HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-25, Page 1,T$462ToWVirl.t,1„,::1;',FA'e5.4, ;
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Wigfiam, Ontario, Tuesday, April ..g5, 1989
siPsle.Colay 5(4
Turnberry resoluti e
at delaying pumper purc ase
Turnberry Township Council has
Turnberry contributes 17.8 per cent
toward fire board capital and oper-
ating expenditures. That would
mean the township would be
expected to contribute almost
1000 toward a pumper this year
and the remaining $21,334 in 1990.
Councillor John Cox said he and
the township's other representative
on the board, Deputy Reeve Nelson
Underwood, voted against the pro-
posal for a number of reasons.
First of all, he said, it was coun-
e. •
proposed that the Wingham Area buying a pumper this year. Secona- The oily way Mr. Cox said he 4
Fire Board delay purchasing a new ly, Mr. Cox said he does not feel the could agree with the proposal is if
pumper, at least until certain condi- board has been provided with suffi- the fire department brings forth a
tions are met. cient proof that a pumperzeally is needs -alternatives study to prove
A motion to that effect was needed and thirdly, he said, it is that a new pumper truly is neces-
passed at the second monthly meet- "ludicrous" to buy a vehicle that sary. The claim that prices could
ing of Turnberry A motion- to that has not been properly tendered, increase next year or that the How -
effect was passed at the second Mr Underwood added that while ick station needs a newer vehiele
monthly meeting of Turnberry he could be convinced that the really do not justify the purchase,
department needs a new truck, he he added.
It will be distributed to the four still would prefer to see the pur- "There maybe are some other
reming aining member municipalities chase postponed for one year, giv- alternatives," he said. For example
on the board — Wingham, Howick,
Morris and East Wawanosh — for
consideration at their May meet-
ings before the next meeting of the
fire board on May 10.
At its April meeting, board mem-
bers voted 6-4 in favor of purchas-
ing a new pumper in 1980, rather
than waiting another year.
Howick, Morris and East
Wawanosh Township representa-
tives voted in favor of the expendi-
ture, which would see a truck chas-
sis purchased_thi& year_and Odtfi0.,
ted for fighting purposes in 19
However, Wingham and n -
berry representatives opposed the
motion to purchase now, preferring
to wait another year. The total cost
of a new pumper is an estimated
Under a cost-sharing agreement,
,t •
councils more leeway in one of the standby pumpers in
cirs wish that they vote against budgeting. (Continued on Page 2A)
1Vlorris council approves
township zoning bylaw
Morris council has approved a changes the planning department
draft zoning bylaw for the town- had made to the document and
ship. The bylaw nor'will be cireti,received councirsinput on_Several
fated tO3ilirteAlents,,intho, others. - —
will be eh:wired to make comments A number of properties which
at open houses slated for this sum- have,been "status -zoned" to recog-
met nine their existing use were listed,
Wayne Caldwell of the county including the Wingham Motel and
planning department attended the the golf and curling club.
second monthly meeting of council Mr. Caldwell noted that resi-
recently to present the bylaw. dences will be permitted on proper -
He outlined a few of the minor ties und'er 38 hectares, only if they
Firemen and board pay
tribute to Ernie Merkle
Wingham and area firefighters, as
well as members of the fire board,
paid tribute to one of their finest,
Ernie Merkley, last Saturday at a
retirement dinner in his honor.
Mr. Merkley is retiring after 25
years as a fireman in Wingham.
In paying tribute to his friend,
Deputy Chief Lynn Hickey said Mr.
Merkley was "always there" for the
department. His reliability provid-
ed peace of mind for the other fire-
In fact, Mr. Hickey said, the ques-
tion firemen most often asked when
they arrived at the fire hall for a
cal& waa here' but
zither, Wire fetr.---
Not only was. Mi. Merkley
always on hand for fire calls, he
was a regular at practices and at
any social functions. His wife Rita
also chaired the social committee
for many years. i
"This is a happy occasion, but
it's a sad occasion for me," conclud-
Merkley, tetirtog after 25 years on theWingham Ithe
Fire Board Chairman Ron Beecroft made, a presentation to Mr.
Merkley at the banquet.
• •
ed Mr. Mita% before presenting
Mr. Merkley with a gold-plated key
to the fire. truck he drove for so
many years to to many calls.
Fire Chief Harley Gaunt said he
and Mr. Merkley had shared "a lot
of good times and a few trying
times" over the years.
He called Mr. Merkley a man of
great devotion and dedication to
the fire department and passed on
something he had learned in going
over records of the past 25 years —
out of a total of 1,225 calls in that
time, Mr. Merkley had been present
for 1,006.
One highlight of the evening was
the presentation of Mr. Merkley's
long -service medal from the
province. Jack Riddell, Huron MPP,
presented Mr. Merkley with the
medal, as well as a plaque.
He also presented Mrs. Merkley
with a companion broach.
Master of ceremonies Nelson
Underwood presented Mr. Merkley
with a plaque on behalf of Huron -
Bruce MP Murry Cardiff.
A number of other presentations -
were made to Mr. Merkley and his
wife over the course Of the evening,
including a painting; a silver hel—
met and a model ick present-
ed by their tlaughtet Can*
bell. \
Mr. Merkley spoke briefly, thank- t
nghis feIlow firemen and the
board for the kind remembrances.
are an accessory to an existing agri-
cultural use.
This nle.V.11 that re -z (Ming wilt
be.requireliaraiand- under 38
hectares inrder to- build a regi-
dence if one js not already there. "
Chief Balding Official Leo
(Continued on Page 2A)
Committees for
dump re -activated
Turnberry council has reactivated
its own waste -management com-
mittee, as well as its public adviso-
ry board, to look into waste dispos-
al alternatives for the township.
Engineer Art Clark of Wingham
attended the second monthly meet-
ing of council. He suggested that
the committees be reactivated to
study the issIle;,' •
The Turnberry waste disposal site
is fast approaching the end of its
useful life and a solution must soon
be found.
Mr. Clark suggested contacting
other municipalities to see if they
might be able to accommodate
Turnberry's waste. Another alterna-
tive might be an interim expansion
of the site.
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Good note
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Community News
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