HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-11-27, Page 711111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111i111111111[1111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
CREDITON Mr, S, Fitton is remodelling his
Btbre, It tWO.
nsa= quite ill with blood poisoning is be- 1
mr, Brown wno.i.xnn. noon ..411‘1,Iiss sCliva jis•liettitneg Slvvreiteht,
• School, of 0o,mnrierce
Clinton, Ontario
Stenographic - Cominercial -- Secretarial
Special Courses
For particulars apply to
Vice Principal• Principal
Phone 198
Residence Property
For Sale
The undersigned have, been in-
Structed to sell Lot 261 on the north
Side of Richmond St., Hensall, the
• property of the late Catharine Vic-
toria Smith. Apply to GlacIman and
Atanbury, Hensall arid Exeter.
. .•
• Vacuum\ Clea.ners
• For Sale or Rent
YOU• cannot be •mbre delightfullY
'entertained at less • cost than by
listening to the best musical • talent Editor o
the world produces, and which is Novembei
within the reach of all through the when his
medium of the • M,argaret
The Hay Township Sunday School
Association met in Convention in the
MethodistChurch, Hensall on Thurs-
day and was a splendid success.
Rev. Gifford of Litccan delivered a
strong address on "The Tragedy of
Youth and the Churches Prevention"
while Rev. H. Naylor's theme was a
better understanding, a stronger
view point and a closer working to-
gether of the different Protestant
The officers elected for the en -
sung year are. as follows,—
Pres. Miss L. Faust; Vice -Pres.,
Mrs. C. IVICDonnell; Sec.-Treas, Miss
A. E. Consitt; Supt. of Children'
Dept., Miss H. Hess; Supt. of Boys'
Division, Mr. G. Manson; , Supt. of
Girl's Division, 'Mrs. A. Monteith;
Supt. of Adult Dept., Mr. A. Mellick-,
Supt. of Home Dept., Mrs. W. Doug-
all; Supt. Teacher Training, Mr. G.
Follicle; Supt. • of Missionary Dept.,
Mrs. A. Sinclair; Supt. cef Temper-
ance, Mr. J. Rowcliffe.
A quiet wedding took place' at
the home of the bride's father, the
f the Lucan Sun, Tuesday,
the 1.1th, at 3:30' p.m.
eldest daughter, Mildred
.Alice, was united in mar-
riage by the Rev. G. C. Gillord, B.A.
pastor of the Methodist Lurch, to
Mr. Earl George Kinch of Hepworth
of Lucan.) They were unat-
tended, the •bride wearing navy blue
tricotine and string of pearls, tlie
gift of the groom, and carried a
bouqoet _of ,Ophelia roses. After
the ce'remorty "a wedding dinner ''as
served, and Mr. and Mrs. Kinch left
on_a short wedding trip, the bride
wearing a suit ,with hat to match.
They will reside in Lucan.
Tile Hydro Shop
J. Passmore
• & HOLMES '
•• Barristors &c
Office on the Square, 2nd door
§frosii Hamilton St., Goderich. •
vate funds to loan at lowest rates.
31FI. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran,
• D. E. Holmes
Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall
very Friday from 9 until 6.
/donor Graduate Carey Jones' Au-
Otion School, Special course taken in
Ittegistered Live Stock call Breeds,)
Aderchandise, Real Estate, Farm
ete. Rates in keeping with
prevailing prices. Satisfaction as-
sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or
•wire 18-93, Zurich.
DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C.
• Physician and Surgeon
2119ite 70 • RENSALL
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
XeGill University, Montreal; Member
isf College of Physicians and Surgeons
-Sf Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
!Council of Canada; Post Graduate
Member of Resident Medical staff of
-General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-16;
Oce, 3 doors east of Post Office.
'Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario.
hite Pine
1x6, v matched -
dressed on both
Sides at
1p wTfl, GOOD COAL waatLjD
rcit; CAN GET 'IT AT A loiv
• Large coal fields have been dis-
covere'd near the North Pole. This
ought to make possible mor the Es-
kimos to keep the' home fires burn;
ing. . •
**4. *5* *5*
Don't poke fun at a newsboy, in ae
few years the papers will be an-
nouncing that he is the leading ban-
ker of the town and you might be
needing a loan at that time.
Quality Printing
It is not so very long ago that a
• considerable percentage of the bus-
iness men and others who desired
QUality ,Printing, believed that to
get • Exclusive yet not Expensive
work done, it was necessary to send
their orders to the city office, no
doubt thinking that if they took
their work to the office in town
they would get an inferior grade
of work that would not satisfY•
their more elaborate taste. We
are trying by our individual atten-
tion to each•••drde •eo show patrons
that this siipPOsition is eneirely
wrong fld are pleased to say that
we are succeeding, for once we
secure , :an order almost invariably
repeat orders follow. Why send to
the large centres for Your printing
when you can get equal quality,
better service and neere moderate
prices right at home. • , --
The Hensall Observer
prepares young men and
women for Business which is
now Canad's greatest profes-
sion. We assist graduates to
positions and they have lei
oratorial training which 4n-
ables•thein to ineet with suc-
cess. Students are registered
each week. Get bur free cat-
alogue and learn something
about our different depart-
• D. A. 1VIcLaughlin, Prin.
' Order • your 'personal greeting
cards •for Christmas early. Drop in
and look over our •sampleS which
are both , extensive ine designs and
moderate in price.
Mr. J. • 1VIcDonell was in London
the forepart of this week.
Miss E... Cole of Clinton, visited
on Sunday' with Miss Grace Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. John Roweliffe are
visiting relatives •in Detroit this
Mr. E. Rennie spent the week -end
in Toronto where he attended the
Winter 'Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Moore, of De-
troit, were recent visitors with gri-
ends in town.
Mr. P. E. Harley, of London, ,was
a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Welsh.
Mr. D. A. Cantelon and Mr. John
Zuefle attended the Winter Fair at
Toronto last week. ,
Mr. Wm. Beaver left on Tuesday
morning for Kitchener. where he
will visit for a thne.
Mr. and Mrs. W. White and fam-
ily recently visited Mr. and Mrs. W.
White of the village.
• On Saturday last a son was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron, of
town. Congratulations.
Mr. Webber, ,of London, spent a
few days last Week wth his sister,
Mrs. C. Si Hudson, of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lindenfield
of St. Catharines are visiting rela-
tives in this Vicinity at present.
Mr. and •Mrs. Geo. Coleman and
family, of London, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong.
Mrs. Thompson is 51 at her home
here. She is being attended by her
"daughter, Mrs. Barnett, of Toronto.
The annual Christrnas entertain-
ment will be held in the Methodist
church on Tuesday, December 23rd'.
Mr. Bill Stone, Jr., returned to
Detroit on Sunday last, accompan-
ied by Messrs. Chas. Shaddock and
Hugh McDdnald.
' A Bazaar will be held in the Town
Hall on Deceinber 6th under the
auspices of, Carmel Church, for,par-
ticulars see' bills. ,
Mr. Lorne. Ballantyne, who has
been visiting for a time with Inc
mother in town,returned on Tues-
day morning to Detroit.
A number of ' hockey • fans from
Hensel' attended the match in Lon
don on Monday ,...evening between
Montreal and Saskatoon.
good crOWd attended the Old
Time Dance in the town hell on Fri-
day evening last and all report a
good evenings entertainment.
Mr. Owen Geiger. has erected a
new sheet metal smoke stack at his
flax mill, the former stack having
been blown down some time ago.
Mrs. Youngblut, of Waterloo, rec-
ently returned from a 3 -months trip
.in the West, is spending a fortnight
with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Bon-
We were in error last week in re-
porting Mr. Jim Munn as being ill,
The local was intended to mention
the illness of Mr. Peter Munn. who
we are pleased to say is able to be
around again. ,
Next Sunday is Educational Sun-
day in the Methodist church, Rev. H.
E. Livingstone, of Elimville, will be
the preacher for the morning ser -
ice and Rev' G C Gifford, of Lu-
, ,
canim e evening:. . •
-I., •
Than i cbgiving services were held
in Cannel Presbyterian church on
Sunday last when Rev. B. D. Bennie
B. D., of Mitchel -IT delivered fine ad-
dresses- both morning and evening.
In addition to several numbers by
the fine choir of the church they
were assisted by Mrs. Edwards and
Miss Tye, both of Goderich, who
rendered solos and duets.
A very successful Sale of Work
was held • in the basement of the
.Anglican church on Saturday after-
noon last. The basement was taste-
fully decorated ,in green and white
and presented a very pleasing ap-
pearance, together with the various
booths which exhibited a fine range
of needlework, crochet 'work, home
cooking and candy, etc. A fisli pond
added to the interest of the display
and a light lunch was served at
tables in the centre of the besement.
An interesting time Nva,s spent in
the Methodist Church on Monday
evening when Mr, J. M. Southcott Of
Exeter gave an interesting account
of his trip to Europe showing 150
slides of places of interest vvhich he
rad visited. A travelogue such as
he gave is very helpful to those who
cannot travel and the next best
hing of visiting Europe yourSelf.
Vie. Sam Rennie eang one of his
best, solos in Inc usual pleasing =M-
ier and was heartily applauded.
The gathering was large and The
Mollerd Circle Girls are grateful for
the help given there. and hope in the
near future, to secure Mr, Southcott
or another evening.
ing nursed back to health again.
Mr. Homer Guenther a former
teller in the Bank here paid. ysit
to the village last weel-
Mr. Harry Trick who is in St.
Joseph's Hospital to undergo an op-
eration for his arm is i • "
The Bell Telephone construction
gang were in the village this week
repairing lines and triming trees be-
fore the cold weather sets in.
Mr. Chas. Zwicher is in Toronto
on a businese trip.
Mrs. Wm. Watson and 'family
have returned to their hone after
visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. J.
Heist for 'a. week.
Rev. W. E. Donnelly, 13.A, of Exe-
ter will occupy the pulpit in the
Methodistchurch iext Sunday even-
ing. -
The regular December meeting of
the Creditoia Women's Institute has
been' postponed until Tuesday Dec.
9th owing to the oyster supper
which they are holding on the even-
ing of December 3rd in their hall.
The proposed banquet, has also been
postponed indefinitely.
Dr. H. H. Cowen -L, D. S.
D. D. S
At Mc0ormic4's Block, Zurich, every
Thursday and Saturday.
Hartleib's Dashwood, Ont.
Rev. and 14frs. Yager attended the
funeral of a relative at New Ham-
burg last week.
Mrs. Miller left Saturday for
Woodbridge, where she will spend
'the winter with her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Moon and Miss Rosa
Zimmer, of Detroit visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Zimmer a few days
last week.
Mr. T. Johns inoved his household
effects to Kippen on Monday where
they will make there new home.
Mr. and Mrs: -Ezra Tiernan visited
in Stratford on Sunday.
Mr. G. Nadiger is visiting in Pres-
ton at 'present.
A quiet „wedding was performed
on Saturday at St. „Train's rectory by
Rev. William Lciw`e, when James
Omar Dobbs was united in marriage
to Kathleen 'Blan?Ife Hodgins, both,
of Biddulph. Township. The young
Couple left on a•metor trip to Leam-
ington and other parts. They will
reside in Biddulpli.
— OF --
Choice Holstein and Deathem
Cows and 60 Hogs
W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, has re-
ceived instructions to sell by public
auction on
Lot 25, Con. 8, Township Fullerton
(Millson Fenn)
- on .-
1924, the following:
4 Holstein cows fresh with calves
by their side, 4 Holstein cows due
at time of sale, 2 Durham cows due
at time of sale, 2 Durham cows due
in December, 4 Holstein cows due
in December, 3 Holstein heifers due
in December, Ayrshire cow due in
January; Ayrshire cow due in
April, Holstein cow due in April,
registered Holstein bull 17 months
old, 5 yearling Holstein heifers, 10
Holstein and -Durham calves,`HOGS
2 Yorkshire brood sows due at time
of sale, Tarnworth 'sow 'due at time
of 'sale,'Yorkshire brood sow due in
January, Yorkshire brood 'sow With
10 pigs 5 weeks old, 12 'store hogs
about 135' pounds each, 8' shoats
80 lbs. each, 25 pigs 8 weeks old.
The above cows are the best lot I
ever offered bypublic auction. All
uniform in size, in good condition
and guaranteed right. If you want
winter milkers, don't miss this sale.
Everything offered will be sold to
the highest bidder.
Sale at One o'clock
Terms. ---10 months credit will be
given on furnishing- notes approved
by the Bank of Commerce, Mitchell,
with interest at
W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer.
That all persons having claims a-
gainst the estate` of DAVID RICH-
ARD, late of the Village of Exeter,
gentleman, who died en the 31st
day of August, 1924, are required
to forward their claims, duly proven
to the undersigned, on or before the
ist day of December, 1924.
onatu,r., That after this said date,
the Executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate, baying' regard
only to the c1adm8 of Whieh they
then shall have notice.
DATED at Exeter, this Eleventh
day of November, 1924, t
MADMAN & STANBURy, said, "No thank you, I've had of visitors were present fee the oc- t
Caven Sunday Schee/ Chrieinia
entertainment will be held on Thur
day evening December 18th.
Misa Murray is ill at her 'home
and IVIISs Emalie Hoggarth is ,up -
plying for her at the public school.
Mrs. .T. W. Powell, .witO has been
recuperating at the home of her par-
ents in Sarnia, is e...6ected home this
Week. '
• Mr. and Mrs. E. Short left Mon-
day for Santiago, Calif., to spend the
winter with. their daughter Mrs.
•Glenn Myers,
Little Miss Betty Oornplin who has
been ill at the home of her grand-
mother's Mrs. De Con of Stratliroy,
is all better 'and hoine again.
"Mrs. L. H. Dickson and daughter,
Miss Dolly, of Goderich, are guests
With Mr. and MI's. W. H. Levett at
their home on Windsor avenue."—
London Advertiser.
• Rev. A. A. Trumper conducted an-
niversary services on Sunday at
Point Edward and Rev. J. Edmonds,
of London, took the services in the
Trivitt Memorial Church here.
Rev. F. E. Clysdale has been as-
sisting vvith revival services at El-
durin t k
niviile g le pas wee . The
services were brought to a close on.
Wednesday evening. , ZURICII
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stanlake
and son, of Carrievale, Sask., are Mr. Jesse Horner, who movec.I to
visiting Mr. Stantalte s parents, Mr.
, Zurich from Detroit in August last
van on Tuesday. -Mr. Blatchford
Mrs. j. Blatchford left Monday
reside in future. 1 -ler 'household
effects were taken to Toronto
evening for Toronto where she. will
and Mrs. Geo. Ford, Exeter North, 2dlieddaayts.his home' here on November
and other relatives.
by are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Koehler. ,
latiVes and friends in ?Pronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of Port 1-Iiiron
Mrs. J. G. Litt, is visiting with re-
• reside
aged 67 years, 11 months, and
expects to follow in a couple of
Mr. Win. Siebert, Jr. of Niagara
weeks. -• ••
Falls is spending .a„ week with his
Y parents here.
• - Miss Laura Daters is spending a
4 couple of weeks visiting friends in
e Kitchener. ' '
e 'I'he public meeting held in the
Town Hall, Zurich, on November 12,
The fowl supper held on TuesdaV
evening last under 'the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid, was a grand elle:-
Cess. Miss Jessie Alexander, E10-
cnitionist was the chief attraction.
Ter the evening's program. This
was Miss Alexander's first apPe4r-
an.ce Crornarty and the large aud-
ience enjoyed a real literary treat.
Mrs. Itoss of Mother‘vell rendered
some very fine vocal selections', Al -
50 vocal selectionis by Lloyd Miller
TDrnest: Grab:a/11, ilvfiss Irene Wallier.
Mrs, Neil Gi'llispie of Seafortli vis-
ited with her sister Mrs. Jas, Scott,
the fore part of the weelt.
lViiss Ilen'derson, of London is the
guest ot Miss Irene Walker at pre--
, .
Mr. and Mrs. 13a,ttrana and Harry
attended the funeral of their aunt
in Innerkip last week. ,
Mrs, Foster., Sr,, has moved into
Lawrence Follick's house and Mrs.
John Foster has gone to live with
liex• parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Durr
at MOray. ,
Mrs. S. McPherson has returned
fi•oni the hospital. We regret to re-
port that she is now totally blind.
A very large crowd attended Mrs.
Foster's sale reeently and good pri-
ces were realized.
Miss Laura Pickering is Visiting
Arrs. E. 33ullock.
Collectors for the 33ible Societ
are making a canvas of the' town
The town has iieen divided into
beats and representatives of th
different churches are making th
, Mrs. Hill, of. Crediton; who has
been Visiting 'with Mrs; James
Beer since the latter's accident seve
eral weeks ,ago, returned to her
home last week accompanied by
Mrs. Beer :who will visit her during
the winter.
• The bazaar held by the Ladies Aid
and MiSsion Circle of Main St.
church on Friday last in the Town
Hall was, a gra.nd success and as
above expectations. The proceeds
amounted 'to over" $115.00.
"The inmates of the Victoria home
on Grand airenoe ;were last night -/en
tertaMed by the girls, of Miss' Id
Wambold's clasi of the Wellingto
for the purpose of organizing a Hor-
ticultural Society in Zurich, was
fairly well attended and much. in-
terested. Arr. Harty, of Seaforth,
gave some very instructive points in
raising and growing flowers and or-
namental trees, shrubs, etc. Offi-
cers were appointed as followL—
president, Mr. Peter Haberer; Vice
President, Miss Alice Johnson; 2nd.
Vice -President, Miss Ann I -less; Sec-
retary, Mr. John Gascli,o; Directors,
Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon:. Mrs. C. Fritz
Mrs. Gas'cho and 1VIrs. W. L. Sie..
a ' Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Schweit-
zerc who have been living in the vil-
street Methodist Sunday . school
:when they put on a flag drill and
concert."—London Advertiser.
During the light snow fall last
week a young lad on a sleigh at-
tached to ,an auto was taken down
Main St. at a rate of speed that was
dangerous. It may have appeared
to he sport but might easily have
ended in a serious accident., Such
action is contrary to the village by-
laws and should not be indulged in.
A number of the young fellows
are anxiously looking forward to
hockey. There are some prospects
of entering a junior team in one 'of
the leagues. A local league should
also prove interesting. An organ-
nization meeting will be held in the
near future.
' A call received from Epworth Me-
thodist Church, Kingsville, has been
accepted by Rev. John Garbutt, who
terminates his pastorate at the Dun-
das, Centre Church, London, next
A well-known resident of Kirkton
passed away on Friday, November
the 14th in the person of Jane
White; relict of the late John Cor-
nish, at the' ripe eld ,age of, 84
years. ' Mrs. 'Cornish had 'lived
the village for 40 years. , The
,ceased. is survived by, o,ne son ' Frank
of Fort Wayne, Ind., and two dau-
ghters Miss Effie at home, and Mrs.
Nathan Donee of Kirkton. Tbe fun
eral was held on 1VIonday, interment
being made in Kirkton Cemetery.
The pallbearers were: Messrs. A.
Brethour, G. Mills, F. Washburn, W.
Pym, C. Duffield and P. Blackler.
After several months illness
James Albert Goforth died at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Peter
Smith, Stratford, on Friday. He
waS in Inc 61st year and was born
in St. Mary's. He was married
twice. Besides,15s present wife for-
merly Emina Porterfield, daughter
of Mrs. Henry Porterfield, of Mit-
chell. two cla.ughters survive him
Mr. Robe Goforth, of Raisselciale, is
a brother. Decca,Sed moved to his
daughter's home in Stratford about
two months ago. For 21 year si he
was eexton of Trinity Anglican
Church, Mitchell,
A little fellow scored neatly on his
mother the other day. "I hope,
dear," Celle said, "you were a nice
little boy while you were at Mrs.
Brown's and didn't tell any stor-
"Only the one you put me up to,"
Said her young hopeful,
"Why, what do you mean, child?"
"When she asked me if I'd like
o have another piece of cake,
lage the past few years, left laat
Tuesday for Texas where they in-
tend to spend the winter.
MT. Carl McClinchey of • Stanley
Township, who is employed as thres-
ther, had a few narrow escape of be-
ing seriously ,injured one day last
week while threshing at the farm of
Mr. Simon Deitrich. He was on top
of the steam engine oiling some of
the running parts when in some way
his pant leg became caught and be-
fore he could free himself, the lower
part of his clothing was all torn off
However, fortunately, he received no
injuries to speak of.
• Mr. Fred Haberer of the Blind
Line had a very unfortunate exper-
eenee recently. While filling the
manure spreader in the barnyard,
the wind blew a metal washtub to-
wards the horses who took fright
and started to run, Mr. Haberer ran
trying to catch the horses and just
as the team was passing through the
gate, he was pinned between the
gate and spreader. The horses at
this time tore loose leaving Mr. Hab-
ei'er fast for some time until assist-
ance came. He is now confined to
his bed ,with bruised legs, but for-
tunately no bones were fractured.;
, Master Norman Brock, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Brock, had the mis-
fortune to have his both arms brok-
en. above the wrist, on Saturday last.
I -le was going up into the mow where
his father was throwing •down feed
when he slipped and fell from the
ladder to the„floor with the above
Mr. and Mrs. Newsom and child,
of Grindstone City, Mich, Mrs. J.
Cornish, Wm. Cornish, of Bad Axe,
Mich., motored over on Saturday and
are visiting the latter's brother F.
Cornish and sister, Mrs. Jas. Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Mickleborough, of
Lambeth, spent a clay with Mr'. and
Mrs. II. Kyle last week.
"Messreg Herold Ross and Morris
Hern visited with their aunt, Mrs.,
Myron Culbert, of Clandeboye, on
Miss Davi, school teacher at Ed-
en speut the Week end at Welling-
ton Brock's.
The young people of the neighbor-
hood are practising tor, the Christ-
mas entertainment,
New Coleman gas lights have
been placed in the chm•ch and
should prove an attraction for the
evening service.
Rev, A. Bea, of Granton, 'preached
anniversary services on Sunday de-
livering two, splendid sermons. The
trustees asted for $100 and ,$0,3
Were contributed. Quite a number
WititritSDAY, ?t1:01TEM131474; 19Zit
A d D
PPolnte lrect4::)r
Lanaciian Pacific
rThofe rtheceetontanealcie:c:t: ‘131,)::;aste41.1: Ros
ton McMaster to
acific, filiing
the vacancy created on the board
by the death of the • late Lord
Shaughnessy, is a recognition , on
the Company's part of his long- •,
proved ability. Mr. McMaster is -
already vice-president and director
of the Steel Company of Canada
and director of the Northern Elec-
c • [.:.1
Inc Company, as well as the Cana-
dian Explosives Company. Born ,
in Montreal in 1880, he has lived
practically all his life that city.
He was educated at the Montreal
High School and Collegiate Insti-
tute. His business career began
with the Sherwin Williams Co., of
which he became assistant to the
vice-president and general manager
in 1897, a post he held until 1903.*
In the latter year be was made
assistant to the vice-president and
general manager of the Montreal
Rolling Mills Company. On the
formation of the Steel Company of
Canada he was appointed manager
at Montreal. '
Mrs. Maud Heywood 'is visiting
her daughter Mrs. J. Wilsc,n'in Tor-
Mr. and Mrs. Peart and family of
Rockwood, Mr. and Mrs: Stevenson
and family of Devizes and Mr. and
Mrs. Hern of Exeter, spent a day
recently at the home of MI'. andMrs.
G•MjiascisuEesieanor Skinner:of Geanton,
spent a few days last week with her
aunt,' Mrs. G. Pulleyblank ,and while
The address reads as folloWs,=
Dear Eleatior:-- • .
a ring and an -address by the Pupils
attending school Was pr.eseilt,ed with
Noovepber 2q, 1921
We 'were all v:ery sorry, -when we
learned you were about - to leave
our school and go away from us all.
We are glad to have you back a-
gain, as our school seems complete
when you are here. The time is
coming when we can look forward
to you onl-y as .our visitor. You will
have new playmates and teachers
but we, hope..you Will not -forget us.
To remind you of us we ask you
to accept this little gift. We hope
You may have as 'much pleasure in. ,
wearing it as -lye have in giving it
to you.
We want you to write to as and
better still collie to visit .us often.
Signed' by the pupils and Miss
Kellar, teacher
Do they answer
• your questions?
The young peoide, in their
letters from school, seldom,
tell you what you really
want to know.
But how different when you
call them by Long Distance!
Jack says be is all over bis
cold. Mary is no longer
homesick and is perfectly
The load is lifted from your
• mind. And how the absent
ones do enjoy hearing the
familiar voice!
No matter how gloomy the
weather, a talk with the young
people 1-"V Long Distance will
always bring sunshine into their
day as well as yours.
Look ill in your Telephone
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