HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-01-31, Page 1•
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FIRST SECTION winelanti Ontario, Tuesday, January 31, 98
'Teens Unlimited is new
youth group in Wingham
A new youth group has been
formed in Wingham and will be
known as "Teens Unlimited".
A number of interested teens and
adults turned out to meetings last
Monday -and Saturday at the
Wingham Armouries.
Adrian Keet, adult advisor, says
the group's first priority is to find a
place where the young people can
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A red label means your subscrip-
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Unlimfted"; het been fOrmed-lbfr''
The executive.' incitidesr Mk"—
Richardson, vice president; front
A ;,.0,ely 1r:p441, grcs,yrp
Winghamrd-thiia y
Aftwitircoir Pretlerefitr ;Nadir
Kerri McGrath, treasurer and
oanne Crawford, secretary.
Sound riendly but that's the
way -cOnifintera work,
ayes prays govern ent
rrt the Streets". Tracy Taman' was put
in charge of public relations.
meet, with adult supervision, rather
than congregate on the streets.
"We have a duty to thekids to get
them somewhere t� go," says Mr.
Keet, who also was involved with the
Junior Citizens, a youth group
popular in town during the late 1970s
and early 1980s.
At last Monday evening's meeting,
an executive was chosen which in-
cludes : president, Jason Purdy;
vice president, Jason Richardson;
secretary, Joanne Crawford and
treasurer, Kerri McGrath.
Bob Hewines of the Wingham
Kinsmen Club also reports that the
Kinsmen will donate the proceeds of
a basketball game on Feb. 11 to get
the new teen group established. Mr.
Hewines says the game could raise -
as much as $900.
At' last Saturday's meeting, the
young,people appeared eager to get
involved in some. kind of project,
perhaps-heiping out with Wingharn's
upcoming Frostyfes,
wit a' °up ago 040w s dis-
cussed. The young peop'Ie were
asked to come up with ideaslor
logo and one suggestion was "Beat,
wOrft V • do somethingIn aAg: T:eniisse:Uaitalimdai‘rieadt; meet
All irjiterested young
people are encouraged to attend.
aao .
Ontario Health Minister Elinor
Caplan's suggestion that hospitals
reopen the contracts with their
nurses is one which could result in
more problems than solutions, the
Wingham and District Hospital's
board of governors agreed at its
regular January meeting.
"I'm praying very hard that the
provincial government doesn't do
something stupid," Executive
Director Norm Hayes said during
his regular monthly report.
However, based on past
performance, one doesn't know
(what government is going to do)."
Recently, in reply to criticism that
patients, are having to be turned
away from hospitals because there
are not enough nurses (among other
reasons), Mrs. Caplan said the hos-
pitals should re -open their pntracts
with the nurses,
"I'm having some difficulty with
that," Mr. Hayes told the board.
"And, it's not that I feel nurses
shouldn't get paid well."
If the Ontario Nursing Association
contract is re -opened, he said, hos-
pitals will then be forced to look at
every contract they have with their
other employees' grOups.
Although 'employ* of Wingham
and District Hospital are not union-
ized, the hospital has traditionally
geared its salary increases to those
reached in agreements between the
larger hospitals and 'the union rep
resenting the corresponding em-
ployee group.
"Other unions would have a case
(for re-oPening) based on the fact
that their benchmark :figure is also
based on the nurses" cOntracti"
Hayes said.
"If we're going to have decent
labor relations in this province, then
when an agreement is reached and
signed between management and a
union, it has to be honored as it is
written," he added.
Dr. Brian Hanlon pointed out that
neither management nor the union
can arbitrarily make changes in the
,agreement. "The only one who can
change it is the government."
Dr.,Hanlon suggested that nurses
should now be considering
establishing residency programs in
relation to the high stress positions
within their profession.
He compared such programs to
those used for doctors in preparing
for the different specialties.
"I agree, but they have to do that
themselves," said Board Chairman
Mary Lou Thompson.
"I know, they should have been
doing it 20 years ago," Dr.1Lanlon
added. 2
Fire department
responds to calls
at the same time
The Wingham Fire Department
responded to two calls last Tuesday,
both coming at 1:55 p.m.
Fire Chief Harley Gaunt says the
department responded to a call Jan.
4 to the Marjorie McKay residence
at 15 George Street in Wingham.
The chief says an air freshener
took fire in the bathroom, but
reports no damage.
At the same time, 1:55 p.m., a call
came from the Charles Bentley
residence at Lot 25, Con. 3 of Howick
Lockiidge Memorial Arena on Feb. Township.
11 from 1 to 2 p.m., sponsored by the
Wingham Recreation Department. According to Mr. Gaunt, overheat -
The Wingham Sportsmen's Club is ed stove pipes in an upstairs bed -
sponsoring a horseshoe tournament room are to blame for the blaze,
on Feb. 11, starting at 1 p.m. which resulted in $30,000 in heat and
The Wingham.. Kinsmen Club is water damage.
sponsoring a special evening of fun
Feb. 11 at the P. E. Madill Second- MVCA holds
ary School when the Canadian Half- .-
Pints Midget BaretbaltTeam takes, Mooed CI
Plans are made final
for Frostyfest '89
Plans for next weedend's Frosty -
fest '89 celebration in Wingham have
been finalized.
Things get underway with an
Optimist bingo next Wednesday eve-
ning, Feb. 8, at eight o'clock at the
Wingharn Legion Hall.
A Lions ,Club talent show, com-
plete with prince and princess cont-
est, is Set,to go neXt Thursday, eve -
flirt& at 8 -p.m. in the town
hall audttorium.
IViercharits in Wingham will open
their doors for,FrostYfest Shooing
Day neittridity, Feb. 10.
Sitturdity will dawn with a pan-
cake breakfast from 8:10 'to 11:30
.a.rn. at the Wingham Legion Hall.
• There also wlll be free -sleigh rides
'from thetegton hall, starting at 11
iinL and2 running until 2 p.m. on
Feb.; iksbonsored by the Wingham
• There Will be free Wig at the
on the CKNX ryhards at eight..1- •
°woo On Saturday, Feb:11. • 16
• The Showarama- ter Cripplimit ruar
dren is , scheduled fitif Sunday, Oely.71,:. The annual meeting of the Mait-
12, tteattieriieim' itting. ft is spoil: land Valley Conservation Authority
soredby the Wingham -Snowmobile will be held at the authority's Wrox-
AssOolatibilaridthe:Winglittrn Lions eter aditinistration centre on
Club Witb proceed gong to the Thursday, Feb. 10 `at 1:30 p.m.
Easter zSeal campaign for Included on the meeting's agenda
capped rqhfitatera. The time is 9 to are a review of the 1 budget and
11 a.m. • • •projects, election Of -officers, and a
There wUl h# Skittilit'At the 100k at the MVCA's itecom-
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