HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-03-07, Page 6Page 6A - The i 'ham A.vanJ
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Seniors ur
WROXETER—John Jacques and
Paul Statia were present at the
meeting of the senior citizens, to ex-
plain the need for the community
to cooperate in the survey for non-
profit housing. Whether the need
for it is now or later, the question-
naire is most helpful in determining
the housing ministry decision for
units in the community. Many
questions were answered and any-
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one wishing, help or more intorma-
titan may contact- the speakers.,
Thanks was expressed to John and
A potluck dinner preceded the
March 1. meeting. As a reminder
that this is the month for the Irish
to celebrate, Mrs. Eleanore Gibson
brought a decorated cake with a
leprechaun perched on top.
Mrs, Mildred Coupland opened
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the
Township of Howick proposes to: pass a by-law pursuant . to
the provisions of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter
302, Section 298, and amendments thereto, for stopping up
and closing and selling a portion of Centre Street, in the vil-
lage of Wroxeter, in the Township of Howick, more particu-
larly described as follows:
Part of Centre Street, Registered Plan 316, being desig-
nated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 22R-2588, Village of
Wroxeter, Township of Howick, County of Huron, said Plan
deposited on February 6th, 1989 in the Registry Office for the
County of Huron.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council shall hear
any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially -af-
fected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard at the
regular meeting of Council on Tuesday, May 2nd, 1989.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by-law
may be examined by all persons interested at the office of the
Clerk of the Township of Howick, during business hours, at.
any time, before th.e same is passed.
Dated this 14th day of February A.D., 1989
Norman Fairies, Reeve
Thomas Miller, Clerk
twice as
much as
your peers
make you
feel bad,
then stop
But if the idea of owning.
and operating your own
business in the health
care industry is your
ambition in life, then
read the fine 1)0M.
We are Four Star 1%QLl4T1G. HEALTH
. _o:�a� assis# tau in l�u�.
endeavour. .. ,
As a Four Star franehisee,ryou will ow:n
and operate you own businbsse`But Wve
will be with you every Sep of the way
from site selection to rite: indopening
and -beyond; Wo will tak r yOt tdown a .
road, we have already travel fid many..
Independent studies have ttinfirmed
time and time again that franchised -ausi
rjesses do considerablybetter in every
*ay than do unfranchised ventures. .,
Owning you own business is not easy..
The hours can belong and the work can
be kW,. However, the rewards can be
enorrnoua independar e0t,the 41504 to
c flttatyour own More ani at ons elr=
ably- above average m rtfiii�i' -
fi.Yr � F+' �t F. ,
rdahave the work et**c;
have .the.. appoitunity .::
et us few fel tdetatt
, h h Centres
.h t t1, Qtitarld
the business portion and u411
the 'last meeting were rearl by It s
Eileen Hamilton. Ted Smith gave
the treasurer's report.
The next meeting will be held
April 5 with a potluck sd'inner at
12:30. Guests,. Mr. and Mrs; .ham
Audet, will presente talk' and trav-
elogue on .China.
Mr and M ": `Adrien Poirier, Mis-
sissauga; .
is-sissauga;: were weekend vs'itarrs
with Mrs. Cliff Marks.
Becky Elgie Judith and Rhonda :
McMichael were three of a group •of L
five young ladies who spent;;Q,n.„
week holidaying at Doral Beach, `"
Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela.
Peter Isabelle and friend from
Mississauga visited Thursday with JED CLAMPETT alias Chad Creexlen, welcomes party goerJason
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Clement.
Everyone is invited to attend the Schiestel to. his Beverly Hills mansion in tomorrow evening's,
Wednesda s " re
St. Patrick's luncheon on March 17, � h ��on Of "The Beverly Hillbillies" at the
starting at 11:45 in the Wroxeter Wi'n am • bli ' SC S, .
United Church.
Congregation members of the Area reflexologist 's
Wroxeter United Church are de- guest-
Jeff Hawkins has been accepted for of U United Church Wornen
ordination in May. They -congratu-
late hien but remind him that they WROXETERP-The United "The Connecting Link". Mrs. Mari -
hope he staff in WroxeteeraChurch Women met at the church lyn Elgie began the worship with a
' �. ;.� � ,. ~„, f„R. �r February meeting. Mrs. reading, "Footprints"", and all sang
cy members � € utchinson introduced Mrs. a verse of "0 Master, Let Me Walk
Shirley soft of Corrie, who studied With Thee". Mrs. Mildred Coup -
choose '89 theme ' and practises reflexology. She gave land led the responsive reading, fol -
a very interesting and informative lowed by a hymn. Phyllis read
HOWICK-."Older and Better" is talk on its. merits. It is the study of scripture from Isaiah, chapter 40,
the theme chosen for the upcoming the nerve endings of the feet and and other members read from
130th anniversary of the Howick- hands and how they elate -to the Psalms, I John and St. Matthew's
Turnberry, Fall Fair, to be held on illness. of thebody Each part of _Gospel. The offering was received
October 6 and 7. the foot lines up nth a certain part and dedicated and Phyllis led in
President Ron Douglas reported- • of the body and, *elates to the mas- prayer.
a very successful fair in 1988 ata re- 5e - '' �', Astor'-, "Discovering 'the King
cent meeting of . the ,.Howick Agri- rs. Audrey O'Krafka volun- dom", was read ,by, Marilyn and,
cultural Society and asked the di- teered for a treatment and as the after the""singing' of a hymn, Mil -
rectors for ideas to make the 130th members watched Mrs. Bott use her died closed the' worship with the
,fair an evengreater success.ge to brin comfort to A dreg benedicti ► Mrs Mc c eI Mrs.
The of- 8 � .
ficial openingof thefair it see it -almost -1r r . c A '
vll .benserved
moved -to qday' evening, with pia hearty , v ari w ' � e � I o e L : 'and
p esidents of the Sklar as pissed
guests. Former •. . ,,w
"Fair. �Qyreens
invited to take e'
program. Plans . ufil et'" for: e : B
dance on Saturday: s � ti____, i : Mi s; Phy .Mel
events for the Children, hospitality:chose a poem about Lent to ripen
•centre and lots. of entertainmet. . the brininess. Mrs. ,Eileen. Hiln CORRIE--Euchre winners at the
Sharon . Douglas, president of the d the minutes of the last ' c ' senior citizens'' Gimes Night, held
rneetrrtg.: „
--Homecrafts Division, said that and Mrs. Sandra Ed r gave an en- Tuesday eveningin. the town hall,
_. some spial, classes, such as a cake couraging report. Members were were : Mrs. Myrtle Metcalfe, Mrs.
decorated 'for .the fait celebration, reminded of the changes in the Peggy Curry, John Hallman and Bill
.have been included in this year's catering cor ittee'set upJitd hope ' Bennett.
*,frit dist. Advance lis f s for the, .. it will prove more satisfactory.:Mrs. Elva Jacques won the lone
re raf t c i esCornip events
a .l . lc. are now,�a�;a►t�,- �" �e: reference. q �er�,n �: ' �;t-,, hand specialprize; Mrs. Curry won
h e and are li t sires C , nce. Theordination of a'-sis draw andthe LINO,,prize
r ", wkin$
it:� :, will rem place at the ,went to Mrs. Ethel Brown.
rs -.
itr •o de thea 4.p'.m. The spring bale will be gath-
rt o i� pogr tie attendedthe church on May 9 and 10;
•Fiat ,tom i►afar A , , of 'Ark ; M+ s were ' asked. to.plan their
cultural' Societies convention in spring closet clearance and help
To nto.' She thanked tee' wi -a a ala 'eon.:. ` be
gatietYlir' ~ yaPatrick's Iun 1100# at
ty' to ' `an to nteetire" other ` 'i ►iceir thilted 'r lh, stag gat
contes+ its. - w to ` Wil . ng fo •':- lF Notices and:'.deta lsof these
the Miss CNE crown in August. She events will be posted on, the bul-
also had the experience of assisting :loins lin the church.
with the.. jud in at the Fres est Roll tai' was a
eo�►petitionti � in . by fig®
Bingham, z `s :fc►r Welcome :s
her thy: opportunitykers
to look at the fir; ni woanters to •the cO
^ er PoliceCColiege on May 27 at
eom�ypetition, ni a., judge's view- Many 4t,
-EVerybedy 0hinlot of lunging hu- wall hay
ty acid n t dy't ks'" ellaang� six ` .,Jy xn
.tnghlats+... n'ionth`s prize.
yllisclosed the business r
---Leo Tolstoy tiorn with a huorous verse entitled
f erestlpng *int Weft re -
'interesting riew idea
tis irrienth and Mrs.
teaft' a decorated
log. The winner. must.
L. Ballagh and
Delmar- (Ackert
win at euchre
BELMORE—Another enjoyable
euchre party was held in the com-
munity centre last Thursday
evening with about 30 attending.
Delmar Dickert was the high
man and Ivan Haskins was second.
Lavonrte Ballagh won first prize for
the ladies Wirth Stella Fitch second.
Most lone hands for the men was
won by Ken Dickson, while Mrs.
Fitch took top honors fol the ladies.
Hostesses were Florence Dickson,
Doris Hays and Myrtle Weir. The
next card party, the final one for the
season; will be held on March 16.