HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-11-13, Page 5Al � ii i i .; • .. iii onio IomiII11 iuminilimmliiil milio iIIIIIiiIm 1111�4N,INaum INTI II III I i • N ! Nilllll IUIIiIllllllllllillll11111111111NINIIII.1 ,ws From Hensali! = INllllt I I NI l it � II i NII IIiIIIii111N111111111111N1111111NIIIIIIIINIIIlu11111 Illq 11111111 iIIINi Ii i li 11 I I I I IiIII. i It 111111111 111111111111111111111. School o of CC), ill n(1 e r C e L Cilllton, ' Ontario x t vNOT ATTEND A I3IrilE R SCIEIOOL� ,SO WJOE NOT' REGISTER, NOW COURSES .040 l �, C rclal��_ S eccetarla 1 Special Courses .T,'or particulars apply to E i 1 )Nl!11 (1011:t, S:LaECIALIS Vice l'x!lilirlpal� Phone 19.8 B, F. WARD, B.A.,, Principal Residence � gee Property art For. Sale The undersigned have been in-• sitructed to sell Lot 261 on the north Side of Richmond St., Hensall;- the property of the late Catharine 'Vic- toria Vic-toria Smith.. Apply tri Gladnan and I` tanbur y, Ilensall and Exeter, • ELECTRIC' Yacuu mle C Ener S Fora Sl e or Rent NOW THAT THE TIME HAS AR- RIVED FOR FALL HOUSECLEAN- ING, A VACUUM' CLEANER WILL GREATLY REDUCE THE LABOR AND TIME REQUIRED FOR THIS JOB. • WE HAVE A RELIABLE DRAKEOF CLEANER FOR SALE OH RENT. HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR WINTER 7 EVENIh GS .? You cannot be more delightfully entertained at less cost, than by listening to the best musical talent the world produces, and which is within the reach of all through the medium of the RADIA WE ARE AGENTS,KFOR SEVERAL R•EL31A73LE MARES e Hydro Shop J. Passmore FROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & HOLMES Barristors, &c. Office on the Square, '2nd ` door lliroza Hamilton St., Goderich, �private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran; D.' E. Holmes Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall Ovary Friday from 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- stion School, Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,). Merchandise, ` Real.. Estate, Farm $ales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as mired, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or yvlre 18-93, Zurich. reMONSMINn neassassememnioeggaineor J)R.' A. MOIR, . L. M. C. C. Physician and Surgeon PIloiae 70 HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal; Member, College of Physicians and Surgeons int Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident -Medical staff of General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 3 doors east of Post Office. none 56, Hensall, Ontario. White Pi 1x6, v matched dressed yn both e sides at ,,SCD PER t o -THIS IS TIM TEAM ATO STOCK I'l? GOOi) • COAL WAVLE yoIj C N GET IT A'T L, l.OW PRJCE AJ. 1. ((�ATWO I1 1)' Miss Ida Steacy, of Toronto, is visiting ng with relatives in tov=n. this week. Miss Viole't Whiteside W sz e an d Miss Dorothy Welsh, students at Strat- ford - Normal spent a few days at their homes in town. Mr. Thos"Wrest, M Luker, of ilia and; formerly well known to many in this vicinity, is'at Present visit- ing his brother, Mr. Wm. Luker. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Cudmore were Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Cudndii•e, Miss Beatrice Cudmore and Mr. Roseborough, all of 'Toronto Mr. and Mrs. s. J. Bolton, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Bolton and daughters of the Boundary, werevisitors on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bolton Londesboro. of town. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, of Lon- Misses Muriel Howald, Hilda don were week -end visitors with re Miss Flossie Foss returned to To- ronto on Monday evening. Mr. Alex McMurtrie isms a holi- day visitor at his home here Mi'. Sam Fannie "spent Thanks- giving with friends in Detroit. Miss Kate Bengough visited on Monday with friends in Kippen. Miss Beryl Ashton visited at her home in Gorrie over the holiday. Y Mr. Laird Joynt, of London vis- ited at his home here over Sunday. Mr. Hildred visited at his home in Woodstock over the week -end. Mr. Jim Nicol of Goderich was a holiday visitorat his home in town, Miss Helen ?;liar ofon L don was a week -end 'visitor at her home in town. Dr. Gordon Iina pp spent a few days recently at' his home in Tor - Miss cnto• Miss MVI. Stewart of the London Road nprth, spent Tuesday with Exeter friends, ' Miss Nellie Petty, of Bayfield, visited at her home near town over the h oliday. Miss E. Shaddock spent the fore- part of this week with relatives in Neuschwanger and Grace, Pepper latives in town. who are attending Stratford Normal Mr. and Mrs. Roy White and babe .spent the holiday at their respect- of London, spent Monday with rel- ive homes. „ atives in town. Dr. A. Moir was in .Guelph the Mr. Glenn Broadfoot,;• of Dun- forepart of this week attending the; gannon, spent,, the holiday at his Winter Fair being held in that city. home near town, He exhibited •a. fine'.hore which was managed by Ir. F. Bengough. ai Rev. R. C: Copeland; -of Kirkton, very ably conducted the Missionary. services in the Methodist church on Sunday last. In the morning Mr. Murch, of Toronto, sang a very pleasing solo. Mrs. Ethel Childs, Supt. of Miss- ion Circles ,for. London District Will address a meettiiig of the Mollard Circle in the basement of the Meth- odist church on Friday afternoon at 3 p. nt. Everyone is cordially invit- ed to attend. - Mr. Ferris Cantelon, a student at London Normal, spent t the week -end at his hone in town. Miss Florence Welsh left Tuesday morning for London where she has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. •Moore, of Lon- don were week -end visitors with Mrs. Thos. Simpson. Mr. Herb Dick of Detroit recent-. los spent a few days the guest. of his n otb'er• Mrs. G. Dick. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie' on Mon- day attended the wedding of Miss E. On 'Friday last .a rink of Hensall Guenther at.• Dashwood; _ bowlers drove to Seaforth and cap - fared the Joynt trophy which is up for .competition and until. Friday has been in the hands of the Seaforth Mr. Frank -Graham, of London, rink: The local boys ,had• the trophy =was a week -end visitor with friends from Friday until : Monday morning at Hensall' and Kippen. when the Seaforth team ' tate over ' Mr. 'A. Kilty, of Chicago was in to town to re -take it but were de-' town `recently attending the funeral of the!late Sophia Kitty. Rev. and Mrs. A. Sinclair and family spent' Monday at Mr. Sin clair's home in Sarnia. feated and the same afternoon they sent ,'another rink • over which also' were unsuccessful in wresting the cup from the home quartette. On Tuesday afternoon, Mr. G. Robert- son's rink, of Clinton, defeated the Hensall bowlers : and on Tuesday evening the trophy belonged to Clin- ton. . linton.. The Hensall players were Alf Clark, Fred -Simmons W. O: Good Fin and Chas. McDonell, slip. a HENSALL COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Hen- sall council was held on Thursday evening, November 6th. The follow- 1 ing motions were' Pass'ed:— Higgins-McArthur-., That the clerk be instructed to order as many cop- ies of the debenture necessary for, the Continuation School Debenture as per copy furnished by the Exeter Times. McArthursHiggins= That the clerk be instructed 1 to _write to the Hari- ilton Construction Co. in reference; to curbing on ;pavement which defective and parts 'of which are - breaking off. .Hudson -Higgins- That - By -Law No. 54 (6) for fixing several rates for taxes'be given their lst, 2nd and 3rd reading Nov. 6th. The following accounts were ord- ered paid : -W. A. Maclaren '$4:5 5; ,( A. Hemphill $5, C. S. Hudson $2; E. Daters $2, Phone $3.30, Imperial Oil $10.87, A. ,Murdock $,3, D., Foss $16.95, R. McLaren, $9.25. 1. The council ;,acljourzied on .motion of Higgins and- McArthur.• A. Murdock, Clerk. CENTRAL BUSINESS COL- LEGE, OL-LE+'IE, STRATI ORD, ONT. prepares young mien and women for Business,which is now Canad's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to u positions and they have rn ora;torial training which en- ables thein to meet with suc- cess. Students are registered each week. Get our free cat- alogue and learn something about our different depari- m err ts. D. A. McLaughlin, Prin. Miss Lillian Rivers, of Parkhill, spent a few days recently tlie- guest of Miss Grace Chapz,an. Mr. Ralph Hawkins of Toronto, was a recent visitor with relatives in and around the village. 1VIr. and Mrs. Murch and two children, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the parsonage, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron of Guelph visited with -iVlr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron on Sunday. 51iss D, Lumley, of St. Thomas, was a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce and family. •, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swan, of Windsor, recently spent a few days at the fornier's hone in town. Mr. D. B. McDonald, a former butcher here, was in town last week renewing 'acquaintances. Miss Sybil Eacrett who is attend- ing school in London spent Thanks- giving at her Hanle near town. Miss Hazel Cosworth, a student of London Normal spent a few days at her home in town last week. Mr. Hugh McDonald a former member of the News -Record staff at Clinton, is in, town this week. Mr. and Mrs, J. Passmore atten- ded the funeral of the former's mother near Exeter, on - Saturday. Mr.; Russell MacKay, 'a student at the, London Medical College, • was a holiday visitor at his home •here. Mrs: Brigham; who, has been visit- ing for some time in Goderich, is now the guest of Mrs. Thos. Farqu- har. Mr. and. Mrs Niel -Sparks- of De- troit spent the week -end at the home', of"the :.• forrnei's parents,. in town; Miss Margaret . Ilobkirk, of Lon- don, spent ' the Holiday` 'ivitiz her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Iiobkirk of town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorne Scott and fancily, of Toronto, were holiday viSitors with friends and relatives in the village. Mr. Clarence Shepherd, of the Bank of Montreal staff at London, spent a few days at liis bailie near town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Geiger and t•imily, of London, visited the £or- mors' pstrOntS, Mr, ,and Mr9. Owen Geiger, on Monday. The new waiting monis for the cipen-air,..s.katitig rink are in, the process of erection this week, the t 'HE EXETAR 'i'i�MES Mrs.' Geo, Troyer, who has ,..been some .,oma blue visiting relatives in Toronto and other points, returned to town• last week. In another ealutnn will be found an ace I U I of tlz o t car accident ttt th at befell Mr. Wm. Soidan last Thurs- day evening, north of Exeter. The anniversary services of this Church field last suuday and Monday were the best yet. Ever tIiing was at its best, roads and weather con- ditions being all that could be hoped for. The preacher for theday was ev R Ri v rs e , of Parkhill who :gave two, excellent addresses his morning theme being "Thanksgiving" and evening "The Vision we ought to See." The music by the choir was splendid, as usual, Iviiss May Clarke sang two solos in her own good sty- le. On Monday evening a fowl sup- per Was served as only Eliniville la- dies can do it with superabundance of everything and with such good order and speed that- over five hun- dred svere fell, liy a little after nine. The n•o r 1 g azzt was given by 1VIi11s" Bzpthers, 01 "Woodham, llr. ; Ed. Christie, of Exeter, singing and or- chestra and readings by Mr. Herb Southcott of Exeter, Miss Mills act- ed as accompanist. .Rev. Chidgey also gave an address which was enjoyed. These . all performed their parts in splendid manner although° regret was felt that Mr. Roy Gould- ing -was unable to take part on ac- count of illness. During the long wait before theam z.o r con g g commenced the orchestra very kindly gave sev- eral selections which helped greatly to pass the time pleasantly. The proceeds' from both days a- mounted to nearly $600. A liberal free will offering being given on Sunday The congregation have been doing extensive repairing and remodelling to the basement of the church which made a debt of about $500. but this will now be wiped out with a good\surplus .The church was filled to overflo}wing many hav- ing to stand, which proves the old saying, "The early > bird gets the worm" but we feel that it was even, worth while standing to hear the evening's entertainment. Among the visitors in the village and vicinity for Thanksgiving were: Miss Lorena Johns, Mr. Lewis Woods Mr; Weston Horne, Mr. Robt. Wil- cox, Mr. Milton Sleamon, Miss Vera Heywood, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Skin- ner, Mr. and Mrs. M. Elford, Miss Whaley, Miss Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Merk- ley, Mi•. Fred Wright's, Mrs. Staples of Port Hope, Messrs. Bosnell, Miss' Jessie Brooks, Mr.` Mervin -Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann and oth- ers. SUNSHINE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, of Sain- tsbury visited over the week -end with -Mr: and Mrs. Clarence Flet- cher. Mr. Ernest Harris and Mr. McCulloch spent a few days week with friends in London. , A few from here attended Scotch Supper at Motherwell Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Taman visit- ed. with 'friends in. St. Marys on Sun- day: Mr. and Mrs. M. "Routley, Vinet- ta and. Ella spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen of, Hibbert. Jas. last The last ZURICH Mr. and Mrss S, E. Faust, who have• been living in London, have moved to Goderich. Mr. Theodore Mittieholtz motor- ed to Kitchener. and was accor-, pained home with his brother, Clay tis, who is renewing ,old acquaint- ances, "Babe" Siebert of Kitchener Sr. 0. H A. hockey team last year and now of Niagara all g Falls, was offered a bonus 'of $70 to sign with Cecil Hartzs Montreal team for 2 years, at a salary of • $2,000 per winter season.—Kitchener Record. Mr. Johns Kipper, who spent the past two' months in the Nest, has returned to his home here. A team of horses attached to a big wagon were running away go- ing east, and Messrs. R. F. Stade and T. M'ittieholtz were coming to- wards Zurich. Mr. Stade gave them as much of the road as possible, but the left horse sir ick the side f _ ,•,J, s o the truck with such force that the an- imal was cut so badly that it had to be shot. '" Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schweitzer who have been visiting for a 'few weeks at Kitciieier and Guelph, have returned to' Zurich and are leaving shortly for Texas where they intend to reside in future. Mrs. C. Hy Joy is spending a few weeks in Montreal. . Mrs. E. E. Steele is visiting- with relatives in St., Thomas. Mrs. A. Rosis visiting with her son Ile,rry, at Windsor for a .few weeks. Mrs. Alex Foster and two dau- ghters, Ruth '.and Audrey, are vis- iting at London and Kitchener. I Mr. Norman Holtzman of Preston spent the Week -end with his father.1 Mr. G. Holtzman.• The fornter has. purchased a fine fruit farm, near i Niagara, DASHWOOD Dr,H H. Cowen, L, D. D. D. S DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturdays MAIN OFFICE Hartleib's Block Dashwood, On; Miss Grace Kellerman spent Thanksgiving in London, Miss Mina Fliers, of Kitchener, visited at the hoz ze..,of 'Rev. W. J• Yager over the week -end, Miss McGalzn, of .Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at the home of. Mrs. C. Finkbeiner. IV1i'. A. Zimmer has had a radia installed in his lionie., Mr. and Mrs. A. Manz, of Tavi- stock, visited friends in 'town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gpentlter .of Windsor, spent the holiday with the f rin P er s parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Walter Fassold, of London, were Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs: P. Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Guenther of London, and Mr, Homer Guenther of St. Thomas, and Miss L. Der- becker, of Kitchener, attended the Edighoffer-Guenther nuptials on Monday. Mr. .and Mrs. Herman Eidt, of Ingersoll, and Mr. and Mrs. Eidt of Ailsa Craig visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade over the week -end. Miss 113yrta Hoffman, of Kitch- ener, spent p the holiday with her, parents. Mr. and Mrs. .Stadelboner, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Y�ood e of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. r., and Mrs. P. Kraft. b Mr. and Mrs.- Art Doan, of Thed ford",'spent Sunday in town. I Ie On Wednesday evening of last T week the C. G. I. T. met at the b.T Evangelical church and enjoyed a t 'very pleasant meeting. During the B evening Miss Euloeen Guenther, as bride -elect was given a duster she- n. wer, Dr. Taylor', gave an' interesting talk and demonstration on 'first aid and a pleasant evening was enjoyed w by all. Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn, of Lon- don, visited with friends a few days. last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Graybeil, of Woodstock visited tl f '. ' 1r1 rt DtY: ' zea 1 congregation z a G w ton ' b � met et at the, home P li of t z Ir and Ursa Aaron Oestz•eiclzPr for a miscellaneous, shower in bion - or° of lulus Etiloeen Guenther yvliesie marriage took o1c a 0 1 c4 on' Thanksgiv- ing ilii. Is 'v_ t 1 � g •n 1 Day. g Y While Miss Dorothy 'Balk -- will played the ,wedding; march, a_ decorated` wagon containing the numerous gifts was drawn into the living room by Master Donald ill and Miss Eunice Oestreicher dressed as a miniature bride and groom. Miss Alice Hoffman delighted. the gath- ering with a vocal solo. The re- mainder of the evening' was spent in games, closing with refreslinent• Ed•ngltofler-Gueszther--A pretty we ding took ,place at high .main, Gaza Moi. loth at the lzom(e; ,of IVIrs. Jane iso CE TY Ili', 'Albert Parsons, 3'lise , bloatt and Miss Davis and Mr. Titoxtt pii a ,11 Of London z U 1 }•. • 'FUt e the u gists r g lI ?� r. and Mrs,P irsoizs over the holiday, Mr, Earl Hodgson of l•2earuingtof and his friend_ visited at ?1Ir. Hodg- son's parents over the wee -end. s Day wad in I,Ondiakt on Tues- day. ay, When Mr, Daniel Ilodgseir was re -- turning fronzLoudon Prides- evening with Some of lia5 Earn l� the„axle the car broke ” causing considerable delay,, and inconvenience, - The ladies of, Cezit•ailic-t are having d then big fowl supper Thursday ev_ "• 1 ening great preparations- are being made for the supper and. `entertain- ent after. Everybody. Welcorne. Everybody Come. Lt,e r, when her eldest daughter, �;u10- ern, Cz , became the bride of Mr. Lloyd rtlighoffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo+: Etlighoffer *Mite hell. I'lie ere ninny was performed by the bride's uncle Ii err,. S, R. T,.nechtei of New. Hamburg. The bride entered the parlour on •the arm of her mother, through an a*e le of .i:i•hbon held by the bride's inter, Miss Grace Guenther and 2vlr"` A1r.er; .Stoll. of I(itcheneis which led to an arch of evergreens dotted with yellow baby .mums d ,e an m ba.n• while Miss Elizabeth Rend with, ferns, Rennie sang very appropriately. The bride looked vary } - cz _air ,� zt�n n in a b 'q�; n +?t b aerate] ti' `a canton trimmed with Iceland fox fur and amber crystal buttons, and carr =- t sn,g a bouquet of.white •mini's She was attended by her sister, Miss Glad- ys, who wore paaudre' blue satin, urian- trim- med with silver- lace and buttons. and carrying pink 'nitons. T;;,s 131ituche Edigholfcr, sister of the gno ,, lom, toile a dist-ming flower girl dressed :ai fo e satin, carrying the ring in a' basket of' pink baby 'muni: Mr, • George E. Hicks of Windsor acted as beat man. The bride's traveling stilt was of cocoa n Ca�e- ltia 'suety •', e' 'trimmed with F�,e, inky fitcii, with hat, shoes ,hose and veil -to match, The presents mire nut ie:ous and costly showing the 'ii,gii' GREENWAY We regret to report that Mgrs. J. McPherson has had to return to: the. hospital. Mr. and Mrs: Thos''.. l3nllook en- tertained their farniiy on Thanks- giving day and. the hien of the par- ty ty shingled the roof 'of their house. Mr, and Mrs. Iz s. Ro t: b McPherson, son, and family and Mrs. Bull of tzffalo Mr. end Mrs. Raymond Pollock and. family of Kerwood, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb and family o ' y f Grand' Bend and Miss Emma lIcPl,erson,. of London a spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E, McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. La wren 'i ce Pollock and 'hrr. and Mrs. Robt Eagleson visited in Sarnia recently, The stork left a little son at the home ro ue of IVI• , , 1 and Mrs. S firm. 11Ic.Lzti- chey last Thursday. Mr. Selbourne, English, of Detroit and his friend Mr. E, Bean of Win- dsor and 1VIr. and Mrs, Roy 'Steep - pard' of London, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. English. Messrs. George and John Shank have rented Mrs. John Foster's farm. Miss Myz;tle Luther has returned home after spending a few months at Kerwood. Mr. W. Curts and Dawson Wood- burn' of London. spent the holiday with their 'parents. Miss s, Dor of v h Belling spent the week -ends in Parkhill. The members of the Methodist S. S. will begin their practise >; se on Sat- urday for the Concert;to be held at Christmas,. Come to the social evening giving ,:teary :;a>t wissch the young couple are eld She has been, a faithful ru:-em- er of the Evangelical'church, ,being romiment ` as League.President, choir eader:, Sunday School teacher, and ader of the. C,G,LT, just organized, he happy couple before. Leaving on a oneysmoon trip to, Toronto and ;\ion= real were serenaded by the: Dashis cod and. The heartiest congratutat,;ro-u ad best wishes go with Them to that ens hone. .. 6 ± 1 M rs Jeanette etre iV IcRea aged d 51 g id w' 0 0. f James R. r 1�IcR a e died ed ing Vinnipeg on Saturday. Sb.e was born in i Lucan, Ont., and had resided in Winnipeg for - 20 years: Mrs. McRea is survived by two daughters and one son, all of Winnipeg. •� r e 3e orule' s par- ents over the week -end. On Tuesday evening about sixty people of the Dashwood Evangel- they try to build houses air tight by the Willing Workers Class in the People are funny. The -more they Methodist Church on Friday next - learn to value fresh air; the more November the 14th. Admission 150. Proceeds for Missions, R`pis �I._r�viL��►�►T �� Tse w - _ -, ' 27 gateway Torts 'will be visited. New York is the port of departure. Then astward, following spring - around the globe... In the editerranean country, Ma- eira, Gibraltar, Algiers, tM l- naco, Naples, Haifa, Port Said. East of Suez, Bombay, Co- lombo, Padang, Singapore, Ba- tavia. In the Orient, M_anila, T Shanghai, Hongkong, alcu, Kobe, Yokohama, Home by way or Honolulu, Hilo, Vic- toria, B. C., Vancouver, J3. C„ San Francisco, Panama Canal, Havana, -to New York. Variety will be the spice of the cruise. On shipboard,—deck- sports carnivals, balls and en- tertainments.Onland lunch- eons and receptions at famous hotels, and explorations. J30 days for the cruise, 55 days o4 which are devoted to shore explorations. One of the five features extra- ordinary, xtra-ppr ,nary, is the overland trip Haifa to Jerusalem to Cairo, with a sail up the Nile. s To show the voyagers around on their hind explorations, the Canadian Pacific has arranged for best native guides and in- terpreters, fine motors and other facilities. m ce fia Wonderful Worn= She has taken life's everything -with a song. Now come the finer years, -and longer free- dom. Her heart tunes up to a new romance. Her spirit longs for escape into the biggestworld r > r Up and away this winter, - on the cruise extraordinary. A great greyhound of the ocean will float you into the realms of romance. Four months of merry days on Southern Seas,- of fascina- ting Segni- ting explorations in the Gateway Ports oftheWorld. In shopping the bazars of Cairo, Bombay, Batavia, Peking, you'll find thrill- ing sport. In roaming the streets of Algiers, Jerusa- lem, Colombo, Shanghai, you'll meet people. In ex- ploring the Holy. land, Egypt, India, China, Japan, you'll learn great civiliza- tions, ancient cultures, cel- ebrated places. Yet, always, travel's fin- est luxuries. Canadian Pa- cific provides its "Empress of France" on sea. Lord Renfrew (Prince of Wales) twice chose the "Empress ofFrance" for voyages. She holds the trans -;Atlantic speed record, Cherbourg to Quebec. Canadian 'Pacific provides best hotels ozland. Its world -Wide organization watches, cares, arranges for everything. /anuary 14th from New York is the sailing date: Out the time to shake arrangements is now. Fascinating Planning Literature -tells of the Features Ex- traordinary,. Covers every other detail. Write, call, or phone for it. Personal Service -service representative on cruise plan- ning; will, call, if desired. Address,- Pass E. I. �,ItI�.L+',Iw Geri• Agent, 1 ass Dopareuieizt 1 King St., East, TORONTO To the gateway Torts. of the World Canadian FaOr de 4 {. u; AH ,, sit;: