HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-03-21, Page 5w`;',i',"•""""‘i•,'":.!•A ":".• rq, 1•4 .4 .'"k4411te04% •,1";,"?,;'!",i • st• f,1 07.,idvAri • , . • • A Is" • SS; hllcnges, • Was n -‘• t„, t small44,0. 1:440 April0..2 Migir FP'.3:111.10) Stt .1 *41°4'0 aSs is „••• . „ oVerrun nt t986, the ii*st, • rnentaryll•,'ASSIsta*''•*" ;. .110f4t A. • 4. Nft: ,40441‘.t. Almost spring • • Aimirommier: %,,,,",-.P.:•..,>,:e.•••••••,,,,•4••••••••,•41,7,4•3":•••••:•••••4y•••::,,://•• • ,-.7'4••;, • V„?..3,1V3KAS133...3•33.3: „ • •••., • .. By Harry L. Mp,rdon "..• ' /"" s." ".-;%•^, ""y < •"/ > ,O•s" ••'", " •.• , ' •".„ , , • , • hi a -COM -Meld -able effOrlIo Sint-- of 41'44 or departiire; if, 'ykiit sfitavailabieunderta, ,plify the, " chore of making out became or ceased to be a resident of Of ...o", #1 get your11' da suggests taxpayers follow a five- are filing a tax return on behalf of able deductions_are registered pen !lei" ormecnext with- Ontario s mclustri- reSPective thinIS %Si:hake 4, II • neialand-service sectors. omniitteelas an ongoing te , Monetrateto the business community that the Ontariogov eznment -has a positive'co-ordinat- ed approach to small business oWn- ers.• • , •-cOnsideriestititing:00 ,MafOr SmalkhliehteSS1744.400toti4t40y., . Are: effective, 4.00klible-.. .04 .•.44tegigt04*0 p**00-4*Anipte be income tax returns, Revenue Cana- Canada during' 1988: Finally If , you Income , g., .. 1119.1% the . step process. ' . - the estate of a deceased taxpayer,, . sic*, plan..Cc*tititiOnt, OSP cOn. The 1988 General Tax Guide .out ' you have to report the date el the tribUtiOns, •iiii,iiXa.1. professional o lines the step-by-step. procedure; ' death of that person.- . uni'on: dues atimber Or separation 4 tittltherlaetiiir rod*iy.i,iiirliteniti‘ This Steperf.ettRigAlitk7.401dst ''.fonaralleesi7. ''' '' ' IIVOI,An 4l'er, tax return (Which'is a piiigiiiit.kei- --piiitilifvtlf,,ertitc6*el$1;,t•Oitft4.To-174,tict.;0%.. -! tion in the centre of the guide) lists 'complete it only requires ' some alko: a 'number': ot.s eclat s•of •,_,... ,...... ••• -- , 0--- th • ' . • steps ' • straightforward. fa:thial. data, which ekperfses Which yeti" Mat be Able to Step' 1. is the identification sec- the average taxpayer should have clairiX as a deduction. . .: ,•' ' ., ' . tion. This is where you provide on record. , . 'After you have' cakulated- your your name and full address, your Step 2 is also comparatively sun- net, income,. 'yiiii deduct that date of birth,,speftyotirinaritil .'ple to coMplete, It is entitiecr Cal-, amount fixinx thelotatinCont,4%irbu status, give your Social insurance "Culailen of Total In:Conte": Yciti:Will i- reptortedAt.thecOnclusion of Step 2.• number as well as your spouse's - only haVe4 problent. with it if you The setenit'snl*Ctleit 'of *eri .3 SIN, if you are married. You also failed, to keep's full record of all inVolveS 'listing :What YOu may be have to report whether you filed an your sources of incoMe during able' t0;;ClaIM as deductions frOtit income tax return before, giving the 1988.. Yotintust also ensure that you net .10oaine.- why Of potential year. , have all the "T" slips which report deductions don't apply to the great You have to report your 1988 • certain types of inconte, such as -maloritYofilans',..HOWever, in occupation and also the name of unemployment insurance be.X.Xefits,,.. case -One ;is* dedi.14410,-00.14)01,11$ to your present employer. If you were pension plan or superannuation ' yOtit'perSoltal•OiretxMstanceS"•41s self-employed in 1988, you have to benefits- and employment--' ". . -Werth: the tinteltireVieW eath- one _ , . ,"...,„ ....:,,, state the province or territory One change frwn the 1987 tax :•ofthetbred!cledtiCtionii.'4'..°:.: where you cciriducted. this •self- form is that the' entpioyinent ' ' 1,405r. 'ater: 1:040:11kitti4 oti. the which. 'praVinceivor territerrin 'clionitheicaltitilitfitiii r "id* v-TO,Mulae -toi4heliVatehi0e. Wwi- which you' were4officillitediait .:-,Sectititt! 101111:1, 53fil lc) 1 fit9b1:9 -CbUr01114ClitadVitattattelfetif �. on Dec. 31,1988.• • ' ..'1.• , ; -4',•-•%•?-• IL'. .:,:-: •.', 'Stilt ..ther4lhoilviiret-iite foriti4tib-itnittriffIJ 00 itlie4liselits There is also a small subsection ' sections: employinentiratOitt,W0n-7,truarriveaktOtali!iton7dediitt that where you haveto sive your date' siort income, inconie frOnt. other ,atint! &qv isit. int vr *414- , sources and self-employntent, ciliated 'net.titioine, and yOtfarriVe. Christntas., Seal income.. -At the end .01 Step 2 yott at a fi ' re WO reports your ta* ,: - ; • ' List your total Meanie. . • • abielliccinte.1.:,•?',-:-.. • •. ' • : -":' - : - campaign goes , . Step 3 and the second page of- ' FrOnt liere.cliCthings are a tot • your Ti Gerierat.forin tortsistseof ntorecontplieat4 O ver the top . . , ....,.. . . . , . , • . .,. . calculation of taxable: incomc It is Mr. -MartfOrr lb manage a*- , comparatively simple, only a- porate ••corittriIiicat Ons ''•f•Or• Dear Editor: . i • . •Iewcftanges from previout Yeats. Investors Crattp tile,* the Win - As The Lung- Associations The purpose of this section is to 1110g -based financial- planning .. Christmas teat Caritioaigtt draws to ,get taxpayers to Ilst those tax servicettempany. a close, I would like. to thank all. 'Lak. idea should be nailed th6sts: people' in' the comrxtunity • e ,.. :01.0,$ave•P.O.pii:SY, .6N;440‘• . tk. 4igq, 4, „Mb , :tti, ... ,c, . . . • io ,a ,brita06.0.4 , .,I,-) .-",, li io,. ..4..,,?"„4 1 i',,t :,,,:';',.;;;„ '','•:1,44f4f4': ' 4.1 '","•!' writer ''• • .0‘ia: :' • ot inateriaW and . :'iDear Eaton -. . ,.-. '''':",- ,. '.:',..—:.: L.; ')i ., WO* (. mailing atie an d" creasing :, effeet, : -.':.1: aut*tititig letter 0* Mar" ,',., t . ". Of namng., titillitiat4101'.' but ii '6,140itssuoptut, . .garet Worntworth ant ,t o A I ..: , ,. sj toent:' ." Itettie'' .t. ;isaiOntOts*ho but I agree:With yOU'Vh: and 0 , 'CAP be'continued !ITO/0'400:i: with ter 01I „.. i• dt41.• WhighmIde.a. .• Vealtave A beef no* ', • i , ( 4 ' around and I ' ' . Jsst 6,44,,,,17, ‘, , ,.,,, - - • : **pea yeigotillo... ,,,e aiii'iti•:• itti,et, • '. 'rid :.04tik titatitOu have' ' ., , d attd wOntitt hetpigP0.0- 'thave.,liv, ••: , , , ... .,. pie tO bieathe ' RiVer alt e a' ,,, 4' t , t , .. 1,44::0,4: th 1 , ---.=--cere-Y last thing; anyitt'• .altould .statt , , . , . Stephen Dibert doing ts .' runt* IV' 0011400$ ,, .. • , . • 9„,„/ r) atorgi ‘319 114rkcu thillicktit , AIROVItitOtSWit4i4i Ailit*33,htflq • , . .. .y4or at tais..3v•A. sttv ittt#: 4.,s °,,i')•! ,,,,,toyi..p,!,, 4..r;: *Om ,oii•14 r1:440it:.. 40 ' • it ,,,,.4 Nirqc.*,,74,liviilti.--• ' • :.ieli if OAT .3orttikf e MO Mott' 'IA , Iiit '. , ,,, • etL , - A • — ing ing new lees, ti en for reView ;-4)evel°": Pr(tf rts Andscreew eydstinglegnatto: and rules to . - . aIlo ineakieotIttheeinreaasliTepootteiqf ;toeinaSet7;s1;. ; • --,-;i4dV(Se. t.iiit.gavernMent on, -.Oa' Meant Sup ; (L. • Or PrrlaP 111,etiS 114 St4. hiotriPOs gilt ie 'to sentble the rams' of facts and firs- uressurrotinding Ontario's grow- ing smelt _business sector -and "crunch,'""them into a.concise and sharper focus. The committees first report to the legislature in December 1986, t concentrated on the remarkable - ever -rising. tide of new business for- t • his year's report doctunents the continuing -development of small, $ business, providing insight into a emer t ds ,t• re •",....•.• • attend - by 'Senior •C;itizeinrikftal Mavis Wilson in tiendon Ott: teiy-- ork. • -= day, 4prill e: • :•:, ne ota-series toeitigiptabiitO4' acrossthe.orvince,•••the London sontiii„ar athtite !est, Wes I;440rittli4t a*ItO'S' . -not shops and' entertainment.. "ch.' • • Willalsa' povidedThe ,il. !vier stim444-11 • "Inf t inteiesti , ‘. de seniors to meet one another, 4exchange Ideas, and • gain newand u tion. , • - , ; Under the t Is -Ageless", rli WS ÷11411 • , ,. , ,„ • OW0.; • tomtit:in regard- ing the agenda, contact any of my three riding 'offices. rims to Riding Culttire and Comitunications Minister Lily Munro has recently, nformed me of a $1,747.97 grantlo he Town of Coderich for the preservation of Ontario,architec- ure. • - • In addition, the Village of Hen will receive up to a maxim of 2,841 to assist in the conservation and preservation of the architec- g g ren and the most tural features of the village hall. .;, = employment. You must also state expense dediiction has disa ' -forili sac' yott;c-Ifeck•iiiii4d.exteril •e.• .0! •."3" ;143.2 ..,. Morris residents ‘'itilltoliirtteers thanked fl�L -Oricei.gaiti; February lie also like to and ail* is complete. Thanks to' n' taj tribtite to a friend and My:,,devoted canvassers, most a voltutteeitaniasser for the Heart hotnes inNottitMorris wereitect and Stroke caMpaigri, who passed and tionatione fOr the Heat • and away list month 'due to heart rflob- • StrOke.kampaign this, year totalied ;lents. Mrs. Barb Elston was a very $I4i.„35(48 *Oft' front. $1,4a • last:., special person who did her part, ratt):i: - • ' • ,1 and i011 bedearly missed, , • 1 tip My hat to those who donat- Qtce agitho'MY-Persolial•thellks eit,.anct*isicially thank those 22 to: Marilyn Frtekgrger (Con, ladies Who' volunteered their .tinte west), Audrey. Johnston (Con. 1 to this worthwhile cause. It is some - ea times difficult going up to some- shsatr), Bar QtobEton(Con, 2 w Darlow (Con. 2eaesstt)), ones doo-i'-toask for money, but Joanne Chapman Mon. 3 west)o these special people do it tegaret, Edythe Warwick (Cort. 3 east), less. . Marie Macintosh (Con. 4 weat), is#bel Wheeler, (Con. 4, east), Cory •*, nog when you see 'their Sander/4 (Can, 5 west), Doris Mitch- .• and big fed hearts, ler (Con 5 east), Dorothy Coultes ,4itelotut• 'home, tell (HighWay 4 north), Nancy Jardin la -great. jib, anand (Highway 4 south), Isabel Wheeler etterOuilY to the Heart d (Iltighway 86), Hanna Nicholson bundition ofOrtlario. (County Road 1) and for Behoove ety " $0000 (*Idiots die Mary Vair,,,Katert Cook Laura 01 hea*t attacks. Your otirttkbutions Johnson, -Anna 'Spivey, Wanda , 'toward pubile education en Otietuote, Kathy MtCracken„ go.; et atterlifotqle) pro. fence McArter, and Joanne tuibert public awarefteSt: through : Yours truly to fitedicat research. ,•Wtk , , Linda Hemet Wean- reattee this , • AP r . Vino •;,,;14,, 4* -;2:16 itAIN4t1h, Ill, 41,14j, .1441 r b rwbsi s't