HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-18, Page 4.,„ 4Y„ • • •••'," • ''• .; , ?age ••••••••••••r • ifC);',7•; •-•)••••'•`'• .10 In 7.. • . • . . .„.. .• • ` -•••••Ir. '••••• ,••••••),•••.1 • ) /1...(•• • W1/4c,1•',:;4w4;.$ 61.t,eir..., • 4ip1;45Tc,,:lf,L, ItkterlPt,‘41,4"2",•Xl' re. ••1 'Published 0 WittOoti 0.0405, PA Rax , Wpis,r4* !MK • wholly 'owned subsidiary OftilexarOutidlandRaptialcorpOrokst Robert Murphy, Editor Ming Mamba. - Cuitudiso Comnflity .NewsPaPokAis,:. • - ,••••, _ -40tuartutosuratinitySewspaptr.Aiiibiv'1.."' "1.`• - -SiihiciitikieurS210S1iaryaur ' 41.00. beyond 40.milu • '40' • P .{•• , • . 49,1994,P414.r; :-` ,•••• IWI ,3 A lessorirrbeing unreasonable was exercised by the Wingham Area Fire Board last Wednesday as the board decided in a 6-4 re- corded vote to go ahead and purchase a new pumper truck this year. Representatives from the Town of Wingham and Turnberry Township had told the board that while their councils were not re- fusing to purchase the truck, neither council wanted to make the expenditure in 1989. Both asked to delay the $164,000 purchase for another year. Based solely on the fact that together these two municipalities are responsible for 54 per cent of that purchase, this request should not be considered unreasonable. Let's make iLperfeCtly - clear, neither Wingham nor Turnberry is saying "n�" to the pusl. chase, but simply asking for another year before going -t0 thei(tax•- payers arid telling thern that they have to ' come UP:' -with $89,859.70 over two years to pay for their combined share of4he cost. These two municipalities want the time in order to spread the cost over a greater time frame. That is a reasonable request. However, for a board that keeps insisting it was created in the pirt of coroperation,, that spirit was not evident as representatives the,other three7member municipalities -insisted, on going ahead with the. purchase thistyear. ' ' It is easy to understand Howick Township's anxiety to see the purchase take place as soon as possible. The departments No. 2 station at: Gorrie needs a better pumper to replace the one cur- rently in, use there. The plan calls for 'the 1982 pumper now at the Wingham station to be transferred to Gorrie when the new truck ar- rives here. That's reasonable. In fact, that is probably the only reasonable outcome of the ac- tion taken by the board lag week. Of the remaining '46 per_ cent of the fire beard budget, 71Owiksl!:.--)§ responsible for 29.6 per cent. The two rernaining-tOwnshipS must, between them, contribute 16.4 per cent. On Wednesday, five'!' the six representatives from these three municipalities co -operated - to tell their. partners the purchase would go ahead anyway. One ,even went so far as to tell a Wingham representative that his muni- / cipality should go out and borrow the money. That's not only un- reasonable, it's also irresponsible. Much was also made of the suggestion that to put the purchase off- for another, year would -mean a higher price tag when the board decides later to buy the truck. So what? While it's true that any salesperson has a responsibility to point out the possibility of future price increases, that should be the determining factor only when all else is equal. It is clear that, in this case, it is not. According to one Morris Township representative, the time of purchase is immaterial to his council. The township, he said, can live with making the purchase either now or next year. Would it not then have been just as easy to acknowledge the request of Wing - ham and Turnberry? It certainly would have been reasonable. Instead, however, the two Morris representatives voted in favor of the purchase this- year. In each case, the total cost over the two year period for Morris and East Wawanosh Townships is less than the $16,181.40 Wingham will have to pay in the first year and Turnberry's second year contribution of $21,334.19. We wish to point out that we are not against fire protection. Nor do we, as some are prone to do, protest the high cost of fire pro- tection until we find ourselves in the position of requiring it. Instead, this is aimed solely at an unreasonable decision made by those who say they advocate the opposite. We agree with the need to have a better pumper in Gorrie and, therefore, support The Howick representatives in their desire to make that happen. But why buy a new $164,00(1 truck now against the wishes of two of your partners — to accomplish it? Why not, instead, send the 1982 pumper t� Gorrie now, it's to go there anyway. And those on the board and in the department have said the Wingham firefighters don't want to use that truck any- way, that it's used chiefly as a backup. The next step, of course, is to transfer the pumper now stationed at Gorrie to Wingham where it can replace the 1982 truck as backup here. And -all of this for only a year. . • Wingham and Turnberry then would have had the ,extra timethey request, Howick would have its bolter puinier ,and, nothing would have been lost at the ,Winghturr,statiort That'srea.- sonable. Wingharn and Turrtberry should not back dation from their stand- on thiS. issileAt ialndre thaniutt a fire truapurCkase. tf is the Oh, ciPie of thOselwhO pay the least forcing expenditures on those who must pay the: ost, At the' the board shOkildbe 100king at changing the vottng atflernt to better ref1e0f.:th0;firlatic1, reSpOnSibigy. Their alidtilte. " • 4"- M11111111111M Illilluillilliiiiiii[iii11111111j1(1444" 1" 1 1 11 11 I 111111111111111111111111411111111111 1111.11111111100111111111111 11 ••• , . . 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Harold Miss Wellwood has been engaged - Brooks was successful in passing in hospital work in China for 35 The Willow Waltz and John Wild years and is supported by the became the first member of the Women's Missionary Society of the NV, lagital21 club tp qufyfQ the United Church. She will stay in -bniniedaricemedat China, though the country has been. Mr. Mr• 'AO Mrs, Edward..tloiton_ of • under the stress of war conditions kleWick_announce the engagement for over four years and she is due of their daughtei Ph34lis Porten, to for furlough. Wi1Iia.aHesBin OfIgittitham, Robert Casemore receivedhis call son of Mr. and Mrs.. William C. to the ariny indreported to Kit- Bain The marriage will to place ener Training Centre. He was taken -mtiY14. = ' • The Board of covernervief the Canadian Broadcasting eerpora- tion approved the appliolien Of radie.StatiOrii: ,-Mighamfor a liceriset0 *telecast ottatirtitel The annual- meeting. eCtire BeI more, Women's Instittitt was held, with Mrs. MINIM Elliott elected president. ViCeilSaidents Are Mrs. R. Appleby and Mrs. W. Woods; Mrs, Harry Mulvey is setretary- tre.asurer. APRIL 1968 The old Brown Brothers factory on Alfred Street was partially destrayed 'tie rear portion of to Paisley where Mt' Yeo work the btaildint collapsed; leaving a on the CNR section.: &Menden* heap of rubble. The Witigham was represented in the buildh‘g has not been used fol graduratitin class af Fingal Bombing manyan4has been gradually and Gunnery School by Wdliant H. deteriorating: • • Pym, son. of kir, :aind Mrs. HaroldThe beard of director's of the Victor Pym' of town..,' Hillis:1*W a Wingliain and District Hospital segeant air ganuten.-- • awirididatolgtraitio Ball Brothers APRIL of kikkettet for the construction of OW Leslie bie frost Premier of a new wing itt the form of a second bittatio„ wifl offidally openg,the storey over the present north wing; new, Wrinetent trishici„ mot school renovation old enlargrainent of the this afternoon Ina colorful cerettior. Middle wing and dentolition of the ny which Will take.„plitte in the original section af the hospitaL school's modentriaticlitoritint, It is GAittneticirlee is $602.01 etipected that Upwards of 1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor were completely by surprise when about 30 friends presented him with a gold signet ring. Bruce Hughes, little 18 -month- old son of Mi. and Mrs. J. O. Hugh- es of Teeswater, had a narrow escape from possible poisoning. He swallowed solution for the relief of skin irritation from the medicine --cabinet and .a hasty phone call •brought Dr. M: H. Cilliee to the scene. His stomach was pumped and he appears none the worse for his experience. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Yeo and daughter Marie of Bluevale, moved ••;, 7. • • . . • guests of honor ata social*itbet- ing in St. Helens before- they leave the community. Mr. and.IVIts. Taller have spent their entire married life on the 10th of West Wawanosh. litli. and Mrs. Donald Taylor and Michael of London moved to his parents' farina this week and' the 'Winghamsenior Taylors wilL a_eOn poi,tre, Ilt(Beth) Merrick,, daughter of W. .01:rlarnage&OINillagbit Helen llka,.... t4 lateWydney hthe itby hh trii. osiMerrick,Wingham,Of141torlanGeorgeawat* tirs soTed lem- nized nized by ReV.7C'k' c- Miss Anna McDonald was named president of the Catholic Women's League of Sacred. Heart Church, succeeding Mrs, Willi410 Smith. Vice-presidents are Mts. Ronald Foxton, Mrs. Michael Willie and Mrs. Edward Bauer. APRIL 1973 The Wingham and District Hos- pital has received full accreditation status for the next three years, This good news was received by Extittl- (Please turn to Page5A) PRESS COM I The Wingham Advancet," Times is a member of th Ontario Press Course! which will consider WNW complaints about the pib • lication of news, opinioflS and advertising. If a corti;;! plaint cannot be resolved,: with the newspaper, Itt should be sent to the Ort- tario Press Council, 181 Slater St., Suite 708, Ot- tawa, Ontario KIP 5H3 ......m.AAAA=A0=111 flti*.••