HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-11-13, Page 8Grocery Prices As Low as the Lowest WHA' NOT GIVE US ,YOUR ORDER. THIS WEEK WE WILL .APPR'ECIATE. IT AND WE WILL GIVE, YOU GOOD: SERVICE? 100 lbs_ of Redpath Sugar $8.40 Icellogg's Corn FlaIt ee .... 10c, Puffed Wheat ., Pkg• Shredded Wheat ...2; pkgs 25c. Grape Nuts- pKg. Bran 'lakes .. 2 pckgs. 25e. 5 lbs. Quality Oatmeal for 6 W 3 15c. boxes of Matches for 25c. PINE TREE'S, EDDY'S or DOMINION Tasty Cheese Crispy Soda Biscuite Mixed Sweet Cakes .. 11c. 1$c. 25c. ., 25d,, ib, Special Cocoa 15c. lb. ., 15c. pk. Special Coffee 40c. lb. 17%e lb Special 1llixed Tea ,.. 69c, lb. of Laundry Soaps for 20c. P & G Naptha - Sunlight --- Swift's 3 bars Gold. Comfort 7 cakes Castile Soap 3 Palm Olive Soap . Good Light Brooms ,. 25c. 3 pkgs. Ammonia Powder 25c. 25c. Lux - Lux - Lux 11c. 49c. Mecl -Polished hdle brooms 69.0 2 lbs.. Choice New Dates for 25c. 2 lbs. seedless raisins for 25c. Large Carnation Milk .. 12%c. Royal Feast Cakes .... '5c,' pkg. Large 11Muscatel. Raisins 17%c. Small Carnation Milk 6c: 3 Jelly Powders 25e. All 15c.Piug & Package Tobacco for 124.c 1/z tin Pink Salmon 10c. r/> tin Red Salmon 15e. ', tin Maple Leaf Salmon 19e. Large tin Pink Salmon .... 15c. Large tin Red Salmon .... 25c. ' Large Maple Leaf Salmon 35c. Men's Men's Men's Men's Alen's, Money Savers 2 doz. Odd White Cups for 49c. Work Shirts 93e. All Wool Sox 490. LeatherW. vi.G..15c. Gloves l Leather W. Shoes $3.90 Fine Print Shirts $1.49 Ladies Cashinerette Hose 35c. 54 in. wool Homespuns $1.49 Ladies House Slippers special kid 'with rubber heels .... $1.75 36 in. warm Flann.ellette 25c. A, wart TH EXETER "lME8 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ft.. 10:' ?Me:S7F h� "'•":6£�`FY' rSb,'+a:t...V• k�a 'a tv7"d ,1,i k •.» » K We'll.. home Complete andSave You Money For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours. Our service to young couples has been perfected to the highest de- gree of genuine helpfulness. No matter how little or how much you mai- wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are assured; every advantage of low prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. All we ask is that you give us an opportunity of showing you how reasonably you can purchase furniture at this store. WE OFFER SPECL.4it PRICES ON EVERYTHING IN OUR - ENTIRE STOCK. INE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment teTrY,�..a. Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE a)PERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call �..� �. AMM.,... 74W .df.. 4.1* i::;a V ks L\ A ashiona le Lines 7i and \'q - �:: Perfect tiit: 5 :;:. Can only be given bY careful attention to each individualal fi izre. Well tailored suits 1 that give ease and comfort without'ri sacrificing anything in style and gracefulness is an art- acquired by Iiyears of experience. That is, why oir tailored suits give such satisfaction. Now. is the time to order your new suit and get, the full benefit of the early, fall. %'; Winter WE HAVE A COMPLETEtiLINE OF LIGHT AND HEAVY WEIGHT OVERCOATS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES, OR WE CAN MAKE ONE UP FOR. YO(I. 11.01.11M1,11..5 ITIMMON10116.••11 You will be Interested ><�a our Swell New Ringo of Ties and. Mufflers .. GLOVES, SOCKS, UNDERWEAR IN TWO PIECE AND CO IN- AlION. WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT DISPLAY OF CAPS TAMA P ON ��"�°" :alit-..,w,�•.�" Market report -The fallowing 1* the report et the ExeteC 'Market corrected ev erg' Wednesday, Wheat $1.27 Oats 45c. Manitoba Flour $4,30 Family Flour $4,65 Pastry flour $3.90 " Feed Flour $2.25 Bran. $1;60 Shorts $1,75 Dairy Butter 54c Creaiuery Butter 41c Eggs, extras 55c. Eggs, special 40e. Eggs, seconds 3Qe. Lard 20c hogs $9.00 1 ii„.honeynnoorr travelling by motor to J.,ondon and then by train to De- 'ii , . cit 'and other Mich.i gap points. w^- 5 LOCAL • Centralia Fowl - Supper tonight. (Thursday) `9 Mrs. Louisa Horton who has been quite ill is improving YTE (33 .1711°B IMIM IIIIMIMMIMMMIMMMMMMIIMMMM{MMIMMM ; ,. . Re E a'n 'F')ate I3 . Illintster IIMII�INIIIIMIIIIIIIIM{{{{II41I{MMI{I{iI{MIIIMIIMIMMIMI{IMlffllMlliIlliMIMMMIIII{{MIII{M{fM{{MIIIIMIIMMIIi MM 10 a.n . •-Sunday School and iible YS AND MEN'S'OVERCOA.TS Cs. ti a, tnlas,•-...Services as usual. 7 p. m. -Services as usual, Boy Sc. outs meet Friday evening. ..�' JAMES STREET )tTUODIST CHURCH Rev, W. E. Donnelly, B, A. Pastor, Anniversary 10:15 -Morning Class. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. rn. conducted by REV. J. FRANKLIN RAYCRAFT, of Brantford. 3 P. m. ---Sunday "school and Bible Classes. A hearty welcome to all Mr. Alex Stewart, of London waspow T a S in town for the holidays.° Mr. Samuel Poplestone, of Blyth; spent Tuesday in Exeter. Attend COLE'S ONE CENT SALE for real Bargains, Sale now; on, Mr. I. Dinning spent Thanksgiv- ing at his home in Strathroy. Mr. Hatter is able to be around again after his serious illness. 1\tr. and Mrs: F. A. May and fam- ily spent Thanksgiving in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Routledge, of Dut- ton, visited in town for Thanksgiv- ing. Miss Ila Johnston, of Seaforth, spent Thanksgiving with her mo- ther. Mr. Harold Wright, of Toronto, visited in this community for a few days. Miss Aima Armstrong, of Toronto is 'visiting; with Miss Reta Rowe this week. Mr. Wni.. Whiteford is visiting with friends in London over Thank- sgiving. Mrs. G. Hockey and son Kenneth spent Sunday and Monday visiting in Brantford. Mr. Ed Davis of Strathroy, spent the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Davis. Postmaster M. Pfaff, is around again after being confined to his home for a few days. Rev, E. A. and Mrs. Fear, of Lon- don spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howey. Misses Carrie and Minnie May of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday visiting with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. L. Grieve and child- ren, motored up from Strathroy and spent the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. "J. Gowie, of Sarnia, spent the holidays in town the .guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Love. Mr. Thos. Coates, of London, 'spent Thanksgiving with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rd. ' Coates of Usborne. Mrs. J. Horney and her nephew Jack Horton spent the holidays in St. Catherines with her brother Mr. J. C. Horton. Mrs. W. D. Yeo left last week for Bownianville to visit with her _ sis- ter ` Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Down, over Thanksgiving. Mr. Wm. Sweet, of London spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs.- Thos. Sweet. The latter continues to im- prove in health, but slowly. Mr. Wm. Melville, who has been confined to his bed is improving and is able to be up a little each day.He was up town on Thanksgiving. Sunday was a fine day but some- what cold. At night it froze fair- ly heavy and the block,ofone mo- tor at least was broken owing to the water freezing. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hein, of Norwich Mr. and Mrs'. Holmes and daughter ofa.;Tilson.burg, motored .up and spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rein. 1Vlonday was Thanksgiving . Day and a 'public holiday. The weath- er was fine and ideal for motoring A number spent the day in the bush with the gun. Quite a num ber took in the fowl supper at Elim- ville. Messrs. A. B. Medd of the 0. A. C., Guelph; Wm. Lawson and Geo. Hinds of Toronto Dental College, and M. Camra, who is attending Pharmacy in Toronto spent the Thanksgiving holidays at their homes in town, Mr. Frank W. K. Tom, of Toledo, Ohio, an Exeter Old Boy, was elect: ed a member of the General Assem- bly, for Toledo City- and Lucas County, Ohio, at the U. S. Elections on Tuesday of last week, He had a majority of 2,000. The General Assembly is the state legislature Mr. Tom' is a brother of the Misses. Toni and Mrs. (Dr.) Wm. Sweet of town. A quiet weciclitig .was solemnized at the Manse, McKillop ion Weclnes day, November the 5th by the Rev. S. A. Ferguson when Miss Lily Jane McGregor was united in marriage to Mr. Sohn Edward Ferguson. The bride was becomingly attired in a ,suit of nary triaotiiie with hat to match. Atter the -ceremony a wed- ding - dinner was served at the home Of the bride, Mr, and 1VMrs. Fergu- son 1-f the ,sa left in afternoon. teri'don on their BAZAAR ,PLAIN PRICE STORE Above our telephone reads "this is the best Day the World has ever seen. To -morrow will be better." These words are daily coming more true with this Store. Dull seasons are becoming "busy" for the Simple Reason that we are out to do more business, Our $27.00 set of Dishes is a win- ner. . Our "tumbler sale" continues with those wonderful values at 5c. and 10c. Our plain; white porde lieu nappies tea plates, Dinner plat- es and porridge dishes, platters and bakers at 5c.. up cause our cus- tomers to rejoice Hooray! We have But One Price -And that THE LOWEST POSSIBLE. We have received a shipment of Gold Fish Fish grass, sea shells, nets, Aquar- iums, and food this week. FRIDAY -SATURDAY' SPECIALS 50c. Globe, 4 10 -cent fish, piece of green, box of food, all for 39e. COME to the Store that appre- ciates your PATRONAGE and where you are always WELCOME. Miss' M. G. Bayne.spent the holi- days at her home in Newberry. ONE CENT SALE, Thurs., Fri., Sat,, at COLE'S DRUG STORE. 'See Bills. Mrs. F. K. Matthews, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fisher spent the holidays visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis' in Merlin. Mr. Roy Goulding,., who is -ill with pneumonia at his horine in Kirkton, is improving nicely, Mrs. .R. Skeede of London ,sport the holidays at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector 13ey-•wood. Mr. and Mrs. W: Martin spent. Thanksgiving ,with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies, of Hamilton. Mr. Arthur Harrison has purchas- ed the farm. of Mr. Geo. Tuffin, of Staffa. • Mr. and Mrs. W.' S. Cole and son Harry visited in Lucan and Bicl- dulph on Thanksgiving. htr. W. -H. Doer''• was in Mitchell Sunday and Monday, Mrs. Doerr and son. returning home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKenzie, of London spent Thanksgiving with th:x tatter's mother Mrs. J. Beverley. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wilken, of St. Thomas, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Wilken's another, Mrs. Mar- • ~`R Mrs. Thos. Laing, who has been receiving treatment .in London ho.s- pital returned home last Thursday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parsons and Mrs. Hobbs, of London spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Ileywood. Mrs. Billings, of London, and Mr. Beverley Acheson, of Toronto, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. 'W. T. Acheson. Miss ` Verda Vale, is spendinga few weeks withher uncles Wilbert Vale of Merritton, and Wesley Vale of Niagara Falls. Mrs. F. Witwer's auction sale of household effects on Saturday bro- ught g goodprices, rtes. Mr: A. Easton was autioneer, Mr. Wm. Manson, of Y'orest, and Miss Jessie Manson, of London spent Thanksgiving with; their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Manson. Mr. W. H. Gregg, who has been conducting a clothing repair 'Shop in town is moving this week to Listo- wel wheredhe is opening up a sim- ilar shop. Miss Vera Coates, who underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, has sufficiently recovered to be able to return too her home' in Usborne. Misses Mildred `Walker, of Le„n- don, Lillian of Burlington and Verze. of New Toronto, ' spent Thanksgiv- ing with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walker. MrS. French and two daughters, Dori§ and Violet, ;v1r. and Mrs. Ang- les, Mr. arid. Mrs. Her Bea= all of Herb ...� London, spent Thanksgiving with the former's daughter, MrS. Sinus. Mr. end cl 1Virs:J. S 5, 'I-Iarve� were in Port Perry on Saturday attending the wedding of their son Rev. Lin -- den C. Harvey, to li/I!ss Lillian Marie Beatrice Follicle, daughter of Mr,' end Mrs. `.tt, Y.r. `FollicIn We are showing some very snappy models for Your}g Men as well, Niarie as more, conservaive styles for older Men. It will pay you to see: our , values. Priced at $18.50 $22.50 $24.00 $27.50 $35.0 aromei r: AMON r Reduced Prices on Boys Suits We are reducing the prices `on boys' Clothing. We offer 50 suits made in smart Norfolk styles from the best materials ' regular $10. • to.. $15.00 values Reduced to $8.50 and $10:50' Stylish Misses' & Ladies' Coats • Every week we have new styles to show you. .. We are showing MONNE • many of the new materials that are popular this season. Our prices E should interest you Goodvalues at $18.50 to $35000 Greb Shoes for Men and Boys Greb shoes are hard to beat! if• you want a shoe that ;fits well, - and stands the rough ,hard wear that young boysoin to school and' g g = men on the farm give their footwear. Try GREB'S $3.75 and $4.50 Hatchway Underwear for Men Have you tried Hatchway No Button Underwear? This ,e' season we have ever shown it in winter weights. Why this season.' is the first not try it outh cott ros oroMONO ovelan mammal v ImmoM r▪ im masmi wawa 00▪ .21, aa• .c a .RiTi IMIIII{till({I{{IM{{MI{M{IIMIIIIIIMMIMMMMMnMM{MMIIII{I{{MIIIImplIII{IM{M{M{{M{MNI{MIMM{{MII{MIM{MIIIM{II{I{IiiNMM{MIIM{{{{ll mililllllll mil r Winter Apples Wanted Good prices paid for hand picked selected fruit. Will be shipping a£ Brucefield, Hensall, Dublin, and Clandeboye during months of Octo- ber and November. :Empty ; baskets holding 50 pounds will be 'supplied the growers wanting them at'- the following places: 'Brucefields Crom- arty, Hensall and Clandeboye. For particulars and prices phone headquarters. R. S. ; LANG Walker House; Brucefieid RADIA We have a few home made sets which we will be glad to offer at the cost of parts alone, .we guaran- tee these ' to work perfectly. Try us for Radio parts, A and B batter- ies, tubes, loud speakers, head sets etc. Westinghouse and Zenith sets in stock and we will be glad to quote prices on any standard Make. See us before buying a Radio. We have secured the agency for - the 1.DE-FOREST'' CROSLEY SETS and can sell them at as low as $22 each. Do. not buy a Radio until you have tested one of these sets and compared the Price. Ford Magnetos tested free, " W. ti BEERS Exeter WANTED -Middle aged woman for housekeeper. Apply at the home of Mrs. R. Poplestone, Exeter • Wanted to Purchase -A farm of about 100 acres. Write to A. J. Campbell, 65 Windemere Ril. Wal- kerville, Ont. Farm To Rent ---,Situated 1 Z/4 miles 'west of Hensall, would, rent either for pasture or crop, also a good young cow for sale. • Apply to John Bell Sr., Exeter, Ont, FIRM FOR SALE. - Containing 50 acres, being easthalf of lot 25, 7th con. of Usborne; 5 acres of bush 4 acres of fall wheat, sand and gra- el pits, well 'fenced and drained, ce- ment hen house and driving shed, harm recently new roof, house ven- eered, good cellar,," never failing spring near barn. For further par- ticulars. Apply to Peter ' Whitlock R. R. No. 1, Hensall, ' LOST-Redbone Foxhound, with one white' foot, answers to name of Puppy. ANYONE FOUND DETAIN- ING THIS DOG AFTER THIS NOT- ICE WILL BE PROSECUTED, Suitable reward for information that will lead to recovery ,of above dog. JOHN TAYLOR, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, and Mr, and Mrs, C. Vent's, of Sarnia, motored up and spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson. "Thanksgiving . week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs..F. W. Madman, St, Georgs street, were Mrs. Glad- sna'p's sister, Mrs. A. •F; -;Passmore, arid Mr. Pasainor',e, of Toronto, Mel- ville Gla.drnan, of Osgoode Hall, Tor- onto; Miss Marguerite Pickard, of Exeter and Mr. Passmore; Sr,e of Toronto." -London Free Press. iarrieieempiONIMmei, .1•0•11101011013 - E And Insuranice YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED EP J. CHRISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns UJRN ITUR -A real opportunity to save money RIGHT TOW., Just when you are planning your fall buying. Come in early and make, your selection from our large stock of QUALITY FURN- ITURE. STYLES AND PRICES ARE SURE TO PLEASE R. N. E EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR PRONE 20W PHONE 20J W. R .Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St, Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music In the Public Schools, TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT t0U AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED PORAN D DE- LIVERED. E-LIV>;RED. ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Dr. H. G. Eletcher,L.M.C.G. Member of the College •e of Phy- sicians Y sicians and Sergeons of Ontario. Office opposite Rowe's Furniture Store, Main Street. Phone 156 Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE Oil heater, cheap Happy Thought Range Bed 'Spring, cheap 13aseburner, cheap Talking machine, cheap Good Ladies Fur coat With Sable Collate Strong lightwagon, : wa single g. Strong light bob sleighs Cent's heavy• Overcoat, bargain'' Excellent Fur Stole, cheap D WA T N 1: An Alladian Hanging Lanip Information. -re above at FOWWELIPS BAZAAR, Phone 55 ANDY .EASTOIC Licensed Auctioneer for the Coni ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange. ruents'for sales can. be made by call. ing®up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Io R. CARLING B.A. 'Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block; 'Main St. Hiatal 1.101111111 G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON of Ontario and '€Yal- Deatal Officer, Mili- tary One, Landon, Main St..37aeter. ori. Exeter; Houma 9.00 a.�. GUii�YCI3 ONTONT.,Tate.Tate.o'clock a.m. to 6.00 - B ' Graduate of the Royal College s8 Dental Surgeons versity of Toronto. Late District tart' District Nu Ont., Main Office, Ma Phone 34, Exe to 5.30, p.m. Office hours : at,,' only, at 10;00 o'clock ^p.m. . Phone 79. A. L. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office-McDonneil's ales'stables en John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w Local Cartage I •AN? NOW IN A POSITION TO GIVE OUR 11.0CAL TRADE AN Air MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE, H. Bagshaw TRY US - Phone 58W 'Cochrane Machine Works Ford. motors reground, fitted, with Pis ions, Complete $16.00 Every make of Car Motor and Engines re- ground with Pistons Complete to fit, also Tractors. FARMS' FOR SALE ---A few choice, fames in the Townships of Usborne,- Tuckeranith and Hibbert. ''Good buildings; and well located as to mar- kets: Priced right. Apply to Than. Cameron, Aunt.. lox 154. Exeter. ERNEST ELLIOTT CONVEYANCER, ETC. IIIGII' CLASS INVESTMENTS (Trustee Investments) INSURANCE Office: Main St. Exeter, Ont. HOUSE 'FOTI I SALE Two lots corneri'tg on Wellington & Williatri Ste;; 7 -room brick dwel- ling with kitchen and woodshed; goodcdllar, hand and, soft water,• h ele.t r 'r, lights, stable,ars e' and g g hen house. Easy terms and a 'bar gain for quick sale. For terms an - ply on premises or to '%'hos. Camer- on, Auet. Box 164, Exeter. Also a, Jersey cow for dale duo in Sept.