HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-02-07, Page 7•
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Mr. and Mrs.. Bruce .Grainger of
Montreal, seeeinpanied by -Mrs.
Cecil Grainger, spent Saturday, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Grainger, Waterloo, and celebrated
Mrs. Cecil Grainger's birthdaY:Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Graham -of RR 2,
Wroxeter, also attended.
Mrs. Norman Mulloy, Kristie and
Leslie of Paris, spent the weekend
with -Mr. and Mrs. George Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Bev Mitchell,
Molesworth, called at the same
home on Sunday.
Mrs. Thomas Ternpleman and Mr.
and Mrs. Tony Brenner, Kitchener,
visited a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Coulter at Lakeland,
Best wishes to Mrs. Bert Hubbard
who celebrated her 93rd birthday on
Jan. 31.
Mrs. Frances Lewis of Kitchener
was a recent -vilittqv
mother, Mrs. Ethel amnia.
-Rachel Speers of PalinerStOri
spent week With her grapdpare4ts,-
ML•Rin4Mrs,. Raymond Gowdy..
Alrz.,- Earl QArner0 Of iira6gis.
vistteirsundarat-lhe tome:
andWirs; Bill Nay. - •
Mr. arid•Mrs. Ron Mann returned
;.hOme StindaArifter spending several
rlays.at PaIMSprhigs, CaliforML
and Mrs. -Alvin Mundell
visited their grartddatighters in
Whitechurch while Mr. and Mrs.
John Setarz were holidaying in
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ferguson
visited a couple of days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Aitken of
Kincardine. Mr, and Mrs. George
Nickel of Tecswater visited _Sunday
evening at the Ferguson home.
Its annual meeti
The annual congregational meet-
ing of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Wingharn, was held Sunday
with close to 100 people in
attendance. After the meeting was
opened with scripture and prayer by
Rev. John Vaudry, John Mann was
chosen to chair the meeting. Mrs.
Jean Leitch was elected secretary.
During a review of the annualre-
port, it was noted the session had up-
dated the communion roll to reflect
changes in membership in 1988. The
number of communicants, as of the
end of., last ,yerar was ,432. A
moment's ‘Silks 'observed for
16 members of the congregation who
passed away last year.
The board of managers reported
that a small ,deficit of $5.00 was
realized in le); Board chairman,
Mrs. Helen McKague, noted that in
the past year the church had pur-
chased a new VCR and television
and numerous improvements were
made to both the church and the
manse. The board's finance tom -
Ladies bid
farewell to
Mrs, Peacock
FORDWICH—Several ladies in the
neighborhood met recently at the
home of Mrs. Elmer Harding to say
goodbye to Mrs. Vera Peacock.
Along with her husband and
daughter, Mrs. Peacock left last
Thursday to return to Bishop-
Aukland, County of. Durham,
England. The family has resided in
Canada for almost two years.
Mrs. Peacock was presented with
a pin to remind her of the friends she
made while living here. •
A social time was enjoyed and
refreshments served.
Parks group
holds card party
FORDWICH—The community
parks association held a card party
the afternoon of Jan. 28 at the
Howick CoMinunify Centre.
Nine tables were in play and
winners were: high, Mary Kelley
and Russel Nickel; con$oiation,
Leone Carswell, Bea Noble, The
asSriciation meMbers ,appreciate
Mrs, -Kelley % and Mrs. '4 rWell's
gestures hr donating thewwinnings
Coffee and, dessert were enjoyed.
A - stiowniobili tally.; and- cross,
country -skiirtuday,Les well as
another Card #40410'flddaWeare
tentatiVelysehettided for March 4.
mittee chairman, Clayton Baird,
presented the 1989 budget which
included money for the leasing of a
photocopier. Mr. Baird also pointed
out that repairs to the organ may be
necessary in the near future and the
board is considering resurfacing the
driveway to the m,anse.
Five vacancies on the' board of
managers will be filled by Mrs.
Janny Fear, Alex MacDonald, Mrs.,
Marie Phillips, Murray Underwood
and Bill Versteeg. Re-elected as
trustees for the church for 1989 were
G. W. Cruickshank,Ken McKague
and Gordon Sutcliffe, .
Chairman of the church's music
committee, Gordon Wall, reported
that the cost of a new set of contem-
porary song books would be close to
$1,200. After a good deal of support
for the books was expressed by
numerous members of the congre-
gation, it was agreed that the books
be purchased.
A motion from the floor which
proposed one method of filling the
pulpit during the minister's vacation
was withdrawn after it was decided
this matter should first be discussed
by the session. A number of motions
thanked the many people who take
time to volunteer their services to
church groups.
Mr. Vaudry closed the meeting
with prayer,
Cubs attend
Last weekend, Jan. 28 and 29, the
Wingham Cubs attended a Sixer-
Second overflight workshop.
The workshop was attended by 10
Cubs, one Scout and two Wingham
Those receiving certificates of
completion were Scott Allison,
Ronald Baird, Marc Keil, David
McBurney, Dean Walker, Andy
Shaw, Paul Machati, Michael Nolan, -
Matthew Train and Michael Barfoot.
.A special certificate was awarded
to Scout Roy Mitchell for his
assistance during theworkshop. The
leaders congratulate those who
attended and completed the course.
Gordon T. Jamieson' ; Son 67
Ronald and Margaret Jamtes°17 of
FIR 2,1 LucknoW,' graduated late
last.' year :from ,the University of
Guelph with a bachelor of
science degree in agriculture. He
currently is enrolled in the
master's program in agricultural
business at the University of
The directors. of the , entifled Qn.ear- Younger" Thi
HorticulturalSociety*.*et Thursday, minutes were read and adopted, by
newly -elected presi. Mrs', Eileen 4 "Oen and
dent, Don Fraser, Presiding. correspondence was aowledged.
The society plans to place flower
boxes at the trailer pArk entrance,
also some flewers at the Toronto -
Dominion Bank corner. A com-
mittee, headed by Bill McQuiggan
and Dave ,Curzon, was formed to
investigate the development of
An, invitatioxr,to-visit. the Garde
seniors on Feb. 14 "from249,4
Was received and all interested
seniors may attend.
Ted Smith game' the treasures le
Cruickshank Park. report and motions :Were thatle'40
mister I ads - Regular meetings will be held pay outstandinOills and clean The
Whitechurch — The United
Church congregation held its annual
meeting Tuesday evening, Jan. 24,
with 11 present. Rev. John Neilson
opened the meeting with scripture,
followed by prayer. Mr. Neilson was
appointed chairman and Mrs.
Walter Moore secretary for the eve-
ning. Reports from every phase of
church work were given and
approved, with all objectives being
The auditors' report was given by „
Clifford Laidlaw who stated that all
books are in order. He thanked the
treasurer for her excellent work.
The Mission and Service Fund ob-
jective has been raised for 1989.
It was agreed that the Observer
every -family plan will continue,
with Agnes Farrier, representative,
being --in: charge of subscriptions, A
thank -you note was received ,from
Karen -Elliott, thanking the church
for its sponsorship for her to attend
the Toc Alpha conference. Plans
were made for the anniversary,
service to be held Sunday, June 11.
Clifford Laidlaw expressed thanks
to Mr. Neilson for his excellent
leadership during the past year.
Thanks were expressed by Mr. Neil-
son to members of the choir and all
congregation members for their
work in 1988. He then closed the
meeting with prayer.
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Whitechurch friends are pleased
that Richard Lubbers was able -to
return home from Sick Children's
Hospital in Toronto after suffering
injuries in a toboggan accident
Mr. and Mrs.,Jim Gaunt of Arva
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Ross.
Mrs. Henrietta Stewart ef the
village hosted a baby shower Tues-
day evening, Jan. 31, for Mrs. Kim
Simpson, Twenty-four ladies of the
community shared a very enjoyable
evening together.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood of
Ancaster visited Saturday with
play euchre
BELMORE Thirtraine players
braved the cold to attend the Bel -
more euchre party on the evening of
A white arid mauve color scheme
was carried emit in Winghani tinited
Church on June 60 1969, when
Valdeane Noble and. Wray Gedcke
exchanged Wedding WAYS:- Mt; and,
Gedeke wereAo testa' at' 39;
Carlineerrace, Wingbani.
Bruce Harkness was the high mart
tont inglis wssecond. High
-Bett aiiiig geeendhigh
Annie Vittendieigh, wild;
also. li„ad:Most lone With for
eloery-cother - month on the first
Thursday, beginning March 2.
Spring planting will be held Satur-
day, May 27 and a Garden Waik-
about on July 9 at 1 p.m. Everyone is
welcome. Mabel Jacklin was
appointed to plan the spring tree
Gordon Baxter was named
treasurer for the coming year and
Shirley McKague secretary.
sheet. It aiRoVal'iltire4lhat thenew
chairs for the hall had been received
and will be most welcome. •
Also, the group is enjoying its new
cupboard that was built
our next meeting will tae nem
March 1 at 12:30 p.m. and seniors
are invited to come out and enjoy the
fellowship. Cards were played tg
conaplete,a good day.
Teeswater Community Centre
Sponsored by
Teeswater & District Kinsmen Club
Cassino Nights - Feb. 10, 7 pm to 1 am
& also Sat., Feb. 11, 12 noon to 1 am
Dance - Feb. 11 - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
It's as easy as-,
failing in love!
Show your Valentine you care
with a little help from . .
We have roses (tea roses & sweethearts) sold singly, or
by the dozen, in a rose bowl, or brandy snifter, in a vase,
or arrangements.
Roses say "I love your Make her feel special with a
corsage, (or boutonniere for him?) or; for a lighthearted
touch, how about a plush toy holding a rose or carnation
in a water pik?.,
We also have a wide selection of cut flowers for mixed
bouquets and arrangements of all sizes.
A "silk like" fabric flower arrangement is a lasting gift.
We will be open 8:00 on Feb. 13,1989.
Lot 35 Con. 7 E Wavvanosh Twp.
Nature Centre Road
PS. Ara you planning a wedding in 'a9? It's not too soon to book your
dile With us. We diem -Complete floral service for your special day! Look
, l•