HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-01-31, Page 6O
Page 6A - The WiugI am AdvancelimeN eimirtat
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Maitland Presbyterial
chooses 1989 executive
Ladies representing 15 afternoon being published.
and four evening groups of the Mrs, Evan Keith, retiring
Women's Missionary Society were president, thanked everyone for
blessed with a beautiful day as they their willingness to participate dur-
gathered at St. Andrew's 'Pres- mg her three years as leader. She
byterian Church, Wingham, last likened the presbyterial to an
English garden with 19 plots, some
small, some larger, but each
blooming for the Lord.
Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Gorrie,_ con-
ducted the election of officers, who
were installed by Mrs. Don
Mrs, Walter Elliott, Whitechurch,
extended courtesies to all who had
taken part in any way and Mrs.
Mundell closed another successful
meeting with prayer.
Executive members for 1989 in-
clude: honorary president, Mrs.
Bregman, Teeswater; past
president, Mrs. Keith, South Kin-
loss; president, Mrs, Arbuckle,
Wingham; first vice president, Mrs.
G. Haldenby, Kinlough;
Monday for the annual meeting of
the Maitland Presbyterial.
Mrs. Evan Keith, South Kinloss
president, convened the meeting and
opened with a poem and prayer.
Mrs. Shirley Donaldson welcomed
everyone to Wingham. Reports were
heard from all the secretaries and
the treasurer, Mrs. Hazel Bateman
of Wingham, announced that the
objective had been met.
Rev. Douglas Gordon • of South-
ampton, representing presbytery,
brought greetings and challenged
the ladies to assist every Church
member to realize that to be a
Christian is to be a participant and
partner in spreading the gospel.
He concluded by saying, "We are
not called to be successful, but we
are called to be faithful."
The afternoon session theme was
"Go and Tell". It opened with a film
entitled "Whom Shall I Send?" The
Belmore WMS was in charge of the
devotions with Mrs. Elmer Jeffray
reading the scripture of Jesus and
the woman of Samaria and Mrs.
Ralph Dickson giving the
Treasurer, Mrs, Bateman,
Wingham; historian, Mrs. B.
Thompson, Kinlough and assistant
historian, Mrs. Stokes, Belmore.
Secretaries for the upcoming year
are: recording, Mrs. MacDonald,
Teeswater; corresponding, Mrs.
Ken Leitch, Wingham; Adult West,
Mrs. A. MacDougall, South Kinloss;
Since the WMS is celebrating its Adult East, Mrs. G. I lliott, Brits -
75th anniversary in May, Mrs, sets; youth and children, Mrs.
Robert Arbuckle of Wingham led in Hamilton, South Kinloss;
a litany, "Preparation for a Literature, Mrs. R. MacKenzie,
Celebration". She was assisted by Lucknow; friendship and service,
Mrs. John MacDonald, Mrs. Wallace Mrs. C. Gibson, Gorrie; Glad
Richardson, Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, Tidings, Mrs, MacLean, Ashfield;
Mrs. Robert Bregman and Mrs. publicity, Mrs. A. Loree, Lcuknow;
John Stokes. member without portfolio, Mrs. D.
Each group was presented a list of MacAdam, Belmore and auditors,
members to be added to the an- Mrs. W. Milligan, Whitechurch and
niversary memorial book which is Mrs. Dickson, Belmore.
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TURNBERR Y PIZZA DAY -- Last Friday was pizza day at Turnberry Central School and everybody par-
took, even Kindergarten students Jenny Broome, Johanna Evers and Emily Raper.
ongregation member
see past year in review
The Wingham United Church held
its annual meeting Sunday after-
noon. Following worship, the con-
gregation shared in a light lunch -
hosted by the United Church
Women. Slides were shown,
depicting highlights from 1988, the
church's. 125th anniversary year.
The pictures were taken by Murray
Hunter and Dr. Ray Bateman.
Everyone enjoyed reviewing the
special activities of the year gone
The business meeting was then
convened, with Rev. J. Rea Grant in
the chair and Ken Wood as
secretary. The names of those who
passed away in 1988 were read in
memoriam, followed by a brief
silence and a prayer.
John Schedler reported for the
nominating committee, that in
addition to the prior election of Ian
Ward' and Miss Kirsten Keil, the
names of Mrs. Janet Reid and Bill
Tiffin were being put forward as new
members of the board. They were
subsequently received. Newly -
appointed members include Mrs.
Joyce Miller as treasurer of the
UCW and Mrs. Bev McBride as trea-
surer of the Sunday School Arnold
Spivey will replace Mr. Schedler as
chairman of the stewardship com-
George Underwood presented the
budget for 1 ' •i 9, in the absence of
Gordon- Baxter, chairman of the.
'finance committee. The budget,
`totalling $111,405 (including $14,000
for Missions and $12,000 for capital
costs) was approved. Andy McBride
explained that plans for 1 Y 9.include
new sanitary and storm sewer lines
to connect to John Street; a roadway
fromthe parking lot across the east
side of the property to John Street
afid a• new sidewalk along the north
side of thbehureh.
In other business, the congre-
gation agreed to declare the Wing -
ham United Church a "Smoke -Free
Environment"; review the resident
and non-resident rolls; review the
method of reporting individual con-
tributions and provide an oppor-
tunity to respond to the 32nd General
Council Statement prior to Novem-
ber '89, ..as requested by the
November ' . c executive.
Mrs. Florence Reavie extended
the appreciation of the congregation
to church staff and other leaders,
while Ken Wood added a special note
of thanks for all the extra work
undertaken in regard to the special
events and projects held throughout
the 125th anniversary year. _
Reflexologist addresses
JOY January meeting
Leslie Martin, leader of the J.O.Y.
Unlimited group at St, Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, directed the
thoughts of the group to the topic of
prayer during the opening
meditation at last Monday evening' -
She spoke especially .of the nee u Lo
pray for one's childrenand how
important it is for children to realize
that mothers are praying on their
Lorraine Clugston then led a Bible
study based on the question: Are
your warning lights working?
She stated that many times people
know very well the truth about
issues, but are willing to be led to
believe something quite different.
Through the study of various
scripture passages, she stressed to
the group how necessary it is to
firmly remember and not be misled
about three truths concerning
Jesus: He is the image of God; He is
the firstborn over all creation and
Reis the Creator.
When we read an article, see a
film or are told information other
than what we 'mot? to be true, our
warning lights should alert us tthe
danger and remind us of the truth,
Mrs. Clugston.said, . ,
As an expression of the Bible study
theme, the group joined in singing
"Thou Art Worthy", with Linda
Pettigrew as pianist.
The offering was received and
Marilyn Baird led in prayer. A lunch
eak, prepared by convener Sandra
Walker and assistants, was enjoyed.
Audrey McKague then introduced
Sandra Giesbrecht, a registered
reflexologist at the Holistic Health
Centre, Listowel.
Holistic is a new word involving an
old concept, she explained. Holistic
healtlf treats the whole nature of the
person — the physical, mental and
spiritual aspects.
Mrs. Giesbrecht explained the
various services offered at the
centre and the theories behind them.
Some of these include reflexology,
laser acupuncture, deep muscle
therapy and food allergy testa*.
Several tips regarding the use of
herbal preparations for common
ailments were given,
"Nature has not given any disease
for which it has not provided a
remedy," she claimed.
After a question and answer
period, Mrs. Pettigrew thanked Mrs.
Giesbrecht for her present ttion.