HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-18, Page 14
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Winghapi, Ontario, Tuesday, April 184989
ing , Turn
wait, but board
- The Wingham Area Fire Board
has decided to go ahead and pur-
chase a new pumper- truck in 1989
despite requests from Turnberry
Township and Wingham to put off
therrchaie fbr another year.
For several meetings now, the
board bas been considering the,
tti:thase •Of411.6W-Ottingii•wliich•
' 1be Located" at the W-mtlietittIta'
tion, The 1982 pumper new 4a-
tioned at Wingham would then be
transferred to the department's NO.
2 station in Gorrie.
At its April meeting, the board
agreed to go ahead with the pur-
_ chase at a price quoted by Superior
Emergency Equipment Limited of
Red Deer, Alberta of $164,555. The
purchase is to be paid over a two
year period, $44,700 for the chassis.
in 1989 and the balance — $119,t355
McGrath said. Instead wewould
prefer to buy it in 1990 for delivery
Howick Township representative
Nsnan fades asked itthat moot:
Witighant Council would guarantee
that it would make up the differ-
ende betWeen the current quote and
this- -KO
board would e to
pay iti1400. • • .
• 'We're willing to put up our 36
per cent/' Mr. McGrath replied.,
Wingham pays 36.2 per cent of the
fire board budget.
Throughout the numerous dis-
cussions on the purchase, the board
has been cautioned by Fire Chief -
(;* '
Harley Gaunt that to put off the
purchase, could be costly Since
manufacturers of firefighting vehi-
cles have indicated they were con-
tePiplating a price increase Ws
reftrk- •
'Morris really doesn't care,"
reported that, towfOip_ft_ tmpresen.
tative, Bert •;r:=,
"We'll go withlfhciw co, wdll go.
with it later," Mr. Elliott added.
"Just let us know, so we can get it
in our budget"
Mr. McGrath also suggested that
the board conceivably could learn
that a delay could result in a lower
price. He pointed out that since the
pumper purchase was first consid-
ered, the estimated cosi had steadi-
ly come down from about. $200,000
to the present price. •
Mr. Gaunt, however,. suggested
that Mr. McGrath 'Is wishing on a
star when he says the pricepay go
down over a two-yeat petiod.fe'
• Itirnberry, representative ibbn
47.x said hi* concenilocitses on the
fact that hebas not seen any criteria
supporting.: -.the need for a:hew
truck. ••
'We have to 'justify this -to our
councils," Mr. Cox said. "There has
to be something conclusive to bring
(Continued on Page 2A)
_ upon delivery of the completed
truck in 1990.
WOW Wnghai
was reftistits- etrage-tir
puthper,but repitesomittiv s,.from
each of the municipalities 'Made 'it
dear that their councils had dirt -
ed them to seek a delay in making
that purchase.
At the meeting, discussion on the
issue opened innocently enough on
questions of warranty and point of
Things quickly heated up, how-
ever, when Wingham representa-
tive Bill McGrath suggested "the
real question" is whether the board
makes the purchase this year or
"Wingham's position is that we
don't want to buy it this year,' Mr.
Board decged to. go ahead artd.
pttrchasfi:a:iIew:pgmjzer in 1989
instead' of waiting another year.•
Both the Town of Witikhatn. and
Turnberry Township had asked the
board to delay the purchase for one
more year.
• However, following a lengthy
discussion on the issue, the board
decided to purchase the truck this
year rather than next as requested
by the two municipalities that will
together be responsible for_ 54 per
cent of that estimated $165, 000
That figure„ however, and the
toMPonents Or s
• truck Oassis in. '19.,3,9.,---gn-d "The hat -
for outfitting,the vehicle to
firefighting standards, to be paid in
In the recorded vote, the other
three municipalities united in favor
this Yoar. Were: >Nor* fairies and
Gerald D'Arcey of Howick Town-
ship, Bert Elliott and Wayne Riley
of Morris Township, and Fred
Meier of East Wawanosh Township
who had two votes in the absence
(Continued on Page 2A)
Address to VVBA will key
on family violence issue
• t.,
he social and contemporary
iss of family violence will be the
foc sof an adciresS-delivered to the
BANK WAgill3D •otir NO C1‘,41 trains will be able to pass over the railway bridge
at the north
end of Wingharn until last Week's wash-outtias been repaired. Water at the base of thebank caused
the washout A 04 Spokesman said a contractor was to look at the bank late last week and no date
has been set for the,refflthiptiOn of rail service. .._
-April meeting of the Wingham
Business Association tomorrow
evening (Wednesday).
Doug Reberg, psychologist at the
Huron -Perth Centres in Clinton and
stratforli and a, co-founder of the
Group -Delta Men's Violence Pro-
gram in Huron County, is guest
speaker at the meeting, reports
WBA President Jack Kopas.
Prio r to joining the Huron -Perth
Cettpe staff, Dr. iceberg was with
the'psychology faculty of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario, where
he taught undergraduate and grad-
uate psychology courses and main-
tained a research prograin.
His -professional activities at the
Htirtin-Perth Centres include fami-
ly counselling, research and con-
He is co -leader of the Delta
Group program and maintains a
riyate practice for adult clients.
His current research is concerned
with the effectiveness.of family vio-
lence treatment programs, and he
has been awarded funds to conduct
a follow-up evaluation of men who
• have participated in the Group
Delta program.
He is author of the book, "The
Group Delta Handbook: A Hand-
book to Help Men Stop Family Vio-
lence" as well/as professional arti-
cles in the areas of conditioning and
He is also a professional ethics
columnist for The Ontario Psychol-
..210,4Ve.V 4.0,1JLi
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Community News
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