HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-02-14, Page 1•• • : • • • • - .„ • •• • . • • ,. • ",. F—ST SECTION 11 for 8rd to The Town of Wingham will make it official tomorrow night (Wednes- day). For some time now, Wingham Town Council has held the opinion that the town's hydrants should be eonSidered_firefightin.g equipment and;:41.e`1), be -included (in the operating budget of the Wingham Area Fire Board, just as tanker trucks and other equipment. Tomorrow, at the fire board's regular monthly meeting — post- poned from last Wednesday by inclement weather Councillors Bill McGra,th, aud Ron Beecroft, cduncil's two fire board representatives, will make that request official. It was Mr. McGrath who recom- mended the action to council at its 5 The late Margaret Bennett was highly respected for her work and concern for youth in the community. That remark was included in a brief statement to the regular February meeting of the Wingham Board of Police Commissioners by its c.hairman, Holly Keil. In her statement, Mrs. Keil ex- plained that the board's meeting had been rescheduled from Wednesday afternoon to Thursday in order to allow members of the board to at- tend funeral services for Mrs. Bennett, a former police com- lpisslimer; _ _ bet, IVEfs Bennett Served faithfully on the po- , • regular February session. He told council that he had alread made the suggestion to the board a its January meeting and that i appears that the board could now be more receptive to Wingham's position. "The fire board has asked for a motion from this council that makes the request that hydrants be • the other mUnieipalities. Include -the -bant costa Y -The Winghalk_Area Fire Board estimatedat$4-000-*--inits-budget,- t currently charges $500 per fire call the Wingham representatives have t although the true cost is much been directed to advise the board higher, he Said. that the town vi;j1,1 no longer pay any Fire cat chargerun from $75o to of the costs assoilated with the as high as $2,000 in some municipali- department's tanker trucks. - ties, he added Council's opinion. is that tankers In the event the board refuses to k Continued on Page 2A) included in (the board's) operating budget," hesaid.., "Wingham is subsidizing every call that goes out of this fire station or out of Howick," Mr, McGrath said. rruillberry council is considering the township, they are concerned He reasons that since the charge for fire calls does not truly reflect revising, its position on road about costs which might be ope ' sin thetoWnskip. incurred. Council considers change tolis road -opening policy the actual cost, then Wingham Ls ..., picking up 36.2 per cent of that, For the past:several years, council "We're not against opening (the hag' been.setting aside money in the street), we're just wondering how to deficit, even though the calls are in budget for , road openings, but has pay for it," said Councillor John _ learned 4.1011d14.417 of -traisPorta- Cox. ' •'',. - . , , .-; . - .... : --.1/4 n loiiRelvWs‘lbgidiF,e open- -- ---IVIL‘.401404-satfls4tg:wotild, not riaakka-Al*ti O. *t. ,. airrrian re sa S- Jake IiikkeitrifiendOOf „first or adjoining landowners to help the monthly Meeting Of Turnberry township 'Pay fOr the straits, council to ask if 'peter',might esPeciallysinceiheestiMateto open be opened for reside Peter Street -IS betveen- $35400 and deve1oprnent.Petj Street it located $4000. " just north of Wingham. 'Council will discuss the matter While cotmell_iniabers, appeared_ further at a -later meeting and try to eager to oPen.iip new buihlingi�tsjfl develop a policy on road openings. lice committee and later as a provincial govermnent appointee on the then newly -formed Wingham Board of Police Commissioners," Mrs. Keil said. "Mrs. Bennett was highly respect- ed by this board and the Wingham Police Association for her work and concern for youth in our community and in 1988,. the Margaret Bennett Annual Junior Citizen Award was initiated," Mrs. Keil also said that Mrs. Bennett fought her final illness "with the same courage, forthright- nita'and fullness of spirit &at she showed in her everyday dealings." s4. ;;• nt A restaurant just south Of Winghain on Highway itivaitatted - in a fiiiSimdayweig0g, resillfing in apiiiiately$50,00040tiage:: Wingham Fire Chief Harlk,..,y, Gaunt • - „ r Siif°AlLON, left,presents heett4 Moreland °Mowry bet Heart n uiidAeRrwayin Wingham Mrs: Long 10he Wingham itutaeestitefilletcheirmatt for thft year's alma raising - campaign of the Huren,Courkty-thapte, of thellattand Stroke itoutittittion'orOpterlo re,etitet tion of the cake, &Mated by iliacintyro's Bakery, tookOtapetithe regular Feb,Uars meeting�f WInghor, Town Council. • reports thereCame at 7:35 p.m., Feb. it, to)Bobbi-Jo's Truck Stop at Part:Let 1, Con. 1 Of Morris Township. The restaurant owner is Bruce Scaled. Firefighters remained ok the scene for over _three haws fighting the blaze, which was contained to the restaurant building and was not allowed to spread to the nearby residence. - A -tanker from the fire department's Sortie station also was called in to help fightthe blaze. Mr. Gaunt says hot ashes in a garbage can are being blasted as the cause of the fire. The restaurant kit - then, where the fire broke out, is destroyed and there is smoke, water and heat damage to the rest of the building, he adds. theteidinsiwance coverage, tiseparate incident last week, firefighters responded to a call Friday, Feb. 10, at the Hodgins Umber, , Yard, just north of Wingham in Turnberry Township. Mr. Gaunt reports an electrical bialfUbetion in a 1980 Cougar caused the 1104)bamage is estimated at $1;400.The vehicle is owned by Kevin Hickey of Wingham. A chhnney fire lad Tuesday, Feb. 7, in Gerrie resulted in $10,000 to $15,000 to a home tioned. by Wayne Cower. Mr. Gaunt says the cell came 1:15 and both stations respond Damage was contained to the tchen and back kitchen area of the residence. • • Opinions Community Classifieds Sports