HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-18, Page 16ThelY*Ilinitt.4.644009Tintek, APril Mk 2D COMING evorr vet .:Bet7;:kri • Wingham Soccer Association BOx 86 Winghami3Ordario MGM° IMPORTANT Registration for Soccer will -be at the Wingham Town Hall, 274 Josephifle'Street, WINGHAM, Ont. NOG k,WQ. • • • All registrations must be rituiiied by.April 22, 1989. Name: Date of Birth: S.I.N. Address: Age: Sex : OHIP#: Phone #: The Mount Forest Harmonaires present the musical/comedy "Robin Hood" on Friday, April 21 and Saturday, April 22 at 7:5913.m. in the Mount Forest High School Due to technical reasons, this show will be pea -domed only in Mount Forest, Tickets available from: Sillicks Hardware, Teeswater or 392-6171, 335-3104 or 357-1839 - A ent,Council.presetits__ Ahei4rd• Annual, , fiertithioriShpinf, 3 5i - d4 at 700 p.m.— Admissidn is $5 at the door hey must stop selling,ticIwts hen ow rOm4slifff 'f11318on't be late) See spring come alive with .„nys "Tasnions by: floomOnfr The SOM Rat • Lou ls Men's Shop Enjoyliklichrestire ,excipng Oblivnitig crlightS,' 'entertainment and fashion with many great door prizes. *All prpceeds to the Madill Student Council INVITATION TO A PUBLIC MEETING Huron County Access to Permanent Housing Committee Wednesday, April 19th at 7:30 p.m. Boardroom, Goderich Recreation Bldg. 166 McDonald Street, Goderich, Ontario To assess the issues and needs of the homeless and housing access in Huron County OPEN HOUSE Everyone welcome. Tenth anniver- sary open house, Thurs., April 20, 1 p.m., Day Centre for the Home- • bound (Wingham Armouries). Guest •speaker Dr, Anne Martin-Matthewg, Director of Gerontology Research Centre, University of Guelph. 11,18 •,DESSERT EUCHRE PARTY Whitechurch Women's,Institute is holding a dessert euchre party,on Mon., April 24, 136 p.rn. in the Whitechurch Hall. Admission $1.50. Men Welcoine. 11,18 •4f in JUNIOR Fl 't • D• ERBY Sat. April 29, 9 am til 5 p.m. Prizes are sponsored by Staintons Hardware, Canadian Tire, Wingham Sales Arena, Hook, Line & Sinker TOY OPEWHOUBE The latest spring and summer arriv- als from Dikovery Toys. Top qual- ity toys, books and games for all ages. Come have a coffee a see the award winning line ur, of Discovery Toys, Fri., April 21, 7-9 p.rn., Sat., April 42, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Sharon Bakei*.homet .64 Victoria St. E., Wingham. Phone 357-3152. 11,18 ROBIN HOOD The Willi FOrest• Rat hilaires pre- sents the musical l).10edyf "Robin Hood" on Pri, APtir,ti add Sat., 4pril 22 at 7i59 Fon. In the Mount reirest Distrik High 'hod. Due to, technical reasons this , will he performed only in Mount Forest. Tickets available from Sillicko Hardware, Teeswater or 392-6171, 335-8104 or 357-1839. 11,18 , ANNUAL and fit 4Ct9u 46GY-1. MOO' Terrace, Goi 1)Bipant. and will:..featUreKls the oc, child abuse prevOnno - memberships: ($0) are 4101401e at ' '441m aT the doo-Coiltit440..;p1Apper.::yOlit will be use Children's• OMER, 6Htaon, t..i Star,1, andeuci at. Home In to, end ask a must at 1 one w omf4. ga ear oad;PnxLeedift, fOrgsta _r1 Awards. ROAST BEgir NOON LUNCHEON At, St Stephen's 'Anglican Church, csir.rie, Thurs., April 27, Starting at 11* •‘• , „,- 18,25 MIXED DARTS. •Friday, April 21, Wingham Legion, 8:30 p.m. Last game of the season.' Everyone welcome. BAKE & GAItAGOSAL • At elgrave WI HaltOri; Apri 29,. 10 a.m.42 noon, SPOIlsOred by Anglican church WoMert„,„Blgrave. 18;2$ IRL WA; E COOKIES f The Winglialn'Brownieg;Gliidell and Pathfinders will be selling Girl Guide Cookies dom.-to-door in Wing-: ham on Sat., April 29. If you are un., able to purchase cookies on that day, phone 357-1605 after 6:30 p.m. Thank you for your support. Rain date May 6 ,DABBER BINGO - 0 . Lucknow and _District Lions Club .„.,______ 18. dabber bingo every .Sunday, Luck. RUCK AND DOE ''' : :". .2j ''' i - now Comxnuni1X1Peatre, 7 _..:115 .1)..n1" . eDd7vvrshoeeqcnha.61:,,a`opmssilit Ai4T-44COndftioni entia) 4irl0 ' • 'Prize board Over 0,000,, ti,t99 jack 5jjg' pot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. ,Fpf° Bill Jefferson merand Debbie WINGkIAM' '01(CEIFORLfLiFE Fifteenth annual dinner, Wed., April 26,..7,p.m at St. Andrew's Presbyte- rian Chtirek"Wingham. Tickets $8. Advance sales please,, Phone Nancy McKeon 367.42169 dr1ii ampeau. 571-1.874. Guest speaker Beverly Hadland front -the Toronto Abortion Crisis Centre. - 18,25 isRuassEiiisiLivitsintrni.er imr4c Friday, Apr' upodgiging 9 p.m.- a.m. at pm Community Centre. $s per pericin. Everyone welcome. #amie tIalinintntI)Jdvancei Pickets, phonei81F-4289ponsored byl Junior "D" Booster Club. 18,25 GARAGE St. Padrs 1vI 'arge an bake Sale,- Sat., May t, bkiveen a.m, and 12 noon -in St. Paul's-Angli can Church basement, Wingham. — ? ,.-\•!-._7 BATTLE- OF ATLANTIC - Branch 180 Royal Canadian Legion Wingham, will hold their first annu al Battleof Atlantic Sunday on Apri 30 in Wingham. This event will be at tended by Branch-180menilierskand Ladies' Auxiliary, The Kitchener Waterloo and Huron ,County.,NaVal Association, Zone C-1 Legion mem- bers who wish to .attegd, And any other veteran in our.ited ithewoUld like to partieipiite. The'pipe band Will also be. in. .attendanee.. The, parade will form up at 10:30 a.m. at Knechtel's parkingon Diagonal Road. A service Will be held at Si. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham at 11 a.m. a wreath laying ceremony will be conducted at the Cenotaph following the church service. April 29, 9 p.m.r1 j.„ . #11. Music 18,25., • 5-1 • t , ;,4 - LAWN SALE Sat., April 22, begin-. ning at '10 -a.m. Something good for everyone at 138 Scott St., -Wingham. COMMUNITY garage sale Turn- lierry Central Scheol Auditorium, Sat., April' 29; 10 a.m.-3 P:nt Items related to children, bake table and lunch booth_available. TUtwAY, May 6, 8 a.m.-4,p.m., oth sSliecl4Itshway87,(Nelis St., Gorrie. Baking; toys, clothes, dishes, et . ern eeltt Gorrie I ter. Ladi ` 4•••• %-•-,'P 1Y.A .401 .onmi.l.fair441 XX.) yfoT •sgu,ND‘TiiAttl RABLE VIA cliARTER BANK " ' ' of CARDS OF THANKS •. .• Ormat and I would like'O thank Dr. Long for his kindness and under- standing, the first floor nursing staff of Wingham and District Hospital for all their TLC and the staff and -yolunteers,of physiotherapy and Cupaikaill- therapy. Also thank you to Rev. Rea Grant and to friends and land ' 41b* thtt Vrsitre"414 cainzrivii .'qrf e'FF-1 a . much. : • Ea; f : NOTICE 1° of the late Riellard 'OF, win e appreciate ery eece wishto thank all thOSe-.who . cP TOE TEE',FfP1-1(0 , NtRyIBER for B „ 4tfn 9. & M Rentals is 357-1666. 2 : EcLYTH LIONS dabber bingo-everii Thesday at 730 -p.m, Blyth and Dis- trict Community Centre, $3. Jackpot must go, over $1,000 in prizes. 25rrb 1 - WE ARE happy to hpld cy,our photos of weddings, anniversariesi4etc. at The Advance -Times. Office. But if yim leave thein for more than two weeks they may "get -lost in the ''.ston as'PoSSI • s uffle e rem up as 2Orrb ' 0: • • . SLENDE,Et. CONCEPT has,. Tanning Tubes", for your tan.2 sessions for $35. Get 3 free until A 30. Phone 357-2801 sent dards;-110Vveri and expressions of sympathy! Many thanks. to Branch 180 Royal Canadian Legion for their kind help. Also the Ladies' Auxiliary 'for- the lovely lunch. Thanks to Rev. D. Madge and choir at St. Paul's for the lovely service. God bless you all. Lily, Neil, Pat, Sonya and Brandy Reece 1 91101 iii,$g)614r, nurses and itatetii deafIhrigham and District Hospital fOr Abe speeial, care we re- err- iiiiyit,raorliO. thanksi 07t.0 A n Kath keeP bad • • , -Jayne and Kby Skinn .1,weRld liketp thankeverpme whq ew Made my grand opening such-a,suc cess. All of your best wishes, flowers and words of encouragement meant more than you will ever know. I couldn't have done it without your support and especially that of my family. Wayne and his family, Susan and Raymond and family for all those long, long hours of work. Words will neyertell you how much you al ifi* *6( 'Kerri and Julie! You are the greatest kids a parent Could -WW1 for. Taking over at home and having meals ready is a bigger help' thank yon realize THANK YOU. Most of all to Bill. Words could never express my love and appreciation for all your help and supportlhaiik)?Ou to each and every Mel • • ;i • Cluis,tine McGrath, Christine's Clothes Closet ive pril 18,25 FOR your protection, The Wingham 18,25 Advance -Times does not accept en - DANCE • : At Wingham ArmourieS totof'dotes Olde Tyme Mu.sicc' APrit /21, 8:30-11:30 p.m. Freewill donations. Ladies please bring sandwiches. Sponsored by "Wingham Happy Gang". Everyone welcome. FAMILY DANCE On Fri., April 21 .9p:m..-1 fent at the Belmore Music by "George" Tidies please fain' y. Proc ti`. be r ' gagement, ,marriage and birth an- norticintW btot eph one. All such ialei50 notices emust, le -delivered to our of- • in.POSon. They'ihould be typed or clearly handwritten. Monday at 10:30 a.m. is the publication dead- line. r; bring lunch. $3404'iie on or $7 per 2Orrb LEWIS Flowers, Wingham open every- turd‘petill 5:30 p m Phone ; • ..., . • 3 • i• • • 41, !• qr 1- • - sync .ANtill For .Steyep Bray and Atkichelopoulet on OtitiOkillOpint,..iiati, at tee Brussels; Morris and Grey Commu- nity Centre. Music by "The Ozarks", Lunch provided. • 18.25 17rrb SORRY,. no cancellatioriedr cfiatiges ;in classified ad In*4)05ilade,later calAn, in The Advance -Times • • tha 10:30 a.m. on Monday for publi- 2Orrb SHAKLEE PRODUCTS now avail- able in Wingham. Phane 357-3128 and ask about our "Pamper Night". 18,25 • ' flr4 , 4 , 4.9 f ,foff4 . ••1.441,44.,AAMs..