HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-18, Page 151.q ,1,4• ' t : • • • • 60: ' • . ' r.t ••;;." , ' ,••• • , • -'••; THE. OQRPO.Ti OF THE COUNTY OF HURON Requires a • • n Istrator Due to the retirementrof the Clerk -Administrator, the v•orPow" ration of the county 01 Huron (population approximately ) 56,000) is seeking a elertc-Administrator to administer the affairsof the county, in accordance with Corporate By-laws, Provincial Statutes and policies of council. Applicants must have a successful background in public administration with a -minimum of five years experience in a ,senior management pOsiti9n with a similar sized municipality or other government agency. The successful candidate will be an experienced manager of people and resources, who able to win the confidence of council, staff and the general public. Familiarity with municipal finance, and labour Felations and the ability td.be.an assertive leader are esential'Appli cants must have excellent communication, and publig,rela,- : tions skills. • The 1989 salary range is $55,978 - $67,210 with anex, cellent benefit package. Applications and resumes will be received by the under- signed, in confidence, clearly marked APPLICATION, CLERK -ADMINISTRATOR, until 4:00 p.m Monday, May 15, 1989. t B. G. Hardy County of Huron Court House Square Goderich,- Ontario N7A Clerk -Administrator WINDOWAPLACEMENTS' At Se0D/Apigrict High School.- 'geatiht Chltarior;1 ,A,V ; I I . t Separate- sealedtenders: addressed to the Huron 'County'. Board Of : Education, will be received at the following ad- dresses before 3:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, April 27, 1989. 1. Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz Architects • 516 Huron Street Stratford, Ont. • N5A 5S9 2. The Huron County Board of Education . 103 AlbertZtreet' • - Clinton, Ontanb-• - NOM 1L0 • • Big Bond or Certified Cheque in the amount- of $5,000 of the tender price is required. Successful Bidder may be re- quired to supply 50%-Pivformance Bond and 50% Labour and Materials Payment Bond. General Contractors may obtain tender documents at the offices of Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz, located at 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario and the Huron County- Board of Education at 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R.B. Allan J. Jewitt Director of Education• Chair, MATURE, reliable person willing to • "MS. ONTARIO Photogenic" Livf • Quaifflcgtion t iriclyde a dereeiplorna.in Ih HUrnati Servlbes fi1I ot sudy or its equivalent, Senior I Management and administrative experience, a good - knowledge of a volunteer Board strubture and the oper- ation of a charitable organization. - Salary will commensurate with qualifications and experience. Please submit a complete resume by Friday, May. 1. 1989 to: Esther Cantelon • President Wingham and District Community Livirig.Assciciation • P.O. Box • 4adittoriat soivio An0e, vat St:!G"n 250'Pittfie (OH -2). Tenders will be, received. ;16110a0:tatitobor ..untili,n1 014 by1' eic 1.0,. 1989 ,; 'A- • • 48 The Square,un Housing.. Ontario N7A 1 M5. (519) 524: 2637 from whom details and:. :specitications, may be •�b eGO RJCHJ,I. d,; 726 - luotin '"re rem*, Wingham, Ontario • ibrifiber as a t,icloweOt ti NOG 2W0 'nec• accepted. '• SUMMER •EMPLOYmENT. Inter- WORN WANTEDtOMING-EVENT '7* Preter(s)-guide(s) for the Wingham - • „ and District Museum,- 'mid -June-- EXPERIENCED . houseeieaner; • EUCHRE TOURNAMENT - early September, Mon -Sat, 9.a.m-5 ' Phone any time 357-2673. - .: . Blyth LionS, Mixed Euchre Tournit-:::- p. Send restiine irawriting to: Mu- . 41.!18,2.5.:, meat,- Blyth .Commitnity7 Ceittrei-,,. sewn Seccretary, Box 1522, WIng-... , „,- , , , -_ ' Sat; April 22,. ilp.m.:PixeS$5114#0T ham, Ont., NOG 2W0 by May 1, 1989. HANDYMAN Wants ' work'. Yard 'Va. Tickets $4 per persom,Lutichino. 11,18 cleaning and maintenance, Painting, eluded. For tickets call Don Serinliw '.....:, roofing, chimney and sidewalk re- geour-52344551,, Barney Stewart 523,, TRANSPORT DRIVERS ne.ded. nairs. Also vimd cutting. Phone 357 - Get. yOii• rl''S ''A''' lie -nee at On- iit83. 9448, Todd Maedonalet523-9224:-....: r,,,.. ceeds- te,Sunsinnei ketuidatiiiui tariO'S tildeStj•aind7Farge.St 'training ••• 11,18 community services,' ,, - ..-I ,,-- ' • Tax dediietible, weekend course, job SPRING CLEAN -Up. Teen*Tunf - :''`• r , Cailibriake• ' : mewassigtiattin;e6atisery,ihneoeor , 06,I4r• 1,• tliTitstp170-e,wELF--ted---Lrol-v-roongithtilic,..i.r-gr .. AHNowNiu.ci,A4lailegtiE0"tcAsteite'ii,:f;,•6•41init:.:Iii:y.,:.....,,t..: ,, . % ,- care; flower' oeos, eliements, etc. meeting on Mon., -April 24, 9 p.m. aW, ...,,,. - 3tf Ple.ase ,phone 335-6241 or 357-1737 • after 3:30p.m. . „ Howick Community Centre. . . • WELCOME WAGON openings in ,. f • winghatiArea-to-c-etithutiastic, out- WOMAN wia, tio :houiewfkrkiPr,: . soriitipmutioAlor •- * ; going business .Minded persons, who elderly people. trifii tiiteatiortatiOn. The ,family- ofiWallaceOnn -invites— • would like the opPortunity to earn -Phone Bnanie367-5665. ' - . you to an open house in honor of higti . extra money.. Part-tiine ,poaitions., . 18;5,2' 80th birthday' on Sat., April 22, 2-4:301r, - flexible hours. Car essential. Tiping ' an aiset. Phone 2814164 or apply to: AN EXPERIENCED, re.4.),iaiAle_w,'00H11.7. on. in' St; Andrew's ..PreSbyteriamt,., 49 Allen St., TillSetibtirg, Oa, N4( al wilt d� IMusecleamng any time* ' '''' . ' i''' J11,1811.4 ..4. ,,,, _ . ChurehirWingham,',BestWishes only 4V7. ' „ . _ Reasonable rates. References avail - 18,25 able. Phonie 357-3004 after 6 p.m. 18.25.2 _BUCK AND DOE• • For Bruce Campbell and Susaime 5 4 centre. CoUrsetatteverY Monday. 11,1 •• ORGANI$TSenior Choir Leader for Wrngham United,phfebBoon fides &gabber 1. Salary negoti- able. Two manual pipe organ. Con- . tacfJeftnelle Wardrop, RR 3, Wing- • -him, Ont.,NOG 2WO. Phone 357-3480. - • , 18025 CHILD CARE _ RNA ' NEE ED. et Bray'A RELIABLE BABYSITTER for 21k" Lodge. Also reside 1 accoirniiio, hours per day, 5 days per week• : dation available, bright hona‘like Phone357-2164. •-atmosphere. Reasonable rates. 18,25 Brade -Ledge 357-2251 or Copeland Lodge 357-2211. Fidler, Sat., April 22, 9 p.m. -1 a.inQc Howick Community Centre. Musci' by DJ. • • i118 RESPONSIBLE babysitter, Phtine 887-9028. 18,25 18,25 • WANTED HELP WANTED CERTIFIED dental assistant for pregnancy leave, June -October. Ap- ply in writing to: Dr. R. Bateman, P.O. Box 190, Wingham, Ont., NOG 2W0. 11,18 AQUAFINE, the leader in water treatment is expanding again, sales rep, required. Complete` training, salary, cornmissionv car allowance,gas allowance, benefit package available. Phone -today for view, 364-1894. /oh HELP; WANTECt?i ' 4d 4 HAIRSTYLIST - "A Career, With a Future". Classes, starting through- out the year. Contaetthe.K„itchener- Waterloo School ,of-Ilairstyling, 186 Victoria St. N., Kitchener; N2115C6 or phone7455641. OSAP loans avail - b1 • assume various responsibilities in testants wanted, roust be -18 _years all aspects of retail store and con- old by August 1,1989. ?hone Marco struction office:, -Candidate must Studio, Pedinerston, 519443-2201 for have excellent telephone manner, details. letter voting Allis, bookkeeping •18,2 and computerAteracy; gtiodortani- Zationat s1ci118461.abletemairlt Wit&, out anpervisien-. Please send resume STORAGE WANTED outlining salary •reqifireMents.- to: P.O. •Box 358, Winghain, Ont.• ,•NOG Diuwi ninpleinent shed. fOrsears r • 4,18 - 2WO. related-liart.S. Phone • 357-3745 after -, '4 .K; 44, • ..SINGL4 daytime poultry ;duties; kt,,ifl' • ; handi , Phone 'M4814)481 ;:e43 0,,, .; Iw. 01.4*\;*11-' ' : 4.:e., ED TO BUY , , • . 'BOY -"firitigne timiniture. Oak, tioMika' soh itt '2".. ' • pine ete ete:Phone887-9546. 11 10 4.1 • fl housekee- rag nOme •E eanstt,tritien:: • usinaii.Stattbritriediate• lituttfie: A.8°C11.1111"g' • `'$§01044001t0.11'eti!#!,.4001P1041,f0,-* -320Wileiphy, gQ,401phone SHORT ORDER COOK al*WaitreSs clod cam Should be very Wanted. Redwood ReStaurant, Clif- tesPOnsible. Phone 961,181. b ford, 327-8738. xrattigileiti)-- =gild tiiiistier to 28,4,11,18,25 oik with, fait& - • • 4• Box 358, Wirigharri, atiit„ 110G 2WO. • 11,18,25 inr `" • , • . • .• ••••.: SINGLES' DANCE At White Carnation Hall, Holmes- - vine, Sat., Aprii22, dancing 9 a.m. .Music by Norm Dunsmoor. Ni jeans please• •. • /NE COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE okh The students, parents and staff of • the Lucknow and District Christian-. School extend a cordial invitatien our neighbors and friends to come to visit and see us at our school (2.1untel' east of Lucknow on Highway 86) oats Tues., April 18, 7:30-9 p.M. )rict, JOAN BARIrOOT,- AWARD.-WINNING NOVELIST via . Will be speaking at ,the Wingharnin Branch Librarron April,21;altir; „ 1215. Bring, a bagluneh. Thelibrat* • will provide coffee; tea and IleSfielt. Admission free. EVeryone welierile•4 Sponsored by the }Wren Comity 141.- brary and the Canada Gountil fem.' the llth annual National Book Path& val. 18,25 • • I VT APPItECIATION NIGHT Saturday, April 22, in honor of Ernie Merkley for 25 years of dedicated - service to the:Wingliam and Aireitivi 'Firembeliattlifet#:; Aancifisv,p1.irt.Lpa a .rni ; Wiiighatti 11.4givit; welcome. “- ' .vbit