HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-03-28, Page 16Pag '16A- The Winglulu My $1 COMING EVENTS WINGHAM & DISTRICT SNOWMOBILE CLUB LANDOWNERS DANCE Saturday, April. 1 at Wingham Legion, 9. p.m. -1 a.m. Lunch pro, vided. $5 per person in adyance, $6 at the door. Tickets may be pur- chased at Wingham Fruit Market, Steffen Auto Supply and. Foxton Fuels. SHOOT PARTY At Wingham Legion, Mon., April 3, 8, p.m. Everyone welcome. $1.50 per person. EUCHRE & AWARDS Wingham Country Curlers annual euchre and awards night, Tues., April 4, 7:30 p.m., Wingham Golf & Curling Club. Ladies please bring lunch. SPRING RUMMAGE SALE For the Auxiliary to Wingham arid District Hospital is coming on Thurs., April 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m. and Fri., April 14, 10a.m.-1 p.m. 80TH BIRTHDAY The family of Edgar Wightman in- vites friends and neighbors to help celebrate their Dad's 80th birthday at the Women's Institute Hall, Bel. grave on Sat., April 8, with an open house at 8 p.m. and dance at 9 p.m. Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. Best Wishes Only please. 28,4 BELMORE MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL Plan to attend the 22nd annual Bel - more Maple Syrup Festival on Sat., April 8 from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. in the Belmore Community Centre. Home- made omomade baking, handicrafts, maple products and farmer's sausage will be for sale. Bingo and local enter- tainment are featured throughout the day. A special day for senior citi- zens will be held on Thurs., April 6 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 28,4 RESSFBT -EUCJ Will be held in the Wingham Town Hall on Fri., March 31, 1:30 p.m, Sponsored by the Rebekah Lodge. Prizes and lunch. $2 admission. All welcome. MOOD DONOR CLINIC Wednesday, March 29 at F. E. Madill Secondary School, Victoria St. entrance, 12 noon -4 porn. and 5:30- 8:30 Pam. Sponsored by Wingham Kinsmen Club, Hospital Auxiliary and Student Council. 21 9. RECYCLING QUESTIONS? Community meeting at St. Paul's Church Parish Hall, Wingham, Tues., April 11, 8 p.m. 21,28,4,11 BALL REGISTRATION Wingham Minor Ball registration at Lockridge Arena, Thurs:, March 30, 7-9 p.m. and Sat., April 1, 10 a.m.-12 noon. For all age groups. 14,21,28 SPRING DANCE Howick Legion Ladies' Spring Dance, Sat, April 8, Howick Com- munity Centre. Music by Norm Dunsrnore, $6 per person includes lunch. 21,28 SHOWER For Susanne Hall on Sun., one welcome. Fischer at Bluevale April 2, 2 p.m. Every. 21,28 BENEFIT DANCE For. Bobby and Bruce Scheel of Bobby Jo's Restaurant on Fri., April 7, music by Southern Comfort, at Wingham Legion. Ladies please bring lunch,. 21,28 PUBLIC MEETING Regarding lake Concept for Wingham and area. All those. interested plan to attend. Wingham Armouries at 8:00 p.m. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm machinery for Russ Ritchie 1 mile west of Lucknow on Hwy. 86 Thursday, March 30 at 12:30.m. p TRACTORS: 820 John Deere diesel tractor (subject to re- serve bid); Int. 474 diesel tractor; Allis Chalmers E III gas combine with pickup reels and Allis Chalmers 238 corn head. EQUIPMENT: Int. 32 -plate wheel disc; Int. grain and fertilizer drill on steel with grass seeder; AC 500 4 -row corn planter; JD 3 -furrow 3 pt.h. plow; Danish type cultivator with 3 pt.h. gauge wheels; fertilizer spreader 3 pt.h. (800-1000 lbs.); Cockshutt 12 ft. swather / 2 sets of reels and hay conditioner with Ford gas 6 cyl. engine; New Holland 270 hay baler; New Idea ma- nure spreader; Allied bale stooker with Briggs & Stratton en- gine; West Go 4 -row crop cultivator; 24 ft. transport elevator; 30 ft. transport elevator; 36 ft. 6" grain auger; 12 ft. 4" grain auger w/motor; 16 ft. 6" grain auger; 4 ft. grain auger exten- sion; 2 Turnco 225 gravity boxes; 1 Turnco gravity box w/fert. auger; 1 J&M gravity box (all on heavy duty wagons); 2 wag- ons w/18 ft. racks; 10 ft. chain harrows; 100 ft. 6" drive belt; Int. 7 ft. mower 3 pt.h.; hay tedder; 1350 Westeel Rosco grain tank; dehorning trailer. MISC.: 200 gallon Calsa weed sprayer; gas powered water / 11/4 w/hoses; 10 x 12 colony house; Wisconsin VG 4D motor; 80 gal fuel tank w/pump; dehoming clippers, castrator; few small items. SALE BEING HELD DUE TO POOR HEALTH,' Equipment stored inside - very good condition. Not responsi- ble for accidents on grounds. Lunch booth on grounds. Cash or cheque day of sale - proper ID necessary. For information call: Russ Ritchie • 529-7696 AUCTIONEER: 14DON B RIN DLEY • 529-7970 Teeswater, Ont. • FineD .in the HERITAGE Monday to ugh Sunday Taking Resenrations from 6:00 pan. on 392-6947 * Featuring Fresh Catch of the Day • Hydro Vouchers Accepted WINGHAM IR:ONW2N CHEESE DRIVE Saturday April 1 ti- don/ames 323.1982.`9• • 291.1887 NewLuxuryLuxu'r ApaniiiiniineRent on James Street, Wingham Available May 1st These apartments are designed and equipped for retired or semi -retired peo- ple. These have 5 appli- ances plus air conditioners in each apartment. A lot of interest is being shown in these apartments, so don't be disappointed. Inquire now. Phone 291-1887 and 323-1902 collect. AUCTION SALES Auctioneers: WALLACE BALLAGH, Teeswater • 392-6170 GRANT McDONALD Ripley • 395-5353 Sat., April 1 - 10:30 a.m. Sale of farm machinery, some hay and straw, for LLOYD LAMONT, lot 24, Con. 6 Huron Twp. Thurs., April 6 - 10:00 a.m. Sale of farm machinery, feed and tools for HARRY and CAROL HELFENSTEIN, Lot 2, Con. 2, Culross Twp. Fri., April 7 - 6:00 p.m. Evening auction sale of home furnishings, antiques and tools, for VERNON ''HUPFER, with added con- signments, in the Brussels - Morris -Grey Community Centre in Brussels. Sat, April 8 - 10:30 am. Sale of farm machinery for DAN McDONALD, 2 1/2 miles west of Ripley on Con. 8, Huron Twp. Sat., April 15 - 10:00 am. Sale of farm machinery, household effects and an- tiques for JOHN KLEMPP, Lot 45, North. Durham Rd., Greenock Twp. • 11'aaaualhli!a�t✓ ;�m.�i::,.hC;'1'�a:'�;�!!¢G CPADS OF T w fd A t Mrsineere for visit, pine,'etc.., e , f cardi, ` 00 and good. wishes. Special thanks to "Here 4i 4014 z 00 47t lee'' for their help the t ' my fall 'lei to Rev. Baird, Dr. Weng and Dr. ski and all Who made the drive to l Stratford to visit . Janice al agh FOR RENT. SMALL, 2 bedroom furnished bungalow style cottage for rent, 114 miles north Of Blyth. References re- quired. Phone 523-9524. 28,4 MINI EXCAVATOR: c -w 15" buck- et, ideal for indoors and tight areas. New .Holland skid steers: 5' and 6' wide, operated hourly or contract. Phone Huron Landscaping 529-7247. Jana-May2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUILDINGS lots,* 66'x120' with water, reasonably priced, Wroxeter. Phone daytime 291-2333 or evenings 335-6109. LOT FOR SALE BUILDING LOT in Blyth, 66'x132', village water and sewers. Phone 887- 9137. 28,4 so 4CRE FARM - near Aq k--; burp, ficrindso,fratitnetpcfor, tfua.time fa�liOf $0. 131.1714, - unique one a k:irtd "cOnv Station, bors, .,.2- J b ths, laros ge j , ' acre nim reed tot. �6ew farl�t 4x on ` Mala , River-, 140 hardw acres v ood ork ble, 75 ao,r 1, �edroo home, 2.barn6, ia0 very scelltc. 100 ACRE AR poi~ A burn- with house, barn. ,ani driveshed, 76 acrero able 20 acres bush, INDUSTRIA Q PROPERTY Vanasirp,sO a .)0 eq. ft. buil- ding on one acre. 1 1/2FLOOP �NTURY HOME -''Ring 'a ;,dlyth. MINI FARM - on one acre at Holrnesvifl:e, 3 bedroom home, lots of barns. Private location. Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. Mason Bailey, Broker 482-9371 24 hour service Sales Representatives Gordon Hill 233-3307 • -f AUCTIONSALE of farm machinery, feed and tools, will be held for Ha ryr & •Carol r :.1r .... . i -Helfenstein aNLot 2, Conc. 2 Culross Twp., 2 corners south of Teeswater on Hwy #4, then turn east on Conc. 2 for approx. 4 miles on Thurs, April 6 at 10:00 a.m. TRACTORS.., MAPHINERY AND HARVEST EQUIPMENT: M.F. 285 diesel tractor with cab & radio, 85 hp, 2100 hrs.; M.F. 265 diesel with loader bucket, tines, front end stone picker, 60 hp, 2100 hrs.; M.F. 33 gas tractor, 30 hp.; Weber Lane 2 wheel hydraulic dump trailer; McKee 510 snow blower; acid applicator for corn storage; winpower generator, PTO, 100 amp., 25 kw.; 3 ph. cement mixer, 1/3 yd.; rear mounted scraper blade; Yamaha ET 300 snowmobile; N.H. 679 PTO manure spreader, Tandem wheels; John Deere 65 PTO combine with pickup; M.F. 36 self-propelled swather with regu- lar and pick-up reels; 3 Turnco gravity grain boxes on wagons; 4 grain augers with motors - 15', 20', 40', 60' TILLAGE AND PLANTING: White 508 4 -furrow 16" semi - mounted plow; White 251 10 ft. tandem double disc.; Kong- skilde 11' mounted spring tooth cultivator; set of 4 1/4 revers- ible chain harrows; 2 sets of 4 diamond harrows; Tumco 13' land packer; M.F. 33 17 -run seed drill;. John Deere 495A 4 -row corn planter with fertilizer, insecticide, herbicide attachment HAY EQUIPMENT: New Holland 479 9' haybine; M.F. #29 hay rake; M.F. 124 baler with M.F. 22 thrower; 2 bale thrower racks on wagons; wooden flat rack on wagon; 34' bale eleva- tor and motor; 2 24 -ft. bale elevators with motors FORAGE EQUIPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS: N.H. #717 super forage harvester with 1 row corn head and grass pick- up; 2 George White PTO forage unloading wagons on 9 T. running gear; New Idea AVCO forage blower, PTO driven; spare front axle for forage wagons; John Deere R70 8 hp grass mower; Ariens lawn mower; Ariens garden roto -Miler; Agrimetal bedding chopper with 5 hp motor; Danuser 10" post hole digger; 20 ft. feed rack on wagon; 100 gal. weed sprayer, 3h.; grain bin aerator fan; barn heaters; wood splitter FEED: Approx. 1200 bales 1st cut hay; approx. 1200 bales 2nd cut hay; approx. 3000 bales straw. Y TOOLS AND MISCELLANEOUS: Shovels, bars, axes, etc; drills; wrenches; circular saws; machinery parts; arc welder; gas welder; benches; grinders; chain saws; electric fences; nails; extensive cataloged supply of nuts and bolts; air com- pressor; ladders; ext. cords; quantity' of cedar posts and steel sheeting; barn sprayer-fogger; 3 feed carts; 2 wheel barrows; and more. TERMS: Cash .or cheque with I.D. Day of Sale. Lunch Booth. FARM SOLD. Owner and Auctioneer not responsible for acci- dents or injuries in any way connected with the sale. AUCTIONEERS Wallace Sallagh, Teeswater 392®0170 Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 Allan R. Miller, Holyrood 395-5062 .1 x'7° ice'