HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-03-14, Page 414 Page - The Wangha 4 dvance ee, Mardi i ,19. l ; akY .'�,hCra/h%: f/,ir..frrrL.'Y'rif:r:i A promising future The future .of any small community depends heavily on the gener- ation which now awaits the passing on of the torch from those who actively lead today. From the generation which now fills the class- rooms of senior elementary and high school grades will come the men and women who will add their touch to the development of our community and provide influence on its direction. In, that youthful group of today are the politicians, professionals, volunteers and business people of tomorrow. Also included are those who are concerned only with becoming responsible citizens, but who, in reaching just that goal, find theyhave gone on to realize far more than the original modest but valued goal they had set. For those who now govern, develop and work toward creating healthy growth in our community it is comforting to see signs in- dicating that our future is almost guaranteed to be in safe, respon- sible hands That today's young opIe can and do follow a strong and responsible set -of vai'ues whic,'h wiII prepare them for the rigors of ckdi* un1ty. d_eveloprnent tomorrow. Helping• , thie, of course, are the area's_ excellent Prograrns in minor sports and other organized activities. Recognition in each of these programs is passed on to those who excel through many in- dividual and group awards and honors, and deservedly so. For the past two years, there has been another award which rec- ognizes a young person in our community whose actions are indic- ative of a willingness to accept the responsibility of our community's destiny. Originated by its benefactor, an active com- munity member and leader, the Margaret Bennett Junior Citizen Award is now a memorial to her. Last year, Mrs. Bennett presen d the first ever award to Wing - ham's Jonathan Gibbons. Last week, her husband Roy made the presentation of this r' �.ar's award to Stephanie Goll, also of Wing - ham. Each of these your ig people, through g their example, standards for otheryoungoP e, have set y have taken the first bold steplong the pathway of community ow. e leader- ship. Along with the rest of our community, we at The Advance -Times congratulate Stephanie P Goll on being the recipient this year of the Margaret °Bennett .Itlnibr'Citizen• Awivard :. ; A It's our turn The:Town„of Wingham is to be commended for its initiative in es- tablishing a recycling program which will soon be underway in our town. On Saturday, an open house will be held at the town hall and in the nearby parking lot to provide residents with information on the program. In addition, they will have an opportunity to see a demon- stration of how their recyclable materials will be handled by the special vehicle that collects them. Next week, the "blue boxes” are to be distributed to every household in town and it is with these that we make absolutely cer- tain the program works. Without our participation, recycling in Wingham will have failed and we will go back to the grim prospect of having done nothing to combat the' steadily increasing cost of handling our waste. Plan to show up this Saturday at the town hall and then make a commitment to rnakin ,the blue box program a sound inert. The box Won't do 'any good"int just Oollects dust in •some corner of your home. In most case, inactivity results from not knowing the program's steps. That's what the open, house is for. See you there. Spend to save There is merit in the suggestion that the provincial government could save taxpayers money at budget time by increasing its allo- cati©n to a health related -program which is now in jeopardy. The Toronto Star points Nit that by giving homemakers across the prov- ince 'a raise, Ontario Treasurer Robert Nixon could be cutting costs in other health care: pprograms. We agree. By making homemaking -- a program highly touted by the prov- ince just a few years ago -- a better paying job, more people will be kept out Of hospitals. One ' does not have to be an accountant to, recognize the feponvmic good sense in keeping the many elderly, - disabled -arid chron6liyijl at fiersie with qualified capable -care and out of the farmore.cosffyhQspitais. In addition, the�acute care hos- pital beds,are, then - free - to be just that. The homemaking programs across Ontario are saddled with huge operating deficits largely due to training 'eosts associated with a high staff turnover related to a job which pays barely more than minimum wage in lost cases. In this case. the recommended increase in pay is not only merit- ed, but sensible. If, as it appears, the "spinoff" savings realized else v kihiittynealth care system vijt f.a7 �}t ?+9r p 4s ?JAc „99,0 grp-payi i -lJ rp e, the government ha*AQa tion to save the money of Ontario taxpayers. • ,47�"'f y h;ro r/r.'r✓i,',�r.�i.✓�i/! r•+Yl:Srr�yj o-. rf t"r"?' ;••{.•'.•YI,S '"','"+'z r. - ff+�.y{{.i },.. . ra:iiyry%•C ✓J; •S.,r. �{/ :�•S:f:•Y.,/r�: r✓i ✓:�J:.SYGt .':<j��;:}ry'/,'j.A' •+/ryS ryy ;'!{f„f;:✓s/ry r,r:•,:::•,J..'S:$%:S;}Y;}>• )Yi'9•;.%•,'••r.:;y:.::;::.. ✓• � � 9•.u'::,:CK4.{',,•'Y.Y.r..•f.%/✓'. 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Y^fr.S.✓,:.,,y9'✓y, �gG,l,r✓•:. .t,..am�r<w+f<},,+f>;.,.c.::..r:::uY>:'.'{s`,�t�:•.?::y✓r' .Si/::$�:r:.r�.yr..N{y.. •r f...�/•;.rr:fi:Y!!:;:: ,.r� .•r/,.,./,,, .,,.. .,�, �., :r...,n. �:,�`{'.:Ky✓ . ''� ���.:r,,,;:u:rfi,`Gnry%ai:.rE.;y� •Ei',''i'6,#i;«c'y%y:�,<>ry �%:, �'.�.�rf.!•?firyr,'..S,:r'.;s% • a ,,MARCH 1942 Miss Mary Elizabeth McKibbo - deft r'rOronto'where she will ente Wellesley Hospital as a nurse -in training. A Wingham rink, Jack Raby, Ed Nash, Jim Carr and Donald Rae, carried off the honors at a bonspiel held at Belmore. They had a score of three wins and a plus of 16. Clark Renwick's Belmore rink was second. Ken Johnson the Dominion Bank staff has been transferred to the Davenport and Lawton' branch, Toronto. Ken is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson of town Melvin Taylor has purchased the farm of Robert Winter on the sixth concession of East Wawanosh, Joan Fontaine, star of "Suspicion” and Cary Cooper, who” portrayed war hero Alvin Yorkin the highly - praised film, "Sergeant York", won the best actress and best actor Os- cars for 1941 in Hollywood. A throng of 1,500 film folk and, distin- guished guests attended. Holly- wood's first war -time dinner of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. MARCH 1955 Crowded conditions in Wingham General Hospital were again expe- rienced when hospital authorities reported a total of 92 patients, not far off the all-time high. However, work on the new wing is progress- ing favorably; and the basement wall has been removed to connect the new and old buildings. The largest Ontario Red- Cross Co. build n$ � o 4 ,Albert St .The n Disaster Services operation in 1954 offer of`purchase`Iromn anada r was that caused in October by Hur- Packers was $7,000 and council ricane•Hazel. Aidwas supplied to a voted to purchase the Mowbray total of 5,455 individuals directly building for ,000 after the sale of affected and to countless others who required aid. -A total of 2,414 homes were either damaged or completely destroyed. Mrs. Herb Patterson was re-elect- ed president of the Wroxeter Wom- en's Institute. Vice-presidents are Mrs. W. T ._MacLean and Mrs. John Lane; secretary -treasurer is Mrs. Thomas Burke. CKNX Wingham has applied to Ottawa for a television license, it was announced by W. T. "Doc" Cruickshank, generalmanager of the radio station. The application asks for permission 'to install and the shed had been confirmed. Don Robertson of Bluevale has arranged the sale of the Bluevale Creamery. The business will contin- ue under the name of Bluevale Creamery and he will carry on as manager. The firm of Bennett and Wright of Kitchener, general contractors, has almost completed the 'installa- tion of a new boiler in a temporary Location at the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. The installation is the first move in the $800,000 hospital addition operate a television station o -n both h sa nd the decided to ban off of Channel 8. It would serve Bruce, fireworks within the corporation on Grey Huron, West Dufferin, North a year-round basis. The control will Perth, North Wellington and a sec- not stop fireworks displays under tion of Waterloo County. permit, allowing service clubs and Wroxeter Town Hall is beginning firemen to once again cooperate for to take on a new look these days. A a May 24 display new oil furnace is now installed and work on the modern kitchen wry Brooks, Wingham District will be started this week. A coin- High School's, 98 -pound wrestler, munity building for the holding of won the Ontario high school meetings and social events has long wrestling championship for his been a need in the village and dis- class in the concluding tournament trict. at Clarke Road Secondary School, MARCH 1965 London. Larry has won two consec- An argument developed at coup- utive WOSSA crowns and went un- cil over the sale of the old town defeated this season, He is a Grade shed to Canada :Packers for use as a 11 student, son of Mr. and Mrs. warehouse and the subsequent pur= Robert Brooks of Wingham, chase of the Mowbray Construction - MARCH 1975 At a Farmers' Mixed Bonspiel, Bob Scott presented the Keil Insur- ance Trophy to the winning rink of Mrs Marie Elston, lead; Ed Stewart, second; Mrs. Betty Archambault, vice and Len Archambault, skip, At the 34th annual meeting of the Corrie and District Red Cross Soci- ety, G. Dornan, development officer from the Red Cross headquarters in Toronto, presented the branch with a new charter reading "Howick Township Branch of the Canadian k ID aC•r 3d ,3 tiza.rcarie Moi Red'. . 1 Ibe - tfl$tar bane-Olime • Published at Wingham, Ontario. P.O. Box 390 - NOG 2W0 ' by Wenger Bros. limited ' Barry Wenger, Publisher David Wenger, President • Norman MacLennan, Sec.-Treas. Robert Murphy, Editor Audrey Currie, Advertising Manager Member—Canadian CoromunitINewspaper Assoc. Ontario Comrhunity Newspaper Assoc. Subecriptions $21.00 per year $23.00 beyond 40 -mile zone B Ia3 VSs iPSDGa)ti..•} Qr;j.,JP.;lJ1 d ,lT err nd Class Mail Registration No. 0821 Six months $12.50 ease turn to Paige 6A) • 1�Y