HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-02-14, Page 3• H..4,11• • .4t,
In new pump
Wingham Town Council thinks the
Wingham Area Fire Board should
allow more time for the proposed
purchase of a new pumper truck.
Tomorrow night (Wednesday),
councirs two representativeS on the
fire board will make that request to
the board at its regular monthly
meeting, postponed from last week
by inclement weather.
Council's decision was reached at
its regular February meeting and
grew out of discussion on the fire
board's proposed $272,455 budget for
1989 which had been presented for
consideration by Councillor Ron
Beecroft, one of council's rep-
resentatives and 1989 fire board
The largest single item in the
proposed budget is $100,000 for the
purchase of a pumper chassis.
Another $39,200• which shows up in
the fire budget for the first time this
year is the salary for the full-time
chief hired last siunmer.
Another related item is the $7,056
employee benefits.
"If you take out the cost of the
pumper and the increased costs of
having a full-time fire chief, there
really isn't that great a change,"
Mr. Beecroft said in comparing this
year's proposed budget to last year's
projected actual expenditures of
HCBE, teachers
mediation begins
in London today
Mediation between the Huron
County Board of Education and its
elementary teachers is scheduled to
get underway today at the Ramada
Innin London.- • - • ---
In a statement released last week,
the public elementary school
teachers expressed optimism that
the day -long session with mediator
David Whitehead will lead to an
acceptable settlement in negotia-
tions with the board.
"It is hoped that the love and
goodwill implicit in (the Feb. 14)
date will prevail," HCBE Director of
Education Bob Allen told trustees as
he made the announcement at the
regular February meeting of the
board in Clinton.
The HCBE and its elementary
teachers have been without an
agreement since last August, and
have -been negotiating without
results since last March.
In addition to its contract prob-
lems with the elementary teachers,
the board has also learned that its
secondary school teachers have
stated their intent to negotiate a new
contract to replace the present
collective agreement which expires
Aug. 31,1989.
062,141 and the 1 budgetnifOr
$124,200. 1,t4
Mr. Beecroft..pointed
call statistics and the chief's hiring contrih 0 per gesit
as chief contributors to the 'differ- board
ence between the 1 budget and It woui -be far better,-10.-RO,
the actual expenditures for the year. bertson said, to budget the pumper
For a few months now, thefire purchase over a period 01 three
board has been considering the pur. years or longer,,
chase of a new pumper and the con- Wingham's other fire board rep-
sensus seemed to favor making the resentative, Councillor Bill
purchase over a two-year period — McGrath, said the proposal to buy a,.! •
ordering the chassis for delivery in pumper should really not be SLIT*
1' while completing the outfitting prise to any of the councils of the five
and installation of pumping equip- municipalities within the fire board,
ment in the next year. "It's not the fire board's fault,"
• Some concern over the $100,000 Mr. McGrath said. "This council
price tag for a chassis has been ex- was told three years ago to prepare
pressed by fire board members, but for the purchase of a new truck in
Fire Chief Harley Gaunt has said the 1990."
bottom line completed price for a Deputy Reeve Bill Harris, how -
pumper will cost between $170,000 ever, suggested that since this rep-
and $180,000, regardless of whether resents such a major purchase, the
the board spends $100,000 _for a board .shoukthave_taken.the time ta --
custom chassis this year and $70,000 gather cold, hard figures on the cost
to $80,000 next year to bring it up to of a pumper before presenting the
pumper standards, or spends $70,000 proposal to councils. "We're talking
for a chassis in 1989, only to spend $150,000 here."
$100,000 or more in 1990 to make that Following the lengthy discussion,
chassis meet standards, council decided to table the issue
Councillor Ward Robertson, until a future meeting and directed
finance and management com- its representatives to convey its
m it tee chairman, feels that stand to the fire board.
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This week, Crime Stoppers of
Huron County Inc. wishes to run in
its Crime of the Week column the
following press release from the
Insurance Btireau of -Canada
"Canada's private sector
property -casualty insurers have
undertaken a national $50,000
program to support Crime Stoppers,
Insurance Bureau of Canada
President John L. Lyndon has an-
"Crime Stoppers is a community
volunteer program which assists
police forces in their fight against
"Since the first chapter was
organized in Canada, Crime Stop-
pers has helped police solve violent
crimes against persons, seize $74
million in illegal drugs, and recover
$25 million in stolen property.
"The insurance industry cam-
paign is one of several public service
programs organized by the
Insurance Bureau of Canada, the
national trade association of
property -casualty insurers.
"The IBC has taken a leading role
in the past in traffic safety research
and education, and fire prevention
and safety programs across Canada.
"While regional IBC offices have
supported local Crime Stoppers
chapters in the past, the current
campaignis the fhitTinada-vuldei
commitment undertake* ,14; IBC
which has a mandate frinn the in-
surance industry to support national
loss reduction programs.
"The first phase of the new IBC
program involves the provision of
three different radio broadcast
public service announcements.
"Crime Stoppers will make these
announcements available to local
radio stations which support Crime
Stoppers by reporting on its ac-
"The commercials urge the public
to back Crime Stoppers by reporting
suspicious activities to their local
Crime Stoppers hot line (1-800-265-
1777 in Huron), and by making
contributions to help pay for the cost
ofrunning the orgamlation.
"The second phase of the IBC
campaign will be to provide
appropriate assistance for the
organization of additional Crime
Stoppers units across Canada.
"There are now more than 70
Crime Stoppers chapters in Canada.
• • ,
FUN ON THE SLOPES — Sarah and Amanda Raper and Wendy
Gennings, three Tumberry Central School students, enjoyed a re-
centinp to the Talisman ski resort. (Tumberry Tidbits Photo)
4 ,
INTERESTING FORM — Gordon Versteeg, a student at Turnberry
Central School, showed interesting form on his skis during a recent
outing to the Talisman ski resort. (Turnberry Tidbits Photo)
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