HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-01-31, Page 3•
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How many provinces outside of
Nova Scotia currehtly quarantine
AIDS victims? — (unknown),
Vancouver, B.C.
None, and neither does Nova
I think you must have been
reading a CP wire service story in
your newspaper that originated out
of Halifax.
The news story read that Nova
Scotia Health Minister Joel
Matheson was keeping his options
open concerning the government's
power to quarantine people with
AIDS. It did not say that he intended
to do so.
The health minister's concern was
over the male prostitute who al-
legedly infected three Halifax
women. The bi-sexual prostitute
apparently knew he was infected
(HIV seropositive) .
A number of provinceshavecur-
rent or proposed legislation that
states only people who wilfully or
knowingly spread AIDS can be held
_in' quarantine. At a conference in
Saskatchewan this year, all provin-
cial health ministers agreed unani-
mously that the rights and protec-
tion of individual privacy were in the
best interest of public health, .and
that quarantines were inappropri-
You must remember that if quar-
antines were to come into effect,
fewer people would voluntarily take
the risk of being tested for the AIDS
virus. This is not in the best interest
of public health.
Dr. Alastair Clayton, head of the
Felleral Centre for AIDS, has said
the central purpose of a quarantine
is to detain someone with .a
communicable disease and treat
him so he isnoat eat
public health,. but there's no need to
quarantine AIDS patients tients since we
have no treatment for the disease.
This is a letter of inquiry with
respect to selling books on AIDS at
the International AIDS Conference
tobe held in Montreal in June 1989.
In view of the nature of the con-
ference, there would . be sales for
almost any current infoemation
dealing with AIDS. We have
reserved a booth specifically for this
purpose and would be pleased to
learn about any publishers you
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might recommend who might wish
us to represent them. at the con-
Terence• Da Pollard, Cobalt, Ont.
There are any number of books on
AIDS currently,en the market and I
suspect there will be considerably
more by the date of the international
conference, June 4-9. Any interested
publisher or anyone else with AIDS-
related material might wish_ to
contact the Highway Book Shop,
Cobalt, Ontario, POJ 1CO.
De yen really believe that all the
AIDS education efforts are working
toward changing people's sexual
habits? — I.W., Hamilton, Ont.
I certainly hop4 so, although at
times I wonder.
Many of the surveys I receive can
be very discouraging and I am
'particularly concerned about young
people who are so vulnerable to HIV
(AIDS virus) infection.
A recent.. survey in the U.S., con-
ducted by the Center for Disease
Control in Atlanta, indicated that a
sizable percentage of young men
(never -married) report more than
10 sexual partners in the last 12
months-- Based on this survey of
1,481 people, this indicates that on a
national level, more than 700,000
single men aged 18 to 29 — and more
Crime Stoppers and the Ontario
Provincial Police are seeking your
assistance to help solve this 1985
break, enter and theft.
Between 6:15 p.m. on March 30,
1985 and 8:50 a.m. on April 1, 1985,
thieves undertook a Hollywood type
break-and-enter.yried the p
back door to a vacant store with
what appears to have been a large
crowbar. Once inside the store, the
thieves took considerable time saw-
and breaking through a concrete
block wall into the adjacent store —
Nabours Store in Goderich — which
left a 3 ft. by 2 ft. hole. After quickly
locating the safe, they hammered
and pried at it until it opened. The
culprits got away with over $3,300 in
cheques and cash which they took
from inside the safe.
If you have information about this
or any other serious crime, call
Crime Stoppers of HUron County
toll-free at 1400465-1777. You will
never have to say who you are and
you will never haVe to go to court. If
an arrest is made, you will earn a
cash reward. Crime Stoppers pays
between $50 and $1,000 in rewards.
Do your part to help solve a crime
-' "all CrimerStopp@ 5 Ow. r?i.' :,
ryr'/.lam//'y{{,r� f�>?r!;Jf,/Y�"/r9/rjr
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than 100,000 as 30 to
have as many -as 10 sexual partnets
or more a year, •
It makes _one wonder Pi( 'how
' man -of thesd sexual encu eters in-
volved safer % - settees,
Another U.S. survey indicates—that
2.5 million American teenagers are
infected with sexually transmitted
diseases each year. This suggests
that safer sex practices are being
ignored by far too many teenagers.
Our one saving grace in Canada —
despite all the criticism and
rumblings of 61not enough" and "too
late" — may be the fact that AIDS
awareness and education programs
did start on a national, provincial
and local basis before the AIDS
virus got too far out of hand.
We may be able to turn the tide
before the epidemic becomes a
national disaster.
Hopefully, everyone's_., efforts will
influence Canadians to change their
sexual behavior, particularly young
people, at least until a cure or
vaccine is found to control the AIDS
Editor's note: James Greig is a
member of the Canadian Public
Health Association and author of the
book "AIDS: What Every
os►i.,• should
aw 1�, f' a bi * ak question about..
•,410S;:; writ e
TeAvenue. Wi les On
TORONTO -- Fourteen Service
agencies across Ontario have re-
ceived emergency funding totalling
$276,000 to provide settlement .serv-
ices for refugee claimants, Minister _
of Citizenship Gerry Phillips a. n-
"Currently, there is in this prov-
ince a . large number of `refugee
claimants' who are awaiting a de-
termination of their legal status in
this country," Mr. Phillips said.
"While these people wait, they tern
to the many immigrant service
agencies.for help.
• "These agencies play an impor-
tant role in the settlement of new-
comers to Ontario. The province
sees immigrant settlement as a
partnership between government
and community-based agencies. The
work that is done by the agencies is
crucial to the success of our pro-
grams." _
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each year.
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Our efforts are working. Independent surveys continue to show that
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