HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-01-03, Page 1•
ani 8,1989
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Wait for fundin-g- approval
delays. start of program
The Town of Wingham is awaiting At its June 1 meeting, council appointed Jim Lang as the
environment ministry approval for issued an order to start a recycyling program'sco-ordinator, „
funding liefore_p!0000ding with tlie- program iningham as 'soon as •'hi air hiteririew last week, Mr.
next step in the recycling program possible under the direction of the Lang confirMed that the program is
town council undertook last June. property committee. Council later currently on hold until the MOE ap-
proval for funds — grants for the
operation of the program itself, and
for the purchase of the curbside
"blue boxes” —has been received.
The grant applications have been
with the ministry for. about three
months now, Mr.:-Lizigsays. "I've
been told that thisTii about their
usual turnaround time."
• If Wingham were to receive ap-
proval-iminTediatelY, Mr Lanrsays
the likely starting datefor. the
Program would be sombthrle in
The next time delay, he pointed
out, will be in ,theordering of blue
boxes for the Winghanf prOgram. "If
There were -another major order
such as the one submitted by
Toronto aShort while ago, the manti-
facturercould take anywhere from a
month to four months to get to our
• order."
When they arrive, there will be
one box .distributed - to •every
*itold 141,„.town_77....between.,,,1,1100.
and 1480 of the blue hampers which
afetikle-gnal Point of theirograill•
With Wingham alreadyfachig the
crunch of just two yearof capacity
remaining at its current landfill site,
the recycling prOgrailikis hot ex-
pected to provide any inajOr relief
• for the problem in the skirt term.
However, in the long,gtrin, Mr. Lang
says, the, program , sho‘dd play .4
major ,r4Ie in reducing:the" town's
waste Management costs.
• "This is a roligh-estiMate, at best,
but such a program should reduce
(Continued on Page 2A)
BLUE BOXES should become a familiar sight in Winghamthls year asthelownt recycling prograiii eX-
pected to begin in the spring. The townt-lecycling co-ordinator Jim Ldng explains the differs' nt articles
which may beplaced in the blue box to Elaine Deichert, left, and Kathy !Wilmer.
In an effort to assist Royal'Homes
in establishing a display court in the
township, Turnberry council has
considerably reduced the amount of
land it hopes to designate highway -
commercial on Highway 86.
Council will apply to designate
four acres highway -commercial
rather than the original 29 acres in
its zoning bylaw because the
township has run into opposition
from the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food.
Last month council applied for a
site specific zoning change to allow
Royal Homes to establish a four -
acre display court on Highway 86
east of Wingham.
However, council has learned that
OMAF does not support the
highway-comMestial designation at
the site because it is not satisfied
that there is a need for such lands.
"Now we -have to justify that site
( a logical spot for proposed
display 'enurt)," Huron County
planner Scott Too.saw told a recent
meeting of townshipeounell.
Mr. TO444*-attendedihe-meetin' g -
to discuss the -6ffitial "Plan
&lent to the township secondary
plan. Royal Homes representatives
Doug Harrison and Bill Wens also s
were in attendance.t
Council,niemberi Avere . surprised,
to learn that the plan. amendineht a
y council Blackburn Group
had never received final approval.
The Ontario Ministry of the
Environment and the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food had filed
objections, about which council
members knew nothhig.
While the MOE would support a
reduced designation of highway-
connercial lands at Junctionville,
Mr. Tousaw said he also felt,
"OMAFis heels wouldn't be dug in
quite so deep," with a reduced
Chuncillor John Cox was annoyed
by OMAF's objections. "There's
nowhere more obvious for highway -
commercial. It amazes me that you
can go to Toronto and build
wherever you want and now they're
(OMAF) arguing about 29 acres."
Councillor Paul Elgie said he felt
council shoukl fight for the 29 acres
and Mr. Cox said he would have
agreed; if ft -weren't for the fact that
Royal Homes wants to build its
iisplay court as soon as -possible.
Mr. Harrison allowed that his
company might be forced to look
elsewhere for a site -if it -could not
Secure thelocationon Highway ; by
early next year.
When asked b Deputylleeve
011 Underwood whut kin4 of -
imespan the township now is
t f vf 'att rToisawrepliedihe,
pplicatiott Walla have gar/to the
' • -
• 4
oclunertyareaPtans ofthethe
• Council also amended several
zoning bylaw change has been
A public meeting to discuss the
scheduled for early in February:
the ministry for its comments.
committee last week, county council
this week and then be forwarded to
M. Tousaw's advice, so that they
would be in conformity with the
township secondary plan.
Wingham project
granted $18,150,
creates five jobs
Huron -Bruce MP Murray :•, $
has annorced that the Corpora on
of the Comty at await has'
Minted $18000;lor the and
planting Of e II of
•Winghim under010121_
-Instrance Section 38 Job Creation
Program. -
This will result in fiVe jobs over a
period o(50workWeeks.-
• The Ul Seddon. 38 Job Creation
Program is desilgnadlo ertivide
opportunities toremploled
wk skili8ilurfrig perlok wben thy
are'441- t1.1! .
4314 plOsrmitet‘
•• ^.1
to •
' • P •
4471-ir', '
purchases CHCH
television station
The LoWon-based Blackburn
Group Inc. has purchased CHCH-TV
n Hamiltoii for a reported cash
rice tag of about $68.5 million, it
Nas announced Friday.
With the purchase, Blackburn
widens its broadcasting arm to in -
dude three television stations
CFPL-TV in London, CKNX-TV in
Wingham, and the new acquisition.
In addition, the:parent company also
owns CFPLM and FM radio
stations, CKPIXAM and FM sta-
tions, The Loudon Free Press and
several other campanies.
Under the deal, which is subject to
regulatory approval by the Can-
adian Radio -television and
Telecommunications Commission,
Blackburn halkagreed to assume the
termg of employment for the 225 CH-
10 a Written statement, Blacktturn
presiztent and chairman Martha
Blackburn said the latest addition
"will allow us. to compete more
vigerously for advertising and
•prOtramming -Which are so im-
Ottlanfin stations that do not have a
netWork affillittion$?.
.The group's L�4 and Winghani
television istatlinit gained in -
Ste -ny the Cite last
0' •