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The Exeter Times, 1924-11-20, Page 8
VART'S 10 W Your Needs for Colder Weather can be Supplied by this Store at Money Saving Prices. WARM' UN E :WEA , We stook all the leading makes, including Stanfield's, Penman's Turnbull's and Dodd's. : The duality of every garment we sell is guaranteed and our prices will save you from 25c. to 5Qc, on every garment you buy Bare. On Sale at 98c.. ,All -Wool Hose, for Ladies and Misses A whole' table of pure wool and silk and wool stockings for lad- ies and girls on sale at 98c. .All the new shades as well as black in both the plain and the fancyribbed, styles. Values up to $150 all on sale at '98c. Winter Coats Reduced Ladies 'Misses - Childrens You need not wait any longer to buy that new coat at a real bargain price. We still .have a large stock of all sizes and styles #'or you to choose from and if you see a coat that you like we will make the price right. Men! Corne Here FOR OVERCOATS - UNDERWEAR - SOX - SUITS RUBBER BOOTS - HEAVY RUBBERS - SWEATER COATS ODD TROUSERS CAPS - NECR TIES We'll Save You Money Lower Grocery Prices Large tin Pink Saluron .... 15c. 34 tin Pink Salmon 10c. i%z du Maple Leaf Salmon '19c. Special Cocoa 15c. lb. Special Mixed. Tea-, .... 69c. Ib. Tasty Cheese 25c. lb. Good Light Brooms 49c. Med.-Polished hdle 'brooms 69c 2 lbs. seedless raisins for 25c. Royal Yeast Cakes .... 5c. pkg. IRMILatont.tinf 91121121=1.091.110214, 644 i :14r..AVVV>e We'll Furnish your borne Complete and Save You Money For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours. Our service to young couples has been perfected to the highest de- gree of genuine helpfulness. No matter how little or how much you may wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are. assured everyadvantage n go of low prices,courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. All we ask is that you give us an opportunity of showing you how reasonably you can purchase furniture at this store. vtrE, Ol+' `2.+'R SPECTAT, PRICES ON EVERYTHING- IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse , Equipment Long distance calls given. prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W -¢;4�'4tes\�+--© -•.me SfiMi r^•oi/��\^e�'> "`�El��i.:d..� �i�''� � �/= Fashi na le Lines and erfct1111 3:. .!: 4� g 1111 t�j. •1 Y K: 1111 ��'. .�. Can only be given by careful attention to each individual figure. Well tailored • suits that give ease and comfort without sacrificing anything in. style and :gracefulness is an art acquired by years of experience. That is, why our tailored suits give such satisfaction. Now is the time to order your new suit and get the full benefit of the early fall. vercoats for Fail and s rinter WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF LIGHT AND HEAVY WEIGHT OVERCOATS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES, OR WE CAN MAKE ONE -Tl' FOR YOU. You will be .Interested in our Swell New Range of Ties and u •.fflehs GLOVES, SOCKS, UNDERWEAR IN TWO PIECE AND COMI3IN- ATION. WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT DISPLAYOi' " + CAPRI ONE i ani aiket report The toll the report of the Exeter corrected: ew ery Wednesday, Wheat $1.35 Oats 45c. Manitoba Flour $4.90, FaniilY Flour $4.65 Pastry flour $3.90 Feed Flour $2,25 Bran $1.60 Shorts $1,75 Butter 35c, Creamery Butter 41c Eggs, Extras 60 ' Eggs, firsts 40c. Eggs, Seconds 30 Lard 20c Hogs $S.75 owing IS. Market 048.41 0-00VOle0130.0,04)0400 Z• • LOCAL Dr, and Mrs. Ward Spent Sunday in London,. • "Busting" is sure. to follow too much trusting. Miss Marion Woods visited in Lon- don over Sunday. Mrs. (Dr_) Roulston visited her mother in London on Monday. Mrs. Thos. Dinney and Mrs: W. °D. Burke spent Monday in London, Mrs. M. Amy and Mrs, J. Fisher, are visiting relatives in Brantford. Mrs. Wanless; of Duluth, Minn., is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Har- dy. Mrs. Stoner, of Strathroy,,, last week visited with her friend Mrs. R. Skinner. Mr. Reg. Bissett, of Detroit, vis- ited his parents in town during the past wek. Mrs. J. W. Powell, whb is ill at the 'home of her parents in Sarnia, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brooks, of 'Whal- en, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner on Sunday. The man who says he never mak- es a mistake probably doesn't know one when he sees it. Mrs. W. D. Yeo has returned after visiting with her sister Mrs. (Rev.) Down, of •Bowmanville, Ont. Mr. C. Hodgson. of Toronto visit- ed with his mother for a few days last week returning home on Friday. All signs point to an open winter. Here's hoping the weatherman won't detour too often and too long at a time. Mr. Roy Goulding, who has been i11 at his home at Kirkton suffering from pneumonia has so far recovered as to. be able to be out to town on Monday. "Its an i11 -wind that blows no body good." `'Sunday's cold snap meant work for the garage men fix- ing busted. radiators. Councillor C. F. Hooper, was tak- en ill Saturday and is confined to his bed., His many friends will hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs. Harold and daught- er, Mary, of Guelph, are visiting the former's brother and sister, Dr. A. R. and Miss H. Kinsman. In last week's issue in reporting Mr. Frank K. Tom's majority in the recent election in Ohio, the figures should have been 22,000 instead of 2,000. The Ladies Aid of James St church have placed new cork lino- leum in the aisles of the church and are having the main entrance re -de- corated. Mr. John Taylor's hound which last week was advertised as lost was found dead near the railway track It is supposed that it was struck by a train. Mr. Evan McDonald, Errs: C Spackman and Miss Alberta Kni ght, of Guelph, attended the funer- al of the late Samuel Madge on Fri- day last. Messrs. W. J. Beer, H. 0. South- cott and Miss Stella Southcott mo- tored to Toronto for a couple of days last week, the former taking in the radio show. Mr. Jos. White, of Stephen, re- cently brought into 'J. W. Powell's sto-e two Rural New Yorker potat- oes that weighed 2 lbs. 6 ozs. and 2 lbs. 4 ozs. respectively. The Young Peoples' League of Main St. Church are holding their fall rally thhis (Wednesday) even- ing: Rev. D. McTavish, of Credit- on, will deliver an address. Miss M. Grigg and Miss K. Mac - Vaal spent Sunday in Seaforth vis- iting relatives. Miss .Fishpresided at the Trivitt Memorialorgan dur- ing Miss MacFaul's absence." Mrs. J. Blatchford, who for many years has presided at the organ of Main St. Methodist eliurch, and who has given faithful and efficient ser- yice, has tendered her resignation and leaves shortly for Toronto to re- side. A snow storm accompanied by a biting wind visited this section on Sunday; practically the first snow this season, The wind whistled a- rotind the corners and through the cracks reminding' its that winter is on its way. The November District Meeting of the Methodist churches in the Exe- ter district is being held to -day in the Main St. Church, Among the speakers is Rev: Manson Doyle, of speakers s tir e,Rev, Manson Doyle, of Toronto, Rev. W. Millson, of Lon- don and Mr. W. H. DelIar, of, ThOI'n dale; A quartette comprised of Revs. McTavish, Clyscla•I, Gifford an d Copeland Will sing. 11MES ilIUESD,t Y, NOVEMBER 20, 1 4 C7.t1"PI I'1i3Est3YTP' 11wAN ClIiCi?i"Sen :Y alai iiliiIHO ttMiiiirttttttttiiiiiMtr tttntMitttttttttrttttttiittttirttttttttg Rey.James mote, D.A.,Mini-80r ...... j‘eitil 10 a.rn.-.Sunday School and Bible .,' lkir Class, :� N M'r'1 11:00 a.ln.--"Tlie ` Delay for the Sons` of God," rinirtied C()ats a The IVIinister........- Styles tri Ftir 7:00 p.m. -"Every Man Counts,". The `Minister Boy Scouts •meet Friday evening:• JAMES STREET 1 1TEOD1ST CHURCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor. 10:15 -Morning Class. 11.00-"A Personal Interview of Jesus with a hard-headed easiness' man. 3 p. m. -Sunday school and Bible 'Classes. 7.Q0 -"Stalwart Sons" A service for Boys. A hearty welcome to all POW EL: 'S BAZAAR PLAIN PRIDE STORE GOOD NEWS for the little folks. When we opened oaf. Store last Tues day morning we found that old San- ta had been looking around. He left a note, and many things that he Wanted the GOOD Children to have. The note read "Dear Mr. Powell, On the move again, I had a break- down just as I left the North Pole, left most of my outfit there, until I go back, but I will be here Christ- mas 'Eve. I have wonderful gifts for the GOOD Children this year. Since finding that note we have been getting our gifts .out, so we ,invite the Children aid their parents to come In amd See. our Assortment. "We lay away anything wanted till nearer Christmas, so that Santa can deliver v it." Our showing is won- erful: Pretty dishes, Dainty hand; kerchiefs, Beautiful Phonographs; Gaudy Fish and acquar"iums, Useful kitchen utensils, in Granite Alumin- ium and.tinware, Toys, and the Bet- ter' Quality of Confectcibnery, guars and Salted Peanuts, Allen's pan tof- fees, at ordinary prices, small pro- fits, quick returns, sells tons of stuff Od Country sweets, direct from Eng- land. We are leaders in these goods All ,our Candies are* handled with Silver Tongs, no dirty fingers. Sani- tary. FRIDAY -SATURDAY SPECIALS Large Granite Potatoe Pots, $1.25 Round Roasters $1.00,_ Double Boil- era 90c. Watch for a candy dis- play, showing some of the;new ar- rivals. We appreciate Your'.Calls- and are thankful for your Confi- dence., FOUND -Several keys on a chain. Owner may have same by 'proving property and paying expenses. Ap- ply at Times Office. STRAYED -Onto the premises of Mr. Albert E. Shier, Lot 11, "Con. 14, Usborne, about the let of• October a two year old red steer, with horns on, owner may have same' by pro" ing property and paying expenses. Steer Strayed -Frons Lot'13, Con. 6, Hay Tp., red and white 2 -year-old steer, with horns, pig ring in lower side of deft ear. Notify Fred Ho- garth;• Exeter, P. 0.,. phone Crediton 18r15. DR ALMOND, the, Eye ••e Spaciabvst of Toronto, will be at ,the • Centra]. Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, Nov. 22- one day only, Applications will be received for the position of organist of Main St. Methodist Church up to 7 o'clock, p.m.; Friday, November 28th, 1924. Contract may be seen and applica- tion left at Howey's Drugstore. LOST -Michigan license plate no 425,760. Finder please return to Richard Hicks or leave at Times Of- fice. No one is useless in the world who lightens the 'burden 'of' it for .any ,one else. Mr. and Mrs. W.'•J. Statham are visiting in Brantford and Hamilton this week. A. literary meeting of the Presby- terian terian Young Peoples' Guild was held on Wednesday evening Novem- ber 12th and the programme ,under the convenorship,. of .,Miss Jeckeil, found. to be very educative and. ent- ertaining, consisting of Several sel- ections from the late Peter McArth- ur's works, including his last article entitled '`Water," A team of horses belonging to Ira Moir ran away Monday while draw- ing a load of coal. The team was being driven down the hill opposite. Mr. S. Elliott's near the river when they started to run away. The dri- ver was thrown off and when the horses turned onto the 'pavement' at the bridge the wagon struck the curb and broke an axle. The coal was distributed along the way but no ser- ious damage was done, Montreal has received a lot of free advertising since the govern- ment has gone into theliquor'bus-, mess. But it is advertising that no city shhould be proud of and it casts a, stigma upon the whole 61 our fair ?'1iii.rtinica, 111.116.11 1.00 MIMEO W▪ INO Ri▪ f WWI BOWEN MUMS 10/101 IMMO ROOM MINIS MEM WE HAVE, ANOTHER 'SHIPMENT OF LADIES' COATS IN THE VERY NEWEST 'STYLES... THESE COME IN%THE NEW CLOTHS AND ARE .BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED WITH THE NEW FUR TRIMMING Priced at $27.50 $30.00 $35.00 Fancy Turkish Towels Just the thing for Christmas gifts. Eight new patterns • in' different colors to sell at 75c. '$1,00 ` $1,25 All Wool Blankets For .cribs, :cots and full bed size in, plain; and fancy checks., Warm , and comfortable for the cold weather. Stanfield's Underwear for Women and :Men THERE .1S NO BETTER UNDERWEAR THAN THIS WELL-KNOWN MAKE. WE CARRY A FINE � RANGE FOR WOMEN IN THE GOLD, RED AND BLUE LABELS FOR M'EN AT $2.00 $1.25`'$2.50 Boy's Tweed Bloomers These are made in, our own town. • The cloths are, good- they are well made and are good fitting .garments $1.50 $1.75 $2 50 Goloshes ,We carry 'a good assortment' for Girls and Women. They will be Very popular for menthis Year. Priced at $2.50 $3.50 to $5.00 Miner's Heavy Rubbers and Rubberr9Boots YOU WILL NEED A PAIR THIS WEATHER. WE CARRY A FINE LINE OF MINER RUBBERS AND. RUBBER BOOTS, THEY WEAR WELL . ASK THE FELLOW WHO WEARS THEM Southc'�tt Bros_ al IIIt6iiillllllllllllltlllllllll[iI111111Illlllilllllllllll1111t1111111illllllt11111[IIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIII111111111111111111iHINNffiE .11.11.. MINIM Winter Apples Wanted Good prices paid for hand picked selected fruit. Will be shipping at Brucefield, Hensall,- Dublin, and Clandeboye during months of Octo- ber and November. Empty baskets holding 50 pounds will be -supplied the growers wanting them at the following places: BrucefieldCrom- arty, Hensall and Clandeboye. For particulars and prices phone headquarters. ' R. S. LANG Walker House, Brucefield RADIO We have a few home made sets which we will be glad to offer at the cost of parts alone, we guaran- tee these to work perfectly. Try us for Radio parts, A and B batter- ies, tubes, Ioud speakers, head sets etc. Westinghouse and Zenith sets in stock and we will be glad to quote prices on any standard make. See us before buying a Radio. We have secured the agency for the DE -FOREST CROSLEY SETS. and can sell them at as low as $22 each. Do. not buy a Radio until you have tested one of these sets and compared the Price. Ford Magnetos tested free. W. J. BEER, Exeter Farm To Rent - Situated 1% miles west of Hensall, would rent either for pasture or crop, also a good young cow for sale. Apply to John; Bell Sr., Exeter, Ont. FARM FOR SALE - Containing. 50 acres, being east half of lot 25, 7tli con. of Usborne; 5 acres of bush 4 acres of fall wheat, ,sand and gra- el pits, weIi fenced and drained, ce- ment hen house and driving shed barn recently new roof, house ven- eered, good cellar, never failing TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET spring near' barn. For further par -„WORK CALLED FOR AND DE - .titulars. .Apply to Peter Whitlock R. R. No. 1, Hensall. LIVERED. o o K E -. And Insurance YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED' E. J. CHRISTIE OFFICE: North "ofElliott and Johns FUR N.ITUR E A real opportunity to save money RIGHT NOW. Just when you are planning your fall buying. Come in early and make your `selection from our large stock of QUALITY FURN- ITURE. STYLES AND PRICES ARE' SURE TO PLEASE • R. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20W PHONE 20J W. R .Goulding A.T.C.M... Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools, ' TERMS MODERATE Box 57, ) Exeter CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE MEETING OFA HURON COUNTY OOUNWL The Council of the :Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chambers, Goderioh, at 3 'o'clock in the afternoon of Tues- day, the 2nd day of -,December,` 1924. All acccounts :against` the Coit must he in the hands of the Clerk' not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council.' Gociericli, November. 15th, 1924. Geo, W. Holman, County Clerk ELLIOTT AND JOHNS: ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for :the. Cons. ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange. menta .for sales can be made by call• ing up the' Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. r I. R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, 'Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling -Block, Main St. Exeter G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Uzi- versity of Toronto: Late District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Number Oae1 London, Ont., Main Office, Main;St. Exeter. Oat. Phone, 3 4, Exeter;' Hours 9.00 a.m. o 5.30, p.m. Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Tues. only, at 10.00 o'clock 'a.m. to• 5.01 o'clock p.m. Phone 79. A. L. TENANT Veterinary Snrgeoa Office-McDonneii's dales 'enables en. John: St. Phone calls receive • prompt attention. Phone 26w Local. Cartage I AM NOW'IN:A•.. POSITION TO GIVE • OUR LOCAL .TRADE AN>Ale-' MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE. H. Ea sh:a g w TRY US Phone 53W Gochr. ane Mgcbiie Works Ford motors reground, fitted with Pistons, Complete $16.00•, Evert make of Car Motor and Engines re- ground with Pistons 'Complete to fit,, Dr.H. Cis l IetGher L.I� C G`. also Tractors, . . 1111 Member of the College of Phy- FARMS. FOR. SALE' -A few choicii sicians` and _'Surgeons of Ontario, Office opposite' osite ' R pp awe's Furniture'Store, Main Street: County Phone 156 ' Exeter, Out, Do .You Use NAMELESS Cold Remedy in your Household, read this "Detroit, Mich. Nov, 3, 1924---' $1.00 enclosed' for usual supply sn as oin "Nameless" 'which still standsn good stead, VAT truly yours, 13. S. Murray, Mr. Murray is in the Paymaster's Dept. of the Ford Mo- tor Company, .and liar continually used NAh rELESS in his household since 1902. We receive many at- testations ;as to the Goodness of this Remedy: 25c, brings you Nameless Powell's Bazaar, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE 011 Heater, cheap Happy Thought Range Bed Spring, cheap Baseburner, cheap Talking machine, cheap Good Ladies Fur coat with Sable Collar, Strong 'light wagon, single gle Strong light bob sleighs Gent's' .Heavy Overcoat, bargain Excellent t7'' i u Stole, cheap WANTED An Alladian-Han iri �' g g Lamp Information re above at POWELL'S S B (1ZAAR Phone 55 !arras ' in the Townships of Unborn; Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to roar,* kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos. Camoron, Anat.. l3ox 154: Exeter.L, ERNEST ELLIOTT CONVEYANCER, �+' LTi;, • : ;��. HIGH CLASS TNVES '11iEISPT (Trustee Investments) INSURANCE Office; `Main St. Exeter, Ont.. HOUSE Pon SALE Two lots cornering on,lVellin & William Sts.; 7-roomgran brick dwel- ling with kitchen . and '• woodshed; good:; cellar, hard .andsoft water, electric lights, stable, garage 'and hen house. Easy terms , and a bar- gain for quick sale: For terns ap- ply on premises or to Thos. Camer- on, Auct„ Boat 154,' Exeter. disco e, Jersey cow fair sale duo in Sept..