HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-03-28, Page 4re,
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1Pablieftiod at wi
Barry Wenger, 1ubhshE'
David Wenger., President Nerrnan,
RoberturPhY, Editor • ' Audrefairriei
Nenlber—Canadian Cep, pity ..
" Ontario Cornitia/atr elY per ,
Subseripttons $21.00 per year . , -'"
MAO beY :',Otid 40 -mile zone ,
Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821
•. •
ReiiestO* guaranteed
Shameful demonstration
There is nothing noble about the demonstration in London last
'week by hundreds of postal workers• who left their jobs to protest
against Canada Post policies they say drove an injured worker to
commit suicide.
Instead, the clecision•of the CanadiamUniOniofrottal Workers to
use the tragic death of Peter LeMay to, ptibliolzeAS Problems with
Canada Post is nothing less than Shameftil:exPloltation... •
The president• of the union's London localcalled the• one -day
walkout a day of protest and• bereavement, but said the suicide vic-
tim is not the issue. "Peter LeMay is one ofmany people being e*
posed to pathetic policies at Canada PosV he said. In addition, he
wants Labor Canada to investigate the amountot stress placed on.
postal workers through Canada Post's "harassment" of its ern-
plOkees. Canada Post policies, the union claims, harass em-
ployees who are absent from their jobs because of illness or other
Often, it seems -4'at least in -the case of CUPW— 77; woen. mem-
bers3ati diii-anjarerndt1Siling on abOutifiefable4 r •
--Ilielii44 ftirdecrte4dek'. Ng ittlikfriliiifiep r '
k:IfiaVd ii deed ihalkW 004,11100 airfetikqtei:. .. 1 eM
who is. LinsatiSfiect With either' . the PSYtorbOriditioni,it it likely a safe
bet to say the are at least 10 other Canadians out there just -wait-
ing for a chance to have such misery.
All that aside, however, no matter what the difference with
Canada Post, Mr. LeMay's death should not have been exploited
by CUPW as the forum for bringing the. Pattie, before the PlOic,-,
There are other, More acceptable routes "to take. One, Of 9otirs,e:;-,
is through negotiatibel'and'CrOMprOnii0C-tgittriart -not likeiy104--:
pen here. Both sides appear to be too entrenched in the adversar-
ial philosophy of grabbing as much as you can while keeping your
losses to an absolute minimum.
It's unfortunate that CUPW chose such a heartless and insensi-
tive way to promote its catiSe. For doing so, the union owes an
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The mouth that motors -
His legs.aren't the only things about U.S. sprinter Carl Lewis that
are speedy. His mouth motors fairly, well, too.
It almost seems that Lewis, -who was awarded the Olympic
100 -metre gold medal when Canada's Ben Johnson tested posi-
tive for steroids, is taking advantage of every opportunity to point
his accusing -finger at Johnson and almost any other athlete who
has ever won an Olympic track event or seta world-record;;AimoSt.
everyone, that is, but himself.,
While it is true that his latest public outcry Was made while testi-
fying at a U.S., House Judiciarysubcommittee, he has always been
willing to use any public platform to add more fuel to the Johnson
Could it be that he wants to see his rival -so disgraced that he
withdraws from the sport out of shame7Or suspended for life, by an
international sports hierarchy that is so caught up in tackling the
symptoms that it keeps Stumbling over the problem? .
Probably not, although without Johnson competing against him
— with or without steroids — there certainly is truth then to the ar-
gument that Lewis is the fastest man in compatMon.
For a country that is becoming weary Of the Scandallin Seoul and
its subsequent investigations, allegations and now the Dubin in:.
quiry, surely Canadians caret be blamed for wanting to say:
"You've got the medal Carl, now please just shut up."
• The Wingham Advance -Times is a member ofthe
Ontario Press Council whidh will consider written
complaints abut the publication of news, opinions
and advertising. If a complaint cannot' be resolved
with the newspaper, it should be sent to the Ontario
Press Council, 151 Slater St., Sul
Ontario KIP 5H3
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4 .,-4:x..,11 ni.•,4 MARCH 1942 - ',Machine is ' used m cases of"suffica- A loss estimated at $26,000, only
The sudden passing of William . thin through smoke, drowning or partially covered by insurance, was
james'dreer was a great; shock to .other causes and is usuallya part of suffered by Rowland Marks when
his legion of friends in. this district every fire department's equipment his Morris Township barn burned.
With his death, Wingham has lost a Mr. and Mrs. Thomas %lid*, Bel- Ilie farm is situated on the fifth line
man who has been prominent in grave, wish to announce the of Morris, west of Brussels. Aided
the life of the community, He con- engagement of their youngest by neighbors, the firemen were able
ducted a shoe business 'here for daughter, Margaret Irene, to fames to save about 25 head of cattle
many yews. Kennedy Lamont, youngest son of although a number of cattle, small
Complaints have been received Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lamont, Man- pigs, hay and grain werelost in the
that robins are being killed by air son, Manitoba. The marriage will fire.
guns and street lights are being take place the early part of April. MARCH 1975
fired at 'George Allen, Wingham Percy Cale has accepted a posi- The Wingham Business Associa-
COnstablei warns thatit is against tion at Downie's Sunoco Service tion held its regular dinner meet-
, the law to discharge any firearm in Station 'in Wingham. Re had wide ing. The meeting was highlighted
town limits and any violation, will - cogierionce in the ntechanlcal auto- by the presentation of a gift to Mrs.
result in Prosecution.- ,, motive field and /toady complet- Jeanne McDonald, former owner of
Mr. and 'Wks. Robert Mowbray of ed a c,oitrse in -automatic transmis- McDonald's- Bridal Boutique.
. Widtechurch announce the engage- sion of late nuxlel cars. DeWitt Miller made the presenta-
ment of their. daughter, Catherine Philip Durst hassold his home in tion on, behalf of the association
Isabelle. to James Alexander Wil- Corrie to Cliff Willits of Siutcoe, members.
son, son of Mrs. James Wilson of The Durst family will move to Nancy Kerwin was crowned
Whitechurch and Ythe late Mr. Wil- Kingston. Queen df the 1975 Delmore Ice Car -
Sim The Marriage will take place • ^ , MA*011965 aivai. The 1970 Queen, Karen Dick -
the latter part of March. ' Ivan Kermit,: a 36-yearold Sim- son, Crowned Miss Kerwin.
With the Sad death a little Jean coe man, was hired by council as A Perth County dairy farmer has
Wintersteirt, the toll of the Winghant's new recreation director. Jost, his entire herd of 218 cattle
poliomyelitis epidemic which He will take up duties here on because of brucellosis, a -highly
struck Lueknow last fall has been April 12. He will also take on the infectious disease. Another herd of
raised to four. deaths., In all, there duties of arena manager . 13 cattle has also been completely
were'sert cats in Lucke:WI and The Maitland Valley Conserva- Wiped out. Despite these losses,
vicinity; • tion Authority has taken an option authorities say the brucellosis out -
After April 1, no gasoline will be on the Wroxeter Public School, break is "quieting down".
sold to motorists unless, they pos- which Was built in 1954 at a cost of Raymond Haugh„ manager of
1-1. t
sess"ratititi coupons. The Motor', $40,000, with an offer to purchase Haugh's Mobile Peed Service,
vehicle owner must buy only grad- for $8,500. The Authority. will use announces that the business has
ed gasoline. ,
Word Ittun John W. Hanna, MPF ,. ' Two Wirtgham District High tomers for their patronage during
the two -room school building for been purchased by John Thompson .
_ ' ,_ MARCH1945 • both workshop and office space. of Wingharn. He thanks his cus-
, arrived to the .effect that the, high- School students won the regional the last 12 years..
way from Wingham to LuCknow- public speaking contest sponsored The Ontario Barbers' Association
will be paved this year, in, actor- by the Lions Clubs of this area. convention was held in Toronto,
44dance with the provincial road- Mary Ann Schaefer and Charles Kenneth Ternplernan of London,
4btfilding pnigrarn. •,, -- Congram placed first, formerly of Corrie and his model,
Mentbers, of Winghams volun- Town Council named Jack Reavie Robin Brent of Wroxeter, placed
ire departmenttided to the new school cresting guard. He seventh in men's hair styling in a
'�r the purchase will be at the corner of Josephine class of 17 competitors. Ken is(
, f and •John. Streets every school day, apprenticing with VIP men's hair
and $500. The both moming and attetA0011. • stylist in London.