HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-18, Page 14.14.4 The Milutra Advance, . 7',;'• „.% 1;! • ". "..•• 11'1,1 •:,..••••1 • UM1V1ER HOCKEY. Need new ates? For sale, Bauer 100s, sizes 3,' and 81/2, all in excellent condition. est offer. Phone 357-2373 after 4:30 Yllit • 11,18 ViEDDING INVITATIONS. Drop in d view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance - Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-2320. rrb ELECTRIC MOTORS. Top quality a low prices. Most sizes in stock. fore you buy elsewhere check our 1 rge selection and competitive p ices. Moorefield Equipment Ltd. Teviotdale, Ont,, 1-519-343-2122. YOU have items to advertise in 1 ;•0 weekly newspapers? Call us now f • details on our blanket classified c verage of Ontario or specific a eas of the province, The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. ft rrb 2 YEAR OLD Vagabond 12 speed mountain bike. Phone 357-1984 after 4 p.m. ; • 11,18 FIREWOODyMbced hardWciodi Sear= •••! soned1 year, $35 per 32 cubic fillet. Delivery extra. Phone 523-9360. ; E: • . • " • 24tf , . • KEROSENR.tty metered pump. Lynn Hoy. Phone 357-3435. 8 28tfn ADDRESS labels: gummed 200 for $&95; -press-on 200 -for $6.95; trans- parent 200 for $6.95. Add 7 per cent pst to all prices. The Wingham Ad- vatce-Times, Box 390, Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-2320. • FOR SALE SPORTS CYCLE. 1984 Suzuki GS 400 ES FOR , 8,000 km actual. Excellent con- dition. Must sell. Make an offer. Phone 3574184 or 335-6453 after 5 p.m. 11,1$ TWO 20" BICYCLES; also 2 Cooper ball gloves, suitable for ages 5-7. years, 1 left hand and 1 right hand. Phone 357-3273 after 6 p.m. 2 YOUNG BEEF COWS and 3 beef heifers, pasture bred, 1 due in May; several large maple trees for fire- wood. Phone 357-3605. - 18,25, MY -D. HANDEE cattle chute with automatic head -gate, $400; Bee elec- tric fencer, $45; 65 cedar posts, $1.50 each; approximately 50 steel fence posts and 50 electric fence stakes with insulators; feed cart. Phone 357-3002 after 6 p.m. USED LAWN and garden equip- ment: John -Deere Rider; 7'hp, 26" mower, $295; JD 66 Rider, 6 hp, new engine, 30" mower, $595; JD 112 tractor, 12 hp, 39" mower, $995; JD 200 tractor, 39" mower, $1,695; JD 214 tractor, 14 hp, 46" mower, $2,195; JD 314 (factor, hydro static drive, 14 hp, 4V mower, really clean, 4,595.1 Contact Keyin Buchanan, Huron Tractor Ltd., Blyth, 523-4244, out of town1-800-265-9002. 18,25 COUCH, chair, coffee and end table, excellent condition, $150. Phone 357- 1538 after 6,p.m.. 7546 rOorivralia-di'fitapiiilif, atit 12-14", notsPlit. Phone 335-3579. 18,25 "PRECISION" -garden seeder. • 20rrb Phone 357-1463 after 6p.m. “,:•.(' 1-_ • , GUTTER CLEANER chain, Cutter cleaner chutes rnade of steel, wood omprecast concrete.,Drive units and parts, to fit- entake&Of 4cleanersirl'.) Far sales, delivery or installation -contact Moorefield Equipment Ltd., inTeviotdale, Ont., 1-519-343-2122. DO YOU have a favorite recipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photo- copies of it for your to pass along to yelir friends. We can do any quanti- ty. Drop in at The Wingham Ad yance-Thnes office. Phone 357-2320, rrb BEDROOM SUITE, double box spring and mattress; twin Captain's bed and various household articles. Moving. Phone335-3366 after 5 p.m. • 18,25 SERVICEABLE age purebred and crossbred boars from high quality bloodlines. Also bred gilts, vaccin- ated and due date. Peter Petrovic. Phone 656-2619. 20tf ENGRAVED SIGNS: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, washable, stainproof. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb 20k,LITRES or 45 gal. steel barrels fon sale at Chamber's Dominion Hardware Store, Wroxeter, Ont. 4,11,18,25 . — INDUSTRIAL RAGS, $2 a bag. ;.PhoneThelehrfft Shop at 357-3757. 18tf NETIC SIGNS: many sizes aVailable, rx17", $116. Per further inorrriatiort phone The Wingham Advsnee4hoes 257-2324. , 110 , 5 -PIECE patio set, table, 4 chairs and umbrella, $75:, Phone 357-2483 between -5-6 p;m. ' • -1•11.9W IcARs, AND' TRUcite r: FOR SALE 1982 FORD % TON 4x4; 1974 Dodge 1 ton with stock rack and hoist 1973 Chev ton, duals and van body; 1973:1HC Loadster cab and chassis. Phone887-9493. 1974 FORD TORINO, 84,000 miles. Asking $475. Phone 357-3443. 1988 MERCURY TOPAZ, 5 speed, 20,000 km, $9,000 certified. Serious inquiries only. Phone 357-1807. 1986 CAPRI, 4 speed, sun roof, AM - FM cassette, power windows, cruise, $6,795 certified. Phone 335- 6251. • 1980 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, 2 door, auto.? ps, pb, power windows, cruise control. Phone 357-3012, 1977 CHEV PANEL VAN, 6 cylinder standard, good condition, $1,000 as is; 1978 AMC Concord, transmission replaced Dec. 1988, body 1988, good condition, $900 as is. Phone 357-1538 after 6p.m. 1977 FORD PICKUP F-150, $2,000 or hest offer. Phone 335-3842. •=tentarreeme....masee.y.k. FARM EQ)) IPAAENT FOR SALE KUBOTA TRACTOR, L245 DT, 25 hp, 4 wheel drive, snowblower, Stier, eab, Hi hours. Phone 3924673. 18,25,2,9 1979 HONDA HAWK 400 cc, igack 21,000 km, good Condition, $400 in- clude s hclmet and gauntlets. Phone 357-3738 days. 18,25 1984 HONDA SHADOW, 500 ec, 4,600 km, mint _condition, $1,500. _Phone 357-2857. 1985 HONDA SHADOW75o with en- gine guards and windshields, excel- lent condition, $2,500. Phone 357- 2163. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2 PURElltRED Hereford cows with calves, at side. Pirrone 357- 1994. IVIISCELLANEO9Sc' IF YOU 'are asfriend or relatiye of an Al -Anon Farniliaj'aIAP, may, be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office, Box 1135, Wingham. • rrb MEALS-ON,WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357-3657. • SERVICES NOW AVAILN3LE phetecopying., DroP0,,,/t i90.##144YanGel nines ottice. root* 357-2320.: u • rrb • • — • 0i0„0.1MQ0 4ReKit Oeetice(:‘,#- 2-nour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. • - Pittt.it; PARKER LOCK ::& Safe Co vLock and -safe sales and serviee. StuartT. . • Parker, 887-$350, Brussels., Please leave_meesage. : . • , RANDY'S furnace and chimney ••. cleaning. Phone 357-1407. • lrrb, ' . REPAIRS to, starters, •alte.rnters .antAieleratOorkASiegilt A.!4QE134e1;•' tric lnorth of 'Wjnt*ethurCii)...PhOne 3573495. '• 4,11,145 FOR AN HONEST no obligation ans- wer to year water questions or prob- leme, call John filacCannell, Han- over, 364-1894 (office) or Wingham, 357-,2263 -(home). Your Aquafine Water Consultant in the Wingham area. • iltf YES, WE REPAIR household sew- ing machines. Including pick up and delivery weekly at Cowan'siCountry Store. Yes, we have 35 years ex- perience and satisfaction guaran- teed. 4,18 TYPING, word processing service: Resumes, letters, minutes, reports, etc. Phone Barbara Bender 35'7-1175. 4,18 Kat die filets. Let's'hikl Call the Ontstrio Ministry of HestithAIDS Hotline 1 -800 -668 -AMS YCVN looking for room and board, in or eiose to ANT.004*. Phone 3574122 Oi0.0, Bo# Mit Wingham. di II 't • 4etnettattliiji ' ebrzitect FIR 2, Lucknow 529-7247 We invite you to come in and see our,extensive of casual ftirriltUre OrOdUats. r Guaranteed quality and comfort HOURS: Mon. - Sat. 8 till 6 p.m. Sun. 12 till 5 On. • • • . , . • • EiWnliOsiten Personalized Service For: - - Lawns & Garden's, Weekly Maintenancei.' Season Lawn Contractors Roto-tillino & Lawn Rakin if) eclai Lawfl 1!°1119; • h10$ • 4 $ . 41110 '!11 • ttfirl .r)ti C-11 • 'LP. ENTERPOISES By Appointment only! • et./Storn 'design and in '• Indust a Aluminum weldingohr;. • Licensed millwright • Licensed welder Phone Peter, Bus.- 357-2709 grEouIturaIand - • Phone • R. Wie Bell OPTOMETRIST Goderlch The Square 524-7661 Door coffee prizes ts Donut ROS Alignment ce invites you to the# • o% off A onroe Shocks & Struts 86 viestof Wingham • 3574230 Draws Barn Building All types of concrete work H & k CARPENTRY & CONST. Hank Vanden Broek Free Estimates' •Contract or Hourly No Job Is Too Small or Too Large P.O. Box 66 Wingham • 357-2561 a toted, reliable fuel service ri Wayne Jerome -Sales & Service Belgrave Co-op Auburn Co-op 5i2711,5-23-4454 526-7282 4 114 4,