HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-18, Page 32r.
cc -Timm ,
sprayer 44;4) j to t
tection last%e of Canada
This is the time when risk is at its
highest becauseEarners are work-
ing .directly with the undiluted as
tic i1e product.
This means that in addition to the
standard use of rubber gloves,
A LOVELY QST was presented to Janet Bishop, first director Craps and rubber boots, the follow
of the Winghain and Area Day Centre, when she left the centre to isafetyui
further her education in 1980. The day centre marks its 10th be ing
'sed. pment should also
Eye protection should be v orn
when handling pesticide concen-
wile have sped lly
AVOW lenses I'or the:**
r ......
coy = Goggles with a rub ex, orlastie
strap, rather than cloth or elasti ;
shot4 be purchased for ease of
ccleaning.Contact lenses should not be
worn, arnerd, pesticides, especially
untie urge
anniversary of operation this week.
For recently expanded flooring, carpet, bath
and kitchen department.
Applicant must be. experienced
Since some retail sales are involved, should be ambitious,
enthusiastic and enjoy helping customers to solve their floor-
ing and decorating needs.
Product knowledge an asset but not necessary
Good salary and benefits
Apply with references in writing in strict confidence to:
Mr. Brian Douglas, General Manager
140 Main St. Listowel Ont. N4W 2B6
Express dales
Standards Co
TheStands:council of Canada
would "liikelo see everyone express-
ing dates in the same way and
thereby eliminate the confusion
now associated with the practice.
For instance, the SCC asks, when
the milk found at the back of the
refrigerator is stamped 05/06/89,
does that mean itis good until June
5, or has it been sour cream since
early May?
And when going through the
household bills, which should be
paid first, the one dated 89/05/06
or the one marked 89-06-05?
When it comes to expressing
dates in numbers, it seems every-
one does it differently ---a situation
that often leads to confusion. The
SCC, however, points out that. there
is only one correct way ofk writing
staiidarsl for writing dates and
times developed by the Internation-
al Organization for Standardization
(ISO);;. an agency with 91 member
Canada's participation, in ISO
activities is sponsored by the Stan-
dards Council of Canada, the
Crown corporation . responsible for
fostering and promoting standards
activities in this country.
A growing number of individu-
als and organizations around the
world are turning to the ISO stan-
dard for dates and times to avoid
confusion i everything from com-
mercial transactions to office
The public can join this move-
ment by following these steps:
Anne Coultes, Produce Clerk of Zehrs Mar-
kets, Josephine Street, Wingham, presents a
Zehrs Save -A -Tape cheque for $473.33 to
Mrs. Sandra Edgar, Treasurer of UCW of
Wroxeter United Church of Wroxeter whose
organization redeemed. Zehrs cash register
tapes in order to purchase card tables.
Our sincere congratulations to all who par-
ticipated in this very commendable project.
Me are pleased we were able to assist you.
This exciting fifer is open to any non-profit or-
ganization, church or school group, seryice club
or charity. Each $300 worth of Zehrs cash register
tapes is worth one dollar. For example, if your
club wishes to raise $250 towards a project,
$75,000 worth of Zehrs tapes would be required.
Complete details are contained in a helpful bro-
chure available at any Zehrs Markets.
Start saving your tapes. today!
ttgh resng;.fi ..
when workito
identsed by the Danger
poisqn signs, a resptrater
i to prevent exposure
inhalation when :warwit
Not every respirator fits eve
face. The institnle recti
shopping, around tint o:vine
found where the .pe
mask fits tightly
that air, enters only throuti
ter system. ,
Perhaps most important Of a:, ..
the safety measures when mixing
andloading, pOsticides is the use Of,
a liquid proof apron in addition a
he order the standard p. e1?,Yi_v lot, ;
y�` wilt each element It will great duce' a sur .,
risk due to spilling' of the pesticide.
concentrate. For.' men, the scrotal
area is the must vulnerable to pesti
cides, absorbing at a rate 11.8 times
that of the forearm.
In the event of a:tdirect spill onto
the clothing, it is important to
remove the contaminated clothes
and shower immediately. Army
heavily .contaminated Clothing
should be discarded and buried.
separated by a hyphen. For
instance, May 7,1989 is 1989-05-07.
—The year should be expressed
using fourdigits while the month
and day require only two.
—Write the tube of day in the
form hour:minute:second, using the
24-hour clock. So, 3:30 p.m. and 30
seconds becomes 15:30:30.
—Date and time can be
expressed together, separated by a
'°T", in this way: 1989-05-
—Midnight can be represented as
00:00:00 or 24:00:00, but anytime
between midnight and 1 a.m.
should be written using the 00 for-
—To representWa, ran of da; 4 f
'usea slasl, 1`)'Por example, May 7
to May 10 should be a written 1989-
-The writer need only express
the elements of date and time want-
ed. For example, May, 1989 is sim-
ply 1989-05. No day is necessary
Expressing dates numerically is a
good idea, the SCC says. Especially
in Canada where there are two offi-
cial 1
anguages, hence two ways of
spelling the date alphabetically.
Numbers can overcome the barri-
ers of language; but they only work
if everyone uses them the same
More information on standard-
ization is available by writing to the
Standards Council of Canada, 350
Sparks Street, Suite 1200, Ottawa,
Ontario, IIP 6N7:' ;.
Fresh water should be available
at all times near the sprayer area to
flush eyes or skin in the event of
pesticide splashes or spills`: Soapy
water should also be available to
wash gloves and hands when the
mixing and loading: has been fin-
ylas d n.YLS4m df III' .' $rte Y-0 S k. Mt,:,—
The. Crop Protection Institute of
Canada also reminds that it's
important to not only protect one-
self, but also the environment when
mixing and loading pesticides.
Work`shbuld be done well away --
150 feet - from any sources of
drinking water and all water cours-
es in order to avoid any possible
conte `ruination.
In December of 1932, a new night
watchman was named for the town
of Wingham at a meeting of town
council. The clerk reported that 28
applications were received for the
position. It was awarded to a Bel
grave rnan;: jo n L. Stewart.
C * 8 -BIOLOGICAL vitlititersin Vie *win ... .
`Todd Harrison; second, Janina uttan aid Tara Newell and third, Matthew Wingham School are: first,