal speaker
finishes his or her remarks and pre-
sents a motion that proposes to turn
the confidence motion into one of
non -confidence. If the Liberal
"amendment" were to pass, the
budget motion would read "this
House rejects the budget for the fol-
lowing reasons..."
Someone from the NDP will then
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from our files
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(Please turn to Page 5A)
home. The canoe hit a current and
flipped over. The two men were
finally brought out by Doug Foxton
and Ron Bell in a motorboat.
Wingham Postmaster Gordon
Sutcliffe presented a testimonial
scroll to Mrs. Irene Johnston who
retired after over 24 years of service
at the Wingham Post Office.
It was an April shower of birth-
days at Brookhaven Nursing Home
as residents and staff honored four
ladies with birthdays: Miss Bessie
Scott, Mrs, Scotty Ross, Mrs. Marge-
na McGee and Miss Ann McEwan.
Mrs. Alf Lockridge was named
president of the Wingham Women's
Institute, with Mrs. Edith Powell
vice-president. Secretary -treasurer
is Mrs. Uldene McKenzie.
A memorial plaque in memory of
18 -year-old Stewart Mann of Luc -
know will be established by mem-
bers of the Lucknow Minor Hockey
Association in which he was so
actively involved for many years.
Stewart died in a two -car head-on
collision near Teeswater on April
12. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
speak, and present a `!:sub amend-
ment" to the Liberal motion that
states further reasons why they
believe the budget should be reject-
Day Two: A vote is taken on the
NDP sub amendment.
away, while others may take effect
on a specific date in the months
Even when the budget motion
has passed, the changes in the bud-
get are not law. Several different
bills may be necessary. For exam -
Day Three: Debate continues. ple, income tax, sales, and tariff
Day-, Four: A Vote,is taken -on the. ' changes are usually passed -as sepa-
Liberal amendment. `' . ;rate legislation.
Day Five: Debate continues. Tax changes take effect on the
Day Six: A vote is taken on the date specified in the budget on
main budget motion. assumption that the necessary leg -
What Happened islation will be passed.
Has the budget passed? Some Budget Terms
included in the price you pay. Here's a brief guide to some of
National- Sales Tax: The existing the words you can expect to hear
federal sales, tax will soon be Michael,Wilson use in his budget
replaced with a new national sales speech:
tax. The budget is expected to pro- Billion: For each $1 billion the
vide more information. government spends or borrows,
Many Canadians do not realize your share is $38, or $150 for a fam-
there isleral sales tax. It is usu- ily of four. '
ally collected from the'manufactur Fiscal. Year: The fiscal year is
er or. importer, and is hidden in the April 1 to March 31.,
price. Approximately one out of Deficit: This is the annual differ -
every eight dollars Ottawa raises ence between revenue and spend -
comes from this tax. The rate on ing. Last year's deficit is expected
most goods is 12 per cent. Alcohol to be about $29 billion, or $1,100
and ...tobacco are taxed at 18 per per Canadian Fuck er measures to
cent, &instruction goods at eight reduce , t te' • defrCi'e" 'will ' b
per cent, and cable television at 10 announced in the budget.
per cent. The current tax costs jabs Net National Debt The $321 bi
by effectively taxing imports less lion net debtis the sum of all pa
than Canadian products and by deficits. Your share is $12,300. For
raising the price of our own family of four, this is just unde
exports. $50,000.
Revenue from the new tax bill Borrowing Authority: The gov
will be used to abolish the existing ernment must ask Parliament t
federal sales tax, to cut income approve any increase in the amoun
taxes, and to increase the refund- of borrowed money. Based on th
able sale's tax credit for low income financial" requirements, Mr. Wilso"
Canadians, may indicate how much "borrow -
Tariffs: These are taxes on ing authority" will be requested.
imported goods. Financial Requirements: Not all
Estimates: The budget will pro- of the deficit must be borrowed
vide a general outline of planned from outside of the government
spending. A more' detailed summa- because there are some "non-bud-
ry will be provided a day or so later getary" sources of money. For
in the Estlimates, example, contributions to the Pub -
Ways and Means: In addition to lic Service pension plan are.,loaned:
the motion of support in the gov- internally until they are needed to
ernment, the finance minister will pay for pensions. The financial
announce several "Notices of Ways requirements measure how much
and Means" motions. These advise has to be raised.
Parliament of upcoming tax bills. Sales and Excise Taxes: These are
If you want more information on taxes on various goods and ser -
the budget, my office will be vices. Sometimes, they are a fixed
pleased to send it to you after the amount such as the 9.8 cents tax on
budget has been tabled in Parlia- each litre of gasoline. In other cases,
meat. such as the sales tax of manufac-
Many of the changes announced tured goods, the tax is based on the
in a budget will take effect right price of the product. The tax is
Organizationai meeting
of new row is May
Dear Editor: attending the organizational meet -
A steering 'committee has been ing of the Wingham and District
appointed to 'organize a public Wildlife and Fish Club at the Turn -
meeting to form a Wingham and berry Central School, Tuesday, May
District Wildlife.and Fish Club. 9 at 8 p.m.
The aiins of the club are to work For more information, please
with existing organizations to contact Terry Deyell,at 357-2808,
improve habitat for fish .and Richard Elliott Jr. at 392-6669, or
wildlife, to increase populations of Kevin Townsend at 335-3147.
existing species and, where possi- Yours Truly
ble, reintroduce species. TerryDe ell
The club will also act as a voice to Richard liott Jr
proper authorities on matters of Kevin Townsend
Eldon Mann of Lucknow and a concerns to its members. Work expands to fill the time
Grade 12 student at F. E. Madill Everyone, no matter how little or available for its completion.
t Se ondary S:ehool: ' • . . ' - 'great your iritergst, s ld.. ,plan on - ,: ' - • C. Northcote Parkinson
sererspao-r04. a. r s•a ams- avar-ac•wrzy a• wE nits, r 9)6,'►7 !':'. % form 97f�'1 :'tri. ,11 .?7li' ovr, -tNi v.iitgt''i'( rats' 0;thpi it
�C ITO: 7r /,74 .044.4Q,
.o' , as achieved =i'nti
al recognition fox'delive
_ the best ,health �` ys:
world. It is not, however, a.,toj
perfect system nor 'one isota
from the.pOsures of the Bhang,
-and advancing society,;:
A rapid increase in Ontario
seniors caniors
o .
u t;
., a o
the- "wed
P e
keep pace with - teehnolagi
advances and escalating costs a
placing new demands on heal
care as it develops to -to -.
There e two sides
the go
ernment's health strategy. To dea
with immediate needs --- in high l
specialized and often life -treat
ing areas such as trauma, Bance
emergency,, high jisk pregnane
and cardiac surgery, and to equi
the system to respond to changin
needs and changing times look-
ing to community-based care an
focusing on prevention and promo
To achieve •the latter; the govern
ment has released a discussio
paper the Health Minister Elino
Caplan says will serve as the focu
for public participation to deter
mine future directions.
Unique in its approach to devel
oping a comprehensive plannin
strategy, this document — Decidin
the Future of Health Care — lay
out the system as it is, explore
future challenges and highlight
preliminary steps already taken b
the ministry to meet changin
Serving an aging population
Approximately 10 per cent of ou
population is over 65 and account
for about 40 per cent of health care
spending. Costs are high because
ing t�
'S Cost. Ftrea8u�resl
t a
h ��**d
cal health was
re cost of delivering hu
th vices will reach a y
ure Exceeding both the rate of
and the rate."of• population
to .,, � .
... erease far � �:
�Dtltstnps +f�itaa
I economic growth.,
y The challenge lies in annswerinh
en- this question. Can we �spend`°uu
r, ways to better-. health, or are'theiN
y other approaches we should o�
tp . skier?
g By taking this discussion to t
people of Ontario, •the ministe o
d health believes we can ,all achiey
the government's g goal of contir-n
ing, to develop a system that.:pro
- vides equal access to quality "heali:
n' care services — the best sue .ca: -
r afford as close to home as possible.
OMAF Awards y'
I was proud to :present retarli
awards to two of our own Hurn
County stores recently at, a' cerieml
g ny .in Toronto.
• ValuMart in Exeter was the reel'
• lent of one of 25 certificates whic r
• are awarded annually to •story
y showing year-round, total stoi
g support for Ontario food product
Zehrs in Wingham achieved tl
distinction of being judged.�tr
• overall winner, province -wide;•' fc
lab that : r
lives, At the
xni riot
ten ars
s y
Canada has the western world'
e highest institutiortaIixatinh rate" fo
seniors. The challenge ahead is to
U provide community-based health
st services allowing seniors to enjoy
a the independence of living in their
r own homes.
New Technology: Advances in
- computer technology, break -
o throughs in drug therapies,:and
n advanced diagnostic and surgical
e procedures have revolutionalized
n the medical industry. Every day, the
These awards are highly regarr
ed in the retail. trade, and .al
s OMAF's way of acknowledging-tt
✓ ,excellent Support they.proVide
our Foodland Ontario Retail Me
chandising Program.
Grant to Riding -
Group Delta has recentl
received a $14,000 annual provir
cial funding commitment from tl!
ministry of community and socia
services to enhance its family vie
lence counselling program at th
Huron -Perth Centre for Children i
MICHAEL KING & PAUL VAI.JDRY will be singing 'If Yo
Should Meet a Crocodile" at this week's Walkerton music festive
The boys gave a preview of the song at the recent spring concert
Wingham Public School. .
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