HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-04-04, Page 6Pag 6A - The Wingham
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Mrs. J. Daunt shares
her trip to Phillipines
and stay there all week. They must Mrs. Betty Dinning read the East -
provide their own food and take er story from Mark and all sang an
care of themselves. The language a Easter hymn. Mrs. Siets deBoer con -
the country is mainly English and tinued the Easter theme in scrip -
the staple food is rice. They grow tum, also from Mark, and Betty led
corn and vegetables as crops and in prayer. An interesting story, "Joy
raise some livestock for food. From a Stone,Rolled Away", was
The Philippines are made up of read by Doris, and renewed faith in
many islands and during her tour the Easter season. Siets completed
she visited with dignitaries of the the worship with an Easter reading.
Anglican Church in a cathedral in
Mindanao and also the district of President Mrs. Phyllis McMichael
Luzon. There are some beautiful opened the business with "A
churches but many are small with Thought for the Day". The minutes
just roofs and board 'siding and of the last meeting were read by
slats for windows. •Mrs. Eileen Hamilton and Mrs. San -
As members listened to Mrs. dra Edgar gave a favorable report.
WROXETER_The members of
the Wroxeter United Church
Women gathered for their March
meeting and enjoyed a trip, with
pictures and commentary by Mrs. J.
Daunt, Mrs. Daunt was chosen,
along with five other Canadian
women from the Anglican Church,
to observe conditions in a war-torn
country. It was called the Rosa Pro-
gram under the leadership of Dr.
Rosa Cisneros.
The delegates flew from Vancou-
ver to Hong Kong, then to Manila
and from there to Mindanao and
the other outlying islands and
provinces of the Philippines. There
is much poverty and strife among
the regions but the people are
happy and eager to share, The
Philippine women came in groups
many miles over poor roads and on
rickety buses to meet the delegates.
Children attend school in uniforms
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Daunt, they realized how fortunate The next meeting on April /5 will
they are to have nice homes, good begin from 7-8 p.m. at the Doll'
roads and transportation, clean Museum in the village. Each mem-
water and a safe country. Mrs, ber is to bring a box lunch to be
Doris Hays expressed thanks from auctioned at the social hour later.
the ladies and presented Mrs. The mystery prize was won by Mrs.
Daunt with a gift. J. Wylie,
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MR. AND MRS. HAROLD KERR of Wingham celebrate their
45th wedding anniversary tomorrow, April 5. The former Jessie
Arbuckle married Mr. Kerr in 1944. Both are natives of East
Thwitship4;Ilie couple has three sons, George, Bill and
"- • Joe and SeVetia- iidthildren.
You and Your
Blue Box!
"Blue Box" recycling has
started in Wingham. AH 'single
family dwellings should have a
Blue Box. If you don't, you can
get one at the Clerk's Office.
Recycling is an Important pro-
ject to help reduce the house-
hold waste that goes into
landfill sites and to conserve '
our precious natural resources.
Make sure your a part of It.
Simply_collect and store news-
papers, glass bottles anctiars,
beverage and food cans and
plastic soft drink containers in
your Blue Box. Then put it at the
curb for pick
up on Tues -
day. Please
bundle the
and remember
to rinse out all containers
to avoid attracting pests.
Our recycling pro-
gram can only be a
success If we[
participate. -
Pieate call the
• Clerk's Office
at 357-3550 for Information.
It only works if we fl do our part.
!FS) EgTil
The soft drink industry, its container and container material suppliers, through Ontario Mufti -Material Recycling Incorporated (OMMRI) -
supporting the establishment of recycling programs throughout Ontario.
Join us on April 11 at 8:00 pm for a special Recycling Information night. This event will
take place at the St. Paul's Anglican Church with guest speaker Nule Ludolph,
consultant for Ontario Multi Materials Recycling Inc.
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V Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson had
their family home for aY Easter get
together: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gib
son, Palmerston; Miss Marcia Gib
son, London; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Gibson, Andy and Ricki of Belmore
Mr, andMrs, Steve Payne, Gorrie.
Kim and Rich Mohlman, Kitchen
er, were weekend guests with Mr
arid Mrs. Claude Labrie and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Poirier,..Mis-
sissauga, were Easter weekendyisi-
tors with Mrs. Cliff Marks.
Good Friday guests at Scott
McLennan's residence were Sam
and Jean Thynne, Wingham and
Joan Adams of Junctionville. Easter
Sunday, Joe Kerr and family of
Bluevale and Jamestown and Ron
and Ruth Bell and family of Elmira
visited at the same home.
Easter Sunday visitors with Glen,
Lisa, Ryan and Ty Gallaher were
George and Eileen Hamilton; Lyn
and Bert Pocaluyko; Ken, Barb and
Luke Quipp, all of Wroxeter; John,
Gini and Tara Newell, Wingham;
Clayt Bell, Susan Kraemer, Todd
Hamilton and Missy Kennedy, all
Of Teeswater; -Troy Potaluyko,
lbrolito; Trey Pocaluyko, Richmond
Hill and Corey Wallace of London,
Tracy McKay, London, dropped in
later in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dickison,
Jamie and Angela of Corrie and Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Dickison were Easter
visitors with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dalton Dickison.
Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Higgins were Ron and
Shirley Hi ins; Doug and Karen
Bailey and family, all of Stratford;
Terry and Brenda Higgins, Ottawa;
Bill and Ruth Ann Higgins and
family of Guelph and Michael Hig-
gins, Toronto.
- Brian and Aileen Manuel and
- Amanda, Seaforth, were Easter
- guests with Mrs. Allan Griffith.
Dan Isabelle, accompanied by his
; children, Melanie and Michael, his
nephew, Christopher Isabelle and a
- brother-in-law of Mississauga, visit-
ed the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Clement.
Jack Fischer
welcomes seniors
BLUEVALE—President Jack Fis-
cher welcomed 38 of the 56 mem-
bers of the Bluevale seniors' group
to the regular monthly meeting on
March 27 in the community hall.
Correspondence consisted of
brochures for travel tours during
the coming months. An invitation
also was received to attend the
Wingham and Area Day Centre for
the Homebound's 10th anniversary
on April 20.
Pees for rriembership in the Unit-
ed Senior Citizens of Ontario will
be paid. Plans were finalized for the
zone executive meeting in Bluevale
on April 10 and the spring zone
rally on May 26. Bob Carbert of
Wingham, Turnberry Reeve Brian
McBurney and Rev Larry Welch of
Bluevale will be guests at the rally.
Other upcoming events include a
card party on April 10, a dance on
April 14 and the next monthly
meeting on April 24.
A time of conversational fellow-
ship followed as hosts Bert and Iso-
bel Garniss, Elsie Smith and Gor-
don and Margaret Mundell served