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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-01-31, Page 9
yJ/ i%i, t 3'.%;44./ y% Sysf '' AAMF ;c0 " +xsr. V•7 N%;r, f,g. `r k;, Mrs. Elva Cooper, Mrs.. Jean Clarkson, Mrs. Edna Doig, Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Holger Feldskovand family of Fordwich, also Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown of Waterloo, Mrs. Gerald Heuther, Cambridge and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wylie, Clifford, at- tended a birthday dinner for family and friends in honor of Jack Brown, held at the United Church in Hanover on Saturday, Jan. 21. Following the dinner, everyone returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown where a social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Jack Mann, Mrs.. Ted Klaassen, Mrs. Robert Sanderson, Mrs. Jean Clarkson and Minnie McElwain attended . the UCW Presbyterial meeting on Monday at Victoria Street United Church, Goderich. Mary Feldskov spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Brent Wylie at Hanover. The sympathy of the community goes -to Mr. and Mrs. Holger Espensen in the death of the for - WI members, guests enjoy slides at meeting FORDWICH — A total of 35 members and guwes.ta were present at the January Meeting of the Women's Institute held recently. Mrs. T. Klaassen and Mrs. Jean Clarkson reported on the executive meeting of the Huron East Women's Institute at the Klaassen home. The roll call, "Where was your childhood home and what school did you attend?", was answered. The motto from the Tweedsmuir book was read by Mrs. H. Gibson, who had brought it to the meeting to be displayed. She explained some of the book's contents, as well as read an article written by the late Mrs. C. Sothern, who told of the rink, the plays put on aby the Institute and other events. Mrs. Clarkson then conducted 'a slide presentation on the Ontario Agricultural Museum at Milton. At this fascinating place, she told those present one can ride, on a tractor -drawn wagon around the sheets of the 50 -acre site. There is an exhibition hall, a weaving house, blacksmith shed, as well as the old church from Mayne Corners, which was moved there and repainted. Details of the church history were told, as well as details of the post office and its mail route. Mrs. H. Gibson provided com- mentary on local history and Mrs. Clarkson finished with slides of Fordwich, its flowers and the Maitland River in spring, summer and winter. There .also were slides of tearing down the Fordwich Feed Mill, Howick fall fair_ pa'ades, fair en- tries, houses, farms and putting up the Fordwich Park sign. Mrs. H. Feldskov finished with a poem about an old lady remem: Bering her growing -up years. The meeting closed and a delicious lunch was served. UCW officers for 1989 installed at Fordwjch FORDWICH—On Sunday, Jan. 22, during the morning worship service, the following officers of the United Church Women were installed, with - Rev. Donald R. Beck officiating: president, Mrs. Dianne Mann; past president, Mrs. Jean Wilson;, vice- presidents, Mrs. Pauline Richards, Mrs. Jean Clarkson, Mrs. Freida Klaassen; secretary, Mrs. Rosemary Magill; treasurer, Miss Obstetrical nurse speaks to auxiliary The first meeting of 1989 of the Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital was held in the board room last Monday. Mary Lee, head obstetrical nurse at the hospital, was the guest speaker. She gave a most in- formative talk on the parental - outreach program in effect at . the hospital. There have been many changes over the years for the betterment of care. The beneficial results show in the mothers of babies of our com- munity, she said. Mrs. Lee thanked the auxiliary f& its interest shown in the New Year's baby and the Christmas babies, who are sent home in handmade stockings. Other business at the meeting included a call for gift case volun- teers, as well as helpers to volunteer in the rehabilitation unit. A blood donor clinic on March 29 at the F. E. Madill Secondary School also will require volunteers. The spring rummage sale date is set for April 13 and 14. New candy striper uniforms and volunteer smocks have been pur- chased to accommodate the in- creasing number of volunteers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 , + 1 4 1•Y 1 4, I 1 1,+ Minnie . McElwain; afternoon unit leader, Mrs. Clarkson; evening unit leaders, Mrs. Edith Gibson and Mrs. Lynn Timperley ; Christian Development, Mrs. Edith Gibson; Leadership Development, Mrs. Joyce Lockie; Literature, Mrs. Carol Donaldson; Stewardship and Finance, Mrs. Wilda Ruttan; Church in Society, Mrs. Jennie Wilson; World Outreach, Mrs. Grace Reid; Community Friend- ship, Mrs.- Jean Hutchison; nominations, Mrs. Clarkson; press and publicity, Mrs. Magill; In - Church Service, Mrs. Marion Johnston; archives, Mrs. Clarkson. Workshops aim at reducing the herbicide rate The Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association is spon- soring a series of herbicide ap- plication workshops which will ad- dress the reducing of the herbicide rate by applying it more wisely. The workshop topics include band spraying, inter -row cultivation, wick weeding, spot treating problem weeds, spray additives, and nozzle selection. The agenda calls for the group to meet for the afternoon in a farmers' workshop for some hands-on demon- strations. Meetings are scheduled for March 13 in Stanley Township, March 20 in South Huron, and March 21' in Turnberry Township. The workshops are limited to 15 farmers. For further information and to register, those interested should call the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Clinton at 482-3428 or 1- 800-265-5170. 4 d /� lad G�+1'�•�if.�<i1raffUi � ' /r�..''f.4'' mer's . brother, John, who passed away in Denmark, Mr. and Mrs; Lorne Kellam were Wednesday guests with, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Rowlett at Vhni a. Brian Mantoux o Ortitlia.spent a few days last week _with h1Ffather, Don Montoux and his sister, Sandra Montoux. Larry Soper of Shelburne visited one day last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mil Soper. Mrs. Nellie Allan spent last weekend with her son-in-law, daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Elliott, at Petersburg. Mrs. Lorna McMinn of Caledon spent ' last weekend with Mrs. Bernice Marriner. Mary Anne Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson, left last week for Emerald Lake, B.C., where she will be employed for the next four months. Her cousin, Greg Gibson, accompanied her and will visit with relatives. Sam Johnston and Walter Harrifield attended the funeral of Eric Hartwig at Ayton on Saturday, Jan. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sturgeon have returned home following a two-week vacation in Acapulco. They are now residing at their home in Gorrie. Mandy Dugen of England visited a few days last week with Shelly Gibson. Sandra Montoux - spent last weekend in Orillia. Executive meets at Klaassen home FORDWICH 'The executive of the Huron East District Women's Institutes met at the home of president, Mrs: Ted Klaassen, in Fordwich to plan the upcoming District annual meeting. The Majestic Women's Institute will host this year's ; meeting in Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, on Tuesday, May 9. The theme is "Make Less Garbage", to promote the WI project on recycling. Each branch in the District was asked to present a short skit, song, etc., on the topic. Each branch was asked to have a fund-raising event -- garage sale, bake sale, etc. – to raise money for the District in the next few months. A bus trip to the Erland Lee Home is planned for June. Anyone interested in taking the trip is asked to contact the District secretary. Palm trees sway at beach party BLUEVALE — The palm tree was swaying in the breeze and the hula dancers were performing as the tropics came to Bluevale on Satur- day. "Beach Party Afternoon" was sponsored by the Bluevale Recreation. Committee as a last- minute replacement for the thawed - out annual Snow -Pitch tournament. The event consisted of an af- ternoon of beach -type activities and an evening dance. Activity event -?winners were: bestdressed, Tracey Nicholson, Wayne Day; hula hoop contest, Tracey Jarvis, Dave Schmidt; limbo contest, Judy Lappage, Bruce Boneschansker; whitest legs, Hans Verbeek; hairiest legs, Kelly Lee; best joke told, Dave Ryan. Initial financial reports show that a substantial profit was made on the day's activities. The committee is grateful to all who volunteered their labor in organizing the event. An itn- portant recreation meeting is scheduled for Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. at which time the previously dis- tributed questionnaire will be P 1 1 1 1 + i i 1 1 1 i,+ i. 1 1 i i S. 1 1 , 1 1,. f •1 i. i 1. 1 .: 4 iscu.yv�y},�. '• + 1 ,, .12 f + ; ARDIS McDONALD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry McDonald of Turnberry Township, made figure skating look easy at last Saturday night's carnival at Belmore. New Location — a, of JANUARv 30th, 1989 MINISTRY of COMMUNITY and SOCIAL SERVICES 75 Wellington Street, Clinton • 482-3971 MAILING ADDRESS: Box 1150, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1 LO "Thanks to our clients for your patience with our moves over the last few weeks" THE HURON -PERTH CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION In order to register for Kindergarten, children must be five (5) years of age on or before December 31, 1989. Parents are asked to bring Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate and proof of Immunization. It is advisable that parents contact the school in which you intend to register your child for an ap- pointment prior to the registration date. The registration date and location for Kindergarten class- es will be as follows - Sacred Heart School Mr. Jim Steffler, Principal Cornyn Street Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 357©1090 February 16, 1989 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. St. Joseph's School Mr. James McQuillan, Principal RR3 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3X9 529-7646 February 16, 1989 1:00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m. Any parent who wishes to register a child for French Im- mersion Kindergarten should contact - Mr, Jim McDade, Prin- cipal, 524-9901 V. Mclnnes Chairman of the Board William Eckert, Director of Education i