HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-03-14, Page 28•
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4E'pyers took Lorne Kuntz thepstQ
eround 30,point Gavreluk, Wingham,
a plus of ••49; third,
Kitchener and Garnet Dielil Du
gannOn; four wins and a plus of 17.1 '-
fourth, Carl Spielmacher, Hanover
and Steve Trapp, Wingham, three
wins and a plus of 60;
Fifth, Ron Spitzig, Chepstow and
Jim Rivett, Dungannon, three wins
and a plus of 44; sixth; Harold Bid -
ham, Staffa and Charles Trapp,
Wingham, six wins and a plus of 82
and seventh, Harold Cassidy,
On the 'A' side, Ed Neeb of
• Kitchener and Jack Ward of Monk -
ton were the winners with eight
wins and a plus of 27.
. Other results are as follows: sec-
ond, Bill Spielmacher, Hanover and
Jack Britnell, Staffa, eight wins and
a plus of 19; third, Jack Arnold,
Mildmay and Leon Russell, Wing -
ham, six wins and a plus of 62;
fourth, Mery Lichty Waterloo and
George Freiburger, Kitchener, six
wins and a plus of 59;
Fifth, Paul Dieirich, Wellesley
and Lloyd Neeb, Kitchener, five
wins and a'plus of 79; sixth, Gene
Dietrich, Kitchener and Eugene
Kuntz, Walkerton, four wins and a
plus of 87; seventh, Syd Lawson,
Goderich and Grant Wall, Cobourg,
three wins and a plus of 83;
Eighth, Harold, Carter, Coderich
and Lorne Hamilton, Wingham,
two wins and a plus of 97; ninth,
Alonzo Harburn, St. Marys and
Glen Casemore, Wingham, two
wins and a plus of 142; tenth, Ed
BradleyrSt. Marys and Alex Sea,
Coderick,one win and a plus of
Committee ask*
council for its
"moral support"
Wingham Town Council has
agreed to give its moml--,Aupport to
a newly -formed committee that
hopes to renew interest in a project
to rehabilitate the lower Fiend
At its regular March meeting,
council heard a presentatien by
Wingham Optimist Club Vice-presi-
dent Rick Whiteley.,
Mr. Whiteley toldpuncil the ser-
vice club hopes to spearhead a cam-
otitooth'4iealP 'OMIttnnitY, interest
and perhaps raise da for such4
The committee, said, would a190' tpa.t of
Cargill and Dean Elliott, Staffa, one TERRIFIC URTLES..Ethan
itlecks got sneak pr
• ,
win and a plus of 84.
Doucette'spuppet bereke igist Saturday* preser
The next tournament is Saturday,
March 25, at 1 p.m. rid Turtles and Other. Pets." at the Wingham.-' up
Mew of arion 1 r,•.6 r„ice.
Ola p "Terri-, necessary',
The' #04,,
arena asfollo
• •P
T fan*rielt:P
..... . 4 .4 ?.•, 44
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Huron County residents will pa3r Merit stild$.1.' oirerall 'Mill rate in- The OASolidatedi'
• almost 20 per cent More taxes for crease totals 1938' per cent for crea,Se
a1so c
county services this year, largely to- county purposes
ward the proposed rebuilding of• That means residents owning just less than
• „
iill i in-
.5 m . ana we ea
uronview Home for the Aged, property assessed at $75,000 will spending will increase 44.641rnillion, those
and a county -wide waste manage- pay $234.53 toward the operation of over 1988's over.
went study. _ Huron County. That's an increase of The 26 municipalities in the
The $22.4 million budget ap- $30 over what they paid in 1988county will shire in raising $6.37
proved by aunty council at its reg- County residents also. pay taxes niinion, While the balance of the e
ular March meeting includes a 4.28 to operate their .home municipal- $22.5 million comes largely from•
per cent increase in the operating ties and to finance public and SePa- Provincial government grants ($11
budget, just less than the expected rate schools. • million), or a Variety of fees and
increase in the cost of living. Until the school boards set their services ($2.66 million).
However, with almost $900,000 budgets probably neif month As well, almost $1 million in stir -
being set aside for use toward a
11 01-nt
—it cannot be determined what plus funds from 1988 are inc.luded The Wingham Police Department
new iimonviewq " 000 to- percentage oft '44.31khich as revenue in the n$4044g'ettU 'ate in the P: E
q, -41 lo - Madill
ward the five-year wast matiagew -40f-thetinveltserk. '
The. bulk of the aurity'budget %cora
goes toward transportation services ucation Program during the next
• ., "
„ •
($8 million this year), social services school yeas.
(another $8 million„ including At its regular March meeting, thC
flitrant*ts;$6-inillion operating . i'Vinghamlloard.of P-olice C*ninis
costi),.. health services (a(moSt $2 ,siorters authorited Police Chief BoV
million), recreation services ($1.6 Wittig to take part in the Huron:*
.• million, including $1 million toop- Count,' Board of Education sport7,.
• '
By Bill Henry,- , ' , sO eth -that it has yet. t -
Ong waste man.' errient, at Clearliy agree tci do. •
Orate librariei); and general acimin- sore:I-Program- • • •
• ••
0000, luxury Clerk -treasurer Bill Hanly re- A r
e co-operative education ,gro,,
ides a 1109400,1iiillk .9
ty for students outside!
Students are able to earns:
some cortricilicoii`stt
ild% repreSentatives of area ser-,
tifon Coun- minded council 'that each phase of -•PP I
vice 0100/recreation representa- ty can't afford. the master plan must gain county f
''I would like to see waste man- approval.
14'!Wri,:,*tiould like to see something
agentent out of this budget until 1f, tage fails
ss, the denied at councit
- ?by. agroup of citizens— not Huronview is completed; Exeter 'I set aside
necessarily government to see if Deputy Reeve .1,9Salr Fuller said omei,iiifailable for
e• sarid town council.
• ,
or se•v• •erance ondary school credits while ta
• advantage of resources availab10-
working atjobs in local busines
we can't do something to restore •,,01,Ving 'budget3discussions at , ,
• - GORRIE report made before
that. area," he saisit.r44:',, •
,crustcira regular .-pzessed.- ab
e.00oFent ex-Hriwick counOkby4hellurcon Om*.
trOi "Celia
• Councillor ROWBee4o
the chairman of tourtcirS1 meetut -council p
din Huron-
ut.' WU •
. - .
aleleal• Department *thing rind tieire1;.
r .
a proved opment 'that a rezoning KA
ad hoc committee "Ow the
91,58 per cell niill rate Increase view when the project has yet to orris applies
and severaribe applierrtion made by .
and industry •
The program is designed to run
every other day throughout the
Sept. 25 to June 9 school yeat
Town Dam, said heifiriuld
Untiteley with Mr
- b
unt3r purposes, gain foxmal•pitovhIcial government
ut 41 pet cent -of that results aP 110valh
• denied. .
Kenneth and Paul '' -1,:i017 ..0f,:*i°11 for $34)C)00
'ti 'td.be
shed• lectAce Tie•y,• faled * , . c OWEI-
thico Ittee has available now. trent. establishing' Aese.rve"funds for t Midde Yolabxr te knew What The purpose of theapplicitiion WAS ridge su111
s' y
Mr. %%tele said the first meeting a new HuronvieW 'complex and for .,0u107_ WO, to rezone approximately 2.9 dotes of -
of thenew cOriOnittee is planned continuing to develop a county., Jr m'•'4ng wan MintatrY 0 oats
Morria Townahip Courrell hash
a 4'
for April 5tei **tide with'a public
infonuatiotMeeting the Wingham wide waste managemep.
• land on Lot Con 2 Howi k
ship, frorn eneral agricultural to
tion was ma
an applicatiiitt
that Portion oft
Business ASSOciaticon has scheduled Mrs. Fuller said sh.„ ' he.proposed applica-
that - •
eortitmetion with
to informillessublic about its Lake county nit ev
.4ionsent to sever
Wingluim pteJect. Said it ma
Waste manageme
Ifthe larger "lake" projeo should bePiagd
should ever be apprtrtieds the bud- *-linty rebuilds 'Purchaser of the
the Gerrie Elible
ness association feels thebacknief Home for the Ag
til the don
next •
ers• who sto4tott
sher was crit -
„plan; saying he under- it -
st141„..Puritit Suitt Ottl
water created by a dairAistallon several Yea' ' `i•OwaS denied Since
in the area of the Zetlatid &id . .1%.*ever* she arnir
will also fill in the lower pond, t her rkv!
inaking a jam there unnecssary, lientintOttnOtititt,.
• • .” 00,
and that fie&
.:,,••• •
4 '4
lion Wai containing With
:*econdariPlati This plan
al Therefore, ,.-._-.--'4eit m -
thatwherever praOlic
applied for $80,000 in supplemenar
subsidy from the 0
Transportation for theiciAate
ofBrown's Bridge on Con. 9, • ,
'rite subsidy application was made
4t the second rebruary meeting of
The total township road budget for
1999 is $558,600. However, the
, provincial road subsidy of $346,$0-•,„
will Only support expenditurea
• $451100.
cific es sh�zld be I this extra tufidS can be ,pr •
Motr# rtiau pojects this
tiy I MOOnstruction of the
etkloped and
road at ,Lots 17 to 29, Con. 7,8 and
feels the Gorne gideroadi.on Con. 9 near
ugh supplementary snbrii
• rich;shotdd at-Br�wii'sBridge. ,
l•ot , -4, f.
land it • make the coming hour overflow With
ntaiihtruld JOY,• ft,
auwi ifyiag a , And pleasure drown the brirn.
olidetteb.,1:irriktitt,t ;TT' t• r .t.rt virstr,r4 . 1-7-611akeS
• •,•;:;"