HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-11-20, Page 1FIFTY-SECOND, YEAR, Na. 2568 EXETER ONT.uJTJR I).� �' ibiOI�IOTT v'r, NOVE•BER20'1924'- ` �kz r1 ;.l11c,�.i!;!I111UIf�l114111111041.11i1111iI14411lIli0.1llillllllllll0011110010911.1101 1 Illli�lili71ll9li!IIIli00lil81i11111LlIlli1illllil�l��. 0111 I On 011 11111110111111 011 All Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Winter Coats Reduced in Price ALL OUR LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOTH' WINTER COATS MUST GO RE- GARDLESS OF PRICE, WE HAVE DOZENS OF -BEAUTIFUL COATS TO SE- LECT FROM. YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE LOWNESS - OF' PRICES. THE 'MATERIALS ARE IN MARVELOUS, CUT VELOURS, ZIBELINES, CAMEL HAIR, AND OTHER 1VIATERIAS. COME AT ONCE AND SEE THESE BAR- GAINS. LADIES' DRESSES- All Ladies' and Misses' Dresses at Greatly reduced prices Hosiery. and Underwear - OUR STOCK OF THESE LINES IS • COMPETE FOR WINTER. HANDLE ONLY STANDARD MAKES SUCH AS STANFIELD'S, PENMAN'S, BULL'S ETC. OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE. Our Christmas Stock is now ready WE TURN - The new Adjust° Overshoe SOLVES THE QUESTION OF TAILOR-MADE APPEARANCE Of justibility to any -size leg,' Of protecting skirts from buckle tears Of perfect fit, warmth and lightness The question of concealed,:`;fasteners There is no substitute for the ` ne* Adjustto Overshoe made only by Lifebuoy Rubber 'Co. Come in and try a pair,' Rubbers, lOvershoes and Spats For Everyone Groceries NEW 'CHRISTMAS FRUITS AND NUTS, LOWEST, IN SPITE OF RISING MARKETS IN SELLING GOOD BULK TEA AT 65c. A POUND, TRA GOOD GUNPOWDER (GREEN) TEA NEW FEE -SPECIAL 40c.' A POUND; OUR 'BEST 60c. THE FOLLOWING CUT RATE PRICES AT THIS STORE AT ALL TIMES •1 QUALITY THE BEST, PRICES THESE LINES. WE ARE STILL BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED EX - GOODS AT 70c. A POUND; COF-. A POUND.. AND MANY OTHERS PREVAIL, Seedless Raisins 2 Tb. 25c. Bulk Cocoa 2 lb. 25c. Kellogg's 'Cornflakes 10c. pkg. Carnation Milk 6 and 121/2c Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c. Laundry Soaps 3 for 20c. Jelly Powders 3 for 25c. Salmon, Cascade, small 10, large 15c Matches all'afrands ..... 3 boxes 25c. Red Salmon , 22c. Toilet paper, large size .... 6 for 25c Maple Leaf large size 35c. BAItI.NG-SYRUP-THAT FAVORITE MEDIUM DARK SPECIAL BAKING -SYRUP NOW IN STOCK;' THE KIND YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. = PHONE 32 Y PHONE 32 E MINIM I INainta MEMO SUCCESSPL ANIV10ERSkAlly The anniversary,, servicers of the James St, Methodist Church' were held on Sunday and were a splendid success. In spite of the very incle- ment weather large congregations were present both; morning and ,ev- ening. Rev., J. F. Raycraft, of Brant- ford, was the preacher for the day and 'he delivered two splendid dis- courses, meesages that gave his hear. ers food for reflection. The choir, provided special music. at both ser- vices. Owing to the absence of Mr. R. Goulding who is recuperating from a severe illness, Mr. Theodore" Gray of London former leader of the James St. Choir presided at the or- gan very acceptably. Main St. Church withdrew their evening service and the congregation united with James St. At the evening service Rev. Mr. Raycraft took for his theme mess- .....:; engers. that come 'into our lives bas- ing his remarks on the messengers who conte to Job one after another telling of calamities that .had be- fallen him and his home.' It is dur- ing the times of testing that we real- ...' ize the qualities we are made of. When 'calamity comes some turn their faces to the earth and curse God while others turn their faces to the skies and Yless God. Adversity. A▪ MON comes`, and takes our' best laid plans and brings them 'to disaster. Need comes and takes away our substance, often leaving men and women in their declining years without means of livelihood. On the O 111101111 ▪ the other hand ' faith conies as a messenger and lifts men out of the ▪ mire of depression and the rut of discouragement. Oppotrtunity 'conies and points to the pathways of success. Tile message is particular- ly to youth and calls for sacrifice. But the most wonderful guest that man is capable of entertaining is Love. It goes down into the gutter and lifts Hienup.makes the It and places' easier and is the force that will eventually bind this old. world into one of human brother- hood. ' Rev. Donnelly was at Brant- ford conducting services for Mr. Ray - craft. = I h 011 Mamma �' INIliillllllillllll!l11111I1i�!lB1111lIilflflll1311!IlI�I!ll4lifilllllll4111iilll�llllll�il�I�I�E � filllliii�lllNW,IIlIIIlIIIIII!lllllillliillllll;+ FRESH. GROCERIES of the better grades and from, standard houses .are exclus- ively Handled' by us. We aim at pleasing 'our growing list of steady,/ patrons by selling'" only the beat qualities of goods and by charging only reason- able prices for them: IVe pride ourselves upon the dependable gravies of our groceries and up- on our prompt service iii deliv- ering same.' "Make all yoti. carzlloiesily. Save all you caii carefully. Give away all yeti can modestly:" • About the only reason some ter men read the Bible le So can '.irgue with the preacher. BOR▪ N BROCK-In Hensall, on Tuesday, Nov. 11th,. to Mr. and hrrs. Geo. Brock, -a' daughter. BUCHANAN--In Usborne, on Nov t ember 1.7th, to' Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Buchanan, "a son. FINISHED TRAM -TN -T(3 D Company of, the Huron Battal- ion who have been, training in Exe- ter two evenings a week for the past two months, under the command of Major W. 3. Heaman, finished their course Monday evening. They have been taking section drill, platoon drill and rifle manual. On Thurs- day evening last the Company was inspected by Col. Gilznour of the R. C. D., London, who complimented them on their work. Their rifles, sidesarms and Uniforms are n'ow be- ing turned in. SUMMER' HOMES AT GRAND BEND ' LOOTED BY THIEVES About 20 cottages on the London side of the summer resort at Grand Bend have been entered, and hun- dreds of dollars' worth of clothing, bedding and foodstuffs stolen. Dis- covery of the robbery was made by a Londoner who carne to his cottage for the week -end, and investigation showed, that the theieving had been general.- County Constable W. B., Oliver, assisted by Provincial Offi- cer Albert Whitesides of Hensall; is at work on the case, and some im- portant clues have been unearthed. Last fall some of the cottages were entered and considerable property removed, but not on the wholesale extent of this year. At that time Constable Oliver had, little : in the clues, by persistent effort he finally secured necessary evidence to secure conviction of the thieves. Londoners have great faith in his ability to clear up the present, case and some arrests are expected short ly.-London Advertiser. Mr. J. G. Jones, of town, : who owns a cottage on the London side at Grand Bend states that his' cot age has not been entered. We have'. also been in communication with Grand Bend and find that- the re-' port is greatly exaggerated. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred, to Mi. Alva A. Ingram, of Detroit, i.he marriage to take place the latter part of this month. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Samuel Madge and children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madge and fain ily desire to express their sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for, their kindness and sympathy during their recent be- eavenient and also for the many floral tributes. LET US DEVELOP Let us develop' the z•esotirces of oar land, call forth its powers, build tip its institutions, ;promote all its groat interests, and see whether we also, in our' clay and generation; may not ierfctm something worthy iixe-' to be remembered, Let us cuatl= tlieyr:,ate 'i ,true spirit of union and hare m.onye=Daniel Webster I ri."REPUBLIC - -..`Yrs, • . ..in''''k REPAIRS S We are now prepared' to do , a1E S kinds ,of repairs on broken frames, whereas before, we had to Bond thew k to London or elsewhere: HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO YOUR ,OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, 'i3,00, El'ECTA.CLES, LARGE ,LENSES, $1,00 and X1.1'. Joh• 0ICIROPBACTOR. & OPTICIAN MAIN sal. rxriTER, ONT. PHONE 70 NATIVE' or LTOAN DIES AT VIIU)E ,'', MANITOBA Robert Young old timer of Lenor district; passed away at his lionze, i Virden, aged 83. He was born 'a Lucan, Ont", of Irieh parentage; an his: early, years ; wez'ie spent on. th farm. On 'December 24, 187.3, he married'Miss Mary Alexander, of IC.inloss, and last'Decembez' they cel- ebrated -their golden wedding. They went West in .1891', stayed for a while at Carman, Man., and then lo- cated on a farm near Lenore. De- ceased, was an Orangeman of. 60 years standing, °I -le . is survived by his widow two sons, and even dau- ghters. e 11 from James St. Methodist Churc motored to Clinton Monday evening and provided an entertainment for the inmates of the Huron County Home. A nxusical '.program was. given with an address by Rev, W. E. Donnelly-. The service was` held in the chapel and was much, enjoyed by the inmates. The young "people took along with them some candy and sweets and they had a very fine time. The keeper and matron Mr,. and Mrs. J., Jacobs gave the a very warm welcome. SANTA CLt1TJS IN I)ENTIST'S ROLE' lC'J[i•OVTDE PROGRAM AT 3CURoto' COUNTY 1110111E Six auto loads of young people t d e; 0. T. A.. alf.A.TORITY 36,682 With complete returns from all but four ridings in the possession of the Provincial Government the result of the liquor, plebiscite in :Ont- ario on October 23 hows a majority of 36,682 in favour ofa continuance of the Ontario Temperance Act out of a total vote of 1,134,016. The figures g s a re. For, the 0. T. A. 585,- 439 for Government control 548,667 The total vote is exactly 122 more than the total vote cast in 1919 on the question of Government control On that occasion the majority in fa- vor of the Ontario Temperance 'Act was more than 400,000. LAID TO REST li Wherever Santa Claus stopped off on the trip into the city to -day, he war Diet with a happy crowd of chil- dren, who thronged into the plat- form to make their, wants. kno No doubt Santa Claus has had zna a difficult order delivered to h in the course of his many years public benefaction, but a little g at IJx z Ete ' ve a St. g S Ni4k" a real Dos to -day. "What would you like f Christmas, little .girl?" , the :gze pian inquired benevolently. want some teeth. for out new " b b a the little miss came back solemn Now its up to Santa to make good -London • Free Press. CE I RALIA Fowl Supper was Great Success 1 Spite of Inclement Weather e The annual fowl supper at Ce tralia on Thursday evening of la week was': a decided success in spit of the very disagreeable weathe After weeks of fine weather rat that was badly needed fell quite col iously but it happened to be on th night of the 'fowl `supper. The we• ther, was similar to what it was th night of the supper last year. 'Bu in spite of this over five hundre took tea' and were well taken care o there being fowl` in abundance' an the tables were laden down with" th choicest of 'cooking. The large 9a-oww were handled by,numbers, :.,Ili church was filled to overflowing ,an many did not stay for the progran which ,was put *on ,by ,the LanibetI choir a, choir was of a very enter taming character. There were Ia dies quartettes, gents quartettes; re- citations, etc. The proceeds were upwards of $350.00. Mr. Byron Hicks shipped five car loads of cattle on Saturday.,, Two of the loads were for Great Britain. and three for Toronto. The baby beef men of Centralia and vicinity are not exhibiting at the Royal Fair this year, not because they have not a fair chance of win - Ding as many^• prizes as usual- but owing to the low pricesrealizedlast year largely owing to the fact that The funeral of the late Saniue Madge; of Usborne, notice of wlios death appeared in the Tilnes last week, 'was ` held Friday afternoon and a large number of friends were present to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed. The ser- vice was- conducted by Rev. W. ' E. Donnelly. Many beautiful floral tributes adorned the casket and the room and many expressions as to the upright character; kindly and happy disposition of 'hint. who had been so suddenly snatched from earth in the very prime of life, were heard on every side. The .procession of au- tos reached for 'over a 'mile in len- gth. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery. PICTURES .FROM TIKE BATTLE FIELDS OF FLANDERS An interesting travelogue' was giv- en in the Janies St. church Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Young People's League by 3. M. Southcott. The travelogue was illus- trated by 130` stereopticon views tak- en during the recent trip of the, Can- adian Weekly Newspaper editors to Belgium, France and the .British Isles. The views of the Battlefields and particularly those of the ceme- teries where many ,of the Canadian heroes are buried in Flanders fields, were of special interest. The Pic - being well cared for. There was a the time is too long between the fair and the time when the abattoirs want the cattle. Rev. Mr. Kitely is away this week assisting with revival services. tures show that th'e' cemeteries are good crowd present. OFFICERS 'ELECTED FOR 0. R. E. C. The Stephen Township Religious Education Council held their 14th annual '`convention at Grand Bend recently and the County Convention was held in joint session with the Usborne and Exeter Association in Exeter. Addresses along the line of Sunday School work were given by various speakers chief of wlzoni was Miss 13. Laine, of the Childrens' Dept. O. R . E. C. Toronto. The ei- ection:of officers resulted as folIor s 7Elluan County Officers Pres., - W. C. • Pearce; Vice -Pres., A. i\lellick; Sec'y-Treas.,W. G. Medd Departmental Superintendents -- Children's, Mrs. W. G. Medd; Boy's, Rev. D. McTavish; Girl's, Miss Violet Sharpe I. oung -People's, IV. G. Medd Adult, J. B. McLean; Home, J. W. Ortwein; Teacher's Training; Mrs. J. R. ,Mollard;" Missionary, J. H. lIoltz- man; Temperance, A. Birk; Usborne and Exeter President, Wm. Moodie; Vice -Pres B. W. F. Beavers; •Sec''y-Treas;, Soutlzcott.: Supts of .Departlnents Children's Mrs. H. 'i7. Livingstone, Boy's, Rev" I-1. E Livingstone; Girl's Miss Alma Harding; Young Peoples, W. 0. Medd; Adult and Home, Mrs. G. S. 'Howard;, Teacher '.Training, Rev. W. E. Donnelly, 13. 'l , :Mission- ary, Mrs; Chas. Joiys; 1"elnperance, Mrs. 0. F1 eckleton. rtiGel>Fic•2e President, Geo. nIarvh.inney; Sec•y- Creas., Miss Florence z'urnlntll. opts. of Departments--- Children's Mrs. J. Eagleson; Boy's, Chester Iawlzinney; Girl's, Miss Violet Shar- pe; . 'Young People';, • Rev.' W. 3, Maines, 13.A,; Adult,' John Love; Heine, AL.'S, SV, Bowden; Teacher Training, Mrs. E. Desjardisie; bits- sioiiary, Mrs" C. Haist; Teiziperanoo, hos, Trevei,h.iclr. M:z'. and Mrs. Rd. Yli,cks az1. Sl fa.nti ily, motored over froni> Detroit and .visitecl wvit1) the forniar's 11)01 her, Mrs. S. I -:Ticks and the latter's parents *Mr. and lure, WM. Forel, of ljsborne, for a, few days. d Let s I- C.1ia ► To See Better. IN ORDER TO 1)0 SO WE HAVI A TEST ROOM EQUIPPED WITH THE MOST MODERN , OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND THE KNOW- LEDGE OF HOW To USE.. THEM, BACI3ED UP WITH 28 YEARS 01.' EXPERIENCE AT SIGHT TESTING AND SPECTACLE FITTING. W i oAN HELP YOU;. wn" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ny izn S. Fittori , of Registered' Optometrist:,. i1.1 el or 13AZAA.1-DON'T FORGET at, . «I Bazaar Friday (to -morrow) a .2 y.:„ pea., in the Town Hall under ine y auspices' of the W. M. $, of Maiii St. Methodist, church. All kinds of fancy , and useful a,rtticle,, home cooking, candy, etc., for sale. Lun- cheon will be served in a Japanese, tea room during afternoon and eey'- Y11 ening. st Elf II!Q@IIHII IIIfIIVhIIll IIIA 1 n@IIOIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII II11111111101 II e r. +E THEATRE e FRIDAY and. SATURDAY e rNovember .2ist;;and 22nd ij'ONLY SHOP GIRL , I An old time drama, biggest acst e ever including Tully 'Marshaall of 1 the "Covered Wagon'' and Wallace 1 Beery, of hte "Sea Hawk" and Mae i Busch of the "-Christian" and Estelle Taylor of "Monte -Cristo." CHRISTY S X COIIEDI* IN 2 REELS "PLUM CRAZY" Featmin` BOBBY VERNON Donees will e held m e Dome Theatre each Wednesday until further Donee iiim ullionouiluiluOili iti um! 0 mum ' ' 1 .,w •VAVO;sy w GLASS PHONE 27 he s' face ana Sa�pCsev f�n SA tiirM, . iy • Low USE o e 1 O and Varnishes ALL SIZE CANS Stoves andiRanges SEE THE BANNER Quebec with oven Our price $39.00 QUEBEC HEATERS $20.00 These Prices are Right STOVE PIPES 25c, HEAVY ELBOWS 30 i COAL HODS 75c. ASI5 SIFTERS 35c, VIBE SHOVELS 15c. tri' 5c. Veath .'`,T sari . . METAL STRIP $1.20 Per box of 2 2 feet. ieCt �. FROST KING 650. or r th. SPECIAL PRICES ON RO.A.- ST11RS THIS WEEK LARNE ROASTERS FROM $1..255 17I See ' winclovr .grinite, inuzzz and sheet iron. NLi. ESS.I'tIT5 , ,.t1s. LO HORSE BRUSI-IES 25c. CUTRRrY COMBS 25c. BROOMS 75c. • S @' .Pll liC.l',5 COW TIES, Brim, 17:1". SHOVELS 75e, ? SI . , FIXTURES IXTUii f5 LAN} Ri1T ' $1..25 , and (i v L. ore El ^? �4? .,w •VAVO;sy w GLASS PHONE 27 he s' face ana Sa�pCsev f�n SA tiirM, . iy • Low USE o e 1 O and Varnishes ALL SIZE CANS Stoves andiRanges SEE THE BANNER Quebec with oven Our price $39.00 QUEBEC HEATERS $20.00 These Prices are Right STOVE PIPES 25c, HEAVY ELBOWS 30 i COAL HODS 75c. ASI5 SIFTERS 35c, VIBE SHOVELS 15c. tri' 5c. Veath .'`,T sari . . METAL STRIP $1.20 Per box of 2 2 feet. ieCt �. FROST KING 650. or r th. SPECIAL PRICES ON RO.A.- ST11RS THIS WEEK LARNE ROASTERS FROM $1..255 17I See ' winclovr .grinite, inuzzz and sheet iron. NLi. ESS.I'tIT5 , ,.t1s. LO HORSE BRUSI-IES 25c. CUTRRrY COMBS 25c. BROOMS 75c. • S @' .Pll liC.l',5 COW TIES, Brim, 17:1". SHOVELS 75e, ? SI . , FIXTURES IXTUii f5 LAN} Ri1T ' $1..25 , and (i v L. ore El ^? �4?