The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-03-14, Page 2.J .b. moi.. 1 MI 1 1 A comedyabout nice guy who got pushed too far i lNNNNNNN11110NNNN1/11te Phone 3571 ��Pq�yLA�yYINGY�y�.QF��R/OM .? a ;. SHOW* DAYIC WRIME T MO ci man of tieaOliii a gavage land® *Strallejviad ubtyrbiio h:pUR uk St. Paul's Church (ANGLICAN) WINGHAM John Street at Centre Street THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF WINGHAM AND BELGRAVE All services from the "Book of Common Prayer" PALM SUNDAY - SUNDAY, March 19,1989 11:00 a.m. - Blessing of the Palms and Procession of Palms Sunday School & Nursery Minister : Rev. D. Madge Trinity Belgrave -1:15 p.m. - Paim. Sunday Service WinghaRn. United Church ..Sunday, March 19;-i :.�. 11:00 a.m. - Service of Confirmation & Communion Reception following Maunday Thursday (March 23) 7:30 p.m. - Communion Service Sunday, March 26 - 9:00 a.m. Easter Morning Breakfast For tickets call 357-2961 or 356-1667 Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grant, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge Telephone: Church - 357-2961 Manse - 357-1072 24 oz. l3eef, Irish, Chili Con Carne Puritan Stews . • ®. , . Hereford 12 oz. Corned Beef Quaker 625 g .Oat Bran . , .. Nielson 200 g box Willo-Crisp. Cool Mints, Slowpokes or. Golden Buds .......... • Nabob 300. g Tradition 'Ground Coffee .,,.® ®®,, Pantry Shelf 10 oz.can Mandarin Oranges . • . Schneiders 175 g Ham Steals FRUIT dna w.' Sat 7.10 `'a .rn,, - ► 1.99 2.29 1.99 1.59 2.49 a!j (Canteed fromP e 1) Wtllt* manpowe1r w t t municipali- ties' em!i�, ltie said. '"We have, with: t dOtione of -the 4140 partnients in On- tarli P The board, Mr. Beecroft said, had been led to believe that some of the t epartanent's vehicles do not meet Ontario Fire Marshal regulations. "The fact of the matter is that as long as our equipment is well maintained, and meets the highway safety act and. pumping capacity (requirements), the age of the equipment is irrelevant." Of the five member municipali- ties, it seems Turnberry is the only council to have already established reserves in anticipation of the vehi- cle's purchase. Turnberry representative Nelson Underwood said township council set up the reserve account last year "and were doing it again this year, hoping to get the purchase deferred for at least another year." East Wawanosh and Morris Townships have already passed motions approving their portions of thefire board budget, even though a final document has not yet been presented. Morris contributes 8.7 per cent while East Wawanosh pays 7.7 per cent. However, the other three munici- palities, representing 83.6 per cent of the fire board budget, are not as r, al- e sentative. is bit to con .% 11 ce Mr. ct rat .that Wtngh �. shoui 'look at a two, rather than a threear time tr4yrre. Howiek's concern, Mr4 Fairies said, . is that time is running out on the pumper which is now at the No. 2 station in Gorrie. "Have I been operating under the delusion that we bought that truck over there to last us five years, and that was about three or four years ago?" Mr. McGrath said Wingham can- not afford to make the purchase this year, unless it can be proven that the immediate replacement of the pumper is absolutely necessary. Mr. Fairies suggested that Wing - ham consider financing at least a portion of the purchase. "If you're going to buy the truck in three years, what's going to cost you the least?" he asked. "To bor- row the money for two years or to wait and pay the inflated cost at the end of three years." Mr. McGrath said he would glad- ly take Mr. Fairies' suggestion back to Wmgham's finance and manage- ment committee. "But I know what their answer will be because they're up against it this year" Mr. Beecroft agreed. "Even with the figures presented tonight, the attitude of Wingham council is that Council accepts masterplan, without its feasibility study (Continued from Page 1) ber of the master plan committee, --askef to :haverthe issue tabled, to allow time to Consider the proposed "amendment;' fret' Mayor Ian More- land said that was unreasonable. "We have to get on with making a decision," Mr. Moreland said. "There's no point in dragging our feet any longer." Councillor Ward Robertson, fi- nance and manageritent committee chairman, told the delegation coun- cil did not want to present itself as being hypocritical by passing the plan and then shelving it. "I think that if we pass this plan as presented, we're tied down to a large expenditure," he said. "That's why we're separating these items now." Following the meeting, the con- troversy continued with members of the committee reported to be upset over the' word 'delete" used in the amended motion passed by council. On Friday, Mr. Moreland met with Melanie McLaughlin of the recreation and tourism industry to discuss ways of reaching a compro- mise. Since emphasis has been placed so heavily on the word "delete", it is likely that council will be asked at its next meeting to consider re- scinding the amended motion and introducing a new motion which excludes the word "delete", but at the same time, sets aside the contro- versial sections and recommenda- tions. FESTIVAL CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL OF ENTERTAINMENT Vancouver's award winning GREEN THUMB THEATRE presents TWO WEEKS TWI E&YEAR Saturday, Math 18, 2pm at Blyth Memorial Hall Tickets $6.00 At the Door $ 7.50 CALL BOX OFFICE 523-9300/9225 ONTARIO JJ9IM ?Y SOVICE SERVICE DRS BIBLI UES EL'Mi'i' SAUGEEN THE 1989 DOROTHY sHommkgR LITERARY AWARD CONTEST Deadline tor exit ties * Wird" 31,1989 Contest des and entry forats avitilable at your local public Mindy Prizes in each category. , Send your entries in today SeraVetmgloom .' ic�txerc) t #..quoted, $11 ! •A breakdown t ,ess shawslwith thein cpabt� cottage in brackets) the five gt, ipa ties would pa Wingham E36.), .$1;6,1 1.40; owl 296), $13;23:1.20; Turnberry (17.8), $7,956.60; Morris (8-7), $3,888.90; East Wawanosh (7.7)„ $3,44190. With the balance being paid in 1990, the municipalities will then be asked to pay the following (With the overall share of total .puhase price in brackets): Wingharn, $43,387.51 ($59,568.91); Howick, $35,477.08 ($48,708.28); Turnberry, $21,334.19 ($29,290.79); Morris, $10,427.39. ($14,316.29); East Wawanosh, $9,228.83 ($1.2,670.73)0 The representatives will report to the board's next meeting on the out- come of the presentation to their .. councils of this latest set of figures. Keil elected MPGA director Wingham Board of Police Com- missioners Chairman Holly Keil has been elected to the board cif di- rectors of Zone 5 of ` the Municipal Police Governing Authorities. Mrs. Keil was elected at the Zone 5 meeting held in Durham last month. The announcement was made at the Wingham.,board's. regular March meetin by commission member Ian Mond. Doug Wood competes at World championship Wingham's Doug Wood, holder of the Canadian pole vault record, recently returned from the world indoor championships at Budapest. His father, Ken Wood of Wingham, said his son was rather disappointed that he did not go beyond the preliminary round of competition at Budapest. However, he is chalking it up to experience and will start training very soon for the upcoming outdoor season. R. Manley replaces Harry Orr as MNR manager Harry Orr, manager of the Wing - ham district office of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, re- cently started a new job at Brace - bridge. Arriving in Wingham in January of 1987 as acting district manager, Mr. Orr chose to stay as the full- time manager in September of the same year. Mr. Orr says he leaves Wingham with pleasant memories. "The local people in the area have been warm and friendly to me," he says. "1 have gotten to know some of therm very well. I also feel a special fondness for the staff at Wingham. They have made my short stay here both rewarding and enjoyable. It's the people you work with that can make leaving so difficult." Richard Manley replaces Mr. Orr aCactiffg,4infick ,M4.0 If — WAWA' a s ...'IPA coe.