HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-12-28, Page 3Representatives of the ngbann
and Seaforth hospital " boards at-
fittended the second n,onthly meeting
of Morris cotmdil bold last week.
Shirley Garniss, Morris Township
representative on the board of
governors at the Wingham and
District Hospital for the past six
years, as well as Board Chairman
Mary Lou Thompson attended the
meeting -
The ladies reported that the hos-
pital has beds with 25 chronic -
treatment beds. A total of 7.75 per
cent of the 1988 in -patients were
residents of Morris Township, while
1,400, or 10 per cent of those treated
in out-patients were from the
Currently the hospital board is
working on a master plan to outline
future needs. Isobel Arbuckle,
chairman of the hospital board's
fund-raising arm, the foundation,
also attended the meeting to discuss
the role o trounda o
Its main role, she
funds , for capital
hospital. The moneyis k
from operating fundsis '
over to the hospital every five years,
Reeve Douglas Fraser -ti
the ladies for attending the .rneng
and advised that council will con-
sider the hospital at budget time.
Also in attendance was Leona
McDonald, Morris Township
representative on the Seaforth
Hospital Board. She said the
Seaforth hospital has completed the
Seaferth Community Hospital
Health Centre, which has space for
several doctors, the health unit, as,
well as room for other possibttities..
The board is working on five
phases of improvements for, the
i ospitai, she said, and added that a
new administrator was hired it 1988_
AJso, the hospital operated with a
surplus this year.
LIONS CLUB SHOPPING SPREE ® Mary Henry, centre, of Bluevale is the winner of this year's Lions
Club grocery shopping spree. She is surrounded by Wingham Lions Club members Stewart Beattie,
Lloyd "Casey" Casemore, Tom Burrell and Russell Zurbrigg. Mrs. Henry rung up $265 worth of
groceries in the three-minute spree. -
Huron County Council
names its committees
S The following appointments have
been made to Huron County Council'
Road committee: Hay Township
Reeve Lionel Wilder, Morris Town-
ship Reeve Douglas Fraser, Gode-
rich Reeve Harry Worsell, Ashfield
Township Reeve Allan Gibson, and
Stanley Township Deputy Reeve Dr.
Jack Coleman.
Huronview: Turnberry Township
Reeve Brian McBurney, Brussels
Reeve J. Gordon Workman, Stephen
Township Reeve Tom Tomes and
Stanley Township Reeve Howard
Health: God 'ch Deputy Reeve
John Doherty, uron County War-
den Dave Johnston, Wingham Reeve
Bruce Machan, Goderich Township
Deputy Reeve John Rogers and pro-
vincial representative P. D. Stedrle.
Library: Seaforth Reeve William
Bennett, Warden Johnston, East
Wawanosh Township Reeve Ernest
Snell, Colborne Township Reeve Bill
Vanstone and residents Jim wird,
Margaret Day and Isabel Elston.
Agriculture and Property: Gode-
rich Township Reeve grant Sterling,
Usborne Township Reeve Gerry
Prout, McKillop Township Reeve
Marie Hicknell, and Hay .Township
Deputy Reeve Murray Keys.
Planning and Development: West
Wawanosh Township Reeve Cecil
Cranston, Hensall Reeve Jim Robin-
son, Steven Township Deputy Reeve
Gary Baker and Hiillett Township
Reeve Thomas Cunningham
Social Services: Exeter Reeve Bill
Mickle, Blyth Reeve Albert Wasson,
Clinton Reeve Bee Cooke and
Tuckersmith Township Reeve
George Cantelon.
Huron County Pioneer Museum:
Zurich Reeve Robert Fisher, Grey
Township Reeve Leona Armstrong,
Howick Township Reeve Norm
Fairies and Exeter Deputy Reeve
Lossy Fuller.
Executive Committee: Warden
Johnston, Seaforth Reeve Mr. Ben-
nett, West Wawanosh Township
Reeve Mr. Cranston, Goderich
Deputy Reeve Mr. Doherty, Zurich
Reeve Robert Fisher, Turnberry
Township Reeve Brian McBurney,
Exeter Reeve Mr. Mickle, Goderich
Township Reeve Mr. Sterling, and
Hay Township Reeve Mr. Wilder.
Library Board and Board of
Health chairmen will be appointed
by their respective committees.
Late a good neighbor. Stale Farm as there
May you and
your loved ones
have a sate and
joyous Holiday
Season, a healthy and
prosperous New Year!
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Canadian Head Offices` Scarborough, Ontario
U!1 folio e'1 I
y Leslie larxheimer
Season's greetings to all commu-
nity members from the recreation
department and the recreation and
community centres committee.
The new winter and spring rec-
reation brochure will be delivered to
your home with the newspaper in the
first week of January. Registration
for all programs will begin Jan. 10 at
12 noon.
Watch the newspaper for more in.-
lormation about registration
bouttregistration and
Transportation Service
Sealed tenders for the following transportation service
will be received at the address below until 15:00 on
the specified closing date:
Service: Transportation of mail between Wingham
and Teeswater including service to intermediate des-
ignated tender points and designated delivery points
as per the service specifications.
Full details as to specifications, schedule of service
and tender form may be obtained from the Canada
Post Corporation office where this notice is posted or
by telephoriing the Divisional Transportation Contrac-
ting Office at (519) 645-5050.
Closing Date: 3:00 p.m., Tuesday the 10th of Janu-
ary, 1989.
Deposit: Two percent of the amount tendered for the
first year of the contract, rounded off to the closest
$100.00 by means of a certified cheque, money order
or bid bond.
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be
A POST COR ` , 100
Service de transport
La Societe acceptera a i'adresse ci-dessous, lusqu'e
15h, le jour de cloture prescrit, les soumissfons
cachetees pour le service de transport suivant:
Service: Transport du courrier entre Wingham et
Teeswater y compris service aux points de cuellette
designes et points de Iivraison designed intermedi-
aires, salon les itineraires fixes.
Calder des charges
Pour obtenir de plus amples details sur le cahier des
charges, le calendrier de travail et les formules de
soumission, en faire le demande au bureau de la So-
ciete canadienne des posies ou le present avis est
affiche ou en teiephonant au Service divisionnaire des
contrats de transport au (519) 645-5050.
Date de cloture: 15 heures, la mardi, le 10e janvier,
depot: Deux pour cent (2%) de la valeur du contrat
pour la premiere armee arrondie au 100$ le plus pros,
au moyen d'un cheque vise, d'un mandat-poste ou
d'un cautionnement de soumission.
La Societe se reserve le droit de refuser toute
soumission, y compris la plus basso.
r iP. s A., .C,' A
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