HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-11-27, Page 10A' PRICES 6 \V Come and Get Your Share of These B,•` r'ga1ns X5.00 LADIES' FI,TE COLLARED COATS -- NOW - $19,85 $2.00 LADIES' AND D MISSES' WINTER COATS - NOW $17.95 $1.50 ALL WOOL fIOSE BLACK AND COLO.eBS - NOW 98c. 4;5.50 SL1PPEIRS and OXFORDS, This Season's --- NOW $4.50, $,2,.50 LADIES' HOUSE SLIPPERS, rubber heels' - NOW - $1.75 G,2.40 FALL WOOL now,SPUNS, 54 inches wide -- NOW -. $1.49 $1,00 FANCY BATH TOWELS, slightly soiled - NOW 65c. $3.00 MEN'S STANFIELI) TJNDER\ TEAR blue label NOW - $2.40 $2.50 1JEN'S STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR, red label NOW $2.20 $2:.00 ALEN'S OVERCOATS, this season's - NOW - $19.85 $3.00 ar 1N'S LEATHER GAUNTLET GLOVES, - NOW - $2.00 $2.00 BOY'S 'LEATHER GAUNTLET GLOVES, NOW - $1.40 $35.00 DINNER, SETS, 97 PtEQES - NOW - $27.95 $3.50 .IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, largest size NOW $2.95 30e. FLANNELETTES, 36 inches wide, good patterns - NOW 25c. $1.75 WINTER CAPS, with fur ear bands, - NOW -'$1.35 $5.00 "ADEN'S FJNE BL9Oh SHOES, med. heavy soles NOW $3.98 urnish your home Complete and Save You Money For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours. Our .service to young couples has been perfected to the highest de- gree of genuine helpfulness. No matter how little or how much you may wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are assured every advantage of low prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. All we ask is that you give us an opportunity of showing you how reasonably you can purchase furniture at this store, WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES ON EVERYTHING IN OUR ENTIRE STOOK. GARDINER Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long; distance calls given prompt attention.: DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE -OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 741; Night ashionable Lines and Perfect Fit As , /4 Can only be gi ven by careful attention to each individual', figure. Well tailored suits that give ease and comfort without sacrificing anything in style and gracefulness is an art acquired by years of experience. That is, why our tailored suits give such satisfaction. Now is the time -to order your new suit andg et the' fail benefit of the early fall. Overcoats r Fall and Winter WE HAVE A . COMPLETE LINE OF LIGHT AND HEAVY WEIGHT OVERCOATS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES, OR WE CAN MAKE ONE UP FOR YOU. You will be Interested it our Swell New Range of Ties and Mufflers GLOVES, SOCKS, UNDERWEAR: IN TWO PIECE AND COMBIN- ATION. WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT DISPLAY OF CAPS THE EXETER TAMES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER `,37, Market report---Tbe following is CAG' +,Ar:> P1 ESi3Xd`I+1RAN CRTJRCD 1r11111 iitt 1f 1 1 1r1111M 11 ppKKjjp }} ii Yp1 tl Lae report of the Exeter Market , ,�Hg6�.i�t�r�l' t f p gorggep qq g p6ppiig4g €€$$ ((ygg g p ¢ tg t N @g gp r i a t j@gg B! p p p t g�ygy y))g 7l�zz,. Jtattes roc>ie, B.r1.; aVlicistex 1ll�1�61��llggg��l�lliipl9idQig.�9��t�ilA�ll�i�il9tsi�l€l�i�iI��liEpl�CP�l.C11�IIIiEiil oorrectedeez'y Wednesday, �... 'Wheat .$1.35 7.0 a.m.--Sundaz Scheel and. Bible, Oats 45c, Barley $7e. 11, a.na,-Saint Andrew's Day Ser - Manitoba Flour $4.90 vice. Family Flour $4.65 Pastry Flour $4.15 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1,60 Shorts $1..75 Butter ,a 5c. Creamery Butter 41c Eggs, Extras 65c. Eggs Firsts SOc. Egos, Seconds 30 Lard 20c Hogs $9.0Q Class. ass, t+aa � t4oloosolo 06lsb+►10ii, LOCAL v Prepare6.4144440 • ' for Santa Claus. Christ- mas is just around the corner. Messrs. S. Powell and J. Uilli's Powell were in Thornclaje over Sun- George Linn, .Das,hwoioxi. day. The Minister 7' p.m. -Spiritual Living The Minister Boy Scouts meet Friday evening.. JANMS STRET4 T THODIST, �L'IGRCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A. Pastor 10:1'6 -Morning Class. 11 a.m:-` The Christian College in the; Kingdoms Task." 3 p. m. --Sunda school and Bile' Y b Classes. 7;00 p.m. -Rev. '}-I. E. Livingstone, Educational Anniversary A Hearty welcoine to all FOR SALU-9 young pigs, : shoats Miss Elva Oliver, of Brussels spent the week -end with Miss Dor- othy Balkwill. 'Mrs. T. Blatdhford's household furniture is being 'Moved to Tor- onto this week. Messrs. Wm. Rivers, and E, C. Harvey are up in Bruce county hunting white rabbits. Miss Ruby Treble, o'f, Toronto, visited over the week=end with her father, Mr. Wal, Treble. The town council of Mitchell have passed a by-law to raise $10,000 to complete the new high school. Master Walter Davis, son' of Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Davis of town, is ill at his home suffering from pleur- isy. hlr. and Mrs. Prank Slumkousky, of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and ilfrs. Esli Heywood on Saturday and Sunday. Mr, Leon Treble, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents being accompanied home by his little, dau- ghter Leona, who has spent several weeks here. It is reported that there are very many turkeys in the country and that the prices this Christmas will be moderate. Last year the birds sold as low as 25c. per lb. The Dutch set onion harvest is over and shipping has been complet- ed. The crop has been excellent on the whole' and the growers have had about $25,000 divided amongst them Hockey has:already started on the artifical ice rink in London and a number from town were in the city' Monday evening to see the game between Saskatoon and The Canad- ians. The executive of the Exeter bran- ch of the Ontario Ploughmen's As- sociation have `decided to withdraw the plowing match for this year. The uncertainty of �h' t e weather er was the reason. Miss Lila Taylor, a promising art- ist of Usborne, has had her `work recognised by having one of her pictures, a winter scene "The Home- stead" hung in the Canadian Acad- emy at Ottawa. The Goderich evaporator was tot- ally destroyed. by fire on Friday morning last, along with the con- tents. Two men sleeping in the building barely escaped with their lives. The loss is estimated at about $5000. Mitchell' Town :Council have de- cided to withhold the $15,000; bond 'guarantee from the Woollen mill. The town voted to guarantee the bonds but owing to recent develop- ments the council have taken the above action. Saturday's Toronto- Star'had a very good, picture of Mr. Stuart Stanbury in the costume of an Egyptian Officer who with Miss Dorothy BIack was a prize winner at the Masquerade Ball held.at Tor- onto University on Friday night. Edward Knight, of the London Road south, owns a cow whose sense of direction can scarcely be excelled. She walked hrnne last week, a dis- tance of eight miles, from the past- ure "farm and, finding one barnyard gate' locked she calmly walked- a- round the corner to another gate, and up to the stable door.. In wal- king the eight miles she would have made at least four turns and this was her first summer on pasture p Mr. A. D. Taylor, of . Saskatoon, an Exeter` Old Boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex;Taylor, Exeter North who learnt the .trade of tinsinithing with. Mr. J. McDonnell,: of "Hensall,'.,.has been granted a< patent for his. inven- tion of an automat' is hot-air•furnace humidifier. The Saskatoon Daily Star describing •the invention says "Briefly it consists of a large bowl or pan at the top of the furnace' fire. box containing water and an auto- matic (float contrail, simi.lih;r to that used in Closet tanks which in turn is connected to the water supply, As the water,evaporates from the pan the supply faucet is automatic- ally opened, 'replenishing the supply, The humidifier is claiMed'to obviate the present disadvantage .of h - g of air furnaces in which. the usual small wate' pan is more often neglected 4 than not, thus allowing the house to be filled with harsh,' dry air, which is elainted ie not as healthful as a more humid atmosphere. The dry furnace ,air is also said to cause furniture to shrink, joints on it to open -and. Varnish to be damaged." FOUND -Several keys on a chain. Owner may Have, same by proving property and paying expenses. Ap- ply at Times Office.. FOUND -Recently, at Tones and May's, a sum of money. Owner inaF have same by proving property and paying expenses. LOST -At the Bazaar in the Town Hall an umbrella with a' crook han- dle, and with the initial B. carved on it, was taken `in mistake andan- other left in its place. Will the par- ty please notify the Times Office. Heifer Strayed -From Lot 5, con 5, Hay Tp. a little over a week ago, a three year old heifer,' grey with Borns. Information gladly ; received by Wm. C. Hooper, Hay, P. 0. phone. Dashwood Central. STRAYED --Onto- -the premises of Mr. Albert E. Shier, Lot 11, Con. 14, Usborne, about the 1st of October -a two year old red steer, with horns on, owner may have same by prov- ing property and 'paying expenses. Steer Strayed -From Lot 13, Con. 6, Hay Tp., red and white 2 -year-old•. steer, with horns, pig ring in lower side of ;;Deft ear. Notify Fred. Ho- garth, Exeter, P. 0., phone " Crediton 18r15^ • Applications will be received' for the position of organist of Main St. Methodist Church up to- 7 o'clock, p.m., Friday, November 28th, 1924. Contract may be seen,. and .applica- tion left at Hower s„Drugstore. The annual meeting -of the Exeter District Branch of the:Ontario";Plow- men's Association, „.will be held in the Town. Hall, on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd at 2 p. m., for the purpose of :elect- ing officers and discussing plans for another year. All persons interest- ed in better plowing should attend. M. Routiy W. H. Shapton. Pres. Sec'y Additional locals on page five: For the past few months' Canad- ians have been returning to Canada from the United States at the aver- age rate of , 4, 40 0 a .month. The Young People's ;League Rally in Main St. Church, Wednesday "ev- ening of Mast week- was a splendid success. The service which was of an inspirational character, was held in the auditorium. There was a musical program and "a masterful address on "The Measure of a Man" by Rev. D. McTavish, of Crediton. Rev. A. A. Trumper' and Mr. E. J. Wethey were in Blyth on Tuesday. evening attending the inaugural session of the newly ' formed Dean- ery Sunday School Association. Mr. Trumper is the Superintendent and Mr. H. Jennings of town is Presi- dent. Mr. • Wethey gave a demon- tration in teaching a Sunday ;School lesson in the most approv_ed schol- astic method. 6 The members of the Exeter Wo- men's Institute held their' regular meeting at, the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Ward on Tuesday evening last. A very interesting, report of the recent convention held in London was giv- en by Miss L. Jeckell district repre- sentative. Many suggestions and. helpful thoughts were :"offered for the institute to consider.,, In ans- wer to the roll call each 'member of- fered some suggestion for Christmas gifts and recipes for Xmas cakes and short bread were exchanged. It was decided to send ,Xmas cheer to the inmates of the Huron County Home. , A. London lady was called on by a transient peddlar, who persuaded her to buy a length of cloth for ten dollars, convincing her that she was getting a great bargain. A neigh- bor of hens bought the same amount of. the same material for seven dol - lir s. At the same time -the material corlld have been bought at a reput- able store for $5.75. A gentleman in town bought what the peddlar told hiin was a suit length and an extra pair of trousers, but he found when the goods were measured that he had got the suit length only. Buying from peddlars is usually a costly investment, as you have no chance to exchange i ge or withdraw frofli your bargain. The merchants of. town 'protect you, give you valtte for your ropey, offer you the priv- ilege of exchange and are deserving of your pateonage. ISIMSIND 1.4.100 1111111111.0 C▪ OMM MINIM New Styles in rimmedur WE HAVE ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF LADIES' COATS IN THE VERY NEWEST STYLES. THESE COME IN THE NEW CLOTHS AND ARE BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED WPTH THE NEW FUR TRIMMING Priced at $27.50 $30.0 35m0 Fancy Turkish Towels Just the thing tor Christmas gifts. Eight new patterns ar b P ens in different' colors to sell at 75c. $1.00 $1.25 All Wool Blankets For cribs, cots and full bed size in plain and fancy checks.. Warm and comfortable •for the cold weather.. Stanfield's Underwear for Women and Men + THERE IS NO BETTER UNDERWEAR THAN THIS WELL-KNOWN MAKE. WE CARRY A FINE RANGE FOR WOMEN IN THE GOLD, RED AND BLUE LABELS FOR MEN AT $2.00 $2.25 $2.30 oy's Tweed Bloomers Goloshes We carry a good assortment for Girls and ' Women,' They W OMEN will be very popular for men this Imams year. These are made in our own town. The , ,-cloths are good they are well made and are good fitting garments $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 J Priced at $2.50 $3.50 t0 $5.00 Miner's Heavy Rubbers and Rubber Boots .YOU WILL NEED A PAIR THIS WEATHER. WE CARRY A FINE LINE OF MINER RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS. THEY WEAR WELL ASI( THE FELLOW WHO WEARS THEM l,0 Southcott Br ��unmmmumwmnumm�uimnnmmiimmmnnmuemounounummimmn�nin��NemiHnxxn Winter Apples Wanted Good prices paid for hand picked selected, fruit. Will be shipping at Brucefield, . `Hensall, Dublin, and Clandeboye during months of Octo- ber and November.. Empty baskets holding 50 pounds will be supplied the growers wanting them at the following places: Brucefield, Croat arty, Hensall and Clandeboye. For particulars and prices phone headquarters. R. S. LANG Walker House, Brucefield rem mama oemeatli fIOAL AND And Insurance YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED E. J. CHRISTIE ISTIE OFFICE: North ,of Elliott and Johns CHRISTMAS DI OI ALMOST HERE We have a few home piade sets', which we will be glad to offer at the cost of parts alone, we guaran- tee these to work perfectly. Try us for Radio , parts, A and B batter- ies,- tubes, loud speakers, ` head sets etc. • Westinghouse and Zenith sets in stock and we will be glad to quote prices on any standard make. See us before buying a Radio. We have secured the agency for the DE -FOREST CROSLEY SETS and can sell •them at as low as $22 each. Do. not buy a Radio until you have tested one of these sets and compared the Price. Ford Magnetos tested free. W. J BEER, Exeter Farm To Rent - Situated 114 miles west ` of Hensall, would rent either for pasture or ,crop, also a good young :cow for sale. ' Apply to John Bell Sr., Exeter, Ont. FARM FOR' SALE Co amta' IN SELECTING YOUR CHRIST- MAS GIFTS TAKE A LOOK THRO- UGH OUR IMMENSE STOCK` OF FURNITURE, LARGEST AND BEST WE EVER HAD. YOU WILL SEE MANY THINGS SUITABLE FbR XMAS , GIFTS ALL AT "RIGHT PRICES. • R. .� ® • ROWE EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20W PHONE 20J ♦ ® . R . our 1 A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James. St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools. TERMS MODERATE Box 57, ing 50 acres, being east half of lot 25, 7th con. of Usborne; 5 acres of bush 4 acres of fall wheat, sand and gra el pits, well fenced and drained, ce- ment hen house and driving shed, barn recently new roof, house ven- eered, good- cellar, never failing spring near barn. For further par- ticulars. Apply to Peter Whitlock R. R. No. 1, Hensall. N:EET... .ING OP AURON{ COUNTY: COUNCIL The Council of the' e Corporation of the. County of Huron will meet iii the Council Chambers; Gd.derich,` at' 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tues-, day,. the and •day of December, 1924. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk riot later than Monday preceding• the meeting of Council. Goderich, November 15th 19 4 , 2 Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk Do You Use NAMELESS Colc'i Remedy in your Household, read this "Detroit, Mich. Nov. 3, 1924-- $1.0p enclosed for usual supply of "Nameless" whichstill stands us in good stead. ,. Very truly yours; B. S. Murray. Mr. Murray is in the', Paymaster's Dept. of the Ford Mo- tor Company, :alio has continually' tiled NAMELESS' ill his household. since 1902..We receive many at- testations as to the Goodness -of this. Remedy 25c. brings you Nameless Powell's Bazaar, Exeter, Ont; Exeter. CLEANING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Dr.H. G. Fletcher L.M (.C,{Y. Member of,the College' of Phy- sicians'and Surgeons of Ontario. Office ' opposite' lows s 'Furniture Store, Main Street. Phone 156 Exeter, Ont. FOR SAL Several Good Stoves, cheap Oil Heater, cheap; Good Ladies 'Fur coat With Sable Collar. Strong light wagon, single; Strong light bob sleighs Gent's t s li.eavv Overcoat ba"� t gain Excellent Fur Stole, cheap Information re above at POWELL'S BAZAAR Phone 55 ,'(`here is so much slang in this neighborhood that ordinary gram- marsounds like a dialect.' ANDYEASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Cons- ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange* menta for sales can be made by cam hog up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed.'' 1, R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Iavestntents, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter engemismasa G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D,D.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Ult. versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Min tary District Number One, London, Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter. Oat. Phone 34, Exeter;,' Hours rs9.0 to to 5.30, p.m. ° Office hours at ZuMICH ONT., Tem only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.09 o'clock p.nz. Phone .79. A. E. T'ENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's &cies ambles ton John St. Phone calls receive "prozap4 attention. Phone 26w Local Cartage I AM NOW IN A POSITION TO GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN .Atir, MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE, H. Bagshaw TRY (JS Phone 58W Cochrane Machine.: Works 0ks�. Ford motors reground, fitted with Pistons, Complete ` $16.00 Every make of._Car Motor and ; Engines re- ground with Pistons Complete to fit, also' Tractors, FARMS FOR SALi17.- A few eho1e farms in the' Townships pf Usborne, Tuckersmitti and Hibbert: Good buildings and d we1Po s t e dastoNEl ar!"' kets. Priced right: A1Sply to Thea, Cameron, Aunt.. Boa 154, Exeter. ERNEST ELLIOT CONVEYANCER, ETC. HIGH CLASS INVESTMENTS (Trustee''Investm(�ents) Bearing interest at 572 per Cent. INSURANCE' Office Main St. Exeter, Ont. IXOUSE F M SALE Two Iota cornering on<'Wellington . & WiIliam Sts.; 7 -room brick dwel- ling with kitchen and • woodshed; good cellar, hard and soft water, electric lights, stable, garage and hen house. Easy terms and a bar- gain for quick sale. For terms ap- ply on promises or to Thos. Camer- on, Aust„ Box 1.154, Exeter. Also a Jersey cow for oral® due in >wlej t; rz